What is the risk?
is it managed?
Current assessment of risk
Financial risk: The Company's
assets consist mainly of listed securities and its principal and
emerging risks are therefore market related and include market risk
(comprising currency risk, interest rate risk and other price
risk), liquidity risk and credit risk. An explanation of those
risks and how they are managed is contained in note 18 to the
Financial Statements on pages 97 to 102 of the Annual Report and
Financial Statements.
The Board has, in particular,
considered the impact of heightened market volatility from
macroeconomic factors, including inflation, continued high interest
rates and geopolitical concerns. To mitigate this risk at each
Board meeting the Manager provides an investment policy paper which
includes a detailed explanation of significant stock selection
decisions and the overall rationale for holding the current
portfolio. Consideration is given to portfolio movements and the
top and bottom contributors to performance. The investment approach
is considered in detail at the annual Strategy meeting. The value
of the Company's investment portfolio and its income stream would
be affected by any currency movements, but the Board believes the
nature and diversification of the Company's equity portfolio
moderates such risks.
Risk level: High
This risk is considered to have
increased. Although macroeconomic risks such as inflation
have reduced, the prospect of market volatility remains from
deteriorating geopolitical stability.
What is the risk?
is it managed?
Current assessment of risk
Investment strategy risk: Pursuing an investment strategy to fulfil the Company's
objective which the market perceives to be unattractive or
inappropriate, or the ineffective implementation of an attractive
or appropriate strategy, may lead to reduced returns for
shareholders and, as a result, a decreased demand for the Company's
shares. This may lead to the Company's shares trading at a widening
discount to their net asset value.
To mitigate this risk, the Board
regularly reviews and monitors the Company's objective and
investment policy and strategy; the investment portfolio and its
performance; the level of discount/premium to net asset value at
which the shares trade; and movements in the share register and
raise any matters of concern with the Managers.
Risk level: High
This risk is considered to be stable
as there are signs that the market's appetite for investment risk,
and willingness to pay for future growth, is recovering despite
ongoing macroeconomic and geopolitical concerns. Lower inflation
has improved the achievement of real dividend growth over the
shorter term.
What is the risk?
is it managed?
Current assessment of risk
Discount risk: The
discount/premium at which the Company's shares trade relative to
its net asset value can change. The risk of a widening discount is
that it may undermine investor confidence in the
The Board monitors the level of
discount/premium at which the shares trade and the Company has
authority to buy back its existing shares when deemed by the Board
to be in the best interests of the Company and its
Risk level: High
The Company's shares began the
year trading at a premium and moved to a discount early in
January 2024 where it remained for the rest of the year. The
Company's shares traded at an average discount of 6.2% since moving
to a discount and it bought back 1,665,185 shares. No shares
were issued.
What is the risk?
is it managed?
Current assessment of risk
Climate and governance risk: Perceived problems on Environmental, Social and Governance
('ESG') matters in an investee company could lead to that company's
shares being less attractive to investors, adversely affecting its
share price, in addition to potential valuation issues arising from
any direct impact of the failure to address the ESG weakness on the
operations or management of the investee company (for example in
the event of an industrial accident or spillage). Environmental
factors are also of significant importance in relation to the
property investments as, for example, flood risk or the use of
deleterious materials could reduce the attractiveness of a property
and potentially its valuation and rental income prospects. Repeated
failure by the Investment Manager and Property Manager to identify
ESG weaknesses in investee companies or property investments, could
lead to the Company's own shares being less attractive to
investors, adversely affecting its own share price.
This is mitigated by the Investment
Managers' strong ESG stewardship and engagement policies, and the
Board's own ESG policy, which is available to view on the Managers'
website: saints-it.com,
both of which have been adopted by the Company, and which are fully
integrated into the investment process as well as the extensive
up-front and ongoing due diligence which the Investment Manager
undertakes on each investee company. The due diligence conducted by
the Investment Manager and Property Manager includes assessment of
the risks inherent in climate change (see page 70 of the Annual
Report and Financial Statements). The Directors have considered the
impact of climate change on the Financial Statements of the Company
and this is included in note 1 to the Financial Statements on pages
92 to 93 of the Annual Report and Financial Statements.
Risk level: Moderate
The Investment Manager and Property
Manager continued to employ strong ESG stewardship and engagement
What is the risk?
is it managed?
Current assessment of risk
Regulatory risk: Failure to
comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements such as
the tax rules for investment companies, the FCA Listing Rules and
the Companies Act could lead to suspension of the Company's Stock
Exchange listing, financial penalties, a qualified audit report or
the Company being subject to tax on capital gains. Changes to
the regulatory environment could negatively impact the
To mitigate this risk, Baillie
Gifford's Business Risk, Internal Audit and Compliance departments
provide regular reports to the Audit Committee on Baillie Gifford's
monitoring programmes. Major regulatory change could impose
disproportionate compliance burdens on the Company. In such
circumstances representation is made to ensure that the special
circumstances of investment trusts are recognised. Shareholder
documents and announcements, including the Company's published
Interim and Annual Report and Financial Statements, are subject to
stringent review processes, and procedures are in place to ensure
adherence to the Transparency Directive and the Market Abuse
Directive with reference to inside information.
Risk level: Low
This risk is considered to be
unchanged. All control procedures were working effectively
and there were no material regulatory changes that have impacted
the Company during the year.
What is the risk?
is it managed?
Current assessment of risk
Custody and depositary risk: Safe custody of the Company's assets may be compromised
through control failures by the Depositary, including cyber
security incidents.
To mitigate this risk, the Board
receives six-monthly reports from the Depositary confirming safe
custody of the Company's assets held by the Custodian. Cash and portfolio holdings are independently
reconciled to the Custodian's records by the Managers. The
Custodian's internal controls assurance reports are reviewed by
Baillie Gifford's Business Risk Department and a summary of the key
points is reported to the Audit Committee and any concerns
Risk level: Low
This risk is considered to be
unchanged. All control procedures were working
What is the risk?
is it managed?
Current assessment of risk
Operational risk: Failure of
Baillie Gifford's systems or those of other third party service
providers could lead to an inability to provide accurate reporting
and monitoring or a misappropriation of assets.
To mitigate this risk, Baillie
Gifford has a comprehensive business continuity plan which
facilitates continued operation of the business in the event of a
service disruption or major disaster. The Audit Committee reviews
Baillie Gifford's Report on Internal Controls and reports by other
key third party providers are reviewed by Baillie Gifford on behalf
of the Board and a summary of the key points is reported to the
Audit Committee and any concerns investigated. The other key third
party service providers have not experienced significant
operational difficulties affecting their respective services to the
Risk level: Low
This risk is considered to be
unchanged. All control procedures were working
What is the risk?
is it managed?
Current assessment of risk
Leverage risk: The Company may
borrow money for investment purposes (sometimes known as 'gearing'
or 'leverage'). If the investments fall in value, any borrowings
will magnify the extent of this loss. If loan covenants are
breached, the Company may have to sell investments to repay
borrowings. The Company can also make use of derivative
To mitigate this risk, all
borrowings require the prior approval of the Board and leverage
levels are discussed by the Board and Managers at every meeting and
covenant levels are monitored regularly. Details of the Company's
current borrowings can be found in note 12 on page 99
of the Annual Report and Financial
Statements. The majority of the Company's
investments are in quoted securities that are readily realisable.
Further information on leverage can be found on page 116 and the
glossary of terms and alternative performance measures on pages 122
to 124 of the Annual Report and Financial
Risk level: Low
This risk is considered to be
unchanged. The Company has long term borrowings in place in
form of its loan notes, which have maturity dates in 2036, 2045 and
What is the risk?
is it managed?
Current assessment of risk
Political risk: Political
change in areas in which the Company invests or may invest may have
practical consequences for the Company.
Political developments are closely
monitored and considered by the Board and Managers. The Board
continues to assess the potential consequences for the Company's
future activities including those which may arise from growing
protectionism. The Board also remains watchful of broader
geopolitical tensions and the associated potential for armed
conflict. The Board considers the nature and diversification of the
Company's investments provides a good degree of protection against
such political risks.
Risk level: High
This risk is considered to be
increasing as governments and consumers around the world continue
to assess the impact of heightened geopolitical tensions and
conflicts as well as challenging macroeconomic