RNS Number : 2502Q 
Bank Hapoalim B.M. 
07 April 2009 

Bank Hapoalim B.M. 
Registration no. 520000118 
The securities of the corporation are listed for trading on the Tel Aviv Stock 
Code name: Poalim 
Street: P.O.B. 27, Tel Aviv 61000 
Tel: 03-5673800; 03-5673333; Fax: 03-5674576 
e-mail: yoram.weissbrem@mailpoalim.co.il 
Transmission date: 05/04/2009 
Reference: 2009-01-082299 
Securities Authority Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Ltd. 
Immediate Report Regarding a Change in the Securities of the Corporation 
The corporation advises that ? 
?    From 01/04/2009 until 02/04/2009 
A change in the quantity of the securities of the Corporation has occurred as 
1.    A Description of the Nature of the Change: 
Explanation: A comprehensive description should be given of the transaction or 
the operation on account of which a change in the securities of the Corporation 
has occurred. 
|  Date of   | Nature of the  |Category and name of  |  Stock   | Quantity  |    Whether     | 
|    the     |    change      | the securities with  |Exchange  |  of the   |    executed    | 
|  change    |                |  respect to which a  |  number  |  change   |  through the   | 
|            |                | change has occurred  |          |           |Stock Exchange  | 
|            |                |                      |          |           |Clearing House  | 
| 02/04/2009 | Realization of |    Employees Options | 6620231  | -13,629   | No             | 
|            |      Employees |                 2005 |          |           |                | 
|            |   Options 2005 |                      |          |           |                | 
| 02/04/2009 | Realization of |  Ordinary Share BNHP | 662577   | 13,629    | Yes            | 
|            |        Options |                      |          |           |                | 
| 02/04/2009 |      * For the |     Options 3/08 "A" | 6620318  | 3,750,000 | No             | 
|            |  expiry of the |                      |          |           |                | 
|            |  first portion |                      |          |           |                | 
|            |  of the option |                      |          |           |                | 
|            |   warrants see |                      |          |           |                | 
|            | note following |                      |          |           |                | 
|            |  at the end of |                      |          |           |                | 
|            |     the report |                      |          |           |                | 
1.    To the extent that the change affects more than one security, the effect 
of the change should be detailed on a separate line for each security. 
2.    Date of the Change - all of the changes of the same category, with respect 
to the same security, effected on the same day, should be summarized on one 
line. In that regard, a distinction should be made between changes made through 
the Stock Exchange Clearing House and changes made directly on the books of the 
3.    The change - for a decrease the sign "-" should be added. 
4.    In all fields of the quantity, the quantity of securities should be filled 
in and not the NIS nominal value. 
2.a. The Schedule of the Share Capital of the Corporation after the Change: 
|  Name & category of  |Stock Exchange  |  Number of    |       Issued & paid up capital        | 
|        share         |    number      |  shares in    |                                       | 
|                      |                |      the      |                                       | 
|                      |                |  authorized   |                                       | 
|                      |                |    capital    |                                       | 
+                      +                +               +---------------------------------------+ 
|                      |                |               |  Quantity in last    |    Present     | 
|                      |                |               |        report        |    quantity    | 
| BNHP Ordinary Shares | 662577         | 4,000,000,000 | 1,318,056,437        | 1,318,070,066  | 
Explanation: All categories of shares should be specified - including shares, 
which are not registered for trading. 
  b. Schedule of Other Securities of the Corporation: 
| No. of   | Name of security  | Category   | Name of  | Quantity in   | Present       | Listed  | 
| security |                   | of         | trustee  | the last      | quantity      | for     | 
|          |                   | security   |          | report        |               | trade   | 
| 6620207  | Poalim            | Other      |          | 676,000,000   | 676,000,000   | Yes     | 
|          | Subordinated      |            |          |               |               |         | 
|          | Capital Notes "A" |            |          |               |               |         | 
| 6620215  | Poalim            | Other      |          | 459,400,000   | 459,400,000   | No      | 
|          | Subordinated      |            |          |               |               |         | 
|          | Capital Notes "B" |            |          |               |               |         | 
| 6620280  | Poalim            | Other      |          | 1,302,000,000 | 1,302,000,000 | Yes     | 
|          | Subordinated      |            |          |               |               |         | 
|          | Capital Notes "C" |            |          |               |               |         | 
| 6620231  | Employees Options | Option     |          | 2,918,881     | 2,905,252     | No      | 
|          | 2005              |            |          |               |               |         | 
| 6620249  | Employees Options | Option     |          | 3,943,203     | 3,943,203     | No      | 
|          | 2006              |            |          |               |               |         | 
| 6620256  | Personal          | Option     |          | 39,592        | 39,592        | No      | 
|          | Employment        |            |          |               |               |         | 
|          | Contract Options  |            |          |               |               |         | 
|          | 2006              |            |          |               |               |         | 
| 6620264  | Employees Options | Option     |          | 4,022,273     | 4,022,273     | No      | 
|          | 2007              |            |          |               |               |         | 
| 6620272  | Personal          | Option     |          | 56,117        | 56,117        | No      | 
|          | Employment        |            |          |               |               |         | 
|          | Contract Options  |            |          |               |               |         | 
|          | 2007              |            |          |               |               |         | 
| 6620306  | Personal          | Option     |          | 94,551        | 94,551        | No      | 
|          | Employment        |            |          |               |               |         | 
|          | Contract Options  |            |          |               |               |         | 
|          | 2008              |            |          |               |               |         | 
| 6620298  | Employees Options | Option     |          | 4,121,114     | 4,121,114     | No      | 
|          | 2008              |            |          |               |               |         | 
| 6620330  | Employees Options | Option     |          | 4,138,821     | 4,138,821     | No      | 
|          | 2009              |            |          |               |               |         | 
| 6620348  | Personal          | Option     |          | 184,096       | 184,096       | No      | 
|          | Employment        |            |          |               |               |         | 
|          | Contract Options  |            |          |               |               |         | 
|          | 2009              |            |          |               |               |         | 
| 6620322  | Poalim Options    | Option     |          | 3,750,000     | 3,750,000     | No      | 
|          | 3/08 "B"          |            |          |               |               |         | 
Explanation: All of the securities of the Corporation should be specified, 
except for shares (including securities not registered for trading). 
c. Attached hereto is an up-to-date file of the corporation's securities lists, 
as well as the shareholders lists, the option holder's notebook, and the 
bondholder's notebook Book_isa.pdf 
* Note to Clause 1: Expiry of the first portion of the option warrants held by 
York Global Finance II S.? r.l 
List of Shareholders of Bank Hapoalim B.M. 
Data on Holdings as at: 2 April 2009 
|List of Shareholders of Bank  |  Amount of    | 
|        Hapoalim B.M          |    shares     | 
| Nominee Company of Bank      |   978,729,173 | 
| Hapoalim B.M.                |               | 
|                              |               | 
| A. Shares of Core of Control |               | 
| Arison Holdings (1998) Ltd.  |   263,531,308 | 
|                              |               | 
| B. Free Shares               |               | 
| Israel Salt Industries Ltd.  |    75,664,441 | 
|                              |               | 
| Yaacov Diamant               |        70,000 | 
| Savion Tal                   |        35,800 | 
| Tzitzian Avraham             |        31,680 | 
| Don Maxwell                  |         2,450 | 
| Florsheim Mark & Ziporah     |         1,640 | 
| Vardi Rachel                 |           780 | 
| Agmon Eliyahu                |           700 | 
| Barkner Albert               |           603 | 
| Kikov Esther                 |           568 | 
| Levi Victoria                |           544 | 
| Mindel Shira Milka           |           122 | 
| Geva Ariyeh                  |           100 | 
| Pentzer Nathan               |            75 | 
| Zachs Eran                   |            40 | 
| Newman David                 |            10 | 
| Yehuda Bar Lev               |            10 | 
| Aaron Elias                  |            10 | 
| Kelev Victoria               |             5 | 
| AMM G. Investments &         |             2 | 
| Financials Ltd.              |               | 
| Livnat Raz                   |             1 | 
| Zektzer Ram                  |             1 | 
| Kramer Moshe                 |             1 | 
| Erez Tal                     |             1 | 
| Feldman Avi                  |             1 | 
|                              | 1,318,070,066 | 
List of Holders of Subordinated Capital Notes 'A' 6620207 
As of date : 02/04/2009 
|                             |  Quantity   | 
|                             | of Capital  | 
|                             |    Notes    | 
| Nominee Company of Bank     | 671,000,000 | 
| Hapoalim B.M                |             | 
|                             |             | 
| The Provident Fund of Bank  |   5,000,000 | 
| Leumi Staff                 |             | 
|                             |             | 
|               Total Capital | 676,000,000 | 
List of Holders of Subordinated Capital Notes 'B' 6620215 
As of date : 02/04/2009 
|                             |  Quantity   | 
|                             | of Capital  | 
|                             |    Notes    | 
| Nominee Company of Bank     | 459,400,000 | 
| Hapoalim B.M                |             | 
|                             |             | 
|               Total Capital | 459,400,000 | 
List of Holders of Subordinated TACT (Tel-Aviv Continuous Trading) Institutional 
Capital Notes 'C' 6620280 
As of date : 02/04/2009 
|                           |  Quantity of  | 
|                           |    Capital    | 
|                           |    Notes      | 
| Nominee Company of Bank   | 1,298,400,000 | 
| Hapoalim B.M              |               | 
|                           |               | 
| S.D.S.Z. Investments Ltd. |     3,600,000 | 
|             Total Capital | 1,302,000,000 | 
List of Holders of Employees Options 2005 6620231 
As of date : 02/04/2009 
|                             |  Quantity  | 
|                             |of Capital  | 
|                             |   Notes    | 
| G.L.E. 102 Trusts           |  2,905,252 | 
|                             |            | 
|               Total Capital |  2,905,252 | 
List of Holders of Employees Options 2006 6620249 
As of date : 02/04/2009 
|                             |  Quantity  | 
|                             |of Capital  | 
|                             |   Notes    | 
| G.L.E. 102 Trusts           |  3,943,203 | 
|                             |            | 
|               Total Capital |  3,943,203 | 
List of Holders of Personal Employment 
Contract Options 2006 6620256 
As of date : 02/04/2009 
|                             |  Quantity  | 
|                             |of Capital  | 
|                             |   Notes    | 
| G.L.E. 102 Trusts           | 39,592     | 
|                             |            | 
|               Total Capital | 39,592     | 
List of Holders of Employees Options 2007 6620264 
As of date : 02/04/2009 
|                             |  Quantity  | 
|                             |of Capital  | 
|                             |   Notes    | 
| G.L.E. 102 Trusts           |  4,022,273 | 
|                             |            | 
|               Total Capital |  4,022,273 | 
List of Holders of Personal Employment 
Contract Options 2007 6620272 
As of date : 02/04/2009 
|                             |  Quantity  | 
|                             |of Capital  | 
|                             |   Notes    | 
| G.L.E. 102 Trusts           |     56,117 | 
|                             |            | 
|               Total Capital |     56,117 | 
List of Holders of Personal Employment 
Contract Options 2008 6620306 
As of date : 02/04/2009 
|                             |  Quantity  | 
|                             |of Capital  | 
|                             |   Notes    | 
| G.L.E. 102 Trusts           |     94,551 | 
|                             |            | 
|               Total Capital |     94,551 | 
List of Holders of Employees Options 2008 6620298 
As of date : 02/04/2009 
|                             |  Quantity  | 
|                             |of Capital  | 
|                             |   Notes    | 
| G.L.E. 102 Trusts           |  4,121,114 | 
|                             |            | 
|               Total Capital |  4,121,114 | 
  List of Holders of Employees Options 2009 6620330 
As of date : 02/04/2009 
|                             |  Quantity  | 
|                             |of Capital  | 
|                             |   Notes    | 
| G.L.E. 102 Trusts           |  4,138,821 | 
|                             |            | 
|               Total Capital |  4,138,821 | 
List of Holders of Personal Employment 
Contract Options 2009 6620348 
As of date : 02/04/2009 
|                             |  Quantity  | 
|                             |of Capital  | 
|                             |   Notes    | 
| G.L.E. 102 Trusts           |    184,096 | 
|                             |            | 
|               Total Capital |    184,096 | 
  List of Holders of Poalim Options 3/2008 "B" 6620322 
As of date : 02/04/2009 
|                             |  Quantity  | 
|                             |of Capital  | 
|                             |   Notes    | 
| York Global Finance II S.?  |  3,750,000 | 
| r.l                         |            | 
|                             |            | 
|               Total Capital |  3,750,000 | 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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