We invite you to attend the Annual Meeting
of Applied Minerals, Inc., which will be held virtually at 3:00 PM on December 30, 2021 at www.virtualshareholdermeeting.com/AMNL2021. The
attached Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement give details of the business to be conducted at the meeting.
At the Annual Meeting we will provide a summary presentation
of our business activities since the last Annual Meeting as well as our objectives for 2022. There will be a question and
answer session at the meeting.
We hope that you will attend the meeting
or listen in to the webcast of the meeting. We look forward to talking with as many of you as possible.
Notice of 2021 Annual Meeting of Stockholders
December 30, 2021
3:00 PM Eastern Time
Record date:
November 2, 2021. Only stockholders of record at the close of business on the record date are entitled to receive notice of, and to vote at, the Annual Meeting.
Items of business:
To elect five directors to serve until the next Annual Meeting of Stockholders or until their respective successors are elected and qualified or they resign or are removed.
To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation that has been paid to our Named Executive Officers
To ratify the selection of MaloneBailey LLP as our independent auditor for fiscal year 2021
To transact other business that may properly come before the Annual Meeting
By order of the Board of Directors
Christopher T. Carney
President, CEO and Secretary
New York, New York
November 19, 2021
Part 1: Information about the Meeting
This Proxy Statement was first sent, given,
or released to stockholders on November 19, 2021. It is furnished in connection with the solicitation of proxies. The
proxies are to be voted at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Applied Minerals Inc. (the “Company”) for
the purposes set forth in the accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting. The meeting will be held virtually at 3:00 PM Eastern
Time on December 30, 2021 at www.virtualshareholdermeeting.com/AMNL2021.
Stockholders who execute proxies retain
the right to revoke them at any time before the shares are voted by proxy at the meeting. A stockholder may revoke a proxy by delivering
a signed statement to our Corporate Secretary revoking the proxy at or prior to the Annual Meeting, or by timely executing
and delivering, by Internet, mail, or in person at the Annual Meeting, another proxy dated as of a later date.
Internet Availability of Proxy Materials
We are furnishing proxy materials to our
stockholders primarily via the Internet instead of mailing printed copies of those materials to each stockholder. By doing so,
we save costs and reduce the environmental impact of our Annual Meeting. On November 19, 2021, we mailed a Notice of Internet Availability
of Proxy Materials to our stockholders. The Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials contains instructions about how
to access our proxy materials and vote online. If you would like to receive a paper copy of our proxy materials, please follow
the instructions included in the Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials. If you previously chose to receive our proxy
materials electronically, you will continue to receive access to these materials via e-mail unless you elect otherwise.
How to Vote
Record Owners: You
may vote by mail. You can vote by mail using the proxy card delivered with the proxy statement, if you requested a paper
proxy statement, and mailing it back in the self-addressed envelope we have supplied or by mailing the proxy card to Vote Processing,
c/o Broadridge, 51 Mercedes Way, Edgewood, NY 11717. Proxy cards submitted by mail must be received by the time of the Annual Meeting
for your shares to be voted.
You may vote by Internet. You
can vote by Internet by going to proxyvote.com and following the directions. Please have the proxy card
or the Notice of Internet Availability in hand when accessing proxyvote.com because you will need the 16-digit control number
on the proxy card or the Notice of Internet Availability. Or you can scan the QR Barcode on your proxy card and vote immediately, if
you have a QR Barcode reader.
You may vote by phone. Use
any touch-tone telephone to call 1-800-690-6903 and follow the instructions. Please have the proxy card or the Notice of Internet
Availability in hand when accessing proxyvote.com because you will need the 16-digit control number on the proxy card or the Notice
of Internet Availability.
You can use the Internet or telephone to
transmit voting instructions up until 11:59 P.M. Eastern Time on December 29, 2021. Internet and telephone voting facilities for
record holders are available 24 hours a day. If you do not have the 16-digit control number, you may contact Broadridge Shareholder
Services at 877-830-4936 or shareholder@broadridge.com.
Beneficial owners. Voting
instruction form. You will receive from your broker or custodian a voting instruction form (or other means)
to instruct your broker or custodian how to vote. Follow the directions on the form in order to vote. PLEASE PROVIDE VOTING INSTRUCTIONS
Voting at the meeting. If
you wish to vote at the meeting, you must obtain from your broker or custodian, and present at the meeting, a “legal proxy,”
which is a written authorization from the broker or custodian authorizing the beneficial owner to vote the beneficial owner’s
shares at the meeting.
Webcast of Meeting; Asking Questions
The meeting will be webcast at www.virtualshareholdermeeting.com/AMNL2021.
Stockholders and others may listen to the meeting by logging into that address.
To ask questions if you are listening to
the webcast, you will need the 16-digit control number on the Notice of Internet Availability, your proxy card, or on the voting
instruction form sent by your broker or custodian.
Solicitation of Proxies
The Board of Directors of the Company is
soliciting the proxy accompanying this Proxy Statement. Proxies may be solicited by officers, directors, and employees of the Company,
none of whom will receive any additional compensation for their services. These solicitations may be made personally or by mail,
facsimile, telephone, messenger, email, or the Internet. The Company will pay persons holding shares of Common Stock in their names
or in the names of nominees, but not owning such shares beneficially (such as brokerage houses, banks, and other fiduciaries) for
the expense of forwarding solicitation materials to their principals. The Company will pay all proxy solicitation costs.
To reduce costs and reduce the environmental
impact of our Annual Meeting, a single proxy statement, annual report, and Form 10-Q for the three months ended September 30, 2021
will be delivered in one envelope to certain stockholders having the same last name and address and to individuals with more than
one account registered at our transfer agent with the same address, unless contrary instructions have been received from an affected
stockholder. Stockholders participating in householding will continue to receive separate proxy cards. If you are a registered
stockholder and would like to enroll in this service or receive individual copies of this year’s and/or future proxy materials,
please contact our transfer agent, Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions, by phone at (800) 542-1061 or mail at Broadridge,
Householding Department, 51 Mercedes Way, Edgewood, New York 11717. If you are a beneficial stockholder, you may contact the broker
or bank where you hold the account.
Record Date; Shares Eligible to Vote;
Stockholders of record at the close of
business on November 2, 2021 will be entitled to vote at the meeting on the basis of one vote for each share held. On November
2, 2021 there were 204,736,762 shares of Common Stock outstanding and 595 record holders of the Company’s Common Stock.
The presence of the holders of a majority
of the outstanding shares of Common Stock entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting (102,368,382 shares), in person or represented
by proxy, is necessary to constitute a quorum. Abstentions and “broker non-votes” are counted as “present and
entitled to vote” for purposes of determining a quorum.
Election of Directors
Five directors are to be elected at the
Annual Meeting to hold office until the next Annual Meeting of Stockholders or until their respective successors are elected and
qualified or until such director's earlier resignation or removal.
The Board of Directors expects that each
of the nominees will be available for election, but if any of them is unable to serve at the time the election occurs, the proxy
will be voted for the election of another nominee designated by our Board.
If, for any reason, the directors are not
elected at an Annual Meeting, they may be elected at a special meeting of stockholders called for that purpose in the manner provided
by the By-Laws of the Company (“By-Laws”).
Voting Procedures and Votes Required
for Election of Directors and Approval of Proposals
Voting of proxies
All proxies solicited by the Company, whether
received by means of a proxy card, telephone, or the Internet, will be voted, and where a choice is made with respect to a matter
to be voted on, the shares will be voted in accordance with the specifications so made.
Except for broker non-votes (explained
below), if a proxy is submitted without indicating that the shares are to be cast (i) FOR all nominees (ii) WITHHOLD
for all nominees or (iii) FOR all except specified nominee(s), it will be deemed to grant authority to vote FOR all nominees to
serve as directors as set forth in Part 7 – “Proposals to be voted on” and discussed in Part 2 “Information
concerning Directors“.
Except for broker non-votes, if a proxy
is submitted without indicating voting instructions on Proposal 2 (Say-on-Pay), Proposal 3 (advisory vote to approve the frequency
of the advisory vote to approve the compensation of the company’s named executive officers) or Proposal 4 (ratification of
independent auditor), it will be deemed to grant authority to vote FOR the Proposal(s) as to which no instruction is given.
Voting of shares held of record,
but not beneficially, by brokers and other custodians
Beneficial owners will receive a voting
instruction form or other means, as specified by the broker or custodian, to instruct your broker, custodian, or other fiduciary
how to vote. Beneficial owners may instruct the broker or custodian or other fiduciaries how to vote the shares
through the voting instruction form or other means. If you wish to vote the shares you own beneficially at the meeting, you must
request and obtain from your broker or other custodian and bring to the meeting, a “legal proxy” (a written authorization
from the broker or custodian authorizing you to vote at the meeting).
Tabulation of shares present at meeting and tabulation
of votes
Employees of the Company will tabulate
the shares present at the meeting and the votes cast. We expect to report the final vote tabulation on a Form 8-K filed with the
SEC within four business days of the Annual Meeting.
Vote standard for election of directors;
additional nominations
The directors will be elected by a plurality
of the votes cast, meaning the directors receiving the largest number of “FOR” votes will be elected to the open positions.
The Company’s By-Laws contain advance notice provisions for nominations for director by stockholders. If a stockholder makes
a nomination that is not made in accordance with such advance-notice provisions, the nomination may not be voted on at the meeting.
As of the date of this proxy statement, the date for stockholder to comply with the advance notice provisions, and thus to be eligible
to make a nomination at the meeting, has passed
Broker Non-Votes
If you are the beneficial owner of shares
held by a broker or other custodian and you instruct the broker or custodian to vote but choose not to provide instructions as
to one or more ballot items, your shares are referred to as “uninstructed shares” as to the ballot items on which you
do not provide instructions. Whether your broker or custodian has the discretion to vote these shares on your behalf depends on
the ballot item. See table below. If the broker or custodian has discretion, the broker or custodian may vote as it chooses. If
the broker or custodian does not have discretion to vote on a proposal, the shares will not be voted on that proposal and are referred
to as “broker non-votes” as to that proposal.
Shares represented by proxies submitted
without instructions or with instructions only on some issues or with withhold or abstentions as well as shares represented by
broker non-votes will be included in the number of shares present at the Annual Meeting to determine whether a quorum is present.
Vote required for approval
The following table summarizes the votes
required for passage of each proposal, the effect of abstentions on the voting of shares, and the effect of uninstructed shares
held by brokers or other custodians on the voting of such shares.
Votes Required for
Is Vote Cast or Not
Broker Non-Votes
Is Vote Cast or Not
Election of directors
Plurality of shares cast
Vote not cast
Vote not cast
Advisory vote on executive compensation (“Say-on-Pay”)
Majority of shares cast
Vote not cast
Vote not cast
Ratification of independent auditor
Majority of shares cast
Vote not cast
Broker or custodian may
vote using its discretion
Voting on Other Matters
Under the Company’s By-Laws, if other
matters in addition to those listed in the Notice are properly presented at the Annual Meeting for consideration, the persons appointed
as proxies by the Board of Directors (the persons named on your proxy card if you are a stockholder of record) will have the discretion
to vote the proxies they hold on those matters for you and will follow the instructions of the Board of Directors. However, the
Company’s By-Laws contain advance notice provisions for proposals to be made by stockholders. If a stockholder offers a proposal
for a vote that is not made in accordance with such advance-notice provisions, the proposal may not be voted on at the meeting.
As of the date of this proxy statement, the date for a stockholder to comply with the advance notice provisions, and thus to be
eligible to make a proposal at the meeting, has passed.
Part 2 Information concerning Directors
Nominees for Director
The Company’s directors are to be
elected at each Annual Meeting of Stockholders. The Company’s Certificate of Incorporation provides that the number of directors
is to be fixed from time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors, and the Board of Directors has fixed the number at five.
At this Annual Meeting, five directors
are to be elected, and each director to serve until the next Annual Meeting of Stockholders or until such director’s successor
is elected and qualified or such director resigns or is removed. The Board of Directors’ nominees for the Board of
Directors are:
Information about Nominees
The following table provides the names,
ages, positions with the Company, and principal occupations of our current directors who have been nominated for election as a
director at the Annual Meeting:
Name and Position
with The Company
Director/Officer Since
Principal Occupation
Mario Concha
Chairman since 2016; Director since 2013
President, Mario Concha and Associates
John F. Levy
Vice Chairman since 2016; Director since 2008
CEO of Board Advisory Services
Robert T. Betz
Director since 2014
Owner, Personal Care Ingredients
Geoffrey Scott
Director since June 2018
Private Investor
Christopher T. Carney
President and CEO since October 2020, Director since 2020
President, CEO and CFO of the Company
All of the nominees are incumbents and
their current terms expire at the 2021 Annual Meeting.
Information about persons nominated by
the Board of Directors for the position of director of the Company is listed below, including brief biographies. Each biographic
summary is followed by a brief summary of certain experiences, qualifications, attributes or skills that led the Board to determine
that each nominee is qualified to, and should, serve as a director for the Company. General information regarding the nomination
process is included under the “Governance and Nominating Committee and Nomination Process” heading.
Mario Concha, Chairman and Director
Mr. Concha is President of Mario Concha
and Associates, a firm providing consulting services to senior executives and boards of directors. He serves on the board of the
National Association of Corporate Directors, Atlanta Chapter. He has served as a director of Arclin, Ltd., a manufacturer of specialty
resins, and Auro Resources, Corp, a mineral exploration company with holdings in Colombia’s gold region. Mr. Concha
was an officer of Georgia Pacific Corporation and president of its Chemical Division from 1998 to 2005. Prior to Georgia
Pacific, Mr. Concha participated in the formation of GS Industries, a manufacturer of specialty steels for the mining industry,
through a leveraged buyout of Armco Inc.’s Worldwide Grinding Systems Division. He then served as President of its
International Division from 1992 to 1998. From 1985 to 1992, Mr. Concha was Vice President-International for Occidental Chemical
Corporation. Prior to Occidental Chemical, he served in several senior management positions at Union Carbide Corporation
in the United States and overseas.
Mr. Concha is a graduate of Cornell University
with a degree in Chemical Engineering. He has attended the Advanced Management Program at the University of Virginia's
Darden School of Business and the NACD-ISS accredited Director's College at the University of Georgia's Terry College of Business.
He is a member of the National Association of Corporate Directors, the American Chemical Society, and the American Institute
of Chemical Engineers.
Key attributes, experience and skills: Mr.
Concha has over 40 years experience as a hands-on corporate executive. He has first-hand industry knowledge, gained from
senior executive positions in various industries, including chemicals, plastics, forest products, metals, and mining. In
addition to manufacturing operations, he has had extensive involvement in marketing, sales, and finance. Mr. Concha also
brings corporate governance experience, having served on both public and private company boards.
John F. Levy, Vice Chairman and Director
Since May 2005, Mr. Levy has served as the Chief Executive Officer of
Board Advisory, a consulting firm that advises public companies in the areas of corporate governance, corporate compliance, financial
reporting, and financial strategies. Mr. Levy served as the Chief Executive Officer of Sticky Fingers Restaurant, LLC, a South
Carolina based barbeque restaurant chain, and has held this position from August 2019 to May 2020. Mr. Levy previously served as
a business consultant with Sticky Fingers Restaurants, LLC from February 2019 to August 2019. In addition to his service on
Applied Minerals, Inc. board of directors, Mr. Levy serves on the board of directors and as audit committee chair of Happiness
Biotech Group Limited (since October 2019), a Chinese-based nutraceutical and dietary supplements company. Mr. Levy served as a
director, chairman of the Audit Committee, and a member of the Governance and Nominating Committee, of Washington Prime Group,
a Real Estate Investment Trust, from June 2016 to October 2021. Washington Prime Group and certain of its subsidiaries filed voluntary
petitions for relief under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code on June 13, 2021 and emerged from bankruptcy protection
on October 21, 2021. Mr. Levy was a director, chairman of the Governance and Nominating Committee, and a member of the Audit and
Compensation Committees of Takung Art Co., Ltd., an operator of an electronic online platform for artists, art dealers and art
investors to offer and trade in ownership units over valuable artwork from February 2016 to June 2019. He was a director of China
Commercial Credit, a publicly held Chinese micro-lender, from 2013 to 2016. He was a director and audit committee member of Applied
Energetics, Inc. (AERG), a publicly held company that specialized in the development and application of high power lasers, high
voltage electronics, advanced optical systems and energy management systems technologies from 2009 to 2016.
From 2006 to 2013, Mr. Levy was a director and chair of the
Audit Committee of Gilman Ciocia, Inc., a publicly traded financial planning and tax preparation firm and served as lead director
from 2007 to 2013. From 2010 to 2012, he served as director of Brightpoint, Inc., a publicly traded company that provides supply
chain solutions to leading stakeholders in the wireless industry. From 2008 through 2010, he served as a director of Applied Natural
Gas Fuels, Inc. (formerly PNG Ventures, Inc.). From 2006 to 2010, Mr. Levy served as a director and Audit Committee chairman of
Take Two Interactive Software, Inc., a public company that is a global developer and publisher of video games best known for the
Grand Theft Auto franchise.
Mr. Levy is a frequent speaker on the roles and responsibilities
of Board members and audit committee members. He has authored The 21st Century Director: Ethical and Legal Responsibilities
of Board Members, Acquisitions to Grow the Business: Structure, Due Diligence, Financing, Ethics and Sustainability:
A 4-way Path to Success, Finance and Innovation: Reinvent Your Department and Your Company, Predicting the Future: 21st Century
Budgets and Projections and Heartfelt Leadership: How Ethical Leaders Build Trusting Organizations. All courses
have been presented to state accounting societies. Mr. Levy is a Certified Public Accountant with several years of experience.
Mr. Levy is a graduate of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and received his MBA from St. Joseph's University
in Philadelphia. Mr. Levy has completed the National Association of Corporate Directors’ Board Leadership Fellow program
of study.
Key attributes, experience and skills: Mr. Levy
has over 35 years of progressive financial, accounting, and business experience, including having served as Chief Financial Officer
of both public and private companies for over 13 years. Mr. Levy brings to the board expertise in corporate governance
and compliance matters along with extensive experience gained from numerous senior executive positions with public companies. Further,
Mr. Levy’s service on the boards of directors of public companies in a variety of industries allows him to bring a diverse
blend of experiences to the Company’s board.
Robert T. Betz, Director
From 2000 through his retirement in 2002,
Mr. Betz was the President of Cognis Corp., the North American division of Cognis GmbH, a $4 billion worldwide supplier of specialty
chemicals and nutritional ingredients that was spun off from Henkel AG & Company ("Henkel"). From 1989 through
2000, Mr. Betz held a number of management positions at Henkel, including Executive VP and President of its Emery Group, a leading
manufacturer of oleochemicals, and President of its Chemicals Group for North America.
From 1979 through 1989, Mr. Betz worked
in a number of manufacturing and operations capacities for the Emery Division of National Distillers and Chemicals Corp., eventually
rising to President of the division. Mr. Betz began his career in the specialty chemicals industry by joining Emery Industries
in 1963. Between 1963 and 1979 he worked for the company as Market Development Representative, Manager of Corporate Planning,
Vice President of Operations - Emery (Canada), Manager of Commercial Development, and General Manager of Business Groups. Emery
Industries was sold to National Distillers and Chemicals Corp. in 1979.
Since 2003, Mr. Betz has been the owner
of Personal Care Ingredients, LLC, a privately-owned marketer of natural products to the personal care industry. Mr. Betz
also serves as a director for Bio-Botanica, a manufacturer of natural extracts.
Mr. Betz holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering
and an M.B.A., both degrees from the University of Cincinnati. He has also attended the Program for Management Development
at Harvard University.
Key attributes experience and skills. During Mr. Betz’s career, he has been involved in developing
new products or new markets for existing products. Several of these products grew into sizeable businesses. He managed multiple
chemical manufacturing facilities and managed a multi-billion dollar polyethylene business. He was responsible for profit
and loss for businesses with sales of $900 million. While heading the chemical operations, he was responsible for all aspects of
the business: manufacturing, sales, R&D, IT, HS&E, HR, purchasing, engineering, and legal. His career has continuously
involved developing, manufacturing, and selling products directed at most of the markets that Applied Minerals is attempting to
penetrate. Since his retirement, he served on the boards of three chemical-related, private companies: Plaza Group, Syrgis, and
Hightower Petroleum.
Geoffrey Scott, Director
Mr. Scott is a private investor. From 1995 to 2018, Mr. Scott
was an investment advisor and president of Scott Asset Management, whose clients were high net worth individuals. From
1990 to 1995, he was a vice president, corporate finance at Merrill Lynch. From 1973 to 1990, he was a vice president of
corporate banking at Chase Manhattan Bank.
Key attributes, experience and skills: For
10 years, he served on the Board of a private company, growing revenue from approximately $50 million to $150 million. In
a quickly growing company, allocation of resources is a very important consideration. He served on the audit and compensation
committees. The company was eventually sold to a private equity buyer. His experience with charting the growth of smaller
companies will be of value to the Board of the Company.
Christopher T. Carney, Chief Executive
Officer, President, Chief Financial Officer, Director
Mr. Carney is President and CEO and has
served in those positions since October 22, 2020. Mr. Carney has also served as the Company’s CFO since August 2015.
From February 2009 through May 2012, Mr.
Carney was the Interim Chief Financial Officer of the Company. From May 2012 through August 2015, Mr. Carney was a VP of Business
Development for the Company. Mr. Carney was appointed Chief Financial Officer of the Company in August 2015 when the previous Chief
Financial Officer resigned. He retained his position as Vice President of Business Development. From March 2007 until December
2008, Mr. Carney was an analyst at SAC Capital/CR Intrinsic Investors, LLC, a hedge fund, where he evaluated the debt and equity
securities of companies undergoing financial restructurings and/or operational turnarounds. From March 2004 until October 2006,
Mr. Carney was a distressed debt and special situations analyst for RBC Dain Rauscher Inc., a registered broker-dealer. Mr. Carney
graduated with a BA in Computer Science from Lehman College and an MBA in Finance from Tulane University.
Key attributes, experience and skills:
He has worked for the Company in a number of capacities since January 2009. Since August 2015 he has been the Company’s Chief
Financial Officer.
Who originally recommended the Nominees.
Mr. Levy was originally recommended for election as director by David Taft, President of IBS Capital, LLC, at the time
a significant stockholder and later a director. Mr. Concha was originally recommended by Mr. Levy. Mr. Betz was originally
recommended by Mr. Concha. Mr. Scott was recommended by former director and CEO, Andre Zeitoun. Mr. Carney was recommended by Mario
Director Nomination Agreements
The Company entered into an director nomination
agreement (“Samlyn Director Nomination Agreement’) in 2011 in connection with a $10 million investment in the
Company with Samlyn Onshore Fund, LP, a Delaware limited partnership, and Samlyn Offshore Master Fund, Ltd., a Cayman Islands exempted
company (together the “Samlyn Funds”). Subject to the terms and conditions of the Samlyn Director Nomination Agreement,
until the occurrence of a Termination Event (as defined in the Samlyn Director Nomination Agreement), the Samlyn Funds jointly
have the right to designate one person to be nominated for election to the Board. In 2018, the Samlyn Funds exercised the right
to designate a person by designating Michael Barry, the General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer of Samlyn Capital, LLC.
Mr. Barry resigned on October 20, 2020.
The Company entered into a director nomination
agreement (“2023 Director Nomination Agreement”) in 2017 with the Holders of the 10% PIK Election Convertible
Notes Due 2023 (“2023 Holders”). Subject to the terms and conditions of the 2023 Director Nomination Agreement, the
2023 Holders have the right the right to designate one person to be nominated for election to the Board. In 2017 the 2023 Holders
exercised that right to designate by designating Michael Pohly, who at the time was Portfolio Manager and Sector Head for Credit,
Currencies and Commodities at Kingdon Capital Management LLC.
Mr. Pohly resigned on April 13, 2020.