RNS Number : 2705G
Crusader Resources
05 November 2018
Crusader Operations Update
Crusader Resources Limited (ASX: CAS, AIM: CAS) is pleased to
announce the following updates in relation to the Company's
Brazilian projects.
Borborema Gold Project
Following the announcement on 20 August 2018 on the Borborema
Gold Project ("Borborema" or the "Project") Bankable Feasibility
Study ("BFS"), the Company has a number of updates to report as
detailed below.
Installation Permit
As announced on 28 April 2017 (updated on 30 July 2018), the
Company was granted the critical Pre--Licence (Licença Previa or
'LP') for Borborema from the Rio Grande do Norte State Government
Environmental Department (IDEMA).
The Company has been working closely with IDEMA to ensure that
the permitting process is completed efficiently and intends to
submit the final application for the installation permit for its
Borborema Gold Project middle November.
The Project's 2.0Mtpa processing plant design required for the
installation permit is expected to be finalised before the end of
October 2018 by the Belo Horizonte office of Ausenco do Brasil
Engenharia Ltda ("Ausenco"). The Company will announce the results
of this design work once Ausenco have finalised it. In addition,
the remaining outstanding items required for the permit have been
identified and are being finalised ahead of the November permit
The Company has been advised by IDEMA that the approval of an
installation permit would typically be provided within three months
of submission and is expected to be received well in advance of
completion of the Borborema BFS.
As the Company already has the environmental licence, and
subject to the Company's on-going construction financing
conversations, once the installation permit has been received, the
Company will be in a position to commence construction of the
Borborema Mine.
The Company is pleased to provide the following updates on the
on-going Borborema metallurgical test work being undertaken in
Perth by Orway Mineral Consultants ("OMC") since the 20 August 2018
The comminution test work has indicated that Project ore can
achieve a 2.0 Mtpa throughput rate at grind sizes of 80% of the
material a grinding size of 106<MU>m, would be sufficient to
ensure targeted gold recoveries. The impact of the increased grind
size on the power requirements are significant and are expected to
have a positive impact on the AISC of the project once in
Crusader confirms that the optimisation work undertaken to date
and disclosed in this announcement does not materially change any
of the material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning
the Company's previously announced mineral resource and ore reserve
estimates. Following completion of the Company's optimisation work
and BFS, if there are any material changes to these material
assumptions or technical parameters, the Company will release all
information required under the Listing Rules, the AIM Rules and the
JORC Code 2012.
Bankable Feasibility Study
Crusader has finalised its shortlist of Brazilian based external
engineering consultants for the BFS as well as the detailed scope
of work required and has issued the request for proposals with a
view to appointing a BFS partner in November 2018 and having a
final copy of the BFS for the 2Mtpa throughput project available at
the end of Q1 2019.
Juruena Gold Project
The Company is pleased to announce that it is pursuing the
potential of a farm-in transaction in light of Crusader's core
focus of developing Borborema. The Company has already received
initial expressions of interest with regard to third parties
interested in partnering with Crusader in developing its 100% owned
Juruena Gold Project ("Juruena") in the state of Mato Grosso in
The Juruena project is located on the western end of the highly
prospective Juruena-Alta Floresta gold belt and comprises a circa
770km(2) area of contiguous tenements. The Alta Floresta belt has
recently seen significant activity from multi-nationals and is
estimated to have produced more than 7Moz of gold, primarily from
artisanal miners.
Figure 1: Juruena is situated on the western end of the highly
prospective Alta Floresta Gold Belt
The Juruena campsite includes site offices, housing and catering
amenities for a 60-person crew, a core shed and its own 1,000m
Gold mineralisation defined at Juruena is hosted by steeply
dipping narrow high-grade quartz veins and discrete zones of
sheeted quartz veins, stockworks and breccias, within an intrusive
suite of granitic to micro-granitic rocks, and rhyolite in the
south-western part of the project, with overall low metamorphic
grade. The exact width of the mineralised zones is variable between
20cm and 3m with respect to the narrow vein type and up to 30m for
the sheeted veins.
Figure 2: Major Prospects at Juruena Gold Project
The Juruena Project has a 2012 JORC Code Compliant Mineral
Resource estimate of 1.3Mt for 261koz Au at 6.3g/t over three key
prospects, namely Crentes (55koz), Querosene (118koz) and Dona
Maria (88koz). The Resource estimate includes a total of 206koz at
The project includes a number of significant gold intercepts,
including 112g/t over 10m (Refer to ASX announcement dated 21
September 2016) and 35.1g/t over 12m (Refer to ASX announcement
dated 1 July 2015). A total of over 55,000m of drilling has been
completed to date at the Project. (Refer to ASX announcements of 29
September 2015 and 22 December 2016 for full table of significant
Juruena Exploration
The Company has successfully obtained an extension to our
Juruena exploration tenements for a further three years from the
Brazilian National Department of Mineral Production (DNPM), being
866.934 / 2012-LAGO DOURADO MINERAÇÃO LTDA ALVARÁ N deg 15.687 /
2015 and 866.105 / 2013-LAGO DOURADO MINERAÇÃO LTDA ALVARÁ N deg
15.615 / 2015.
Posse Mine Action
The Company has been included in an environmental action by the
Public Ministry with regard to non-compliance of certain
environmental submissions and regulations with regard to the Posse
Iron Ore Mine sold by the company in 2017. We have met with the
Public Ministry in this regard and are negotiating a settlement
which would not be deemed material. For completeness, the Company
cautions that there is no certainty that a settlement may be
Marcus Engelbrecht, Managing Director of Crusader said:
"The Company has advanced the work streams significantly on the
Borborema Gold project BFS and remains confident that the results
will confirm our view that this will result in a positive decision
to commence construction and allow us to finalise our project
finance discussions. In tandem, the Company is also looking at
opportunities to develop our 100% owned Juruena Gold project and to
progress the project up the value curve and to realise value. There
has been an increasing and significant level of interest across the
Alta Floresta mineral belt and in particular, our 100% owned
Juruena Gold Project."
For further information, please contact:
Investor Relations Camarco
Office (Aus): +61 8 9320 7500 Financial PR
Email: admin@crusaderresources.com Gordon Poole / Nick Hennis
/ Monique Perks
+44(0)20 3757 4997 / +44(0)20
3781 8330
Andrew Beigel Pinnacle Corporate Finance
Company Secretary Office: +61 8 6141 6306
Office (Aus): +61 8 9320 7500 Email: ejonsson@pinnaclecf.com.au
Email: andrew.beigel@crusaderresources.com Ref: Crusader Resources Limited
Hannam & Partners
Joint Broker
Neil Passmore / Andrew Chubb
/ Ernie Bell
+44 (0)20 7907 8500
Table 1: Borborema Gold Project Ore Reserve (JORC 2012 code)
Borborema Gold Project - Ore Reserve
Category Tonnes (Mt) Grade (Au Gold to Mill
g/t) (koz)
------------ ---------- -------------
Proven Oxide 0.65 0.80 17
------- ------------ ---------- -------------
Fresh 7.26 1.25 292
------------------ ------------ ---------- -------------
Probable Oxide 1.68 0.70 38
------- ------------ ---------- -------------
Fresh 32.82 1.20 1,260
------------------ ------------ ---------- -------------
1,610 (1.61
Total 42.41 1.18 Moz)
------------ ---------- -------------
Ore Reserve estimate for the Borborema Gold Project. Reported at
a 0.4 g/t cut-off for oxide and 0.5 g/t cut-off for fresh material.
The cut-off grades have been based on the latest throughput costs,
gold price of US$1,210/oz. Note, appropriate rounding has been
applied, subtotals may not equal total figures.
Table 2: Borborema Gold Project Mineral Resource (JORC 2012
Borborema Gold Project
Mineral Resource by Multiple Indicator Kriging (MIK)
Category Cut-off grade Tonnes (Mt) Grade (Au Contained
g/t) gold (Moz)
-------------- ------------ ---------- ------------
Measured 0.40 9.8 1.09 0.34
-------------- ------------ ---------- ------------
0.50 8.2 1.22 0.32
-------------- ------------ ---------- ------------
0.60 6.8 1.35 0.30
-------------- ------------ ---------- ------------
Indicated 0.40 53.1 0.99 1.70
-------------- ------------ ---------- ------------
0.50 42.8 1.12 1.55
-------------- ------------ ---------- ------------
0.60 34.8 1.26 1.41
-------------- ------------ ---------- ------------
Total Measured
and Indicated 0.40 62.9 1.01 2.04
-------------- ------------ ---------- ------------
0.50 51.0 1.14 1.87
-------------- ------------ ---------- ------------
0.60 41.7 1.27 1.70
-------------- ------------ ---------- ------------
Inferred 0.40 23.2 0.87 0.65
-------------- ------------ ---------- ------------
0.50 17.6 1.00 0.57
-------------- ------------ ---------- ------------
0.60 13.6 1.14 0.49
-------------- ------------ ---------- ------------
Total Mineral
Resources 0.40 86.1 0.97 2.69
-------------- ------------ ---------- ------------
0.50 68.6 1.10 2.43
-------------- ------------ ---------- ------------
0.60 55.2 1.24 2.20
-------------- ------------ ---------- ------------
Mineral Resource estimate for the Borborema Gold Project,
reported at various cut-offs. Parent Block 25mE x 25mN x 5mRL.
Selective Mining Unit 5mE x 6.25mN x 2.5mRL. Note, appropriate
rounding has been applied, subtotals may not equal total
Table 3: Juruena Gold Project Mineral Resource estimate (JORC
Prospect Name Resource Category Lower cut-off Tonnes (t) Grade (Au Contained
(Mineral Resources (g/t Au) g/t) gold (oz)
Dona Maria Indicated 2.5 67,800 13.7 29,800
------------------- -------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Inferred 2.5 148,500 12.2 58,200
----------------------------------------- -------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Dona Maria - Subtotal 216,300 12.7 88,000
----------- ---------- -----------
Querosene Indicated 2.5 31,200 28.4 28,500
------------------- -------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Inferred 2.5 188,700 14.7 89,300
----------------------------------------- -------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Querosene - Subtotal 219,900 16.7 117,800
----------- ---------- -----------
Total Indicated 99,000 18.3 58,300
----------- ---------- -----------
Total Inferred 337,200 13.6 147,500
----------- ---------- -----------
Total high grade ounces 436,200 14.7 205,800
----------- ---------- -----------
Crentes Inferred 1.0 846,450 2.0 55,100
------------------- -------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Total combined Inferred Mineral Resource 1,282,650 6.3 260,900
----------- ---------- -----------
Note: Appropriate rounding applied. Table includes updated
mineral resource estimates for Querosene and Dona Maria, Crentes
remains the same as per the 2015 resource estimate. For further
information, please see the section below: Summary of Resource
Estimate and Reporting Criteria.
About Crusader
Crusader Resources Limited (ASX:CAS, AIM:CAS) is a minerals
exploration and development company listed on the Australian
Securities Exchange and the AIM Market of the London Stock
Exchange. Its major focus is Brazil; a country Crusader believes is
vastly underexplored and which offers high potential for the
discovery of world class mineral deposits.
Crusader has two key gold assets:
Borborema Gold Project
The Borborema Gold Project is in the Serido area of the
Borborema province in north-eastern Brazil. It is 100% owned by
Crusader and consists of three mining leases covering a total area
of 29 km(2) including freehold title over the main prospect
The Borborema Gold Project benefits from a favourable taxation
regime, existing on-site facilities and excellent infrastructure
such as buildings, grid power, water, sealed roads and is close to
major cities and regional centres. The project's Ore Reserve
includes Proven and Probable Ore Reserves of 1.61Moz of mineable
gold from 42.4Mt @ 1.18 g/t (0.4 & 0.5 g/t cut-offs for oxide
& fresh). The measured, indicated and inferred Mineral Resource
Estimate of 2.43Moz @ 1.10 g/t gold, remains open in all
Juruena Gold Project
The Juruena Gold Project is located in the highly prospective
Juruena-Alta Floresta Gold Belt, which stretches east-west for
>400km and has historically produced more than 7Moz of gold from
40 known gold deposits. Historically there is a database of more
than 30,000 meters of drilling and extensive geological data.
Competent Person Statements
Juruena mineral resource estimate
The information in this announcement that relates to the Mineral
Resource estimate for the Juruena Project was first reported in
accordance with ASX Listing Rule 5.8 on 22 December 2016. Crusader
confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that
materially affects the information included in the announcement of
22 December 2016 and that all material assumptions and technical
parameters under pinning the Mineral Resource estimate continue to
apply and have not materially changed.
Juruena exploration results
The information in this announcement that relates to exploration
results for the Juruena Project was first reported in accordance
with ASX Listing Rule 5.7 on 1 July 2015, 29 September 2015, 21
September 2016 and 22 December 2016. Crusader confirms that it is
not aware of any new information or data that materially affects
the information included in these previous announcements.
Borborema mineral resource estimate
The information in this announcement that relates to the mineral
resource estimate for the Borborema Project was first reported in
accordance with ASX Listing Rule 5.8 on 24 July 2017. Crusader
confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that
materially affects the information included in the announcement of
24 July 2017 and that all material assumptions and technical
parameters underpinning the Mineral Resource estimate continue to
apply and have not materially changed.
Borborema ore reserve estimate
The information in this announcement that relates to the Ore
Reserve estimate for the Borborema Gold Project was first reported
in accordance with ASX Listing Rule 5.9 on 6 March 2018, 29 March
2018 and 11 April 2018. Crusader confirms that it is not aware of
any new information or data that materially affects the information
included in these previous announcements and that all material
assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the Ore Reserve
estimate continue to apply and have not materially changed.
Borborema Exploration results
The information in this announcement that relates to exploration
results for the Borborema Gold Project was first reported in
accordance with ASX Listing Rule 5.7 on 28 January 2015. Crusader
confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that
materially affects the information included in the announcement of
28 January 2015.
This information is provided by RNS, the news service of the
London Stock Exchange. RNS is approved by the Financial Conduct
Authority to act as a Primary Information Provider in the United
Kingdom. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution
of this information may apply. For further information, please
contact rns@lseg.com or visit www.rns.com.
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
November 05, 2018 02:01 ET (07:01 GMT)
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