22 September 2009 
                       Recommended Share Offer 
                      Chime Communications plc 
                      Essentially Group Limited 
The Boards of Chime and Essentially are pleased to announce that they 
have reached agreement on the terms  of a recommended share offer  to 
be made by Chime to acquire the whole of the issued and to be  issued 
share capital of Essentially. 
Key terms of the Offer: 
  * Chime will offer 0.04545 of a New Chime Share for each 
    Essentially Share. Based on the Closing Price of 177.75 pence per 
    Chime Share on 21 September 2009, being the last Business Day 
    prior to this announcement, the Offer values each Essentially 
    Share at 8.08 pence and values the entire issued share capital of 
    Essentially at approximately GBP18.23 million. 
  * In addition, Chime has agreed that Essentially Shareholders will 
    be entitled to receive and retain the Essentially Interim 
    Dividend of 0.36 pence per Essentially Share as announced today 
    in Essentially's interim results. Payment of the Essentially 
    Interim Dividend is conditional on approval by the Essentially 
    Shareholders at a general meeting and on the Offer becoming 
  * The Offer represents: 
     * a premium of approximately 101.97 per cent. to the Closing 
       Price of 4 pence per Essentially Share on 21 August 2009, 
       being the last Business Day prior to Essentially announcing 
       that it was in discussions regarding a potential offer; and 
     * a premium of approximately 7.72 per cent. to the Closing Price 
       of 7.5 pence per Essentially Share on 21 September 2009, being 
       the last Business Day prior to this announcement. 
The Essentially  Directors,  who  have been  so  advised  by  Cenkos, 
consider the  terms of  the  Offer to  be  fair and  reasonable.   In 
providing their advice, Cenkos has taken into account the  commercial 
assessments  of  the   Essentially  Directors.    In  addition,   the 
Essentially Directors consider the  terms of the Offer  to be in  the 
best interests of the Essentially Shareholders as a whole. 
Accordingly,  the   Essentially  Directors   intend  unanimously   to 
recommend that  Essentially  Shareholders  accept the  Offer  as  the 
Essentially Directors have irrevocably undertaken to do in respect of 
their own  (and  certain  family  members')  beneficial  holdings  in 
Essentially,  amounting  to,  in  aggregate,  45,741,666  Essentially 
Shares,  representing  (as   at  the  date   of  this   announcement) 
approximately 20.27 per cent. of  the existing issued ordinary  share 
capital of Essentially. 
In addition  to the  irrevocable  undertakings from  the  Essentially 
Directors, Chime in aggregate  has received irrevocable  undertakings 
from Essentially Shareholders  to accept  the Offer in  respect of  a 
total of  44,214,482 Essentially  Shares, representing  approximately 
19.59 per cent. of the  existing issued share capital of  Essentially 
and non-binding letters  of intent from  Essentially Shareholders  to 
accept  the  Offer  in  respect  of  20,868,336  Essentially  Shares, 
representing approximately  9.25 per  cent.  of the  existing  issued 
share capital  of Essentially.  Further details  in relation  to  the 
irrevocable undertakings and letters of intent (including in relation 
to the circumstances in which they cease to be binding) are given  in 
the main body of this announcement and Appendix III. 
* Commenting on the Offer, Lord Bell, the Chairman of Chime, said: 
"We are  delighted that  we  have agreed  terms for  the  recommended 
acquisition of Essentially.  Our Sports Marketing business has been a 
considerable success  since  we acquired  Fast  Track in  2007.   The 
integration of Essentially will widen the spread of sports we  cover, 
bring us  some very  talented people,  allow for  some synergies  and 
rapidly develop more opportunities for  growth in what is becoming  a 
major channel for marketing and communications." 
* Commenting on the Offer, John Byfield, the Chairman of Essentially, 
"The offer  by Chime  represents  the next  stage  in the  growth  of 
Essentially for  its employees  and shareholders.   There is  a  good 
strategic and cultural  fit and our  staff, clients and  shareholders 
will  all  benefit  from  the  association.   This  is  an  excellent 
opportunity to  develop Essentially's  business  as part  of  Chime's 
strong sports marketing offering.   The opportunities for growth  are 
particularly  strong  in  the  sports  that  the  enlarged   business 
EPL Advisory  is acting  as exclusive  financial adviser  to  Chime. 
Numis is acting as corporate broker and sponsor to Chime.  Cenkos  is 
acting as  financial  adviser under  Rule  3  of the  City  Code  and 
corporate broker to Essentially. 
Further Information 
This summary should be read in  conjunction with, and is subject  to, 
the full  text of  the following  announcement and  the  Appendices. 
Appendix I sets out the conditions  and certain further terms of  the 
Offer.  Appendix II contains information on bases and sources used in 
this announcement.  Appendix III provides information in relation  to 
the irrevocable undertakings and letters  of intent held or  received 
by Chime and Appendix IV  contains definitions of certain terms  used 
in this announcement.   Please read  the offer  documentation in  its 
entirety before making a decision with respect to the Offer. 
Chime Communications plc 
Lord Bell                               Tel: +44 (0) 7861 8515 
Christopher Satterthwaite 
Bell Pottinger Corporate & Financial 
(PR adviser to Chime) 
Charles Cook                            Tel: +44 (0)20 7861 3232 
Victoria Geoghegan 
Emma Kent 
EPL Advisory LLP 
(Financial adviser to Chime) 
David Anderson                          Tel: +44 (0)77 4877 6433 
Numis Securities Limited 
(Corporate broker and sponsor to Chime) 
Nick Westlake                           Tel: +44 (0)20 7260 1000 
Christopher Wilkinson 
Essentially Group Limited 
Bart Campbell                           Tel: +44 (0)20 7820 7000 
Dwight Mighty 
Cenkos Securities plc 
(Financial adviser to Essentially) 
Ivonne Cantu                            Tel: +44 (0) 20 7397 8900 
Beth McKiernan 
This announcement is  not intended  to, and does  not, constitute  or 
form any  part of  an offer  to sell  or an  invitation to  purchase, 
otherwise acquire, subscribe for, sell  or otherwise dispose of,  any 
securities or the solicitation of  an offer to purchase or  subscribe 
for any securities  pursuant to  the Offer or  otherwise.  The  Offer 
will  be  made  through  the  Offer  Document  and,  in  respect   of 
Essentially Shares held in certificated form, the Form of Acceptance, 
which will  together contain  the full  terms and  conditions of  the 
Offer, including details of how to accept the Offer.  Any  acceptance 
or other response to the  Offer should be made  only on the basis  of 
the information contained in  the Offer Document  and, in respect  of 
Essentially  Shares   held  in   certificated  form,   the  Form   of 
Acceptance.  Chime also intends to publish a prospectus in connection 
with the Offer.  The  New Chime Shares are  not being offered to  the 
public by means of this  announcement and this announcement does  not 
constitute a  prospectus.  Essentially  Shareholders are  advised  to 
read carefully the formal documentation in relation to the Offer once 
it has been dispatched. 
EPL Advisory, which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom 
by the Financial Services Authority, is acting exclusively for  Chime 
and no  one  else  in connection  with  the  Offer and  will  not  be 
responsible to anyone other than Chime for providing the  protections 
afforded to its clients  or for providing advice  in relation to  the 
Offer or in relation to the matters described in this announcement or 
any transaction or arrangement referred to herein. 
Numis, which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the 
Financial Services Authority, is acting exclusively for Chime and  no 
one else in connection with the Offer and will not be responsible  to 
anyone other than Chime for providing the protections afforded to its 
clients or  for providing  advice  in relation  to  the Offer  or  in 
relation to  the  matters  described  in  this  announcement  or  any 
transaction or arrangement referred to herein. 
Cenkos, which is authorised  and regulated in  the United Kingdom  by 
the  Financial  Services   Authority,  is   acting  exclusively   for 
Essentially and no one else in connection with the Offer and will not 
be responsible to  anyone other  than Essentially  for providing  the 
protections afforded to its clients for providing advice in  relation 
to the Offer or in relation  to the contents of this announcement  or 
any transaction or any other matters referred to herein. 
Overseas Jurisdictions 
The release,  publication or  distribution  of this  announcement  in 
jurisdictions other than the United Kingdom may be restricted by  law 
and therefore  any  persons  who  are subject  to  the  laws  of  any 
jurisdiction other than the  United Kingdom should inform  themselves 
about, and observe,  any applicable  requirements. This  announcement 
has been prepared for the purposes of complying with English law  and 
the City Code and  the information disclosed may  not be the same  as 
that which would have  been disclosed if  this announcement had  been 
prepared  in  accordance  with  the  laws  and  regulations  of   any 
jurisdiction outside of the United Kingdom. 
The availability of the Offer to persons who are not resident in  and 
citizens of the  United Kingdom may  be affected by  the laws of  the 
relevant jurisdiction in which they are located. 
The Offer will not  be made, directly or  indirectly, in or into  any 
jurisdiction where to do so  would constitute a breach of  securities 
laws in  that jurisdiction,  and the  Offer will  not be  capable  of 
acceptance from or within any such jurisdiction. Accordingly,  copies 
of this announcement  are not  being, and  must not  be, directly  or 
indirectly, mailed or  otherwise forwarded, distributed  or sent  in, 
into or  from any  jurisdiction where  to do  so would  constitute  a 
breach of securities laws in that jurisdiction, and persons receiving 
this announcement (including custodians, nominees and trustees)  must 
not mail or  otherwise distribute or  send it in,  into or from  such 
jurisdictions as doing so may invalidate any purported acceptance  of 
the Offer. 
This announcement  is not  an offer  of securities  for sale  in  the 
United States, Australia,  Canada, Jersey  or Japan or  in any  other 
jurisdiction in  which such  an  offer is  unlawful.  The  New  Chime 
Shares, which will be issued in  connection with the Offer, have  not 
been, and will  not be,  registered under  the US  Securities Act  or 
under the securities law of any state, district or other jurisdiction 
of the United States, or Australia,  Canada, Jersey or Japan, and  no 
regulatory clearance in respect of the New Chime Shares has been,  or 
will be, applied for in any  jurisdiction other than the UK. The  New 
Chime Shares  may not  be offered,  sold, or  delivered, directly  or 
indirectly, in, into or from the United States except pursuant to  an 
applicable exemption from, or  in a transaction  not subject to,  the 
registration requirements  of the  US Securities  Act or  such  other 
securities laws. The New Chime Shares  may also not be offered,  sold 
or delivered, directly  or indirectly,  in, into  or from  Australia, 
Canada, Jersey or Japan or to, or for the account or benefit of,  any 
resident of Australia, Canada, Jersey or Japan except pursuant to  an 
applicable exemption  from,  or  in a  transaction  not  subject  to, 
applicable securities  laws of  those  jurisdictions. In  the  United 
States, Australia,  Canada,  Jersey,  Japan and  any  other  overseas 
jurisdiction in which the offer or issuance of New Chime Shares would 
constitute  a  breach  of  applicable  securities  laws,  absent   an 
applicable  exemption   therefrom,   Essentially   Shareholders   who 
otherwise validly accept the Offer will  receive, in lieu of the  New 
Chime Shares  to which  they would  otherwise be  entitled under  the 
terms of the Offer, the net cash proceeds of the sale of such shares, 
as more fully set out in the Offer Document. 
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward Looking Statements 
This announcement contains forward looking statements that are  based 
on current  expectations or  beliefs, as  well as  assumptions  about 
future events. These statements, which speak  only as at the date  of 
this  document,  are  based  on  the  current  expectations  of   the 
management of  Chime and  are naturally  subject to  uncertainty  and 
changes in circumstances.  Undue reliance should not be placed on any 
such statements because, by  their very nature,  they are subject  to 
known and  unknown risks  and uncertainties  and can  be affected  by 
other factors that could cause actual results, and Chime's plans  and 
objectives, to differ materially from  those expressed or implied  in 
the forward looking statements. 
There are several factors which could cause actual results to  differ 
materially  from  those  expressed  or  implied  in  forward  looking 
statements.  Among the  factors that  could cause  actual results  to 
differ  materially  from  those  described  in  the  forward  looking 
statements are Chime's ability to combine successfully the businesses 
of Essentially and Chime and to realise expected synergies from  that 
combination, changes in  the global,  political, economic,  business, 
competitive,  market  and  regulatory  forces,  future  exchange  and 
interest rates, changes in tax rates and future business combinations 
or dispositions and lower than expected revenues. 
Neither Chime nor  Essentially undertakes any  obligation (except  as 
required by  the Listing  Rules and  the rules  of the  London  Stock 
Exchange) to revise or update any forward looking statement contained 
in  this  announcement,  regardless  of  whether  that  statement  is 
affected as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. 
Nothing in this announcement is intended to be a profit forecast  and 
statements in this  announcement should  not be  interpreted to  mean 
that the earnings per Chime Share for the current or future financial 
periods will  necessarily  be greater  than  those for  the  relevant 
preceding financial period. 
Dealing Disclosure Requirements 
Under the provisions of Rule 8.3 of the City Code, if any person  is, 
or becomes, "interested" (directly or indirectly) in one per cent. or 
more of any class of  "relevant securities" of Chime or  Essentially, 
all  "dealings"  in  any   "relevant  securities"  of  that   company 
(including by  means of  an option  in respect  of, or  a  derivative 
referenced to,  any  such  "relevant securities")  must  be  publicly 
disclosed by  no later  than 3.30  p.m. on  the London  business  day 
following the date of the relevant transaction. This requirement will 
continue until the date on which  the Offer becomes, or is  declared, 
unconditional as to acceptances, lapses or is otherwise withdrawn  or 
on which the "offer period" otherwise  ends.  If two or more  persons 
act together  pursuant  to  an agreement  or  understanding,  whether 
formal or informal, to acquire an "interest" in "relevant securities" 
of Chime or Essentially,  they will be deemed  to be a single  person 
for the purpose of Rule 8.3. 
Under the provisions of Rule 8.1 of the City Code, all "dealings"  in 
"relevant  securities"   of  Chime   or  Essentially   by  Chime   or 
Essentially, or  by any  of their  respective "associates",  must  be 
disclosed by no  later than  12.00 noon  on the  London business  day 
following the date of the relevant transaction. 
A  disclosure  table,  giving  details  of  the  companies  in  whose 
"relevant securities" "dealings" should be disclosed, and the  number 
of such securities in issue, can  be found on the Panel's website  at 
"Interests in securities" arise, in  summary, when a person has  long 
economic exposure, whether conditional or absolute, to changes in the 
price of  securities. In  particular,  a person  will be  treated  as 
having an  "interest"  by  virtue  of the  ownership  or  control  of 
securities, or by virtue of any  option in respect of, or  derivative 
referenced to, securities. 
Terms in quotation marks are defined in the City Code, which can also 
be found  on the  Panel's website.  If you  are in  any doubt  as  to 
whether or not you are required to disclose a "dealing" under Rule 8, 
you should consult the Panel. 
Publication on the Chime and Essentially websites 
A copy of this announcement is  and will be available for  inspection 
free of charge, subject to  certain restrictions relating to  persons 
resident  in  restricted   jurisdictions,  on   Chime's  website   at 
www.chime.plc.uk and         Essentially's         website         at 
                                                    22 September 2009 
                       Recommended Share Offer 
                      Chime Communications plc 
                      Essentially Group Limited 
1. Introduction 
The Boards of Chime and Essentially are pleased to announce that they 
have reached agreement on the terms  of a recommended share offer  to 
be made by Chime to acquire the whole of the issued and to be  issued 
share capital of Essentially. 
2.  The Offer 
Pursuant to the Offer, which will be on and subject to the terms  and 
conditions set out  below and in  Appendix 1 and  the full terms  and 
conditions which  will be  set  out in  the  Offer Document  and,  in 
respect of Essentially Shares held in certificated form, the Form  of 
Acceptance, Essentially Shareholders will be entitled to receive: 
       for each Essentially Share 0.04545 of a New Chime Share 
and so in proportion for any number of Essentially Shares held. 
In addition, Chime has agreed  that Essentially Shareholders will  be 
entitled to receive  and retain the  Essentially Interim Dividend  of 
0.36 pence per Essentially Share as announced today in  Essentially's 
interim results.  The Essentially Interim Dividend will be payable to 
Essentially Shareholders on the register on 2 October 2009 and the ex 
dividend date  is  30 September  2009.   Payment of  the  Essentially 
Interim Dividend  is  conditional  on  approval  by  the  Essentially 
Shareholders of the Essentially Interim Dividend at a general meeting 
to be convened by the Essentially Directors and on the Offer becoming 
Based on the  Closing Price  of 177.75 pence  per Chime  Share on  21 
September  2009,  being   the  last  Business   Day  prior  to   this 
announcement, the Offer values each  Essentially Share at 8.08  pence 
and  values  the  entire  issued  share  capital  of  Essentially  at 
approximately GBP18.23 million. 
The Offer represents: 
  * a premium of approximately 101.97 per cent. to the Closing Price 
    of 4 pence per Essentially Share on 21 August 2009, being the 
    last Business Day prior to Essentially announcing that it was in 
    discussions regarding a potential offer; and 
  * a premium of approximately 7.72 per cent. to the Closing Price of 
    7.5 pence per Essentially Share on 21 September 2009, being the 
    last Business Day prior to this announcement. 
Assuming that the maximum number of New Chime Shares is issued to 
Essentially Shareholders under the Offer, it is expected that current 
Chime Shareholders will own approximately 84.76 per cent., and 
current Essentially Shareholders will own approximately 15.24 per 
cent., of Chime's enlarged issued share capital once the Offer 
becomes Effective. 
No fractions  of  New Chime  Shares  will  be issued  to  holders  of 
Essentially Shares.  Any fractional entitlements to New Chime  Shares 
will be  rounded  up  or  down to  the  nearest  whole  number  (with 
fractional entitlements to  0.5 or more  of a New  Chime Share  being 
rounded up). 
Essentially Shares will be acquired by Chime, pursuant to the  Offer, 
fully paid and free from all liens, equities, charges,  encumbrances, 
rights of pre-emption and  any other third  party rights or  interest 
whatsoever and together  with all rights  now or hereafter  attaching 
thereto, including voting rights  and, without limitation, the  right 
to receive and retain in  full all dividends and other  distributions 
(if any) declared on  or after the date  of this announcement,  other 
than the Essentially Interim Dividend. 
The New Chime Shares will, when  issued, be fully paid and rank  pari 
passu in  all respects  with the  existing Chime  Shares,  including, 
where the record date for determining entitlements is on or after the 
date of issue of the New Chime Shares, the right to all dividends and 
other distributions (if any)  declared, made or  paid by Chime.   For 
the avoidance of doubt, the New Chime Shares will not qualify for the 
Chime Interim Dividend announced on 25 August 2009. 
Application will be made to the UKLA  for the New Chime Shares to  be 
admitted to the Official  List and to the  London Stock Exchange  for 
the New Chime Shares  to be admitted to  trading on the London  Stock 
Exchange's  market  for  listed  securities.   It  is  expected  that 
admission  will  become  effective  and  that  dealings  for   normal 
settlement in the  New Chime Shares  will commence shortly  following 
the date on which the Offer  becomes or is declared unconditional  in 
all respects (save  only for  the admission of  such shares  becoming 
The Offer will be subject to the satisfaction or, where  appropriate, 
waiver of  the  conditions  of  the Offer  set  out  in  Appendix  I, 
including the admission to trading of the New Chime Shares. 
3. Unanimous recommendation and undertakings to accept the Offer 
The Essentially  Directors,  who  have been  so  advised  by  Cenkos, 
consider the  terms of  the  Offer to  be  fair and  reasonable.   In 
providing their advice, Cenkos has taken into account the  commercial 
assessments  of  the   Essentially  Directors.    In  addition,   the 
Essentially Directors consider the  terms of the Offer  to be in  the 
best interests of the Essentially Shareholders as a whole. 
Accordingly,  the   Essentially  Directors   intend  unanimously   to 
recommend that  Essentially  Shareholders  accept the  Offer  as  the 
Essentially Directors have irrevocably undertaken to do in respect of 
their own beneficial holdings in Essentially, amounting in  aggregate 
to 45,741,666  Essentially  Shares, representing (as  of the date  of 
this announcement)  approximately 20.27  per  cent. of  the  existing 
issued ordinary share capital of Essentially. 
4. Background to and reasons for the Offer 
Chime intends  to  integrate  Essentially into  its  existing  sports 
management business.   The Essentially  satellite offices  in  India, 
South Africa, Australia and New Zealand will enhance Chime's existing 
business in  the Commonwealth  sports area.   As one  of the  leading 
marketing agencies in  rugby and cricket  worldwide, the Chime  Board 
expects  that  Chime's  existing  sports  marketing  business,   when 
combined with  Essentially's,  will be  a  major contributor  to  the 
Enlarged Group.  It is Chime's  intention to report sports  marketing 
activity as a  separate division  from January 2010.   The Chime  and 
Essentially  teams  have  reviewed  the  prospects  for  the   sports 
marketing  business  and  are   excited  by  the  opportunities   for 
substantial revenue growth based on existing long term contracts.  In 
addition some immediate cost savings will result from the elimination 
of Essentially's costs  relating to  its AIM  admission and  separate 
public company status. 
The Board of Chime expects  the acquisition to be earnings  enhancing 
in the first full year after acquisition and before taking account of 
one-off  costs  relating  to  the  acquisition  and  amortisation  of 
intangible assets.  The foregoing statement  is not intended to be  a 
profit forecast and  statements in  this announcement  should not  be 
interpreted to mean that the earnings per Chime Share for the current 
or future financial  periods will necessarily  be greater than  those 
for the relevant preceding financial period. 
5. Background to and reasons for the recommendation 
Essentially was formed in 2001 as  a motorsport business and, at  its 
admission to AIM in May 2006, management's intention was to create  a 
leading sports marketing  and athlete management  business through  a 
series of acquisitions. Essentially's  acquisitions have been  funded 
by  equity  issues,  internal  cash  generation  and  bank  funding. 
Essentially has made eight acquisitions which have given it a leading 
position in the UK sports marketing business in cricket and rugby and 
a global reach in athlete management in these sports. 
Over the past  year, the Essentially  Directors have been  evaluating 
Essentially's next  stage  of  growth and  reassessing  its  strategy 
particularly in  the  light  of the  economic  conditions  that  have 
prevailed.  Such  conditions make  it  difficult for  Essentially  to 
continue to pursue its acquisition strategy given a number of factors 
including  constraints  in   securing  equity   or  debt   financing, 
Essentially's  depressed  share  price  and  the  gap  in   valuation 
expectations between sellers and buyers created by uncertainty in the 
economic outlook.   While Essentially  can pursue  an organic  growth 
strategy in the  short term, the  Essentially Directors believe  that 
the progress of  the business  would be  materially enhanced  through 
increased scale, a stronger corporate  profile and access to  greater 
financial resources. 
The Offer represents  an opportunity for  Essentially to combine  its 
business with Fast Track,  Chime's sports marketing agency  business, 
to create a  larger, more  diversified group with  a stronger  market 
presence.  The businesses  of Essentially and  Fast Track are  highly 
complementary.  Essentially's  strengths  lie  in  the  marketing  of 
rights and  in athlete  management in  rugby and  cricket while  Fast 
Track enjoys strong positions in event management, communications and 
consultancy in complementary sports. 
In accepting  the  Offer, following  which  Essentially  Shareholders 
would receive New Chime Shares, Essentially Shareholders will benefit 
  * continued exposure to Essentially's business under a stronger 
    platform for growth and profitability; 
  * additional exposure to a larger, more diversified business in 
    sports marketing and marketing services; 
  * increased capital market scale; 
  * increased share liquidity; and 
  * improved prospects of both retaining and attracting new 
In considering  whether to  recommend the  proposal, the  Essentially 
Directors have also taken into consideration the following: 
  * Essentially Shareholders representing in aggregate approximately 
    52.27 per cent. of Essentially's issued share capital have 
    already indicated their support for the Offer of which 12.41 per 
    cent. represent institutional shareholders who are independent of 
    the Essentially Directors and management; 
  * the lack of liquidity in Essentially Shares and Essentially's 
    current size mean that neither Essentially nor Essentially 
    Shareholders are currently benefiting significantly from 
    Essentially's admission to AIM; and 
  * the consideration payable under the Offer represents a premium of 
    approximately 101.97 per cent. to the Closing Price of 4 pence 
    per Essentially Share on 21 August 2009, being the last Business 
    Day prior to Essentially announcing that it was in discussions 
    regarding a potential offer. 
On the basis of the above the Essentially Directors intend 
unanimously to recommend that Essentially Shareholders accept the 
6. Irrevocable Undertakings 
Chime has  received irrevocable  undertakings to  accept, or  procure 
acceptance of, the Offer from: 
  * each of the Essentially Directors (or their nominees, family 
    members or associated companies) in respect of their entire 
    personal holdings of 45,741,666 Essentially Shares representing, 
    in aggregate, approximately 20.27 per cent. of the existing 
    issued share capital of Essentially; and 
  * certain Essentially senior managers (or their nominees, family 
    members or associated companies) in respect of their entire 
    beneficial shareholdings of 44,214,482 Essentially Shares 
    representing, in aggregate, approximately 19.59 per cent. of the 
    existing issued share capital of Essentially. 
Accordingly, Chime has received  irrevocable undertakings to  accept, 
or procure  acceptance of,  the Offer  in respect  of, in  aggregate, 
89,956,148 Essentially  Shares representing  approximately 39.86  per 
cent. of the existing issued share capital of Essentially. 
These irrevocable undertakings continue to be binding in the event of 
a higher offer being made for Essentially but cease to be binding  if 
the Offer is  withdrawn by Chime  (with the consent  of the Panel  if 
required) or lapses. 
Certain of the  Essentially Directors and  senior managers (or  their 
nominees, family members or associated companies, as applicable) have 
also undertaken to  Chime not  to dispose of  part of  the New  Chime 
Shares which they receive pursuant to the Offer for a period of up to 
12 months. 
As at 21 September  2009, being the last  Business Day prior to  this 
announcement, the following  Essentially Shareholders have  delivered 
letters to Chime confirming their intention to accept the Offer: 
  * AXA Framlington, the judgemental equity division of AXA 
    Investment Managers UK Limited, in respect of 8,470,139 
    Essentially Shares over which it has discretionary management 
  * Octopus Investments Limited in respect of 7,905,305 Essentially 
    Shares over which it has discretionary management control; and 
  * Bluehone Investors LLP in respect of 4,492,892 Essentially Shares 
    held by two trusts which it manages, Active Capital Trust LLP and 
    Bluehone AIM VCT2 plc. 
These letters of intent represent in aggregate 20,868,336 Essentially 
Shares representing  approximately 9.25  per cent.  of  Essentially's 
existing issued share  capital.  The  letters of  intent referred  to 
above are non-binding  and do not  prevent the relevant  shareholders 
from rejecting the Offer if they so choose. 
In addition, Rensburg AIM VCT plc, which holds 7,136,806  Essentially 
Shares, has confirmed its intention  to accept the Offer, provided  a 
higher offer is not forthcoming during the Offer Period. 
Further details of the irrevocable undertakings and letters of intent 
are set out in Appendix III to this announcement. 
7.  Information on Chime 
Chime is the holding company for the Chime Group, one of the  leading 
independent communications groups  in the UK.  The Chime Group  helps 
clients create, manage, monitor  and market their businesses,  brands 
and reputations both  in the UK  and internationally.  The  principal 
business  of  the  Chime  Group  is  to  provide  public   relations, 
advertising, sports  marketing,  market research,  direct  marketing, 
design and event management consultancy. 
The Chime Group consists of one of the UK's leading public  relations 
groups, Bell Pottinger, a research and consultation business, Opinion 
Leader, an advertising  and marketing services  group, VCCP  Limited, 
and a leading UK sports marketing agency, Fast Track.  In addition to 
its  public  relations  division,  Chime  has  both  a  research  and 
engagement  division  and  an  advertising  and  marketing   services 
division.  The advertising and marketing services division has  grown 
inorganically through  the  acquisition  of VCCP  Limited  and  other 
Chime is  made up  of three  divisions, 50  agencies and  over  1,000 
people  with  offices  in  London,  Liverpool,  Leeds,  Macclesfield, 
Glasgow and Cardiff in the UK, Berlin, Munich, Hamburg and Madrid  in 
Europe, New York, Boston and Washington  DC in the United States  and 
Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain and Qatar  in the Middle East.  As set  out 
in the audited  financial information  for Chime,  for the  financial 
year ended  31  December 2008,  Chime  reported operating  income  of 
GBP112.1 million  and profit  after tax  of GBP16.3  million.  As  at  31 
December 2008, Chime's net assets were GBP88.5 million. 
8. Current trading and prospects of Chime 
As announced in Chime's interim results  for the six months ended  30 
June 2009,  the Chime  Group  has delivered  its highest  first  half 
pre-tax profit in the history of Chime. 
The Chime Group's productivity has  improved (income per head in  the 
six months ended 30  June 2009 increased to  GBP58,000 from GBP55,000  in 
the first  half  of  the  2008  financial  year).   The  Chime  Group 
consolidated its business, with clients  using more than one  company 
increasing to 169 in the first half  year from 159 in the first  half 
of 2008 and Chime's top 30  clients representing 57 per cent. of  the 
Chime Group's income  (compared to  46 per  cent. in  the six  months 
ended 30 June 2008). Income per  client rose to GBP64,000 in the  first 
half of 2009 from GBP51,000 in the  first half of 2008. Nearly half  of 
the Chime  Group's  operating  income came  from  international  work 
compared to 34 per cent. in the first half of 2008. 
The consequence of this consolidation  is that the Chime Group  acted 
for 908 clients in the  first half of 2009  compared to 1,066 in  the 
first half of 2008 and the  number of clients paying the Chime  Group 
over GBP50,000 fell from 190 to 164. 
The Chime  Group's  new business  pipeline  is strong  with  a  large 
proportion of second half operating  income committed (nearly 90  per 
cent.). The Board of Chime believes that the Chime Group's costs  are 
under control, its cash management is strong and the Chime Group  has 
the opportunity to  make some strategic  acquisitions to develop  its 
business in preparation for  a possible upturn  at some point  during 
The Chime Group continues to operate a 4 times cover dividend  policy 
(which is not  necessarily paid in  line with the  proportion of  one 
third in the interim dividend and two thirds in the final dividend). 
The Directors  of Chime  remain cautiously  optimistic for  the  full 
financial year. 
9. Information on Essentially 
Essentially is  a specialist  sports  marketing, media  and  services 
company with  business activities  centered  on rugby  and  cricket. 
Essentially was founded in 2001 and was admitted to AIM in May  2006. 
 Essentially's headquarters  are  in  London and  it  has  additional 
offices in India,  South Africa,  Australia, New  Zealand and  Japan. 
Essentially has approximately  100 employees worldwide.   Essentially 
operates three  complementary  divisions: sports  marketing,  athlete 
management and professional services. 
In sports marketing, Essentially procures sponsorship rights to  sell 
for leading  sports  federations.  Essentially  is  one of  the  UK's 
leading agencies  of  cricket  and  rugby  rights  and  also  has  an 
established  position  in  Formula  1.   Essentially  currently   has 
exclusive rights  to  sell  perimeter marketing  at  all  test  match 
cricket grounds  for all  international  cricket in  the UK  to  2010 
(including Twenty20,  One Day  International and  Test matches),  and 
exclusive  rights  to  perimeter  marketing  at  Twickenham  and  the 
Millennium Stadium.   As  part  of  its  sports  marketing  business, 
Essentially  also   sources,  negotiates   and  secures   sponsorship 
agreements and  other  marketing  initiatives for  a  wide  range  of 
organisations  including   global  brands   and  sports   federations 
including events management. In athlete management, Essentially  acts 
as manager for approximately 500 sports personalities in the UK,  New 
Zealand, South  Africa, Japan,  Australia and  India.   Essentially's 
professional services  division  offers clients  specialist  advisory 
services including  accounting and  tax  advice.  This  includes  tax 
planning, accounting, image  rights advice  and secretarial  services 
for athletes,  media  personalities, professional  sports  clubs  and 
governing bodies. 
10. Current trading of Essentially 
For the year ended 31 December 2008, Essentially reported revenues of 
GBP16.3  million,  gross  profit  of  GBP9.4  million,  earnings   before 
taxation, interest, depreciation, amortisation and exceptional  items 
of GBP2.6  million and  net assets  as  at 31  December 2008  of  GBP20.0 
Essentially today announced  its interim results  for the six  months 
ended 30 June 2009. Essentially  reported revenues of GBP10.0  million, 
gross profit of GBP5.4 million and earnings before taxation,  interest, 
depreciation, amortisation and exceptional items of GBP1.2 million  for 
the period.  Essentially's net assets as  at 30 June 2009 were  GBP19.2 
million and its gross assets were GBP41.9 million.  Cash on the balance 
sheet at 30 June 2009 was GBP4.3  million, with a net debt position  of 
GBP4.0 million after  taking account  of funds collected  on behalf  of 
clients.   Conditional  upon  the  Offer  becoming  Effective,  Chime 
intends  to   repay  Essentially's   debt  using   Chime's   existing 
facilities.   The   Essentially   Board  remains   positive   as   to 
Essentially's outlook. 
The full text of Essentially's results for the year ended 31 December 
2008 and six months ended 30 June 2009 are available on Essentially's 
website at www.essentiallygroup.com. 
11. Management and Employees 
Chime attaches great importance to  the skills and experience of  the 
existing management and  employees of Essentially,  and intends  that 
Essentially's current management team will continue to be involved in 
the ongoing business of Essentially within the Enlarged Group. 
Chime confirms that, following the  Offer becoming or being  declared 
unconditional in  all respects,  the  existing employment  rights  of 
employees and management  of Essentially,  including pension  rights, 
will be fully safeguarded. 
If the Offer becomes  or is declared  unconditional in all  respects, 
John  Byfield,  the  Executive  Chairman  of  Essentially  and  James 
Butterfield and  Richard Battersby,  each of  whom are  non-executive 
Directors of Essentially,  have agreed  to resign from  the Board  of 
Essentially. Each  will receive  termination payments  in  accordance 
with their contractual entitlements. 
Paladin Management  Limited  and  John  Byfield  will  enter  into  a 
consultancy agreement  with  Essentially Sport  Limited,  a  Guernsey 
registered subsidiary of Essentially Group Limited, to run the  motor 
sports division.  The agreement will  be subject to termination on  6 
months notice.  On  entering into the  agreement, Paladin  Management 
Limited will be  paid GBP38,000 and  an annual fee  of GBP75,000.  Cenkos 
considers these payments  to be  fair and  reasonable so  far as  the 
Essentially Shareholders are concerned. 
12. Management Incentive Scheme 
Conditional on the Offer becoming or being declared unconditional  in 
all respects, Chime intends  to put in  place a management  incentive 
scheme  for  certain  members  of  Essentially's  senior  management, 
including  Bart  Campbell,  Tim  Berg,  Dwight  Mighty  and   Matthew 
Vandrau.  Under the scheme, 19 of Essentially's senior management may 
become entitled to  payments of up  to an aggregate  of GBP2.5  million 
over three years (a maximum of GBP833,000 per annum). 
The payment  of benefits  under the  management incentive  scheme  is 
conditional on the  performance of  the combined  businesses of  Fast 
Track and  Essentially,  as part  of  the Enlarged  Group,  achieving 
certain performance targets over the  financial years 2010, 2011  and 
2012.  Performance will be measured  on the combined trading  profits 
before interest, amortisation of  goodwill and intangible assets  and 
costs  of  the  management  incentive  scheme  for  Fast  Track   and 
Essentially over this three year period.  The performance targets for 
the management incentive scheme require Fast Track and Essentially to 
increase their current levels of combined operating profit by 16  per 
cent. in 2010, 12.5 per cent. in 2010 and 11 per cent. in 2012. 
Cenkos consider the terms  of the management  incentive scheme to  be 
fair and  reasonable  so  far as  the  Essentially  Shareholders  are 
Chime intends  also  to  vary  the  existing  deferred  consideration 
arrangements put in place in March  2007 for certain members of  Fast 
Track's management  so  that  entitlements to  payments  under  these 
arrangements will in future  also be calculated  by reference to  the 
performance of the combined businesses of Fast Track and Essentially. 
13. Essentially Share Scheme 
Appropriate proposals will be made  in due course to participants  in 
the Essentially Share Scheme.  Details of these proposals will be set 
out in  the Offer  Document and  in separate  letters to  be sent  to 
participants in the Essentially Share Scheme. 
14. Non-solicitation and Break Fee Agreement 
Chime and  Essentially have  entered  into the  Non-solicitation  and 
Break Fee Agreement in relation  to the Offer.  The  Non-solicitation 
and Break  Fee Agreement  provides for  an Exclusivity  Period  which 
commenced on 21 September 2009 and continues until the earlier of (i) 
the date when Chime's Offer lapses or is withdrawn; (ii) the date  on 
which  the  Offer  becomes  or   is  declared  unconditional  as   to 
During the Exclusivity Period, Essentially has undertaken: 
(a)   not to (i)  solicit any Alternative  Proposal; (ii) enter  into 
any discussions which  relate to  an Alternative  Proposal; or  (iii) 
enter into any agreement or  arrangement with a view to  implementing 
an Alternative Proposal; and 
(b)   to notify Chime as soon  as is reasonably practicable if (i)  a 
bona fide proposal or approach is made to Essentially in relation  to 
any Alternative Proposal; (ii) a request for information is  received 
by Essentially under Rule 20.2 of the City Code; or (iii) Essentially 
provides any information to a Third  Party with a view to that  party 
investigating or making an Alternative Proposal, in each case subject 
to any restrictions under applicable law or regulations. 
Essentially has also  agreed to pay  Chime a break  fee of  GBP182,345, 
being an amount  equal to  1 per cent.  of the  value of  Essentially 
calculated by  reference to  the terms  of the  Offer if  any of  the 
following occurs: (i) the Board of Essentially withdraws or adversely 
modifies  its  recommendation  of  the  Offer;  (ii)  an  Alternative 
Proposal  is   made  and   subsequently   becomes  or   is   declared 
unconditional in all respects or  is completed; (iii) if  Essentially 
is  in  material  breach  of   any  of  its  obligations  under   the 
Non-solicitation and Break Fee Agreement; (iv) the Offer is withdrawn 
by Chime with the consent of the Panel following a material breach of 
a condition of the  Offer as a  result of any  action or omission  by 
Essentially; (v)  the  Board  of  Essentially  fails  unanimously  to 
recommend  that  Essentially  Shareholders  vote  in  favour  of  any 
resolutions necessary to implement the Offer or withdraw or adversely 
modify such  recommendation; or  (vi)  Essentially takes  any  action 
which results  in  the  Offer  being  frustrated  or  in  Essentially 
Shareholders being denied  the opportunity  to decide  on its  merits 
(including any action which  falls within the scope  of Rule 21.1  of 
the City Code). 
Further information on the  Non-solicitation and Break Fee  Agreement 
will be set out in the Offer Document. 
15. Disclosure of Interests in Essentially 
Save for the arrangements  with Essentially Shareholders in  relation 
to irrevocable  undertakings summarised  above,  as at  21  September 
2009, being  the  latest Business  Day  prior to  this  announcement, 
neither Chime, nor, so  far as Chime is  aware, any person acting  in 
concert with Chime for  the purposes of the  Offer, has any  interest 
in, or right to subscribe for, or has borrowed or lent (save for  any 
borrowed  shares  which  have  been  either  on-lent  or  sold)   any 
Essentially Shares, nor does any such person have any short  position 
or  any   arrangement  in   relation  to   Essentially  Shares.    An 
"arrangement" includes any  indemnity or option  arrangement and  any 
agreement or  any  understanding,  formal or  informal,  of  whatever 
nature, relating to Essentially Shares which may be an inducement  to 
deal or refrain from dealing in such securities. 
It has  not been  possible,  by the  date  of this  announcement,  to 
ascertain the interests in Essentially Shares (if any) of all Chime's 
concert  parties.  Further  enquiries  will  be  completed  prior  to 
publication of the Offer Document.  If such enquiries reveal any such 
interests, they will be included  in the Offer Document or  announced 
earlier if required by the Panel. 
"Interests in  securities"  is  further explained  in  the  paragraph 
headed "Dealing Disclosure Requirements" below. 
16. Overseas Shareholders 
The distribution of this announcement to, and the availability of New 
Chime Shares under the terms of the Offer to, persons not resident in 
the United  Kingdom may  be  affected by  the  laws of  the  relevant 
jurisdiction. Such persons should inform themselves about and observe 
any applicable requirements. 
In any case where the delivery of New Chime Shares to an  Essentially 
Shareholder would or  may infringe  the laws of  any jurisdiction  or 
would or may require Chime to  obtain or observe any governmental  or 
other  consent  or  any  registration,  filing  or  other   formality 
(including  ongoing  requirements)  which  Chime  regards  as  unduly 
onerous, Chime reserves  the right to  have the New  Chime Shares  to 
which such person would otherwise be entitled to under the Offer sold 
in the market  with the proceeds  of the sale  being remitted to  the 
relevant Essentially Shareholder. 
Further  details  in  relation  to  Overseas  Shareholders  will   be 
contained in the Offer Document. 
17. Cancellation of Admission, Re-registration and Compulsory 
Upon the  Offer  becoming  or being  declared  unconditional  in  all 
respects and sufficient acceptances having  been received, it is  the 
intention of Chime to apply the provisions of Articles 116 to 118 and 
Article 121  of  the Companies  (Jersey)  Law 1991  (as  amended)  to 
acquire compulsorily any remaining  Essentially Shares in respect  of 
which the Offer has not been accepted. 
Assuming the Offer becomes Effective,  Chime also intends to  procure 
the making  of an  application  by Essentially  to the  London  Stock 
Exchange for the  cancellation of  the admission  of the  Essentially 
Shares to AIM.   If this cancellation  occurs, it will  significantly 
reduce the liquidity and marketability of any Essentially Shares  not 
assented to the Offer.   It is anticipated  that the cancellation  of 
admission to AIM will  take effect no earlier  than 20 Business  Days 
after the Offer becomes or is declared unconditional in all  respects 
provided  that  Chime  has,  by  virtue  of  its  shareholdings   and 
acceptances of the Offer, acquired or agreed to acquire issued  share 
capital carrying  at least  75  per cent.  of  the voting  rights  of 
It is  also intended  that,  following the  Offer becoming  or  being 
declared unconditional  and  cancellation  of the  admission  of  the 
Essentially Shares to  AIM, Essentially  will be  re-registered as  a 
private company  under  the  relevant  provisions  of  the  Companies 
(Jersey) Law 1991 (as amended). 
18. General and Documentation 
Chime reserves the  right to  elect to implement  the acquisition  of 
Essentially, with  the consent  of the  Panel, by  way of  scheme  of 
arrangement under Article 125 of the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991  (as 
amended).  In such event, such scheme will be implemented on the same 
terms (subject to appropriate amendment) as the Offer.  References to 
the Offer and the Offer Document in this announcement shall  include, 
where applicable, any such scheme of arrangement. 
The Offer will be subject to the conditions and further terms set out 
herein and in Appendix 1 and  to the full terms and conditions  which 
will be set out in the Offer Document (which will include a letter of 
recommendation from  the Chairman  of Essentially  on behalf  of  the 
Essentially Board)  and, in  respect of  Essentially Shares  held  in 
certificated form, the  Form of Acceptance.   In deciding whether  or 
not to  accept the  Offer  in respect  of their  Essentially  Shares, 
Essentially Shareholders should rely on the information contained in, 
and the procedures described in,  the Offer Document and, in  respect 
of  Essentially  Shares  held  in  certificated  form,  the  Form  of 
Chime also intends  to publish  a prospectus in  connection with  the 
Offer.  The New Chime Shares are  not being offered to the public  by 
means of this announcement and this announcement does not  constitute 
a prospectus.   The  Offer Document  will  be posted  to  Essentially 
Shareholders  and  the  Prospectus  will  be  published  as  soon  as 
reasonably practicable and in any event within 28 days of the date of 
this announcement.   Essentially  Shareholders are  advised  to  read 
carefully the formal documentation in  relation to the Offer once  it 
has been dispatched. 
The Offer will be governed by English law and will be subject to  the 
jurisdiction of the English courts.  The Offer will be subject to the 
applicable requirements of the City Code, the Panel, the London Stock 
Exchange and the UKLA. 
Further Information 
Appendix I sets out the conditions  and certain further terms of  the 
Offer.  Appendix II contains information on bases and sources used in 
this announcement.  Appendix III provides information in relation  to 
certain irrevocable undertakings and  letters of intent and  Appendix 
IV contains definitions of certain terms used in this  announcement. 
Please read  the  Offer Document  in  its entirety  before  making  a 
decision with respect to the Offer. 
Chime Communications plc 
Lord Bell                               Tel: +44 (0)20 7861 8515 
Christopher Satterthwaite 
Bell Pottinger Corporate & Financial 
(PR adviser to Chime) 
Charles Cook                            Tel: +44 (0)20 7861 3232 
Victoria Geoghegan 
Emma Kent 
EPL Advisory LLP 
(Financial adviser to Chime) 
David Anderson                          Tel: +44 (0)77 4877 6433 
Numis Securities Limited 
(Corporate broker and sponsor to Chime) 
Nick Westlake                           Tel: +44 (0)20 7260 1000 
Christopher Wilkinson 
Essentially Group Limited 
Bart Campbell                           Tel: +44 (0)20 7820 7000 
Dwight Mighty 
Cenkos Securities plc 
(Financial adviser to Essentially) 
Ivonne Cantu                            Tel: +44 (0) 20 7397 8900 
Beth McKiernan 
This announcement is  not intended  to, and does  not constitute,  or 
form any  part of  an offer  to sell  or an  invitation to  purchase, 
otherwise acquire, subscribe for, sell  or otherwise dispose of,  any 
securities or the solicitation of  an offer to purchase or  subscribe 
for any securities  pursuant to  the Offer or  otherwise.  The  Offer 
will  be  made  through  the  Offer  Document  and,  in  respect   of 
Essentially Shares held in certificated form, the Form of Acceptance, 
which will  together contain  the full  terms and  conditions of  the 
Offer, including details of how to accept the Offer.  Any  acceptance 
or other response to the  Offer should be made  only on the basis  of 
the information contained in  the Offer Document  and, in respect  of 
Essentially  Shares   held  in   certificated  form,   the  Form   of 
Acceptance.  Chime also intends to publish a prospectus in connection 
with the Offer.  The  New Chime Shares are  not being offered to  the 
public by means of this  announcement and this announcement does  not 
constitute a  prospectus.  Essentially  Shareholders are  advised  to 
read carefully the formal documentation in relation to the Offer once 
it has been dispatched. 
EPL Advisory, which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom 
by the Financial Services Authority, is acting exclusively for  Chime 
and no  one  else  in connection  with  the  Offer and  will  not  be 
responsible to anyone other than Chime for providing the  protections 
afforded to its clients  or for providing advice  in relation to  the 
Offer or in relation to the matters described in this announcement or 
any transaction or arrangement referred to herein. 
Numis, which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the 
Financial Services Authority, is acting exclusively for Chime and  no 
one else in connection with the Offer and will not be responsible  to 
anyone other than Chime for providing the protections afforded to its 
clients or  for providing  advice  in relation  to  the Offer  or  in 
relation to  the  matters  described  in  this  announcement  or  any 
transaction or arrangement referred to herein. 
Cenkos which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the 
Financial Services Authority, is  acting exclusively for  Essentially 
and no  one  else  in connection  with  the  Offer and  will  not  be 
responsible to  anyone  other  than  Essentially  for  providing  the 
protections afforded to its clients for providing advice in  relation 
to the Offer or in relation  to the contents of this announcement  or 
any transaction or any other matters referred to herein. 
Overseas Jurisdictions 
The release,  publication or  distribution  of this  announcement  in 
jurisdictions other than the United Kingdom may be restricted by  law 
and therefore  any  persons  who  are subject  to  the  laws  of  any 
jurisdiction other than the  United Kingdom should inform  themselves 
about, and observe,  any applicable  requirements. This  announcement 
has been prepared for the purposes of complying with English law  and 
the City Code and  the information disclosed may  not be the same  as 
that which would have  been disclosed if  this announcement had  been 
prepared  in  accordance  with  the  laws  and  regulations  of   any 
jurisdiction outside of the United Kingdom. 
The availability of the Offer to persons who are not resident in  and 
citizens of the  United Kingdom may  be affected by  the laws of  the 
relevant jurisdiction in which they are located. 
The Offer will not  be made, directly or  indirectly, in or into  any 
jurisdiction where to do so  would constitute a breach of  securities 
laws in  that jurisdiction,  and the  Offer will  not be  capable  of 
acceptance from or within any such jurisdiction. Accordingly,  copies 
of this announcement  are not  being, and  must not  be, directly  or 
indirectly, mailed or  otherwise forwarded, distributed  or sent  in, 
into or  from any  jurisdiction where  to do  so would  constitute  a 
breach of securities laws in that jurisdiction, and persons receiving 
this announcement (including custodians, nominees and trustees)  must 
not mail or  otherwise distribute or  send it in,  into or from  such 
jurisdictions as doing so may invalidate any purported acceptance  of 
the Offer. 
This announcement  is not  an offer  of securities  for sale  in  the 
United States, Australia,  Canada, Jersey  or Japan or  in any  other 
jurisdiction in  which such  an  offer is  unlawful.  The  New  Chime 
Shares, which will be issued in  connection with the Offer, have  not 
been, and will  not be,  registered under  the US  Securities Act  or 
under the securities law of any state, district or other jurisdiction 
of the United States, or Australia,  Canada, Jersey or Japan, and  no 
regulatory clearance in respect of the New Chime Shares has been,  or 
will be, applied for in any  jurisdiction other than the UK. The  New 
Chime Shares  may not  be offered,  sold, or  delivered, directly  or 
indirectly, in, into or from the United States except pursuant to  an 
applicable exemption from, or  in a transaction  not subject to,  the 
registration requirements  of the  US Securities  Act or  such  other 
securities laws. The New Chime Shares  may also not be offered,  sold 
or delivered, directly  or indirectly,  in, into  or from  Australia, 
Canada, Jersey or Japan or to, or for the account or benefit of,  any 
resident of Australia, Canada, Jersey or Japan except pursuant to  an 
applicable exemption  from,  or  in a  transaction  not  subject  to, 
applicable securities  laws of  those  jurisdictions. In  the  United 
States, Australia,  Canada,  Jersey,  Japan and  any  other  overseas 
jurisdiction in which the offer or issuance of New Chime Shares would 
constitute  a  breach  of  applicable  securities  laws,  absent   an 
applicable  exemption   therefrom,   Essentially   Shareholders   who 
otherwise validly accept the Offer will  receive, in lieu of the  New 
Chime Shares  to which  they would  otherwise be  entitled under  the 
terms of the Offer, the net cash proceeds of the sale of such shares, 
as more fully set out in the Offer Document. 
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward Looking Statements 
This announcement contains forward looking statements that are  based 
on current  expectations or  beliefs, as  well as  assumptions  about 
future events. These statements, which speak  only as at the date  of 
this  document,  are  based  on  the  current  expectations  of   the 
management of  Chime and  are naturally  subject to  uncertainty  and 
changes in circumstances.  Undue reliance should not be placed on any 
such statements because, by  their very nature,  they are subject  to 
known and  unknown risks  and uncertainties  and can  be affected  by 
other factors that could cause actual results, and Chime's plans  and 
objectives, to differ materially from  those expressed or implied  in 
the forward looking statements. 
There are several factors which could cause actual results to  differ 
materially  from  those  expressed  or  implied  in  forward  looking 
statements.  Among the  factors that  could cause  actual results  to 
differ  materially  from  those  described  in  the  forward  looking 
statements are Chime's ability to combine successfully the businesses 
of Essentially and Chime and to realise expected synergies from  that 
combination, changes in  the global,  political, economic,  business, 
competitive,  market  and  regulatory  forces,  future  exchange  and 
interest rates, changes in tax rates and future business combinations 
or dispositions and lower than expected revenues. 
Neither Chime nor  Essentially undertakes any  obligation (except  as 
required by  the Listing  Rules and  the rules  of the  London  Stock 
Exchange) to revise or update any forward looking statement contained 
in  this  announcement,  regardless  of  whether  that  statement  is 
affected as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. 
Nothing in this announcement is intended to be a profit forecast  and 
statements in this  announcement should  not be  interpreted to  mean 
that the earnings per Chime Share for the current or future financial 
periods will  necessarily  be greater  than  those for  the  relevant 
preceding financial period. 
Dealing Disclosure Requirements 
Under the provisions of Rule 8.3 of the City Code, if any person  is, 
or becomes, "interested" (directly or indirectly) in one per cent. or 
more of any class of  "relevant securities" of Chime or  Essentially, 
all  "dealings"  in  any   "relevant  securities"  of  that   company 
(including by  means of  an option  in respect  of, or  a  derivative 
referenced to,  any  such  "relevant securities")  must  be  publicly 
disclosed by  no later  than 3.30  p.m. on  the London  business  day 
following the date of the relevant transaction. This requirement will 
continue until the date on which  the Offer becomes, or is  declared, 
unconditional as to acceptances, lapses or is otherwise withdrawn  or 
on which the "offer period" otherwise  ends.  If two or more  persons 
act together  pursuant  to  an agreement  or  understanding,  whether 
formal or informal, to acquire an "interest" in "relevant securities" 
of Chime or Essentially,  they will be deemed  to be a single  person 
for the purpose of Rule 8.3. 
Under the provisions of Rule 8.1 of the City Code, all "dealings"  in 
"relevant  securities"   of  Chime   or  Essentially   by  Chime   or 
Essentially, or  by any  of their  respective "associates",  must  be 
disclosed by no  later than  12.00 noon  on the  London business  day 
following the date of the relevant transaction. 
A  disclosure  table,  giving  details  of  the  companies  in  whose 
"relevant securities" "dealings" should be disclosed, and the  number 
of such securities in issue, can  be found on the Panel's website  at 
"Interests in securities" arise, in  summary, when a person has  long 
economic exposure, whether conditional or absolute, to changes in the 
price of  securities. In  particular,  a person  will be  treated  as 
having an  "interest"  by  virtue  of the  ownership  or  control  of 
securities, or by virtue of any  option in respect of, or  derivative 
referenced to, securities. 
Terms in quotation marks are defined in the City Code, which can also 
be found  on the  Panel's website.  If you  are in  any doubt  as  to 
whether or not you are required to disclose a "dealing" under Rule 8, 
you should consult the Panel. 
Publication on the Chime and Essentially websites 
A copy of this announcement is  and will be available for  inspection 
free of charge, subject to  certain restrictions relating to  persons 
resident  in  restricted   jurisdictions,  on   Chime's  website   at 
www.chime.plc.uk and         Essentially's         website         at 
                             APPENDIX I 
Part A:             Conditions of the Offer 
The Offer will be subject to the following conditions (as amended  if 
(a)         valid  acceptances   being  received   (and  not,   where 
permitted, withdrawn)  by  not later  than  3.00 p.m.  on  the  first 
closing date of the  Offer (or such later  time(s) and/or date(s)  as 
Chime may, with the  consent of the Panel  or in accordance with  the 
City Code, decide) in respect of not less than 90 per cent. (or  such 
lower percentage as  Chime may decide)  (1) in nominal  value of  the 
Essentially Shares to which the Offer  relates and (2) of the  voting 
rights attached to those shares,  provided that this condition  shall 
not be satisfied  unless Chime or  other members of  the Wider  Chime 
Group shall have acquired or  agreed to acquire, whether pursuant  to 
the Offer or otherwise, shares  in Essentially carrying in  aggregate 
more than 50 per cent. of the voting rights then normally exercisable 
at general  meetings  of  Essentially.   For  the  purposes  of  this 
(i)         shares which have  been unconditionally allotted but  not 
issued before the Offer  becomes or is  declared unconditional as  to 
acceptances, whether  pursuant to  the  exercise of  any  outstanding 
subscription or conversion  rights or otherwise,  shall be deemed  to 
carry the voting  rights they will  carry on being  entered into  the 
register of members of Essentially; and 
(ii)        the  expression "Essentially  Shares to  which the  Offer 
relates" shall be construed with regard to the provisions of Articles 
116, 117(8) and 123(1) and (2) of the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991 (as 
(b)        the admission to the Official List of the New Chime Shares 
to be  issued in  connection  with the  Offer becoming  effective  in 
accordance with the Listing Rules and the admission of such shares to 
trading becoming  effective  in  accordance with  the  Admission  and 
Disclosure Standards of  the London  Stock Exchange or  if Chime  and 
Essentially so determine (and  subject to the  consent of the  Panel) 
the UKLA agreeing to admit such  shares to the Official List and  the 
London Stock  Exchange  agreeing  to admit  such  shares  to  trading 
subject only to  (i) the  allotment of  such shares  and/or (ii)  the 
Offer becoming or being declared unconditional in all respects; 
(c)        there being  no provision of  any agreement,  arrangement, 
licence, permit or other instrument to which any member of the  Wider 
Essentially Group is a party or by or to which any such member or any 
of its assets may be bound, entitled or subject, which in consequence 
of the  Offer or  the proposed  acquisition of  any shares  or  other 
securities in Essentially or  because of a change  in the control  or 
management of Essentially or otherwise, could or might result, to  an 
extent which  is material  in the  context of  the Wider  Essentially 
Group, in: 
(i)         any moneys borrowed by or any other indebtedness  (actual 
or contingent) of, or  grant available to any  such member, being  or 
becoming repayable or capable of being declared repayable immediately 
or earlier than their or its  stated maturity date or repayment  date 
or the  ability of  any such  member to  borrow moneys  or incur  any 
indebtedness  being  withdrawn  or  inhibited  or  being  capable  of 
becoming or being withdrawn or inhibited; 
(ii)        any  such  agreement,  arrangement,  licence,  permit  or 
instrument or the  rights, liabilities, obligations  or interests  of 
any such member thereunder being  terminated or modified or  affected 
or any obligation or liability arising  or any action being taken  or 
arising thereunder; 
(iii)       any  assets or  interests  of any  such member  being  or 
falling to be disposed of or charged or any right arising under which 
any such asset  or interest could  be required to  be disposed of  or 
(iv)        the creation  or enforcement of  any mortgage, charge  or 
other security interest over the whole  or any part of the  business, 
property or assets of any such member; 
(v)        the rights, liabilities,  obligations or interests of  any 
such member in, or the business of any such member with, any  person, 
firm or body (or any arrangement or arrangements relating to any such 
interest  or  business)  being  terminated,  adversely  modified   or 
(vi)        the value of any such member or its financial or  trading 
position or prospects being prejudiced or adversely affected; 
(vii)       any such member ceasing to  be able to carry on  business 
under any name under which it presently does so; or 
(viii)      the creation of any  liability, actual or contingent,  by 
any such member, 
and no  event  having occurred  which,  under any  provision  of  any 
agreement, arrangement, licence, permit or other instrument to  which 
any member of  the Wider Essentially  Group is  a party or  by or  to 
which any such member or any of its assets may be bound, entitled  or 
subject, could result in  any of the events  or circumstances as  are 
referred to in sub-paragraphs (i) to (viii) of this condition; 
(d)         no   government  or   governmental,   quasi-governmental, 
supranational, statutory, regulatory, environmental or  investigative 
body, court, trade agency, association, institution or any other body 
or person  whatsoever  in any  jurisdiction  (each a  "Third  Party") 
having decided to take, institute, implement or threaten any  action, 
proceeding, suit, investigation,  enquiry or  reference, or  enacted, 
made or  proposed  any statute,  regulation,  decision or  order,  or 
having taken  any other  steps  which would  or might  reasonably  be 
expected to: 
(i)         require, prevent or delay the divestiture, or  materially 
alter the terms envisaged for any proposed divestiture by any  member 
of the Wider Chime Group or any member of the Wider Essentially Group 
of all  or any  portion  of their  respective businesses,  assets  or 
property or impose any  limitation on the ability  of any of them  to 
conduct their respective businesses (or any of them) or to own any of 
their respective assets or properties  or any part thereof which,  in 
any case, is material in the context of the Wider Chime Group or  the 
Wider Essentially Group in either case taken as a whole; 
(ii)         require, prevent or delay the divestiture by any  member 
of the  Wider  Chime Group  of  any  shares or  other  securities  in 
(iii)        impose any limitation on, or  result in a delay in,  the 
ability of any member of the Wider Chime Group directly or indirectly 
to acquire  or to  hold  or to  exercise  effectively any  rights  of 
ownership in respect  of shares  or loans  or securities  convertible 
into shares or any other securities (or the equivalent) in any member 
of the  Wider  Essentially Group  or  the  Wider Chime  Group  or  to 
exercise management control over any such member; 
(iv)        otherwise adversely affect the business, assets,  profits 
or prospects of any member of the Wider Chime Group or of any  member 
of the Wider Essentially  Group in a manner  which is adverse to  and 
material in the context of the  Chime Group or the Essentially  Group 
in either case taken as a whole; 
(v)         make the Offer or  its implementation or the  acquisition 
or proposed acquisition  by Chime or  any member of  the Wider  Chime 
Group of any shares or other securities in, or control of Essentially 
void,  illegal,   and/or  unenforceable   under  the   laws  of   any 
jurisdiction,  or  otherwise,   directly  or  indirectly,   restrain, 
restrict, prohibit, delay or otherwise materially interfere with  the 
same, or  impose additional  conditions or  obligations with  respect 
thereto, or otherwise challenge or interfere therewith; 
(vi)        require any member of the Wider Chime Group or the  Wider 
Essentially Group to offer to acquire any shares or other  securities 
(or  the  equivalent)  or  interest  in  any  member  of  the   Wider 
Essentially Group or the Wider Chime Group owned by any third party; 
(vii)       impose any limitation on the ability of any member of the 
Wider Essentially Group to co-ordinate  its business, or any part  of 
it, with the businesses of any other members which is adverse to  and 
material in the context of the group concerned taken as a whole; or 
(viii)       result  in any  member of  the Wider  Essentially  Group 
ceasing to be able to carry on business under any name under which it 
presently does so, 
and all applicable waiting  and other time  periods during which  any 
such Third Party could institute,  implement or threaten any  action, 
proceeding, suit, investigation,  enquiry or reference  or any  other 
step under the laws  of any jurisdiction in  respect of the Offer  or 
the acquisition  or proposed  acquisition of  any Essentially  Shares 
having expired, lapsed or been terminated; 
(e)        all necessary filings or applications having been made  in 
connection with the Offer and all statutory or regulatory obligations 
in any jurisdiction having been complied with in connection with  the 
Offer or the acquisition  by any member of  the Wider Chime Group  of 
any shares or other securities in, or control of, Essentially and all 
authorisations, orders,  recognitions,  grants,  consents,  licences, 
confirmations,  clearances,  permissions  and  approvals   reasonably 
deemed necessary or appropriate by Chime  or any member of the  Wider 
Chime Group for or  in respect of the  Offer considered necessary  or 
appropriate by Chime or any member of the Wider Chime Group for or in 
respect of the Offer including without limitation, its implementation 
and financing, or  the proposed  acquisition of any  shares or  other 
securities in, or control of, Essentially by any member of the  Wider 
Chime Group having been  obtained in terms and  in a form  reasonably 
satisfactory to Chime from all  appropriate Third Parties or  persons 
with whom any member of the Wider Essentially Group has entered  into 
contractual  arrangements  and   all  such  authorisations,   orders, 
recognitions, grants, consents, licences, confirmations,  clearances, 
permissions and approvals together  with all material  authorisations 
orders, recognitions,  grants, licences,  confirmations,  clearances, 
permissions and approvals  necessary or appropriate  to carry on  the 
business of  any  member of  the  Wider Essentially  Group  which  is 
material in the context of the  Chime Group or the Essentially  Group 
as a  whole  remaining in  full  force  and effect  and  all  filings 
necessary for such purpose having been made and there being no notice 
or intimation of any intention to revoke  or not to renew any of  the 
same at the time at  which the Offer becomes otherwise  unconditional 
and  all  necessary  statutory  or  regulatory  obligations  in   any 
jurisdiction having been complied with; 
(f)         except as publicly announced by Essentially in accordance 
with the Listing Rules, Disclosure Rules or Transparency Rules  prior 
to 21  September  2009, no  member  of the  Wider  Essentially  Group 
having, since 31 December 2008: 
(i)         save as between Essentially and wholly-owned subsidiaries 
of Essentially  or  for Essentially  Shares  issued pursuant  to  the 
exercise of  options  granted  under the  Essentially  Share  Scheme, 
issued, authorised or proposed the issue of additional shares of  any 
(ii)           save   as   between   Essentially   and   wholly-owned 
subsidiaries of Essentially  or for  the grant of  options under  the 
Essentially  Share  Option  Scheme,   issued  or  agreed  to   issue, 
authorised or  proposed  the  issue of  securities  convertible  into 
shares of any class or rights, warrants or options to subscribe  for, 
or acquire, any such shares or convertible securities; 
(iii)        other than to another  member of the Essentially  Group, 
recommended,  declared,  paid  or  made  or  proposed  to  recommend, 
declare, pay  or  make  any bonus,  dividend  or  other  distribution 
whether payable  in  cash  or otherwise,  save  for  the  Essentially 
Interim Dividend; 
(iv)        save for intra-Essentially Group transactions, merged  or 
demerged with  any  body corporate  or  acquired or  disposed  of  or 
transferred, mortgaged or  charged or created  any security  interest 
over any  assets  or  any  right, title  or  interest  in  any  asset 
(including shares and trade investments) or authorised or proposed or 
announced any intention to propose any merger, demerger,  acquisition 
or disposal, transfer, mortgage, charge or security interest, in each 
case, other than in the ordinary course of business; 
(v)         save for  intra-Essentially Group  transactions, made  or 
authorised or  proposed  or announced  an  intention to  propose  any 
change in its loan capital; 
(vi)         issued,  authorised  or   proposed  the  issue  of   any 
debentures or (save for  intra-Essentially Group transactions),  save 
in the  ordinary  course  of  business,  incurred  or  increased  any 
indebtedness or become subject to any contingent liability; 
(vii)       purchased, redeemed or  repaid or announced any  proposal 
to purchase,  redeem  or  repay  any  of  its  own  shares  or  other 
securities or reduced or, save in respect to the matters mentioned in 
sub-paragraph (i) above,  made any other  change to any  part of  its 
share capital; 
(viii)       implemented, or  authorised, proposed  or announced  its 
intention to  implement,  any reconstruction,  amalgamation,  scheme, 
commitment or other transaction or arrangement otherwise than in  the 
ordinary course of business or entered  into or changed the terms  of 
any contract with any director or senior executive; 
(ix)         entered  into  or  varied  or  authorised,  proposed  or 
announced  its  intention  to  enter  into  or  vary  any   contract, 
transaction or commitment (whether in respect of capital  expenditure 
or otherwise) which is of a  long term, onerous or unusual nature  or 
magnitude or  which is  or  could be  materially restrictive  on  the 
businesses of any member of the Wider Essentially Group or the  Wider 
Chime Group or which involves or could involve an obligation of  such 
a nature or magnitude or which  is other than in the ordinary  course 
of business  and  which is  material  in  the context  of  the  Wider 
Essentially Group taken as a whole; 
(x)        (other than in  respect of a member  which is dormant  and 
was solvent at the relevant time)  taken any corporate action or  had 
any legal  proceedings  started  or threatened  against  it  for  its 
winding-up, dissolution or reorganisation or for the appointment of a 
receiver, administrative receiver, administrator, trustee or  similar 
officer of all  or any  of its assets  or revenues  or any  analogous 
proceedings in any jurisdiction or had any such person appointed; 
(xi)        entered  into any  contract, transaction  or  arrangement 
which would be restrictive on the business of any member of the Wider 
Essentially Group or the Wider Chime Group other than to a nature and 
extent which is normal in the context of the business concerned; 
(xii)       waived or  compromised any  claim otherwise  than in  the 
ordinary course of business; 
(xiii)      entered  into any  contract, commitment,  arrangement  or 
agreement otherwise than in the ordinary course of business or passed 
any resolution or made any Offer (which remains open for  acceptance) 
with respect to  or announced  any intention  to, or  to propose  to, 
effect any of the transactions, matters or events referred to in this 
(xiv)      having made or agreed or consented to any change to: 
(1) the terms of the  trust deeds constituting the pension  scheme(s) 
established by  any member  of the  Wider Essentially  Group for  its 
directors, employees or their dependents; 
(2) the  contributions  payable  to  any such  scheme(s)  or  to  the 
benefits  which  accrue  or  to   the  pensions  which  are   payable 
(3) the basis on which  qualification for, or accrual or  entitlement 
to, such benefits or pensions are calculated or determined; or 
(4) the basis upon which the liabilities (including pensions) of such 
pension schemes are funded, valued or made; or 
(xv)       proposed, agreed to provide  or modified the terms of  any 
share option scheme,  incentive scheme or  other benefit relating  to 
the employment or termination of employment of any person employed by 
the Wider Essentially Group, 
and, for the purposes of paragraphs (iii), (iv), (v) and (vi) of this 
condition, the term  "Essentially Group" shall  mean Essentially  and 
its wholly-owned subsidiaries; 
(g)        except as disclosed in the accounts for the year ended  on 
31 December 2008 or  where not material in  the context of the  Wider 
Essentially Group taken as a whole: 
(i)         no adverse change or deterioration having occurred in the 
business,  assets,  financial  or  trading  position  or  profits  or 
prospects of any member of the Wider Essentially Group; 
(ii)         no litigation,  arbitration proceedings, prosecution  or 
other legal proceedings to which any member of the Wider  Essentially 
Group is or may become a party (whether as a plaintiff, defendant  or 
otherwise) and  no investigation  by any  Third Party  against or  in 
respect of  any member  of the  Wider Essentially  Group having  been 
instituted  announced  or  threatened  by  or  against  or  remaining 
outstanding in respect of any  member of the Wider Essentially  Group 
which in any  such case  might be  expected to  adversely affect  any 
member of the Wider Essentially Group; 
(iii)        no contingent or other liability having arisen or become 
apparent to  Chime which  would  be likely  to adversely  affect  any 
member of the Wider Essentially Group; and 
(iv)        no steps having been taken which are likely to result  in 
the withdrawal,  cancellation,  termination or  modification  of  any 
licence held by any  member of the Wider  Essentially Group which  is 
necessary for the proper carrying on of its business; 
(h)        Chime not having discovered: 
(i)          that  any  financial,  business  or  other   information 
concerning  the  Wider   Essentially  Group  as   contained  in   the 
information publicly disclosed  at any time  by or on  behalf of  any 
member of  the  Wider  Essentially Group  is  materially  misleading, 
contains a  misrepresentation  of  fact  or omits  to  state  a  fact 
necessary to make that information not misleading; 
(ii)          that  any  member  of  the  Wider  Essentially   Group, 
partnership, company or other entity in which any member of the Wider 
Essentially Group has  a significant economic  interest and which  is 
not a  subsidiary  undertaking  of  Essentially  is  subject  to  any 
liability (contingent or  otherwise) which  is not  disclosed in  the 
annual report  and accounts  of  Essentially for  the year  ended  31 
December 2008; or 
(iii)         any  information  which  affects  the  import  of   any 
information disclosed at any  time by or on  behalf of any member  of 
the Wider Essentially Group and which  is material in the context  of 
the Wider Essentially Group taken as a whole; 
(i)         Chime not having discovered that: 
(i)         any past or present member of the Wider Essentially Group 
has failed to comply  with any and/or  all applicable legislation  or 
regulations  of  any  jurisdiction  with  regard  to  the   disposal, 
spillage, release,  discharge,  leak  or emission  of  any  waste  or 
hazardous substance or any substance likely to impair the environment 
or harm  human  health or  animal  health or  otherwise  relating  to 
environmental matters,  or that  there has  otherwise been  any  such 
disposal, spillage, release, discharge, leak or emission (whether  or 
not the same constituted a non-compliance by any person with any such 
legislation or  regulations, and  wherever the  same may  have  taken 
place) any of which disposal,  spillage, release, discharge, leak  or 
emission would be  likely to give  rise to any  liability (actual  or 
contingent) on the part of any member of the Wider Essentially  Group 
and which is material in the  context of the Wider Essentially  Group 
taken as a whole; or 
(ii)         there is,  or is  likely to be,  for that  or any  other 
reason whatsoever, any liability (actual  or contingent) of any  past 
or present  member  of the  Wider  Essentially Group  to  make  good, 
repair, reinstate or clean up  any property or any controlled  waters 
now or  previously  owned,  occupied,  operated or  made  use  of  or 
controlled  by  any  such  past  or  present  member  of  the   Wider 
Essentially Group, under  any environmental legislation,  regulation, 
notice,  circular   or  order   of  any   government,   governmental, 
quasi-governmental,  state   or  local   government,   supranational, 
statutory or other regulatory body, agency, court, association or any 
other person or body in any jurisdiction and which is material in the 
context of the Wider Essentially Group taken as a whole; and 
(j)         after the Offer  shall have become  or has been  declared 
unconditional as to  acceptances, Essentially  Shareholders who  have 
accepted the Offer and become entitled to withdraw their  acceptances 
pursuant to Section  87Q of  the Financial Services  and Markets  Act 
2000 not withdrawing their acceptances  in respect of such number  of 
Essentially Shares so that the Essentially Shares acquired or  agreed 
to be  acquired by  Chime or  any of  its wholly-owned  subsidiaries, 
either pursuant to the Offer or  otherwise, will result in Chime  and 
any of  its subsidiaries  holding Essentially  Shares which  together 
carry less than 90 per cent.  (or such lower percentage as Chime  may 
decide) of the  voting rights  then normally  exercisable at  general 
meeting of Essentially. 
For the purposes  of these conditions  the "Wider Essentially  Group" 
means  Essentially  and   its  subsidiary  undertakings,   associated 
undertakings and any  other undertaking in  which Essentially  and/or 
such undertakings (aggregating  their interests)  have a  significant 
interest and the "Wider Chime  Group" means Chime and its  subsidiary 
undertakings, associated undertakings  and any  other undertaking  in 
which Chime and/or  such undertakings  (aggregating their  interests) 
have a  significant  interest  and  for  these  purposes  "subsidiary 
undertaking"  and  "undertaking"  have  the  meanings  given  by  the 
Companies Act 2006, "associated undertaking" has the meaning given by 
paragraph 19 of Schedule  6 to the  Large and Medium-sized  Companies 
and  Groups  (Accounts  and  Reports)  Regulations  2008  other  than 
paragraph 19(1)(b) of Schedule 6 to those Regulations which shall  be 
excluded for this purpose, and "significant interest" means a  direct 
or indirect interest  in ten per  cent. or more  of the equity  share 
capital (as defined in the Companies Act 2006). 
Chime reserves the right to waive, in whole or in part, all or any of 
conditions (a) to (j) above, except for conditions (a) and (b). 
The Offer will lapse unless all the above conditions are fulfilled or 
(if capable of  waiver) waived or,  where appropriate, determined  by 
Chime to have been or remain  satisfied by midnight (London time)  on 
the day which is 21 days after the later of the first closing date of 
the Offer and  the date on  which condition (a)  is fulfilled (or  in 
each such case such later date as Chime may, with the consent of  the 
Panel, decide).  Chime shall be under no obligation to waive or treat 
as satisfied  any of  conditions (c)  to (j)  (inclusive) by  a  date 
earlier than the  latest date  specified above  for the  satisfaction 
thereof, notwithstanding that the other  conditions of the offer  may 
at such earlier date have been waived or fulfilled and that there are 
at such earlier  date no  circumstances indicating that  any of  such 
conditions may not be capable of fulfilment.  If Chime is required by 
the  Panel  to  make  an  offer  for  Essentially  Shares  under  the 
provisions  of  Rule  9  of  the  City  Code,  Chime  may  make  such 
alterations to any of the above conditions as are necessary to comply 
with the provisions of that Rule. 
The Offer will lapse if it is referred to the Competition  Commission 
before 3.00 p.m. on the first closing  date of the Offer or the  date 
on which  the  Offer  becomes  or is  declared  unconditional  as  to 
acceptances, whichever is the later.  If the Offer does so lapse, not 
only will the  Offer cease to  be capable of  further acceptance  but 
also Essentially Shareholders  and Chime  will cease to  be bound  by 
prior acceptances. 
Chime reserves the right to elect (with the consent of the Panel)  to 
implement the  Offer by  way of  a scheme  of arrangement  as it  may 
determine in its absolute discretion.  In such event, such offer will 
be implemented on  the same  terms, so  far as  applicable, as  those 
which would apply to the Offer, subject to appropriate amendments. 
The availability of the Offer to  persons not resident in the  United 
Kingdom may be affected by  the laws of the relevant  jurisdictions. 
Persons who  are not  resident in  the United  Kingdom should  inform 
themselves about and observe any applicable requirements. 
This Offer will  be governed  by English law  and be  subject to  the 
jurisdiction of the English courts,  to the conditions set out  below 
and in  the formal  Offer  Document and,  in respect  of  Essentially 
Shares held in certificated form, the Form of Acceptance.  The  Offer 
will  comply  with  the  applicable  rules  and  regulations  of  the 
Financial Services Authority  and the London  Stock Exchange and  the 
City Code. 
Part B:             Certain further terms of the Offer 
No fractions  of  New Chime  Shares  will  be issued  to  holders  of 
Essentially Shares.  Any fractional entitlements to New Chime  Shares 
will be  rounded  up  or  down to  the  nearest  whole  number  (with 
fractional entitlements to  0.5 or more  of a New  Chime Share  being 
rounded up). 
The Offer will not be made, directly or indirectly, in or into, or by 
use of the mails of, or  by any means or instrumentality  (including, 
without  limitation,   facsimile  transmission,   telex,   telephone, 
internet or e-mail) of interstate or  foreign commerce of, or of  any 
facility of a  national securities  exchange of,  the United  States, 
Canada, Jersey, Japan or Australia or any other jurisdiction where to 
do so would constitute a violation  of the laws of that  jurisdiction 
and the Offer  will not  be capable of  acceptance by  any such  use, 
means,  instrumentality  or   facility  or  from   within  any   such 
jurisdiction.   Chime  reserves  the  right  to  deem  a  shareholder 
resident in such jurisdictions to have elected for a particular  form 
of consideration, or  to have made  no election at  all, or to  offer 
such shareholder cash only by way  of consideration, in each case  in 
connection with the Offer or any compulsory acquisition  procedures. 
Chime further reserves the right  to meet the cash consideration  due 
to such shareholders either from its own reserves or by arranging, as 
it thinks fit,  the sale  or allotment of  the shares  to which  such 
shareholders would otherwise be entitled and then remitting the  cash 
proceeds of  such  sale  or  allotment,  net  of  expenses,  to  such 
shareholders instead. 
The New Chime Shares to be issued pursuant to the Offer have not been 
and will not be registered under the US Securities Act nor under  any 
of  the  relevant  securities  laws  of  Canada,  Jersey,  Japan   or 
Australia.  Accordingly, the  New Chime  Shares may  not be  offered, 
sold or  delivered, directly  or indirectly,  in the  United  States, 
Canada, Jersey, Japan or Australia  nor to any United States  person, 
except pursuant  to exemptions  from applicable  requirements of  any 
such jurisdiction. 
The New Chime Shares will be  issued credited as fully paid and  will 
rank pari  passu in  all respects  with the  existing Chime  Shares. 
Applications will be made to the UKLA for the New Chime Shares to  be 
admitted to the Official  List and to the  London Stock Exchange  for 
the New Chime Shares to be admitted to trading. 
Essentially Shares which  will be  acquired under the  Offer will  be 
acquired fully  paid  and free  from  all liens,  equities,  charges, 
encumbrances, options,  rights of  pre-emption  and any  other  third 
party rights and interests of any nature and together with all rights 
now or  hereafter attaching  or accruing  to them,  including  voting 
rights and the right to receive and retain in full all dividends  and 
other distributions (if any) declared, made  or paid on or after  the 
date  of  this  announcement  other  than  the  Essentially   Interim 
                             APPENDIX II 
In this announcement: 
1.         Unless otherwise stated: 
  * financial information relating to the Chime Group has been 
    extracted or derived (without any adjustment) from the audited 
    annual report and accounts for Chime for the year ended 31 
    December 2008 and Chime's announcement dated 25 August 2009 of 
    its interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2009 (which 
    are unaudited); and 
  * financial information relating to the Essentially Group has been 
    extracted or derived (without any adjustment) from the audited 
    annual report and accounts for Essentially for the year ended 31 
    December 2008 and Essentially's announcement dated 22 September 
    2009 of its interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2009 
    (which are unaudited). 
2.         The value of the Offer is calculated: 
  * by reference of the price of 177.75 pence per Chime Share, being 
    the Closing Price on 21 September 2009, the last Business Day 
    prior to this announcement; and 
  * on the basis of the fully diluted number of Essentially Shares in 
    issue referred to in paragraph 3 below. 
3.         As at the  close of business on  21 September 2009,  being 
the last  Business  Day  prior  to the  date  of  this  announcement, 
Essentially had in issue 225,675,535 Essentially Shares and Chime had 
in issue  57,061,900  Chime  Shares.   The  International  Securities 
Identification Number for Essentially Shares is GB0032118878 and  for 
Chime Shares is GB00B2QY9355. 
4.         Unless otherwise stated, all prices and Closing Prices for 
Essentially  Shares  and  Chime  Shares  are  closing  middle  market 
quotations derived from the London Stock Exchange. 
5.         The  premium calculations  to  the price  per  Essentially 
Share have been calculated by reference to: 
  * a price of 4 pence per Essentially Share, being the Closing Price 
    on 21 August 2009, the last Business Day prior to Essentially 
    announcing that it was in discussions regarding a potential 
    offer; and 
  * a price of 7.5 pence per Essentially Share, being the Closing 
    Price on 21 September 2009, the last Business Day prior to this 
                            APPENDIX III 
Details of the irrevocable undertakings  provided to Chime to  accept 
the Offer are as follows: 
Party             Beneficial Owner          Number of   Percentage of 
                  (if different to the      Essentially Essentially 
                  party to the              Shares      issued 
                  irrevocable undertaking)              share capital 
Kalihi Trust      Warren Alcock               3,932,324          1.75 
Tim Berg                                      1,485,583          0.66 
Richard Battersby                               787,653          0.35 
James Butterfield                               250,000          0.11 
Cenkos Channel    John Byfield                  290,909          0.13 
Nominees Company 
Pershing Nominees John Byfield[1]            31,450,063         13.94 
Bart Campbell                                 8,082,894          3.58 
Ian Childs                                    4,676,910          2.07 
Vasco Gomes                                   6,052,470          2.68 
Chris Jones                                   6,602,694          2.93 
David Ligertwood                              7,987,181          3.54 
Mike Lilley                                   4,676,910          2.07 
Dwight Mighty                                   573,636          0.25 
Allan Reeves                                  3,530,097          1.56 
Waimoana City     Lewis Thompson              3,934,970          1.74 
Kevin Vandrau                                 2,820,927          1.25 
Matthew Vandrau                               2,820,928          1.25 
Total                                        89,956,148         39.86 
[1] John Byfield is  a beneficiary of  the discretionary trust  which 
holds these shares. 
Details of the  non-binding letters  of intent provided  to Chime  to 
accept the Offer are as follows: 
Party                                  Number of   Percentage of 
                                       Essentially Essentially issued 
                                       Shares      share capital 
AXA   Framlington,   the   judgemental   8,470,139               3.75 
equity division of AXA 
Investment Managers UK Limited 
Bluehone Investors LLP                   4,492,892               1.76 
Octopus Investments Limited              7,905,305               3.50 
Rensburg AIM VCT plc[2]                  7,136,806               3.16 
Total                                   28,005,142              12.41 
[2] Rensburg AIM VCT plc has confirmed its intention to accept the 
Offer, provided a higher offer is not forthcoming during the Offer 
                             APPENDIX IV 
In this  announcement, the  following  definitions apply  unless  the 
context requires otherwise: 
"Acquisition"            means the proposed acquisition by Chime of 
                         the entire issued and to be issued ordinary 
                         share capital of Essentially to be 
                         implemented by means of the Offer, or, if 
                         Chime so determines in its absolute 
                         discretion, by means of the Scheme; 
"AIM"                    means the AIM Market of the London Stock 
"Alternative Proposal"   means an offer or possible offer or proposal 
                         put forward by any Third Party which is not 
                         acting in concert with Chime in respect of, 
                         or for all or a significant proportion 
                         (being in excess of 25 per cent. when 
                         aggregated with shares already held by the 
                         Third Party and anyone acting in concert (as 
                         defined in the City Code) with it) of, the 
                         entire issued and to be issued share capital 
                         of Essentially or the sale or possible sale 
                         of the whole or any substantial part of the 
                         assets of the Essentially Group or a 
                         transaction which is otherwise inconsistent 
                         with the Offer becoming Effective, in each 
                         case howsoever it is proposed that such 
                         offer, proposal or transaction be 
                         implemented (whether legally binding or not 
                         and whether or not pre-conditional); 
"Australia"              means the Commonwealth of Australia, its 
                         territories and possessions and all areas 
                         subject to its jurisdiction and any 
                         political sub-division thereof; 
"Business Day"           means any day (other than a Saturday or 
                         Sunday) on which banks generally are open 
                         for business in London (other than solely 
                         for settlement and trading in euro); 
"Canada"                 means Canada, its provinces and territories 
                         and all areas subject to its jurisdiction or 
                         any political sub-division thereof; 
"Cenkos"                 means Cenkos Securities plc; 
"certificated" or "in    means recorded on the relevant register of 
certificated form"       the relevant company as being held in 
                         certificated form and title to which may be 
                         transferred by means of a stock transfer 
"Chime"                  means Chime Communications plc, a public 
                         limited company registered in Essentially 
                         and Wales (no. 01983857); 
"Chime Board" or "Chime  means the board of directors of Chime; 
Board of Directors" 
"Chime Directors" or     means the directors of Chime, and "Chime 
"Directors of Chime"     Director" means any one of them; 
"Chime Interim Dividend" means the interim dividend of 1.60 pence per 
                         Chime Share announced by Chime on 25 August 
"Chime Group"            means Chime and its subsidiary undertakings; 
"Chime Shareholders"     means the holders of Chime Shares; 
"Chime Shares"           means ordinary shares of 25 pence each in 
                         the capital of Chime (including, if the 
                         context requires, the New Chime Shares); 
"City Code"              means the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers 
                         of the United Kingdom; 
"Closing Price"          means the closing middle market price of a 
                         relevant share in pounds sterling as 
                         published in the Official List of the London 
                         Stock Exchange; 
"EEA State"              means a Member State of the European 
                         Economic Area, being the European Union, 
                         Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein; 
"Effective"              means in the context of the Acquisition, 
                         when the Offer has been declared or has 
                         become unconditional in all respects in 
                         accordance with the requirements of the City 
"Effective Date"         means the date on which the Acquisition 
                         becomes Effective; 
"Enlarged Group"         means the Chime Group including the 
                         Essentially Group following the Effective 
"EPL Advisory"           means EPL Advisory LLP; 
"Essentially"            means Essentially Group Limited; 
"Essentially Board"      means the board of directors of Essentially; 
"Essentially Directors"  means the directors of Essentially, and 
or "Directors of         "Essentially Director" means any one of 
Essentially"             them; 
"Essentially Group"      means Essentially and its subsidiaries and 
                         subsidiary undertakings at the relevant 
"Essentially Interim     means the interim dividend of 0.36 pence per 
Dividend"                Essentially Share announced by the 
                         Essentially Directors on the date of this 
"Essentially             means holders of Essentially Shares; 
"Essentially Shares"     means ordinary shares of 0.1 pence each in 
                         the capital of Essentially; 
"Essentially Share       means the Essentially Group Share Option 
Scheme"                  Plan; 
"Exclusivity Period"     means the period which commences on 21 
                         September 2009 and continues until the 
                         earlier of the date when Chime's Offer 
                         lapses or is withdrawn or the date on which 
                         the Offer becomes or is declared 
                         unconditional as to acceptances; 
"Financial Services      means the UK Financial Services Authority; 
"Form of Acceptance"     means the form of acceptance relating to the 
                         Offer which will accompany the Offer 
"FSMA"                   means the Financial Services and Markets Act 
                         2000, as amended; 
"Japan"                  means Japan, its cities, prefectures, 
                         territories and possessions; 
"Jersey"                 means the island of Jersey and its 
"Listing Rules"          means the listing rules of the UKLA; 
"London Stock Exchange"  means London Stock Exchange plc or its 
"London time"            means Greenwich Mean Time (GMT time) or when 
                         applicable British Summer Time (BST time); 
"Management Incentive    means the incentive scheme being offered to 
Scheme"                  certain members of Essentially management; 
"New Chime Shares"       means Chime Shares proposed to be issued 
                         fully paid to Essentially Shareholders 
                         pursuant to the Offer; 
"Numis"                  means Numis Securities Limited with 
                         registered address 10 Paternoster Square, 
                         London EC4M 7LT; 
"Offer"                  means the recommended offer to be made by 
                         Chime to acquire the entire issued and to be 
                         issued ordinary share capital of Essentially 
                         and, where the context admits, any 
                         subsequent revision, variation, extension or 
                         renewal of such offer; 
"Offer Document"         means the document to be sent to Essentially 
                         Shareholders which will include, inter alia, 
                         the terms and conditions of the Offer; 
"Official List"          means the list maintained by the UK Listing 
                         Authority in accordance with section 74(1) 
                         of FSMA for the purposes of Part VI of FSMA, 
                         or any corresponding list maintained by a 
                         competent authority for listing in another 
                         EEA State; 
"Overseas Shareholders"  means Essentially Shareholders who are 
                         resident in, ordinarily resident in, or 
                         citizens of, jurisdictions outside the 
                         United Kingdom (including where the context 
                         requires, US Persons) and persons acting on 
                         a non-discretionary basis (as agent, or 
                         nominee, custodian, trustees or otherwise) 
                         for or on behalf of such persons; 
"Panel"                  means the United Kingdom Panel on Takeovers 
                         and Mergers; 
"Pounds", "GBP", "pounds   means the lawful currency of the United 
sterling", "sterling",   Kingdom; 
"p" and "pence" 
"Prospectus"             means a prospectus under the Prospectus 
                         Rules to be issued by Chime containing 
                         information on Chime and the New Chime 
"Prospectus Rules"       means the Prospectus Rules made by the UK 
                         Listing Authority acting under Part VI of 
                         FSMA (as set out in the FSA handbook), as 
                         amended from time to time; 
"Scheme"                 means, should the Acquisition be implemented 
                         by way of a scheme, a scheme of arrangement 
                         under Article 125 of the Companies (Jersey) 
                         Law 1991 (as amended) between Essentially 
                         and holders of Essentially Shares with or 
                         subject to any modification, addition or 
                         condition approved or imposed by the Royal 
                         Court of Jersey; 
"subsidiary"             has the meaning given in section 1159 of the 
                         Companies Act 2006; 
"subsidiary undertaking" has the meaning given in section 1162 of the 
                         Companies Act 2006; 
"Third Party"            means any party or parties other than Chime; 
"UKLA" or "UK Listing    means the UK Listing Authority, being the 
Authority"               Financial Services Authority acting in its 
                         capacity as the competent authority for the 
                         purposes of Part IV of FSMA; 
"United Kingdom" or "UK" means the United Kingdom of Great Britain 
                         and Northern Ireland; 
"United States" or "US"  means the United States of America, its 
                         territories and possessions, any State of 
                         the United States of America and the 
                         District of Columbia; 
"US Persons"             means Essentially Shareholders that have a 
                         registered address in the United States and 
                         beneficial owners of Essentially Shares that 
                         are natural persons, resident in or that are 
                         legal persons organised under the laws of 
                         the United States; and 
"US Securities Act"      means the US Securities Act of 1933, as 
                         amended from time to time, and the rules and 
                         regulations promulgated thereunder. 
Unless otherwise stated, all times  referred to in this  announcement 
are references to London time. 
Any reference to any provision of any legislation shall include any 
amendment, modification, re-enactment or extension thereof. 
Words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice versa, 
and words importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine 
or neutral gender. 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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