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Index to Financial Statements

As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on April 30, 2019






Washington, D.C. 20549



Form 20-F



(Mark One)






For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018




For the transition period from [                     ] to [                     ]




Date of event requiring this shell company report                    

For the transition period from [                     ] to [                     ]

Commission file number: 001-35053



InterXion Holding N.V.

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)



The Netherlands

(Jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)

Scorpius 30

2132 LR Hoofddorp

The Netherlands

+31 20 880 7600

(Name, Telephone, E-mail and/or Facsimile number and Address of Company Contact Person)

Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:


Title of Each Class


Name of Each Exchange on Which Registered

Ordinary shares, with a nominal value of €0.10 each   New York Stock Exchange

Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:


(Title of Class)

Securities for which there is a reporting obligation pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Act:


(Title of Class)



Indicate the number of outstanding shares of each of the issuer’s classes of capital or common stock as of the close of the period covered by the annual report:

71,707,841 ordinary shares

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act:    Yes  ☒    No  ☐

If this report is an annual or transition report, indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.    Yes  ☐    No  ☒

Note—Checking the box above will not relieve any registrant required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 from their obligations under those Sections.

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.    Yes  ☒    No  ☐

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically every Interactive Data File required to be submitted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T (§232.405 of this chapter) during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit such files).    Yes  ☒    No  ☐

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, or an emerging growth company. See definition of “large accelerated filer”, “accelerated filer” and “emerging growth company” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.

Large accelerated filer  ☒                 Accelerated filer    ☐                Non-accelerated filer  ☐                Emerging growth company  ☐

If an emerging growth company that prepares its financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards† provided pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act.


The term “new or revised financial accounting standard” refers to any update issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board to its Accounting Standards Codification after April 5, 2012.

Indicate by check mark which basis of accounting the registrant has used to prepare the financial statements included in this filing:


U.S. GAAP  ☐


International Financial Reporting Standards as issued

by the International Accounting Standards Board  ☒

   Other  ☐

If “Other” has been checked in response to the previous question, indicate by check mark which financial statement item the registrant has elected to follow:    Item 17  ☐    Item 18  ☐

If this is an annual report, indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).    Yes  ☐    No  ☒

(APPLICABLE ONLY TO ISSUERS INVOLVED IN BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDINGS DURING THE PAST FIVE YEARS) Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has filed all documents and reports required to be filed by Sections 12, 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 subsequent to the distribution of securities under a plan confirmed by a court.    Yes  ☐    No  ☐




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Index to Financial Statements


Presentation of Financial Information

Unless otherwise indicated, the financial information in this annual report has been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, or IFRS, as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board. The significant IFRS accounting policies applied to our financial information in this annual report have been applied consistently.

Financial Information

The financial information included in “Financial Statements” is covered by the auditors’ report included therein. The audit was carried out in accordance with standards issued by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States).

Non-IFRS Financial Measures

Included in this annual report are certain non-IFRS financial measures, which are measures of our financial performance that are not calculated and presented in accordance with IFRS, within the meaning of applicable U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) rules. These measures are as follows: (i) Adjusted EBITDA; (ii) Recurring revenue and (iii) Cash generated from operations.

Other companies may present Adjusted EBITDA, Recurring revenue and Cash generated from operations differently than we do. Each of these measures is not a measure of financial performance under IFRS and should not be considered as an alternative to Operating income or as a measure of liquidity or an alternative to Profit for the period attributable to shareholders (“Net income”) as an indicator of our operating performance or any other measure of performance implemented in accordance with IFRS.

We define Adjusted EBITDA as Operating income adjusted for the following items, which may occur in any period, and which management believes are not representative of our operating performance:



Depreciation and amortization – property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (except goodwill) are depreciated and amortized on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life. We believe that these costs do not represent our operating performance.



Share-based payments – represents primarily the fair value at the date of grant of employee equity awards, which is recognized as an expense over the vesting period. In certain cases, the fair value is redetermined for market conditions at each reporting date, until the final date of grant is achieved. We believe that this expense does not represent our operating performance.



Income or expense related to the evaluation and execution of potential mergers or acquisitions (“M&A”) – under IFRS, gains and losses associated with M&A activity are recognized in the period in which such gains or losses are incurred. We exclude these effects because we believe they are not reflective of our ongoing operating performance.



Adjustments related to terminated and unused data center sites – these gains and losses relate to historical leases entered into for certain brownfield sites, with the intention of developing data centers, which were never developed, and for which management has no intention of developing into data centers. We believe the impact of gains and losses related to unused data centers are not reflective of our business activities and our ongoing operating performance.

In certain circumstances, we may also adjust for other items that management believes are not representative of our current ongoing performance. Examples include: adjustments for the cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle or estimate, impairment losses, litigation gains and losses or windfall gains and losses.

For a reconciliation of Net income to Operating income and from Operating income to Adjusted EBITDA, see “Operating and Financial Review and Prospects—Results of operations” and “Operating and Financial Review and Prospects—Adjusted EBITDA”. Adjusted EBITDA and other key performance indicators may not be indicative of our historical results of operations under IFRS, nor are they meant to be predictive of future results under IFRS.



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Index to Financial Statements

We define Recurring revenue as revenue incurred from colocation and associated power charges, office space, amortized set-up

fees, cross-connects and certain recurring managed services (but excluding any ad hoc managed services) provided by us directly or through third parties, excluding rents received for the sublease of unused sites.

Cash generated from operations is defined as net cash flows from operating activities, excluding interest and corporate income tax payments and receipts. Management believes that the exclusion of these items provides useful supplemental information to net cash flows from operating activities to aid investors in evaluating the cash generating performance of our business.

Additional Key Performance Indicators

In addition to Adjusted EBITDA, Recurring revenue and Cash generated from operations, our management also uses the following key performance indicators as measures to evaluate our performance:



Equipped space: the amount of data center space that, on the relevant date, is equipped and either sold or could be sold, without making any significant additional investments to common infrastructure. Equipped space at a particular data center may decrease if either (a) the power requirements of customers at a data center change so that all or a portion of the remaining space can no longer be sold because the space does not have enough power capacity and/or common infrastructure to support it without further investment or (b) if the design and layout of a data center changes to meet among others, fire regulations or customer requirements, and necessitates the introduction of common space (such as corridors), which cannot be sold to individual customers;



Revenue generating space: the amount of Equipped space that is under contract and billed on the relevant date;



Maximum equippable space: the maximum amount of space in our data centers which is designed to be used and sold as Equipped space;



Utilization rate: on the relevant date, Revenue generating space as a percentage of Equipped space. Some Equipped space is not fully utilized because of customers’ specific requirements regarding the layout of their equipment. In practice, therefore, Utilization rate does not reach 100%;



Recurring revenue percentage: Recurring revenue during the relevant period as a percentage of total revenue in the same period;



Monthly recurring revenue: the contracted Recurring revenue over a full month excluding energy usage revenues, amortized set-up fees and the sub-leasing of office space; and



Average monthly churn: the average of the Churn percentage in each month of the relevant period. Churn percentage is the contracted Monthly recurring revenue that came to an end during a month as a percentage of the total contracted Monthly recurring revenue at the beginning of that month.

Supplemental information based on Non-IFRS Financial Measures and Additional Key Performance Indicators

Adjusted EBITDA, Recurring revenue and Cash generated from operations are all non-IFRS measures. Together with the additional key performance indicators listed above, Adjusted EBITDA, Recurring revenue and Cash generated from operations provide useful supplemental information to investors regarding our ongoing operational performance because these measures help us and our investors evaluate the ongoing operating performance of the business after removing the impact of our capital structure (primarily interest expense) and our asset base (primarily depreciation and amortization). Management believes that the presentation of Adjusted EBITDA, when combined with the primary IFRS presentation of Net income, provides a more complete analysis of our operating performance. Management also believes the use of Adjusted EBITDA facilitates comparisons between us and other data center operators (including other data center operators that are REITs) and other infrastructure-based businesses. Adjusted EBITDA is also a relevant measure used in the financial covenants of our €300.0 million unsecured multi-currency revolving credit facility (the “Revolving Facility”) and our €1,200.0 million 4.75% Senior Notes due 2025 (the “Senior Notes”).

Adjusted EBITDA, Recurring revenue, Cash generated from operations and our other key performance indicators listed above may not be indicative of our historical results of operations under IFRS, nor are they meant to be predictive of future results under IFRS.



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Index to Financial Statements

Currency Presentation and Convenience Translations

Unless otherwise indicated, all references in this annual report to “euro” or “€” are to the currency introduced at the start of the third stage of the European Economic and Monetary Union pursuant to the Treaty establishing the European Community, as amended. All references to “dollars”, “$”, “U.S. $” or “U.S. dollars” are to the lawful currency of the United States. We prepare our financial statements in euro.

Solely for convenience, this annual report contains translation of certain euro amounts into U.S. dollars based on the noon buying rate of €1.00 to U.S. $1.1456 in The City of New York for cable transfers of euro as certified for customs purposes by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as of December 31, 2018. These translation rates should not be construed as representations that the euro amounts have been, could have been or could be converted into U.S. dollars at that or any other rate. See “Exchange Rate Information”.

Metric Convenience Conversion

This annual report contains certain metric measurements and for your convenience, we provide the conversion of metric units into U.S. customary units. The standard conversion relevant for this annual report is approximately 1 meter = 3.281 feet and 1 square meter = 10.764 square feet.


Certain financial data in this annual report, including financial, statistical and operating information have been subject to rounding adjustment. Accordingly, in certain instances, the sum of the numbers in a column or a row in tables contained in this annual report may not conform exactly to the total figure given for that column or row. Percentages in tables have been rounded and accordingly may not add up to 100%.

No Incorporation of Website Information

The contents of our website do not form part of this annual report.


The terms the “Group”, “we”, “our” and “us” refer to InterXion Holding N.V. (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries, as the context requires.


Information regarding markets, market size, market share, market position, growth rates and other industry data pertaining to our business contained in this annual report consists of estimates based on data and reports compiled by professional organizations and analysts, on data from other external sources, and on our knowledge of our sales and markets. Since, in many cases, there is no readily available external information (whether from trade associations, government bodies or other organizations) to validate market-related analyses and estimates, we rely on internally developed estimates. While we have compiled, extracted and reproduced market or other industry data from external sources which we believe to be reliable, including third parties or industry or general publications, we have not independently verified that data. Similarly, our internal estimates have not been verified by any independent sources.

Forward-Looking Statements

This annual report on Form 20-F contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, with respect to all statements other than statements of historical fact regarding our business, financial condition, results of operations and certain of our plans, objectives, assumptions, projections, expectations or beliefs with respect to these items and statements regarding other future events or prospects. These statements include, without limitation, those concerning: our strategy and our ability to achieve it; expectations regarding sales, profitability and growth; plans for the construction of new data centers; our ability to integrate new acquisitions; our possible or assumed future results of operations; research and development, capital expenditure and investment plans; adequacy of capital; and financing plans. The words “aim”, “may”, “will”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “future”, “continue”, “help”, “estimate”, “plan”, “schedule”, “intend”, “should”, “shall” or the negative or other variations thereof, as well as other statements regarding matters that are not historical fact, are or may constitute forward-looking statements.



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Index to Financial Statements

In addition, this annual report includes forward-looking statements relating to our potential exposure to various types of market risks, such as foreign exchange rate risk, interest rate risks and other risks related to financial assets and liabilities. We have based these forward-looking statements on our management’s current view of future events and financial performance. These views reflect the best judgment of our management but involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from those predicted in our forward-looking statements and from past results, performance or achievements. Although we believe that the estimates reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, those estimates may prove to be incorrect. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. There are a number of factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from these expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. These factors include, among other things:



operating expenses cannot be easily reduced in the short term;



inability to utilize the capacity of newly planned or acquired data centers and data center expansions;



significant competition;



cost and supply of electrical power;



data center industry over-capacity; and



performance under service level agreements.

These and other risks described under “Risk Factors” are not exhaustive. Other sections of this annual report describe additional factors that could adversely affect our business, financial condition or results of operations, including delays in remediating the material weakness in internal control over financial reporting and/or making disclosure controls and procedures effective. For a more complete discussion of the factors that could affect our future performance and the industry in which we operate, we urge you to read the sections of this annual report entitled Item 3 “Key Information–Risk Factors”, Item 4 “Information on the Company”, Item 5 “Operating and Financial Review and Prospects”, Item 15 “Controls Procedures” and Item 18 “Financial Statements”. In addition, new risk factors may emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for us to predict all such risk factors, nor can we assess the impact of all such risk factors to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements. Given these risks and uncertainties, you should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements as a prediction of actual results.

All forward-looking statements included in this annual report are based on information available to us at the date of this annual report. We undertake no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable law. All subsequent written and oral forward-looking statements attributable to us or to persons acting on our behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by the cautionary statements contained throughout this annual report.



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Index to Financial Statements


































































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Index to Financial Statements



For the identity of Directors and Senior Management reference is made to “Item 6: Directors, Senior Management and Employees”. Identification of Auditors and Advisers is not applicable for this Form 20-F.



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Index to Financial Statements


Not applicable.



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Index to Financial Statements


Selected Historical Consolidated Financial Data

The following selected financial data as of and for the years ended December 31, 2018, 2017 and 2016 have been derived from our audited consolidated financial statements, which are included elsewhere in this annual report. The selected financial data as of and for the years ended December 31, 2015 and December 31, 2014 have been derived from our audited consolidated financial statements not included in this annual report. Our audited consolidated financial statements included in this annual report have been prepared and presented in accordance with IFRS as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board and have been audited by KPMG Accountants N.V., an independent registered public accounting firm.

You should read the selected financial data in conjunction with our consolidated financial statements and related notes and Item 5 “Operating and Financial Review and Prospects” included elsewhere in this annual report. Our historical results do not necessarily indicate our expected results for any future periods.


     Year ended December 31,     Year ended December 31,  
     2018 (1)     2018     2017     2016     2015     2014  

(U.S. $’000, except per

share amounts and

number of shares in



(€’000, except per share amounts and number of

shares in thousands)


Income statement data



     643,543       561,752       489,302       421,788       386,560       340,624  

Cost of sales

     (251,416     (219,462     (190,471     (162,568     (151,613     (139,075

Gross profit

     392,127       342,290       298,831       259,220       234,947       201,549  

Other income

     99       86       97       333       21,288       271  

Sales and marketing costs

     (41,807     (36,494     (33,465     (29,941     (28,217     (24,551

General and administrative costs

     (222,986     (194,646     (167,190     (138,557     (134,391     (99,518

Operating income

     127,433       111,236       98,273       91,055       93,627       77,751  

Net finance expense

     (70,779     (61,784     (44,367     (36,269     (29,022     (27,876

Profit before taxation

     56,654       49,452       53,906       54,786       64,605       49,875  

Income tax expense

     (21,003     (18,334     (14,839     (16,450     (17,925     (15,449

Net income

     35,651       31,118       39,067       38,336       46,680       34,426  

Basic earnings per share

     0.50       0.43       0.55       0.54       0.67       0.50  

Diluted earnings per share

     0.49       0.43       0.55       0.54       0.66       0.49  

Number of shares (2)

     71,708       71,708       71,415       70,603       69,919       69,317  

Weighted average number of shares for Basic earnings per share (3)

     71,562       71,562       71,089       70,349       69,579       69,048  

Weighted average number of shares for Diluted earnings per share (3)

     72,056       72,056       71,521       71,213       70,474       69,922  





Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements
    Year ended December 31,     Year ended December 31,  
    2018 (1)     2018     2017     2016     2015     2014  
    (U.S. $’000)     (€’000)  

Cash flow statement data


Net cash flows from/(used in) operating activities

    188,857       164,854       155,246       139,397       127,070       104,418  

Net cash flows from/(used in) investing activities

    (534,425     (466,503     (335,620     (251,400     (187,505     (219,135

Net cash flows from/(used in) financing activities

    514,923       449,479       104,597       173,959       18,190       167,628  

Capital expenditure including intangibles (4)

    (516,870     (451,179     (256,015     (250,878     (192,636     (216,277
    Year ended December 31,     Year ended December 31,  
    2018 (1)     2018     2017 (i)     2016 (i)     2015 (i)     2014 (i)  
    (U.S. $’000)     (€’000)  

Balance sheet data


Trade and other current assets

    235,550       205,613       179,786       147,821       141,936       122,814  

Cash and cash equivalents

    213,185       186,090       38,484       115,893       53,686       94,637  

Current assets

    448,735       391,703       218,270       263,714       195,622       217,451  

Non-current assets

    2,143,247       1,870,851       1,483,801       1,218,951       1,056,442       955,652  

Total assets

    2,591,982       2,262,554       1,702,071       1,482,665       1,252,064       1,173,103  

Current liabilities

    356,731       311,392       344,909       188,609       171,868       175,731  

Non-current liabilities

    1,509,605       1,317,742       767,501       752,570       581,162       569,166  

Total liabilities

    1,866,336       1,629,134       1,112,410       941,179       753,030       744,897  

Shareholders’ equity

    725,646       633,420       589,661       541,486       499,034       428,206  

Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity

    2,591,982       2,262,554       1,702,071       1,482,665       1,252,064       1,173,103  





The “Income statement data”, “Cash flow statement data” and “Balance sheet data” as of and for the year ended December 31, 2018 have been translated into U.S. dollars for convenience only based on the noon buying rate in The City of New York for cable transfers of euro as certified for customs purposes by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as of December 31, 2018, for euros into U.S. dollars at €1.00 = U.S. $1.1456. See “Exchange Rate Information” for additional information.


“Number of shares” is in thousands as of the end of the year.


“Weighted average number of shares for Basic earnings per share” and “Weighted average number of shares for Diluted earnings per share” are in thousands.


Capital expenditure including intangible assets represent payments to acquire property, plant and equipment and intangible assets as recorded on our consolidated statement of cash flows as “Purchase of property, plant and equipment” and “Purchase of intangible assets” respectively.


Certain figures as of December 31, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014 have been corrected compared to those previously reported. For further information on these corrections, see Notes 2 and 28 of our 2018 consolidated financial statements, starting on page F-1.

Exchange Rate Information

We publish our financial statements in euros. The conversion of euros into U.S. dollars in this annual report is solely for the convenience of readers. The exchange rates of euros into U.S. dollars are based on the noon buying rate in The City of New York for cable transfers of euros as certified for customs purposes by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Unless otherwise noted, all translations from euros to U.S. dollars and from U.S. dollars to euros in this annual report were made at a rate of €1.00 to U.S. $1.1456, the noon buying rate in effect as of December 31, 2018. We make no representation that any euro or U.S. dollar amounts could have been, or could be, converted into U.S. dollars or euros, as the case may be, at any particular rate or at all.



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Index to Financial Statements

Risk Factors

In addition to the other information contained in this annual report on Form 20-F, you should carefully consider the following risk factors. If any of the possible events described below occurs, our business, financial condition, results of operations or prospects could be materially and adversely affected. The risks and uncertainties below are those known to us and that we currently believe may materially affect us.

Risks Related to our Business

We cannot easily reduce our operating expenses in the short term, which could have a material adverse effect on our business in the event of a slowdown in demand for our services or a decrease in revenue for any reason.

Our operating expenses primarily consist of personnel, power and property costs. Personnel and property costs cannot be easily reduced in the short term. Therefore, we are unlikely to be able to reduce significantly our expenses in response to a slowdown in demand for our services or any decrease in revenue. The terms of our leases with landlords for facilities that serve as data centers are typically for a minimum period of 10 to 15 years (excluding our extension options) and do not provide us with an early termination right, while our colocation contracts with customers are initially typically for only three to five years. As of December 31, 2018, 41% of our Monthly recurring revenue was generated by contracts with terms of one year or less remaining. Our personnel costs are fixed due to our contracts with our employees having set notice periods and local law limitations in relation to the termination of employment contracts. In respect of our power costs, there is a minimum level of power required to keep our data centers running irrespective of the number of customers using them so our power costs may exceed the amount of revenue derived from power. We could have higher than expected levels of unused capacity in our data centers if, among other things:



our existing customers’ contracts are not renewed and those customers are not replaced by new customers;



internet and telecommunications equipment becomes smaller and more compact in the future;



there is an unexpected slowdown in demand for our services; or



we are unable to terminate or amend our leases when we have underutilized space at a data center.

If we have higher than expected levels of unused space at a data center at any given time, we may be required to operate a data center at a loss for a period of time. If we have higher than expected levels of unused capacity in our data centers and we are unable to reduce our expenses accordingly, our business, financial condition and results of operations would be materially adversely affected.

Our inability to utilize the capacity of newly planned or acquired data centers and data center expansions in line with our business plan would have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.

Historically, we have made significant investments in our property, plant and equipment and intangible assets in order to expand our data center footprint and total Equipped space as we have grown our business. In the year ended December 31, 2018 we invested €451.2 million in both property, plant and equipment (€439.8 million) and intangible assets (€11.4 million). In the year ended December 31, 2017 we invested €256.0 million in both property, plant and equipment (€247.2 million) and intangible assets (€8.8 million, excluding acquisition goodwill). Investments in property, plant and equipment includes expansion, upgrade, maintenance and general administrative IT equipment. Investments in intangible assets include power grid rights and software development.

We expect to continue to invest as we expand our data center footprint and increase our Equipped space based on demand in our target markets. Our total annual investment in property, plant and equipment includes maintenance and replacement capital expenditures. Although in any one year the amount of maintenance and other capital expenditures may vary, we expect that such capital expenditures will be between 4% and 6% of total revenue in the long term.

We currently hold title to the AMS3, AMS6, AMS9, AMS11, BRU1, CPH2, DUB3, FRA8, FRA10, FRA11, FRA13, FRA14, MRS1, PAR3, PAR5, and VIE properties, freehold land for AMS10, CPH3, FRA15, MAD3 and ZUR2, and additional properties for future sites. We exercised certain purchase options and agreed to purchase the PAR7 freehold land, on which we own the PAR7 data center and the AMS7 freehold land and properties. The PAR7 land and the AMS7 land and properties were until December 31, 2018 reported as financial leases. In accordance with IFRS 16, which went into effect on January 1, 2019, both PAR7 and AMS7 are now and will continue to be reported as leases until the acquisitions are completed. See Note 3 “Significant accounting policies New standards and interpretations not yet adopted” of our 2018 consolidated financial statements for more details about IFRS 16.



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Index to Financial Statements

We also lease space for data centers and typically begin construction before entering into contractual agreements with customers to utilize our data centers under construction. In some cases, we enter into lease agreements for data centers or begin expansions at our

existing data centers without any pre-existing customer commitments to use the additional space that will be created. If we open or acquire a new data center or complete an expansion at an existing data center, we will be required to pay substantial up-front and ongoing costs associated with that data center, including leasehold improvements, basic overhead costs and rental payments, regardless of whether or not we have any agreements with customers to utilize those data centers.

As a result of our expansion plans, we will incur capital expenditures, and as a result, an increase in other operating expenses, which will negatively impact our cash flow, and depreciation that together will negatively impact our profitability unless and until these new and expanded data centers generate enough revenue to exceed their operating costs and related capital expenditures.

There can be no guarantee that we will be able to sustain or increase our profitability if our planned expansion is not successful or if there is not sufficient customer demand in the future to realize expected returns on these investments. Any such development would have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.

If we are unable to expand our existing data centers or locate and secure suitable sites for additional data centers on commercially acceptable terms, our ability to grow our business may be limited.

Our ability to meet the growing needs of our existing customers and to attract new customers depends on our ability to add capacity by expanding existing data centers or by locating and securing suitable sites for additional data centers that meet our specifications, such as proximity to numerous network service providers, access to a significant supply of electrical power and the ability to sustain heavy floor loading. We have reached high utilization levels at some of our data centers and therefore any increase in these locations would need to be accomplished through the lease of additional property that satisfies our requirements. Property meeting our specifications may be scarce in our target markets. If we are unable to identify and enter into leases on commercially acceptable terms on a timely basis for any reason including due to competition from other companies seeking similar sites who may have greater financial resources than us, or if we are unable to expand our space in our current data centers, our rate of growth may be substantially impaired.

Our capital expenditures, together with ongoing operating expenses and obligations to service our debt, will be a drain on our cash flow and may decrease our cash balances. The capital markets in the recent past have been and may again become limited for external financing opportunities. Additional debt or equity financing may not be available when needed or, if available, may not be available on satisfactory terms. Our inability to obtain needed debt and/or equity financing or to generate sufficient cash from operations may require us to prioritize projects or curtail capital expenditures which could adversely affect our results of operations.

Failure to renew or maintain real estate leases for our existing data centers on commercially acceptable terms, or at all, could harm our business.

For the leased properties on which our data centers are located, we generally enter into leases for initial minimum periods of 10 to 15 years (excluding renewal options). Including renewal options, the lease properties are generally secured for terms of 20 to 25 years. The majority of our leases are subject to an annual inflation-linked increase in rent and, on renewal (or earlier in some cases), the rent we pay may be reset to the current market rate. There is, therefore, a risk that there will be significant rent increases when the rent is reviewed.

Our leases in France, Ireland and the United Kingdom do not contain contractual options to renew or extend those leases, and we have exhausted or may in the future exhaust such options in other leases. With respect to our operating leases in France, certain landlords may terminate our operating leases following the expiration of the original lease period (being 12 years from the commencement date), and the other leases in France may be terminated by the landlords at the end of each three-year period upon six months prior notice in the event the respective landlord wishes to carry out construction works to the building. The non-renewal of leases for our existing data center locations, or the renewal of such leases on less favorable terms, is a potentially significant risk to our ongoing operations. We would incur significant costs if we were forced to vacate one of our data centers due to the high costs of relocating our own and our customers’ equipment, installing the necessary infrastructure in a new data center and, as required by most of our leases, reinstating the vacated data center to its original state. In addition, if we were forced to vacate a data center, we could lose customers that chose our services based on location. If we fail to renew any of our leases, or the renewal of any of our leases is on less favorable terms and we fail to increase revenues sufficiently to offset the higher rental costs, this could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.



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Our leases may obligate us to make payments beyond our use of the property.

Our leases generally do not give us the right to terminate without penalty. Accordingly, we may incur costs under leases for data center space that is not or no longer is Revenue generating space. Some of our leases do not give us the right to sublet, and even if we have that right, we may not be able to sublet the space on favorable terms or at all. We have incurred moderate costs in relation to such onerous lease contracts in recent years.

We may experience unforeseen delays and expenses when fitting out and upgrading data centers, and the costs could be greater than anticipated.

As we attempt to grow our business, substantial management effort and financial resources are employed by us in fitting out new, and upgrading existing, data centers. In addition, we periodically upgrade and replace certain equipment at our data centers. We may experience unforeseen delays and expenses in connection with a particular client project or data center build-out. In addition, unexpected technological changes could affect customer requirements and we may not have built such requirements into our data centers and may not have budgeted for the financial resources necessary to build out or redesign the space to meet such new requirements. Furthermore, the redesign of existing space is difficult to implement in practice as it normally requires moving existing customers. Although we have budgeted for expected build-out and equipment expenses, additional expenses in the event of unforeseen delays, cost overruns, unanticipated expenses, regulatory changes, unexpected technological changes and increases in the price of equipment may negatively affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.

No assurance can be given that we will complete the build-out of new data centers or expansions of existing data centers within the proposed timeframe and cost parameters or at all. Any such failure could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.

We may incur non-cash impairment charges to our assets, in particular to our property, plant and equipment, which could result in a reduction to our earnings.

In accordance with IFRS, we periodically monitor the remaining net book values of our investments, intangible assets and our property, plant and equipment (based on cash generating units) for indications of a material change in balance sheet carrying value, particularly indications of any impairments. It is possible that one or more data centers could begin to under-perform relative to our expectations due to changes in customer requirements or regulatory changes affecting the efficient operation of our data centers which may then also result in a non-cash impairment charge. In addition, capitalized data center development costs may also be subject to impairment due to events or changes in circumstances, such as changing market conditions or any changes in key assumptions, which result in delaying or terminating a data center development project giving rise to a non-cash impairment charge.

We face significant competition and we may not be able to compete successfully against current and future competitors.

Our market is highly competitive. Most companies operate their own data centers and in many cases continue to invest in data center capacity, although there is a trend towards outsourcing. We compete against other carrier and cloud-neutral colocation data center service providers, such as Equinix and Telehouse. We also compete with other types of data centers, including carrier-operated colocation, wholesale and IT outsourcers and managed services provider data centers. The cost, operational risk and inconvenience involved in relocating a customer’s networking and computing equipment to another data center are significant and have the effect of protecting a competitor’s data center from significant levels of customer churn.

Further, the growth of the European data center market has encouraged new, larger companies to consider entering the market, in particular those from the United States who are active in this sector. This growth and other factors have also led to increasing alliances and consolidation. For example, as a result of the acquisition of Zenium by CyrusOne in 2018, we may be subject to increased competition and face a shift in the competitive landscape. In addition, many of these companies may have significantly greater financial, marketing and other resources than we do. Some of our competitors may be willing to, and due to greater financial resources, may be better able to adopt aggressive pricing policies, including the provision of discounted data center services as an encouragement for customers to utilize their other services. Certain of our competitors may also provide our target customers with additional benefits, including bundled communications services, and may do so in a manner that is more attractive to potential customers than obtaining space in our data centers.



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In addition, corporations that have already invested substantial resources in in-house data center operations may be reluctant to outsource these services to a third-party, or may choose to acquire space within a wholesale provider’s data center, which would allow them to manage the equipment themselves. If existing customers were to conclude that they could provide the same service in-house at a lower cost, with greater reliability, with increased security or for other reasons, they might move such services in-house and we would lose customers and business.

We may also see increased competition for data center space and customers from wholesale data center providers, such as large real estate companies. Rather than leasing available space to large single tenants, real estate companies, including certain of our landlords, may decide to convert the space instead to smaller square meter units designed for multitenant colocation use. In addition to the risk of losing customers to wholesale data center providers, this could also reduce the amount of space available to us for expansion in the future. As a result of such competition, we could suffer from downward pricing pressure and the loss of customers (and potential customers), which would have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.

Our services may have a long sales cycle that may materially adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.

A customer’s decision to take space in one of our data centers typically involves a significant commitment of resources by us and by potential customers, who often require internal approvals. In addition, some customers will be reluctant to commit to locating in our data centers until they are confident that the data center has adequate available carrier connections and network density. As a result, we may have a long sales cycle lasting anywhere from three months for smaller customers to periods in excess of one year for some of our larger customers. Furthermore, we may expend significant time and resources in pursuing a particular sale or customer that does not result in revenue.

Global or regional economic downturns or delayed economic recovery in the regions in which we operate may further impact this long sales cycle by making it extremely difficult for customers to accurately forecast and plan future business activities. This could cause customers to slow spending, or delay decision-making, on our services, which would delay and lengthen our sales cycle.

Delays due to the length of our sales cycle may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.

Our business is dependent on the adequate supply of electrical power and could be harmed by prolonged electrical power outages or increases in the cost of power.

The operation of each of our data centers requires an extremely large amount of power and we are among the largest power consumers in certain cities in which we operate data centers. We cannot be certain that there will be adequate power in all of the locations in which we operate, or intend to open additional data centers. We attempt to limit exposure to system downtime caused by power outages by using back-up generators and uninterrupted power supply systems; however, we may not be able to limit our exposure entirely even with these protections in place. We also cannot guarantee that the generators will always provide sufficient power or restore power in time to avoid loss of or damage to our customers’ and our equipment. Any loss of services or damage to equipment resulting from a temporary loss of or reduction in power at any of our data centers could harm our customers, reduce customers’ confidence in our services, impair our ability to attract new customers and retain existing customers, and result in us incurring financial obligations to our customers as they might be eligible for service credits pursuant to their service level agreements with us. Our customers may also seek damages from us.

In addition, we are susceptible to fluctuations in power costs in all of the locations in which we operate. Clients have two options with respect to power usage. They can either (i) pay in advance for power usage in “plugs” (typically included in the total cabinet price), which are contractually defined amounts of power per month, for which the customer must pay in full, regardless of how much power is actually used; or (ii) pay for their actual power usage in arrears on a metered basis. While we are contractually able to recover power cost increases from our customers, some portion of the increased costs may not be recovered or recovered in a delayed fashion based on commercial reasons and as a result, may have a negative impact on our results of operations.



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Although we have not experienced any power outages that have had a material impact on our financial condition in the past, power outages or increases in the cost of power to us could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.

A general lack of electrical power resources sufficient to meet our customers’ demands may impair our ability to utilize fully the available space at our existing data centers or our plans to open new data centers.

In each of our markets, we rely on third parties to provide a sufficient amount of power for current and future customers. Power and cooling requirements are generally growing on a per customer basis. Some of our customers are increasing and may continue to increase their use of high-density electrical power equipment, such as blade servers, which can significantly increase the demand for power per customer and cooling requirements for our data centers. Future demand for electrical power and cooling may exceed the designed electrical power and cooling infrastructure in our data centers. As the electrical power infrastructure is typically one of the most important limiting factors in our data centers, our ability to utilize available space fully may be limited. This, as well as any inability to secure sufficient power resources from third-party providers, could have a negative impact on the effective available capacity of a given data center and limit our ability to grow our business.

The ability to increase the power capacity or power infrastructure of a data center, should we decide to, is dependent on several factors including, but not limited to, the local utility’s ability and willingness to provide additional power, the length of time required to provide that power and/or whether it is feasible to upgrade the electrical infrastructure and cooling systems of a data center to deliver additional power to customers.

The availability of sufficient power may also pose a risk to the successful development of future data centers. In cities where we intend to open new data centers, we may face delays in obtaining sufficient power to operate our data centers. Our ability to secure adequate power sources will depend on several factors, including whether the local power supply is at or close to its limit, whether new connections for our data center would require the local power company to install a new substation or feeder and whether new connections for our data center would increase the overall risks of blackouts or power outages in a given geographic area.

If we are unable to utilize fully the physical space available within our data centers or successfully develop additional data centers or expand existing data centers due to restrictions on available electrical power or cooling, we may be unable to accept new customers or increase the services provided to existing customers, which may have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations and financial condition.

A significant percentage of our Monthly recurring revenue is generated by contracts with terms of one year or less remaining. If those contracts are not renewed, or if their pricing terms are negotiated downwards, our business, financial condition and results of operations would be materially adversely affected.

The majority of our initial customer contracts are entered into on a fixed term basis for periods from three to five years, which, unless terminated in advance, are automatically renewed for subsequent one-year periods. See Item 4 “Information on the Company—Customer Contracts”. As of December 31, 2018, 41% of our Monthly recurring revenue was generated by contracts with terms of one year or less remaining. Consequently, a large part of our customer base could either terminate their contracts with us at relatively short notice, or seek to re-negotiate the pricing of such contracts downwards, which, if either were to occur, would have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.

Our inability to use all or part of our net deferred tax assets could cause us to pay taxes at an earlier date and in greater amounts than expected.

As of December 31, 2018, we had €4.9 million of recognized net deferred tax assets and no unrecognized net deferred tax assets. We cannot assure you that we will generate sufficient profit in the relevant jurisdictions to utilize these deferred tax assets fully or that the tax loss availability will not expire before we have been able to fully utilize them. In addition, applicable law could change in one or more jurisdictions in which we have deferred tax assets, rendering such assets unusable. Either such event would cause us to pay taxes in greater amounts than would otherwise occur, which may have a material adverse effect on our results of operations.



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Our operating results have fluctuated in the past and may fluctuate in the future, which may make it difficult to evaluate our business and prospects.

Our operating results have fluctuated in the past and may continue to fluctuate in the future, due to a variety of factors, which include:



demand for our services;



competition from other data center operators;



the cost and availability of power;



the introduction of new services by us and/or our competitors;



data center expansion by us and/or our competitors;



changes in our pricing policies and those of our competitors;



a change in our customer retention rates;



economic conditions affecting the Internet, telecommunications and e-commerce industries; and



changes in general economic conditions.

Any of the foregoing factors, or other factors discussed elsewhere in this annual report, could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations and financial condition. Although we have experienced growth in revenues during the past three financial years, this growth rate is not necessarily indicative of future operating results. In addition, a relatively large portion of our expenses cannot be reduced in the short-term, particularly personnel and property costs and part of our power costs, which means that our results of operations are particularly sensitive to fluctuations in revenues. As such, comparisons to prior reporting periods should not be relied upon as indications of our future performance. In addition, our operating results in one or more future periods may fail to meet the expectations of securities analysts or investors. If this happens, the market price of our ordinary shares may decline significantly.

We are dependent on third-party suppliers for equipment, technology and other services.

We contract with third parties for the supply of equipment (including generators, UPS systems and cabinet equipment) on which we are dependent to operate our business. Poor performance by, or any inability of, our suppliers to provide necessary equipment, products, services and maintenance could have a negative effect on our reputation and harm our business.

We depend on the ongoing service of our personnel and executive committee and may not be able to attract, train and retain a sufficient number of qualified personnel to maintain and grow our business.

Our success depends upon our ability to attract, retain and motivate highly-skilled employees, including the data center personnel who are integral to the establishment and running of our data centers, as well as sales and marketing personnel who play a large role in attracting and retaining customers. Due to several factors, including the rapid growth of the Internet, there is aggressive competition for experienced data center employees. We compete intensely with other companies to recruit and hire from this limited pool. In addition, the training of new employees requires a large amount of our time and resources. If we cannot attract, train and retain qualified personnel, we may be unable to expand our business in line with our strategy, compete for new customers or retain existing customers, which could cause our business, financial condition and results of operations to suffer.

Our future performance also depends to a significant degree upon the continued contributions of our executive committee. The loss of any member of our executive committee could significantly harm us. To the extent that the services of members of our executive committee would be unavailable to us for any reason, we would be required to hire other personnel to manage and operate our Company. There can be no assurance that we would be able to locate or employ such personnel on acceptable terms or on a timely basis.

Our failure to maintain competitive compensation packages, including equity incentives, may be disruptive to our business. If one or more of our key personnel resigns from our Company to join or form a competitor, the loss of such personnel and any resulting loss of existing or potential customers to any such competitor could harm our business, financial condition and results of operations. In addition, we may be unable to prevent the unauthorized disclosure or use of our technical knowledge, practices or procedures by departed personnel.



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Disruptions to our physical infrastructure could lead to significant costs, reduce our revenues and harm our business reputation and financial results.

Our business depends on providing customers with highly reliable and secure services. A number of factors may disrupt our ability to provide services to our customers, including:



human error;



power loss;



physical or electronic security breaches;



terrorist acts;



interruptions to the fiber network;



hardware and software defects;



fire, earthquake, flood and other natural disasters;



improper maintenance by our landlords; and



sabotage and vandalism.

The occurrence of any of the foregoing could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations and financial condition. Disruptions at one or more of our data centers, whether or not within our control, could result in service interruptions or significant equipment damage, leading to significant costs and revenue reductions. See “Risks Related to our Industry—Terrorist activity throughout the world and military action to counter terrorism could adversely impact our business”.

Our insurance may not be adequate to cover all losses.

The insurance we maintain covers material damage to property, business interruption and third-party liability. This insurance contains limitations on the total coverage for damage due to catastrophic events, such as flooding or terrorism. In addition, there is an overall cap on our general insurance coverage per data center in any one year. There is, therefore, a risk that if one or more data centers were damaged, the total amount of the loss would not be recoverable by us.

Also, our insurance policies include customary exclusions, deductibles and other conditions that could limit our ability to recover losses. In addition, some of our policies are subject to limitations involving co-payments and policy limits that may not be sufficient to cover losses. If we experience a loss that is uninsured or that exceeds policy limits, or if customers consider that there is a significant risk that such an event will occur, this may negatively affect our reputation, business, financial condition and results of operations.

Our failure to meet the performance standards under our service level agreements may subject us to liability to our customers, which could have a material adverse effect on our reputation, business, financial condition or results of operations.

We have service level agreements with substantially all of our customers in which we provide various guarantees regarding our level of service. Our inability to provide services consistent with these guarantees may lead to large losses for our customers, who consequently may be entitled to service credits for their accounts or to terminate their relationship with us. We have issued service credits to customers in the past due to our failure to meet service level commitments and we may do so in the future. We cannot be sure that our customers will accept these service credits as compensation in the future. Our failure or inability to meet a customer’s expectations or any deficiency in the services we provide to customers could result in a claim against us for substantial damages. Provisions contained in our agreements with customers attempting to limit damages, including provisions to limit liability for damages, may not be enforceable in all instances or may otherwise fail to protect us for liability damages.

We could be subject to costs, as well as claims, litigation or other potential liability, in connection with risks associated with the security of our data centers and our information technology systems. We may also be subject to information technology systems failures, network disruptions and breaches of data security, which could have an adverse effect on our reputation and material adverse impact on our business.



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One of our key service offerings is our high level of physical premises security. Many of our customers entrust their key strategic IT services and applications to us due, in part, to the level of security we offer. If anyone is able to breach our security, they could physically damage our and our customers’ equipment and/or misappropriate either our proprietary information or the information of our customers or cause interruptions or malfunctions in our operations.

There can be no assurance that the security of any of our data centers will not be breached or the equipment and information of our customers put at risk. Any security breach could have a serious effect on our reputation and could prevent new customers from choosing our services and lead to customers terminating their contracts early and seeking to recover losses suffered, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. We may incur significant additional costs to protect against physical premises security breaches or to alleviate problems caused by such breaches.

In addition, we can provide no assurance that our IT systems are fully protected against third-party intrusions, viruses, hacker attacks, information or data theft or other similar threats. The risk of a security breach or disruption, particularly through cyber-attack or cyber intrusion, including by computer hackers, foreign governments and cyber terrorists, has risen as the number, intensity and sophistication of attempted attacks and intrusions from around the world have increased. For example, in December 2015, we became aware that we suffered a breach in our IT security. This resulted in a temporary and localized compromise of the credentials to our customer relationship management (“CRM”) system which allowed unauthorized access to some customer and prospective customer contact details. No financial, personal or other sensitive customer data was accessed, or is stored within this system. This incident only affected our CRM system and did not impact or involve any of the data centers or services that we provide. Upon learning of this incident, we collaborated with our CRM supplier and have worked closely with our security team to ensure that all CRM information is secure. However, any third-party intrusions, viruses, hacker attacks, information or data theft or similar threats against us and our IT systems may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.

We face risks relating to foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations.

Our reporting currency for purposes of our financial statements is the euro. We also, however, earn revenues and incur operating costs in non-euro denominated currencies, such as British pounds, Swiss francs, Danish kroner, Swedish kronor and U.S. dollars. We recognize foreign currency gains or losses arising from our operations in the period incurred. As a result, currency fluctuations between the euro and the non-euro currencies in which we do business will cause us to incur foreign currency translation gains and losses. We cannot predict the effects of exchange rate fluctuations upon our future operating results because of the number of currencies involved, the variability of currency exposure and the potential volatility of currency exchange rates. We do not currently engage in foreign exchange hedging transactions to manage the risk of our foreign currency exposure.

The lingering effects of the European debt crisis or any future slowdown in global economies may have an impact on our business and financial condition in ways that we cannot currently predict.

Any delays in the recovery of the global financial markets from the European debt crisis or future global or regional economic instability could have an adverse effect on our business and our financial condition. If the ongoing recovery stalls or if market conditions weaken or become more unstable, some of our customers may have difficulty paying us and we may experience increased churn in our customer base. Our sales cycle could also lengthen as customers slow spending, or delay decision-making, on our services, which could adversely affect our revenue growth. Finally, we could also experience pricing pressure as a result of economic conditions if our competitors lower prices and attempt to lure away our customers.

Additionally, our ability to access the capital markets may be severely restricted at a time when we would like, or need, to do so, which could have an impact on our ability to pursue additional expansion opportunities and maintain our desired level of revenue growth in the future.

Political uncertainty may impact economic conditions which could adversely affect our liquidity and financial condition.

General economic conditions and the cost and availability of capital may be adversely affected in some or all of the metropolitan areas in which we provide our services. Political uncertainty in the U.S. and in Europe may adversely affect our ability, and the ability of our customers, to replace or renew maturing liabilities on a timely basis, access capital markets to meet liquidity and capital expenditure requirements and may result in adverse effects on our business, financial condition and results of operations.



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In addition, we cannot assure you that long-term disruptions in the global economy and tighter credit conditions among, and potential failures or nationalizations of, third-party financial institutions as a result of such disruptions will not have an adverse effect on our lenders and our financial condition and results of operations. If the global economy and financial markets deteriorate or continue to face uncertainty, our business, results of operation, cash flows and financial condition could be adversely affected.

If we do not have sufficient cash flow to continue or expand our operations and are unable to borrow additional funds, access our existing lines of credit or raise equity or debt capital, we may need to curtail our development activity and/or to find alternative ways to increase our liquidity. Such alternatives may include, without limitation, disposing of one or more of our properties possibly on disadvantageous terms or entering into or renewing leases on less favorable terms than we otherwise would.

The United Kingdom invoking the process to withdraw from the European Union could have a negative effect on global economic conditions, financial markets and our business, which could adversely affect our results of operations.

We operate data centers across a number of markets in the European Union, including the United Kingdom. On March 29, 2017, the British Prime Minister delivered a notice to the European Council pursuant to Article 50 of the Treaty of the European Union to initiate the formal process of withdrawal from the European Union. The Article 50 notice started a two-year period for the United Kingdom to negotiate the terms of its exit from the European Union, although this period can be extended with the unanimous agreement of the European Council. Although negotiations between the United Kingdom and the European Union began in June 2017, as of the date of this annual report, the final withdrawal agreement has not been agreed and ratified by the United Kingdom and the European Union Member States. Moreover, uncertainty was exacerbated by the lack of a decisive majority following the general elections in the United Kingdom in June 2017, the failure of the United Kingdom’s House of Commons to accept a draft withdrawal agreement in January and March 2019 and the extension of the negotiation period until October 31, 2019. Until the United Kingdom officially exits the European Union, the laws and regulations of the European Union will continue to apply, and changes to the application of these laws and regulations are likely to occur during negotiations.

This development has had, and may continue to have, a material adverse effect on global economic conditions and the stability of global financial markets and could significantly reduce global market liquidity and restrict the ability of key market participants to operate in certain financial markets. Asset valuations, currency exchange rates, and credit ratings may be especially subject to increased market volatility. Lack of clarity about future laws and regulations as the United Kingdom determines which European Union laws to replace or replicate upon withdrawal could depress economic activity and restrict our access to capital in the United Kingdom. If the United Kingdom and the European Union are unable to negotiate acceptable withdrawal terms, barrier-free access between the United Kingdom and other European Union member states could be diminished or eliminated. This may impact our ability to freely move staff and equipment, and it may impact the cost associated with cross-border business, for example, by the re-introduction of import duties. Any of these factors could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, and results of operations.

Acquisitions, business combinations and other transactions present many risks, and we may not realize the financial or strategic goals that were contemplated at the time of any transaction and such transactions may alter our financial or strategic goals.

We have evaluated, and expect to continue to evaluate, potential strategic combinations and acquisitions and other transactions. We may enter into transactions like these at any time, or discussions concerning such transactions, which may include combinations with other companies or businesses, acquisitions of us by third parties, including potential strategic and financial acquirers, and acquisitions by us of businesses, products, services or technologies that we believe to be complementary. These potential transactions expose us to several potential risks, including:



the possible disruption of our ongoing business and diversion of management’s attention by acquisition, transition and integration activities and/or entering into discussions that do not result in a transaction;



our potential inability to successfully pursue or realize some or all of the anticipated revenue opportunities associated with an acquisition or investment;



the possibility that we may not be able to successfully integrate acquired businesses, or businesses in which we invest, or achieve anticipated operating efficiencies or cost savings;



the possibility that announced acquisitions or business combinations may not be completed, due to failure to satisfy the conditions to closing or for other reasons;



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the dilution of our existing stockholders as a result of any such transaction that involves the issuance of stock;



the possibility of customer dissatisfaction if we are unable to achieve levels of quality and stability on par with past practices or with respect to any business combination with a new party;



the possibility that additional capital expenditures may be required or that transaction expenses associated with acquisitions may be higher than anticipated;



the possibility that required financing to fund the requirements of a transaction may not be available on acceptable terms or at all;



the possibility that governmental approvals under antitrust and competition laws required to complete a transaction may not be obtained on a timely basis or at all, which could, among other things, delay or prevent the completion of a transaction, or limit the ability to realize the expected financial or strategic benefits of a transaction or have other adverse effects on our current business and operations;



the possibility of loss or reduction in value of acquired businesses;



the possibility that carriers may find it cost-prohibitive or impractical to bring fiber and networks into a new data center;



the possibility of litigation or other claims in connection with or as a result of a transaction including claims from terminated employees, customers, former or current stockholders or other third parties;



the possibility of pre-existing undisclosed liabilities, including but not limited to lease or landlord related liability, environmental or asbestos liability, for which insurance coverage may be insufficient or unavailable; and



the possibility that there will not be sufficient customer demand to realize expected returns on these transactions.

We may pay for future acquisitions by using our existing cash resources (which may limit other potential uses of our cash), incurring additional debt (which may increase our interest expense, leverage and debt service requirements) and/or issuing shares (which may dilute our existing stockholders and have a negative effect on our earnings per share). The occurrence of any of these risks could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations, financial condition or cash flows.

We focus on the development of communities of interest within customer industry segments and the attraction of magnetic customers. Our failure to attract, grow and retain these communities of interest could harm our business and operating results.

Our ability to maximize revenue growth depends on our ability to develop and grow communities of interest within our target customer industry segments such as Connectivity Providers, Platform Providers and Enterprises. Within each community, there are certain customers, which we consider to be magnetic customers as we believe they make it attractive to other customers to be in our data centers. Our ability to attract magnetic customers to our data centers will depend on a variety of factors, including the presence of multiple carriers, the mix of our offerings, the overall mix of customers, the presence of other magnetic customers, the data center’s operating reliability and security and our ability to effectively market our offerings. We may not be able to attract magnetic customers and therefore may be unsuccessful in the development of our communities of interest. This may hinder the development, growth and retention of customer communities of interest and adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.

Consolidation may have a negative impact on our business model.

If customers combine businesses, they may require less colocation space, which could lead to churn in our customer base. Competitors in some of our markets may also consolidate, which can make it more difficult for us to compete. Consolidation of our customers and/or our competitors may present a risk to our business model and have a negative impact on our revenues.



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Our operations are highly dependent on the proper functioning of our information technology systems. We routinely upgrade our information technology systems. The failure or unavailability of such systems during or after an upgrade process could result in the loss of existing or potential customers and harm our reputation, business and operating results.

We rely heavily on our information technology and back office systems to conduct our business, including for purposes of providing customer fee quotes and maintaining accurate customer service and billings records. Difficulties with our systems may interrupt our ability to accept and deliver customer orders and impact our overall financial operations, including our accounts payable, accounts receivables, general ledger, close processes, internal financial controls, and our ability to otherwise run and track our business. We may need to expend significant attention, time and resources to correct problems or find alternative sources for performing these functions. As a result of any significant investments in ongoing upgrades or any future upgrades or modifications, we may be unable to devote adequate financial and other resources to remedy any such delay or technical difficulty in an efficient manner.

Any disruption to our information technology and back office systems, whether caused by upgrade projects or otherwise, may adversely affect our business and operating results.

Substantial indebtedness could adversely affect our financial condition and our ability to operate our business, and we may not be able to generate sufficient cash flows to meet our debt service obligations.

We have a significant amount of debt and may incur additional debt to support our growth. As of December 31, 2018, our total indebtedness was approximately €1,290.1 million, our stockholders’ equity was €633.4 million, and our cash and cash equivalents totaled €186.1 million. Our substantial amount of debt could have important consequences. For example, it could:



make it more difficult for us to satisfy our debt obligations;



restrict us from making strategic acquisitions;



limit our flexibility in planning for, or reacting to, changes in our business and future business opportunities, thereby placing us at a competitive disadvantage if our competitors are not as highly leveraged;



increase our vulnerability to general adverse economic and industry conditions;



require us to dedicate a substantial portion of our cash flow from operations to make interest and principal payments on our debt, reducing the availability of our cash flow to fund future capital expenditures, working capital, execution of our expansion strategy and other general corporate requirements;



limit our ability to borrow additional funds, even when necessary to maintain adequate liquidity, which would also limit our ability to further expand our business; and



make us more vulnerable to increases in interest rates because of the variable interest rates on some of our borrowings to the extent we have not entirely hedged such variable rate debt.

The occurrence of any of the foregoing factors could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations and financial condition.

We require a significant amount of cash to service our debt, which may limit available cash to fund working capital and capital expenditures. Our ability to generate sufficient cash depends on many factors beyond our control.

Our ability to make payments on and to refinance our debt, and to fund working capital and capital expenditures, will depend on our future operating performance and ability to generate sufficient cash. This depends, to some extent, on general economic, financial, competitive, market, legislative, regulatory and other factors, many of which are beyond our control, as well as the other factors discussed in these “Risk Factors”.

We cannot assure you that our business will generate sufficient cash flows from operations or that future debt and equity financing will be available to us in an amount sufficient to enable us to pay our debts when due, including our outstanding Senior Notes, and future borrowings under our Revolving Facility, or to fund our other liquidity needs. See Item 5 “Operating and Financial Review and Prospects”.

If our future cash flows from operations and other capital resources (including future borrowings under our Revolving Facility) are insufficient to pay our obligations as they mature or to fund our liquidity needs, we may be forced to:



reduce or delay our business activities and capital expenditures;



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sell assets;



obtain additional debt or equity capital; or



restructure or refinance all or a portion of our debt, including the Senior Notes, on or before maturity.

We cannot assure you that we would be able to accomplish any of these alternatives on a timely basis or on satisfactory terms, if at all. In addition, the terms of our debt, including the Revolving Facility and the Senior Notes, limit, and any future debt may limit, our ability to pursue any of these alternatives.

We may need to refinance our outstanding debt.

We may need to refinance a portion of our outstanding debt as it matures, such as mortgages with quarterly repayment schedules and the Senior Notes. Furthermore, if prevailing interest rates or other factors at the time of refinancing result in higher interest rates upon refinancing, then the interest expense relating to that refinanced indebtedness would increase. These risks could materially adversely affect our financial condition, cash flows and results of operations.

If we increase our indebtedness by borrowing under the Revolving Facility or incur other new indebtedness, the risks described above would increase.

We are subject to restrictive debt covenants, which limit our operating flexibility.

Our Revolving Facility and the Indenture (as defined herein) governing the Senior Notes contain covenants which impose significant restrictions on the way we and our subsidiaries operate, including but not limited to (as applicable), restrictions on the ability to:



create certain liens;



incur debt and/or guarantees;



sell certain kinds of assets;



designate unrestricted subsidiaries; and



effect mergers, consolidate or sell assets.

These covenants could limit our ability to finance our future operations and capital needs and our ability to pursue acquisitions and other business activities that may be in our interest.

Our Revolving Facility Agreement (as defined below) requires us to maintain a specified financial ratio (subject to the aggregate base currency amount of the outstanding loans (excluding any non-cash ancillary outstandings and any non-cash utilizations exceeding 35% of the total commitments thereunder on the applicable quarter date (the “Test Condition”)). The restrictive covenants in our Revolving Facility Agreement and Indenture governing the Senior Notes are subject to customary exceptions including, in relation to the incurrence of certain additional debt, a consolidated fixed charge coverage ratio (calculated as a ratio of Adjusted EBITDA to consolidated interest expense) of at least 2.00 to 1.00 on a pro forma basis for the four full fiscal quarters (taken as one period) for which financial statements are available immediately preceding the incurrence of such debt.

Our ability to meet this and other covenants may be affected by events beyond our control and, as a result, we cannot assure you that we will be able to meet or satisfy such covenants. In the event of a default under the Revolving Facility Agreement, the lenders could terminate their commitments and declare all amounts owed to them to be due and payable. Borrowings under other debt instruments that contain cross acceleration or cross default provisions, including the Senior Notes, may as a result also be accelerated and become due and payable. We may be unable to pay these debts in such circumstances or to the extent we pay such debts, we may not have sufficient cash to fund our working capital expenditure needs.



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Risks Related to our Industry

The European data center industry has suffered from over-capacity in the past, and a substantial increase in the supply of new data center capacity and/or a general decrease in demand for data center services could have an adverse impact on industry pricing and profit margins.

The European data center industry has previously suffered from overcapacity. For example, certain Internet-based customers have previously contracted to use more space than necessary to meet their needs and in the periods following adverse market conditions, the number of Internet-related business failures increased significantly, resulting in high levels of customer churn due to the termination or non-renewal of contracts.

A substantial increase in the supply of new data center capacity in the European data center market and/or a general decrease in demand, or in the rate of increase in demand, for data center services could have an adverse impact on industry pricing and profit margins. If there is insufficient customer demand for data center services, our business, financial condition and operating results would be adversely affected.

If we do not keep pace with technological changes, evolving industry standards and customer requirements, our competitive position will suffer.

The Internet and telecommunications industries are characterized by rapidly changing technology, evolving industry standards and changing customer needs. Accordingly, our future success will depend, in part, on our ability to meet the challenge of these changes. Among the most important challenges that we may face are the need to:



continue to develop our strategic and technical expertise;



influence and respond to emerging industry standards and other technological changes;



enhance our current services; and



develop new services that meet changing customer needs.

All of these challenges must be met in a timely and cost-effective manner. Some of our competitors may have greater financial resources, which would allow them to react better or more quickly to changes than we may be able to. We may not effectively meet these challenges as rapidly as our competitors or at all and our failure to do so could harm our business.

Terrorist activity throughout the world and military action to counter terrorism could adversely impact our business.

Due to the high volume of important data that passes through data centers, there is a real risk that terrorists seeking to damage financial and technological infrastructure view data centers generally, and those in concentrated areas specifically, as potential targets. These factors may increase our costs due to the need to provide enhanced security, which would have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations if we are unable to pass such costs on to our customers. These circumstances may also adversely affect the ability of companies, including us, to raise capital. We may not have adequate property and liability insurance to cover terrorist attacks.

In addition, we depend heavily on the physical infrastructure (particularly as it relates to power) that exists in the markets in which we operate. Any damage to such infrastructure, particularly in the major European markets such as Amsterdam, Frankfurt, London and Paris, where we derive a substantial amount of our revenue and which are likely to be more prone to terrorist activities, may materially and adversely affect our business.

Our carrier neutral business model depends on the presence of numerous telecommunications carrier networks in our data centers.

The presence of diverse telecommunications carriers’ fiber networks in our data centers is critical to our ability to retain and attract new customers. We are not a telecommunications carrier and as such we rely on third parties to provide our non-carrier customers with carrier services. We cannot assure you that the carriers operating within our data centers will not cease to do so. For example, as a result of strategic decisions or consolidations, some carriers may decide to downsize or terminate connectivity within our data centers, which could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.



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We may be subject to reputational damage and legal action in connection with the information disseminated by our customers.

We may face potential direct and indirect liability for claims of defamation, negligence, copyright, patent or trademark infringement and other claims, as well as reputational damage, based on the nature and content of the materials disseminated from our data centers, including on the grounds of allegations of the illegality of certain activities carried out by customers through their equipment located in our data centers. For example, lawsuits may be brought against us claiming that content distributed by our customers may be regulated or banned. Our general liability insurance may not cover any such claim or may not be adequate to protect us against all liability that may be imposed. In addition, on a limited number of occasions in the past, businesses, organizations and individuals have sent unsolicited commercial emails (“spam”), which may be viewed as offensive by recipients, from servers hosted at our data centers to a number of people, typically to advertise products or services. We have in the past received, and may in the future receive, letters from recipients of information transmitted by our customers objecting to spam. Although our contracts with our customers prohibit them from spamming, there can be no assurance that customers will not engage in this practice, which could subject us to claims for damages, damage our reputation and have a material adverse effect on our business.

Risks Related to Regulation

Laws and government regulations governing Internet-related services, related communication services and information technology and electronic commerce, across the European countries in which we operate, continue to evolve and, depending on the evolution of such regulations, may adversely affect our business.

Laws and governmental regulations governing Internet-related services, related communications services and information technology and electronic commerce continue to evolve. This is true across the various European countries in which we operate. In particular, the laws regarding privacy and those regarding gambling and other activities that certain countries deem illegal are continuing to evolve.

Changes in laws or regulations (or the interpretation of such laws or regulations) or national or EU policy affecting our activities and/or those of our customers and competitors, including regulation of prices and interconnection arrangements, regulation of access arrangements to types of infrastructure, regulation of privacy requirements through the protection of personal data and regulation of activity considered illegal through rules affecting data center and managed service providers could materially adversely affect our results by decreasing revenue, increasing costs or impairing our ability to offer services.

We and the industry in which we operate are subject to environmental and health and safety laws and regulations and may be subject to more stringent efficiency, environmental and health and safety laws and regulations in the future, including with respect to energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

We are subject to various environmental and health and safety laws and regulations, including those relating to the generation, storage, handling and disposal of hazardous substances and technological equipment, the maintenance of warehouse facilities and the generation and use of electricity. Certain of these laws and regulations are capable of imposing liability for the entire cost of the investigation and remediation of contaminated sites or buildings containing hazardous materials such as asbestos, without regard to fault or the lawfulness of the activity causing the contamination, on current and former owners and occupiers of real property and persons who have disposed of or released hazardous substances at any location. Compliance with these laws and regulations could impose substantial ongoing compliance costs and operating restrictions on us.

Hazardous substances or regulated materials of which we are not aware may be present at data centers leased and operated by us. If any such contaminants are discovered at our data centers, we may be responsible under applicable laws, regulations or leases for any required removal or clean-up or other action at substantial cost.

Our facilities contain tanks and other containers for the storage of diesel fuel and significant quantities of lead acid batteries to provide back-up power. We cannot guarantee that our environmental compliance program will be able to prevent leaks or spills in these or other technical installations.

In addition, due to our high levels of energy consumption, we may incur substantial costs purchasing allowances under the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme and/or in connection with upgrading our data centers to improve the energy efficiency of our operations. This could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.

Non-compliance with, or liabilities under, existing or future environmental or health and safety laws and regulations, including failure to hold requisite permits, or the adoption of more stringent requirements in the future, could result in fines, penalties, third-party claims and other costs that could have a material adverse effect on us.



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Our data centers may also be adversely affected by any future application of additional regulation relating to energy usage, for example, seeking to reduce the power consumption of companies and fees or levies related thereto.

Changes in Dutch or foreign tax laws and regulations, or interpretations thereof may adversely affect our financial position.

We are a Dutch company with European subsidiaries and are subject to income tax in The Netherlands and foreign income tax in the countries we conduct operations, including The Netherlands, France, Germany and the UK. Significant judgment is required in determining our worldwide tax liabilities and obligations. Although we believe that we have adequately assessed and accounted for our potential tax liabilities, and that our tax estimates including our transfer pricing estimates are reasonable, there can be no certainty that additional taxes will not be due upon an audit of our tax returns or as a result of changes to applicable tax laws and interpretations thereof. In addition, several of the governments in which we conduct operations, including The Netherlands, France, Germany and the UK, are actively considering changes to their respective taxation regimes, which may impact the recognition and taxation of worldwide income. The nature and timing of any amendments to tax laws of the jurisdictions in which we operate and the impact on our future tax liabilities cannot be predicted with any certainty, however any such amendments or changes could materially and adversely impact our results of operations and financial position including cash flows.

Laws and government regulations governing the licenses or permits we need across the European countries in which we operate may change, which can adversely affect our business.

We operate data centers and other facilities in 11 countries and as a result of our international operations, we are subject to risks related to the differing legal, political, social and regulatory requirements and economic conditions of many jurisdictions. General economic, political, or social conditions in the countries in which we operate could have an adverse effect on our revenues from operations in those countries. In addition, we may be unable to obtain, renew or retain licenses or permits for our operations, data centers and other facilities for legal, environmental or regulatory reasons. For example, on October 15, 2015, a French administrative court ruled that local authorities failed to perform a sufficiently extensive study of the potential noise impact that operating the PAR7 data center could have on local residents and annulled the permit we had previously received on December 13, 2013. We appealed this ruling and submitted an application for a new permit. We obtained a new permit for our PAR7 data center from the Seine-St-Denis authorities in October 2016. Our inability to obtain, renew or retain licenses or permits for our operations, data centers and other facilities may adversely affect our business, results of operations, financial conditions or cash flows.

Risks Related to Our Ordinary Shares

The market price for our ordinary shares may continue to be volatile.

From January 1, 2018, to December 31, 2018, the closing sale price of our common stock on the New York Stock Exchange (the “NYSE”) ranged from $51.22 to $68.75 per share. The market price for our shares is likely to be volatile and subject to wide fluctuations in response to factors including, but not limited to, the following:



announcements of new products and services by us or our competitors;



technological breakthroughs in the data center, networking or computing industries;



news regarding any gain or loss of customers by us;



news regarding recruitment or loss of key personnel by us or our competitors;



announcements of competitive developments, acquisitions or strategic alliances in our industry;



changes in the general condition of the global economy and financial markets;



general market conditions or other developments affecting us or our industry;



the operating and stock price performance of other companies, other industries and other events or factors beyond our control;



cost and availability of power and cooling capacity;



cost and availability of additional space inventory either through lease or acquisition in our target markets;



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regulatory developments in our target markets affecting us, our customers or our competitors;



changes in demand for interconnection and colocation products and services in general or at our facilities in particular;



actual or anticipated fluctuations in our quarterly results of operations;



changes in financial projections or estimates about our financial or operational performance by securities research analysts;



changes in the economic performance or market valuations of other data center companies;



release or expiry of lock-up or other transfer restrictions on our outstanding ordinary shares; and



sales or perceived sales of additional ordinary shares.

In addition, the securities market has from time to time experienced significant price and volume fluctuations that are not related to the operating performance of particular companies. These market fluctuations may also have a material adverse effect on the market price of our ordinary shares.

A substantial portion of our total outstanding ordinary shares may be sold into the market at any time. Such future sales or issuances, or perceived future sales or issuances, could adversely affect the price of our shares.

If our existing shareholders sell, or are perceived as intending to sell, substantial amounts of our ordinary shares, including those issued pursuant to employee incentive schemes, the market price of our ordinary shares could be adversely impacted. Such sales, or perceived potential sales, by our existing shareholders might make it more difficult for us to issue new equity or equity-related securities in the future at a time and price we deem appropriate. The ordinary shares offered in our initial public offering were eligible for immediate resale in the public market without restrictions. Shares previously held by our existing shareholders may also be sold in the public market in the future if registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or if such shares qualify for an exemption from registration, including by reason of Rules 144 or 701 under the Securities Act. Additionally, we intend to register all of our ordinary shares that we may issue under our employee stock ownership plans. Once we register those shares, they can be freely sold in the public market upon issuance, unless pursuant to their terms these stock awards have transfer restrictions attached to them.

You may not be able to exercise pre-emptive rights.

Prior to December 29, 2016, and pursuant to our articles of association, our Board of Directors (as defined herein), for a period of 18 months that lasted until December 29, 2016, had the power to (a) limit or exclude pre-emptive rights in respect of any issue and/or (b) grant rights to subscribe for ordinary shares. As of June 29, 2018, our Board of Directors, for a period of 18 months, from June 29, 2018 onwards, has the power to grant rights to subscribe for (i) up to 2,441,601 ordinary shares for the purpose of our employee incentive schemes and (ii) shares representing up to 10% of our issued share capital for general corporate purposes. To the extent any such shares are granted, they will not include pre-emptive rights for the benefit of shareholders. As a result, we may issue additional shares while excluding any pre-emptive rights. If we issue additional shares without pre-emptive rights, your ownership interests in our Company would be diluted and this in turn could have a material adverse effect on the price of our shares.

We may need additional capital and may sell additional ordinary shares or other equity securities or incur indebtedness, which could result in additional dilution to our shareholders or increase our debt service obligations.

We believe that our current cash and anticipated cash flow from operations will be sufficient to meet our anticipated cash needs for the foreseeable future. We may, however, require additional cash resources due to changed business conditions or other future developments, including any investments or acquisitions we may decide to pursue. If these resources are insufficient to satisfy our cash requirements, we may seek to sell additional equity or debt securities or utilize our existing Revolving Facility or obtain a new credit facility. The sale of additional equity securities could result in additional dilution to our shareholders. The incurrence of indebtedness would limit our ability to pay dividends or require us to seek consents for the payment of dividends, increase our vulnerability to general adverse economic and industry conditions, limit our ability to pursue our business strategies, require us to dedicate a substantial portion of our cash flow from operations to service our debt, thereby reducing the availability of our cash flow to fund capital expenditure, working capital requirements and other general corporate needs, and limit our flexibility in planning for, or reacting to, changes in our business and our industry. We cannot assure you that financing will be available in amounts or on terms acceptable to us, if at all.



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We have never paid, do not currently intend to pay and may not be able to pay any dividends on our ordinary shares.

We have never declared or paid any dividends on our ordinary shares and currently do not plan to declare dividends on our ordinary shares in the foreseeable future. If we were to choose to declare dividends in the future, the payment of cash dividends on our shares may be restricted under the terms of the agreements governing our indebtedness. In addition, because we are a holding company, our ability to pay cash dividends on our ordinary shares may be limited by restrictions on our ability to obtain sufficient funds through dividends from subsidiaries, including restrictions under the terms of the agreements governing our and our subsidiaries’ indebtedness. In that regard, our wholly-owned subsidiaries are limited in their ability to pay dividends or otherwise make distributions to us. Under Dutch law, we may only pay dividends out of profits as shown in our adopted statutory annual accounts. We will only be able to declare and pay dividends to the extent our equity exceeds the sum of the paid and called up portion of our ordinary share capital and the reserves that must be maintained in accordance with provisions of Dutch law and our articles of association. Our Board of Directors will have the discretion to determine to what extent profits shall be retained by way of a reserve. Appropriation and distribution of dividends will be subject to the approval of our general meeting of shareholders. Our Board of Directors, in determining to what extent profits shall be retained by way of a reserve, will consider our ability to declare and pay dividends in light of our future operations and earnings, capital expenditure requirements, general financial conditions, legal and contractual restrictions and other factors that it may deem relevant.

Your rights and responsibilities as a shareholder will be governed by Dutch law and will differ in some respects from the rights and responsibilities of shareholders under U.S. law, and your shareholder rights under Dutch law may not be as clearly established as shareholder rights are established under the laws of some U.S. jurisdictions.

Our corporate affairs are governed by our articles of association and by the laws governing companies incorporated in The Netherlands. The rights of our shareholders and the responsibilities of members of our Board of Directors under Dutch law may not be as clearly established as under the laws of some U.S. jurisdictions. In the performance of its duties, our Board of Directors will be required by Dutch law to consider the interests of our Company, our shareholders, our employees and other stakeholders in all cases with reasonableness and fairness. It is possible that some of these parties will have interests that are different from, or in addition to, your interests as a shareholder. We anticipate that all of our shareholder meetings will take place in The Netherlands.

In addition, the rights of holders of ordinary shares and many of the rights of shareholders as they relate to, for example, the exercise of shareholder rights, are governed by Dutch law and our articles of association and differ from the rights of shareholders under U.S. law. For example, Dutch law does not grant appraisal rights to a company’s shareholders who wish to challenge the consideration to be paid upon a merger or consolidation of the company. See Item 10 “Additional Information—General—Articles of Association and Dutch Law”.

The provisions of Dutch corporate law and our articles of association have the effect of concentrating control over certain corporate decisions and transactions in the hands of our Board of Directors. As a result, holders of our shares may have more difficulty in protecting their interests in the face of actions by members of our Board of Directors than if we were incorporated in the United States. See Item 10 “Additional Information—General—Articles of Association and Dutch Law”.

We are a foreign private issuer and, as a result, and as permitted by the listing requirements of the NYSE, we may rely on certain home country governance practices rather than the corporate governance requirements of the NYSE.

Many of the corporate governance rules of the NYSE do not apply to us as a “foreign private issuer”; however, Rule 303A.11 requires foreign private issuers to describe significant differences between their corporate governance standards and the corporate governance standards applicable to U.S. companies listed on the NYSE. While we believe that our corporate governance practices are similar in many respects to those of U.S. NYSE-listed companies and provide investors with protections that are comparable in many respects to those established by the NYSE rules, there have in the past been certain differences.

Because of the exemptions available to us as a foreign private issuer, we cannot assure you that we will comply with all of the NYSE corporate governance rules in the future. As a result, you may not have the same protections afforded to stockholders of companies that are not foreign private issuers. For an overview of our corporate governance principles, see Item 16G “Corporate Governance”.



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You may be unable to enforce judgments obtained in U.S. courts against us.

We are incorporated under the laws of The Netherlands, and all or a substantial portion of our assets are located outside of the United States and certain of our directors and officers and certain other persons named in this annual report are, and will continue to be, non-residents of the United States. As a result, although we have appointed an agent for service of process in the United States, it may be difficult or impossible for United States investors to effect service of process within the United States upon us or our non-U.S. resident directors and officers or to enforce in the United States any judgment against us or them including for civil liabilities under the United States securities laws. Any judgment obtained in any United States federal or state court against us may, therefore, have to be enforced in the courts of The Netherlands, or such other foreign jurisdiction, as applicable. Because there is no treaty or other applicable convention between the United States and The Netherlands with respect to legal judgments, a judgment rendered by any United States federal or state court will not be enforced by the courts of The Netherlands unless the underlying claim is relitigated before a Dutch court. Under current practice, however, a Dutch court will generally grant the same judgment without a review of the merits of the underlying claim (i) if that judgment resulted from legal proceedings compatible with Dutch notions of due process, (ii) if that judgment does not contravene public policy of The Netherlands and (iii) if the jurisdiction of the United States federal or state court has been based on grounds that are internationally acceptable. Investors should not assume, however, that the courts of The Netherlands, or such other foreign jurisdiction, would enforce judgments of United States courts obtained against us predicated upon the civil liability provisions of the United States securities laws or that such courts would enforce, in original actions, liabilities against us predicated solely upon such laws.

We incur increased costs as a result of being a public company.

As a listed public company, we incur additional legal, accounting, insurance and other expenses than we would have incurred as a private company. We incur costs associated with our public company reporting requirements. In addition, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and related rules implemented by the SEC and the NYSE have imposed increased regulation and required enhanced corporate governance practices for public companies. Our efforts to comply with evolving laws, regulations and standards in this regard are likely to result in increased general and administrative expenses and a diversion of management time and attention from revenue generating activities to compliance activities. We also expect these new rules and regulations to make it more expensive for us to obtain director and officer liability insurance, and we may be required to accept reduced policy limits and coverage or incur substantially higher costs to obtain the same or similar coverage.

Any failure or weakness in our internal controls could materially and adversely affect our financial condition, results of operation and our stock price.

As described in Item 15 “Controls and Procedures,” upon an evaluation of the effectiveness of the design and operation of our internal control over financial reporting conducted as of December 31, 2018, we concluded that there was a material weakness such that our internal control over financial reporting was not effective as of December 31, 2018. We also in the past identified a material weakness such that our internal control over financial reporting as of the December 31, 2017 was not effective. However, the previous material weakness was remediated as of December 31, 2018.

Although we have been actively engaged in the development and implementation of remediation plans to address the material weakness as of December 31, 2018 and continually review and evaluate our internal control systems to allow management to report on the sufficiency of our internal control over financial reporting, we cannot assure you that we will not discover one or more additional weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting. Any such weakness or failure to remediate any existing or future weakness could materially and adversely affect our business and operating results as well as our ability to accurately report our financial condition and results of operations in a timely manner. Furthermore, the price of our stock may be adversely affected by related negative market reactions to any such weakness.



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We are a leading provider of carrier and cloud neutral colocation data center services in Europe. We support over 2,000 customers through 51 data centers (as of December 31, 2018) in 11 countries, enabling them to create value by housing, protecting and connecting their most valuable content and applications. We enable our customers to connect to a broad range of telecommunications carriers, cloud platforms, internet service providers and other customers. Our data centers act as content, cloud and connectivity hubs that facilitate the processing, storage, sharing and distribution of data between our customers, creating an environment that we refer to as a community of interest.

Our core offering of carrier and cloud neutral colocation services includes space, power, cooling, connectivity and a physically secure environment in which to house our customers’ computing, network, storage and IT infrastructure. We enable our customers to reduce operational and capital costs while improving application performance and flexibility. We supplement our core colocation offering with a number of additional services, including network monitoring, remote monitoring of customer equipment, systems management, engineering support services, cross connect, data backup and storage.

Our headquarters are near Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and we operate in major metropolitan areas, including Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Paris and London, Europe’s main data center markets. Our data centers are located in close proximity to the intersection of telecommunications fiber routes, and we house more than 700 individual carriers and internet service providers, 21 European Internet exchanges and all the leading global cloud platforms. Our data centers allow our customers to lower their telecommunications costs and reduce latency, thereby improving the response time of their applications. This high level of connectivity fosters the development of communities of interest.


Target New Customers in High Growth Industry Segments to Further Develop our Communities of Interest

We categorize our customers into industry segments, and we will continue to target new and existing customers in high growth industry segments, including Connectivity Providers, Platform Providers and Enterprises. Winning new customers in these target industries enables us to expand existing and build new high value communities of interest within our data centers. We expect the high value and reduced cost benefits of our communities of interest to continue to attract new customers and expansion from existing customers, which will lead to decreased customer acquisition costs for us. For example, customers in the digital media segment benefit from the close proximity to content delivery network providers, Internet exchanges and cloud platforms in order to create and deliver content to consumers reliably and quickly.

Increase Share of Spend from Existing Customers

We focus on increasing revenue from our existing customers in our target-market segments. New revenue from our existing customers comprises a substantial portion of our new business, generating the majority of our new bookings. Our sales and marketing teams focus on proactively working with customers to identify expansion opportunities in new or existing markets.

Maintain Connectivity Leadership

We seek to increase the number of carriers in each of our data centers by expanding the presence of our existing carriers into additional data centers and targeting new carriers. We will also continue to develop our relationships with Internet exchanges and work to increase the number of internet service providers in these exchanges. In countries where there is no significant Internet exchange, we will work with internet service providers and other parties to create an appropriate exchange. Our sales and business development teams will continue to work with our existing carriers and internet service providers, and target new carriers and internet service providers, to maximize their presence in our data centers, and to achieve the highest level of connectivity in each of them, with the right connectivity providers to support the requirements of each of our communities of interest.



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Continue to Deliver Best-in-Class Customer Service

We will continue to provide a high level of customer service in order to maximize customer satisfaction and minimize churn. Our European Customer Service Center, which operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, provides continuous monitoring and troubleshooting and reduces customers’ internal support costs by giving them one-call access to full, multilingual technical support. In addition, we will continue to develop our customer tools, which include an online customer portal to provide our customers with real-time access to information. We will continue to invest in our local service delivery and assurance teams, which provide flexibility and responsiveness to customer needs.

Disciplined Expansion and Prudent Financial Management

We plan to invest in our data center capacity while maintaining our disciplined investment approach and prudent financial policy. We will continue to determine the size of our expansions based on selling patterns, pipeline and trends in existing demand as well as working with our customers to identify future capacity requirements. We plan to build larger data centers and secure land banks in anticipation of future demand, as providing line of sight to our long-term expansion plans is increasingly important to our largest customers. In order to reduce risk and improve our return on capital to meet our target internal rates of return, we manage the timing and scale of our capital expenditure obligations by phasing our expansions. Finally, we will continue to manage our capital deployment and financial management decisions based on adhering to our target internal rate of return on new expansions and target leverage ratios. For a description of past and current capital expenditure, see Item 5 “Operating and Financial Review and Prospects”.

Our Services

We offer carrier and cloud neutral colocation data center and managed services to our customers.


We provide clients with the space and power to deploy IT infrastructure in world-class data centers. Through a number of redundant subsystems, including power, fiber and cooling, we are able to provide our customers with highly reliable services. Our scalable colocation services enable our customers to upgrade space and power, connectivity and services as their requirements expand and evolve. Our data centers employ a wide range of physical security features, including biometric scanners, man traps, smoke detection, fire suppression systems, and secure access. Our colocation facilities include the following services:


Each of our data centers houses our customers’ IT infrastructure in a highly connected facility, designed and fitted to ensure a high level of network reliability. We provide the space and power for our clients to deploy their own IT infrastructures. Depending on their space and security needs, customers can choose individual cabinets, a secure cage or an individual private room.


Each of our data centers offers our customers high power availability. Generators, in combination with uninterrupted power supply (UPS) systems, ensure maximum availability. We provide a full range of output voltages and currents and offer our customers a choice of guaranteed levels of availability between 99.9% and 99.999%.


We provide connectivity services that enable our customers to connect their IT infrastructure to exchange traffic and access cloud platforms. These services, which offer connectivity with more than 700 individual carriers and internet service providers and all the leading cloud providers, enable our customers to reduce costs while improving the reliability and performance associated with the exchange of Internet and cloud data traffic. Our connectivity options offer customers a key strategic advantage by providing direct, high-speed connections to peers, partners, customers, cloud platforms and some of the most important sources of IP data, content and distribution in the world.



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Cross Connect

We install and manage physical connections running from our customers’ equipment to the equipment of our telecommunications carriers, internet service providers and Internet exchange customers, as well as to other customers. Cross connects are physically secured in dedicated Meet-Me rooms. Our staff test and install cables and patches and maintain cable trays and patch panels according to industry best practice.

Additional Services

In addition to providing colocation services, we provide a number of additional services, including systems monitoring, systems management and engineering support services. Some managed services are only performed on an ad hoc basis, as and when requested by the customer, while others are more recurring in nature. These services are provided either directly by us, or in conjunction with third parties.


We categorize our customers into three business segments: Connectivity Providers (including Telecom Operators, Internet Service Providers and Content Delivery Networks), Platform Providers (including Content and Cloud Providers) and Enterprises (including both Direct Enterprise customers and those served through IT Service Providers). We have over 2,000 customers. The majority of our customers have entered into contracts with us for an initial three to five-year term, which are typically renewed automatically for successive one-year periods.

In the year ended December 31, 2018, 38% of our Monthly recurring revenue came from our top 20 customers, 29% from our top 10 customers and 13% from one customer, which is a Fortune 50 company.

The following table sets forth some of our representative customers by segment:


Connectivity Providers


Platform Providers (Content)


Enterprises (IT Service Providers)

Akamai    Bamtech    Atos
Limelight Networks    Fox    CapGemini
AT&T    Netflix    Cognizant
BT    Perform    DXC Technology
China Telecom    Riot Games    Evry
China Unicom    Rubicon Project    Fujitsu
Cogent    Yahoo    IBM
Colt       NNIT
Deutsche Telecom   

Platform Providers (Cloud)


Enterprises (Direct)

Sprint    Amazon Web Services    AC Hotels
Tata    Barracuda    Bombardier
Telefonica    Cisco    Brunswick
TIM    Sephora
Verizon    Digital Ocean    Heidelberg Cement
Vodafone    Microsoft Azure    Konica Minolta
Zayo    Oracle    Merger Market
   Salesforce    Saint Gobain
   IBM Softlayer    RBC Capital Markets
   Tencent    Barclays
   VMware    Citigroup
   Zenlayer    Credit Suisse
      London Metal Exchange



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Customer service is provided locally by our in-country teams and centrally via our European Customer Service Center (ECSC), which is located in London. The ECSC, which supports five European languages (Dutch, English, French, German and Spanish), is run by technical support staff, operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and provides rapid and cost-effective technical and business support to all our clients. In addition to its service desk functions, the ECSC monitors and manages the performance of our data centers and takes care of network monitoring and other network operations-center functions. It arranges, as necessary, local engineering support and rapid response (out-of-hours emergency) assistance. To ensure efficient and timely support, a customer relationship management system electronically logs each issue that the ECSC is asked to address.

Customer Contracts

Our customers typically sign contracts for the provision of colocation space, together with basic service-level agreements that provide for support services and other managed services. Unless customers notify us of their intention to terminate, which is normally 90 days before the end of the contract period, colocation contracts (a majority of which have an initial term of three to five years) renew automatically for successive one-year periods. Where it is beneficial to us, however, we will seek to re-negotiate and re-sign with a customer (generally for a minimum one-year period), before the contract expires. Our contracts generally allow us the option to increase prices in accordance with each jurisdiction’s local price indices, and we are generally able to adjust the amount charged for power at any time, and as frequently as necessary, during the life of the contract to account for any increases in the costs we are charged for power by our suppliers or government surcharges.

Contracts for colocation services are priced on the basis of a monthly recurring fee that reflects charges for space, cooling, power used in the common parts of the data center, power “plugs”, and metered power usage, with related infrastructure and implementation costs included in an initial set-up fee. Clients have two options on power usage: (i) to pay in advance (typically included in the total cabinet price), for power usage in “plugs”, which are contractually defined amounts of power per month and for which the customer must pay in full, regardless of how much power is actually used; or (ii) to pay for their actual power usage in arrears on a metered basis. The power-plug option is usually sold in shared areas of our data centers where customers pay per cabinet. The metered power usage option is usually sold to customers that take dedicated space such as a cage, suite or private room, for which they are charged on a per square meter basis.

Similar to our colocation services, our additional services are typically (except for cross connects) contracted on the basis of an annual (or longer where appropriate) contract and the fee generally consists of monthly recurring charges and usage-based charges as appropriate. It may also include an initial set-up fee. If these services are ad hoc, they are invoiced on completion of the service.

New customer contracts that we enter into provide that in the event of a power outage or other equivalent service level agreement breach (for example, repeatedly crossing a temperature or humidity benchmark), the customer will receive a service credit in the form of a reduction in its next service fee payment; the credit is on a sliding scale to reflect the seriousness of the breach. Our customer contracts generally exclude liability for consequential or indirect loss suffered as a result of a service level agreement breach and for force majeure. Historically, service credit payments under our service level agreements have been minimal.

Customer Accounts

Fees are normally invoiced quarterly in advance, with the exception of metered power usage which is invoiced monthly in arrears and cross connects which are invoiced quarterly in arrears. On new contracts, we generally require deposits, which we are able to use to cover any non-payment of invoices. If accounts are not paid on time, we ultimately seek recovery through the court system.

Sales and Marketing

Our sales and marketing teams focus on identifying and converting opportunities both for existing customers and for prospects in our target segments, to expand our customers’ space within our data center portfolio and enhance our communities of interest.


We sell our products and services through local direct sales forces, through a centralized International Accounts Team and by attending tradeshows, networking events and industry seminars. Our International Accounts Team focuses on maximizing revenues from our largest customers across our European footprint and on identifying and developing new major accounts. We use a number of indirect channel partners in the United States to secure referrals and orders from companies based outside the United States.



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Our corporate marketing organization is responsible for identifying target customer segments, developing the value proposition that will enable us to succeed in our chosen segments, building and communicating a distinct brand, driving qualified leads into the sales pipeline and ensuring strategic alignment with key partners. Our corporate marketing team supports our strategic priorities through the following primary objectives:

Customer Segmentation and Targeting

Our marketing organization is responsible for the identification of high-growth customer segments and associated companies therein that we wish to target in order to build the communities of interest and develop our value proposition to enable success in our chosen markets. Our marketing organization is also responsible for business development of strategic accounts in each segment working with sales in order to build our communities of interest. Strategic customers when present in our data centers, attract other interested members to join the community. A company in one of our segments is considered “strategic” if its presence adds value to the community of interest by increasing the magnetism of the community. This can be achieved as a consequence of the application, data or capability that they place in our data centers or by virtue of its brand and the associated added value to Interxion and the community.

Brand Management and Positioning

This includes brand identity unification, positioning at the corporate and country levels, the development of methodology, marketing assets and brand awareness programs for all our business units.

Lead Generation

To grow our pipeline and deliver our revenue goals, we use online, direct and event marketing, targeted advertising and public relations programs and strategies to design and execute successful lead-generation campaigns that leverage telemarketing and direct sales.


As of December 31, 2018, we had a total of 768 employees (excluding contractors and interim staff) (as of December 31, 2017: 658; as of December 31, 2016: 600), of which 474 worked in operations and support, 153 in sales and marketing and 141 in general and administrative roles. Of our employees, 559 were employed by our operating companies and 209 worked from our headquarters near Amsterdam or from our corporate offices in London. We believe that relations with our employees are good. Except for collective rights granted by local law, none of our employees is subject to collective bargaining agreements.

Capital expenditure

During 2018, we invested €451.2 million in the business. Of this capital expenditure, 93%, or €420.0 million, was invested in discretionary expansion and upgrade projects resulting in four new data centers and numerous other expansions across our footprint, together with an expansion in our land bank to provide for future growth. Around 70% of overall capital expenditure was deployed in the Big 4 countries.

Expansions that were ongoing as of December 31, 2018, included, among others, 12,600 square meters of Maximum equippable space in Germany, 9,500 square meters of Maximum equippable space in The Netherlands, 6,300 square meters of Maximum equippable space in France, 3,900 square meters of Maximum equippable space in Switzerland, 2,500 square meters of Maximum equippable space in Spain, 2,000 square meters of Maximum equippable space in Austria, and 1,800 square meters of Maximum equippable space in the United Kingdom.


We hold title to certain of our properties and lease the remainder. We exercised certain purchase options and agreed to purchase the PAR7 and AMS7 properties, which we until December 31, 2018 reported as financial leases. In accordance with IFRS 16, which went into effect on January 1, 2019, both PAR7 and AMS7 are now and will continue to be reported as leases until the acquisitions are completed. For the other leased properties in which our data centers are located, we generally seek to secure 20- to 25-year leases. See Note 3 “Significant accounting policies New standards and interpretations not yet adopted” of our 2018 consolidated financial statements for more details about IFRS 16.



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Where possible, we try to mitigate long-term financial commitments by contracting for initial lease terms for a minimum period of 10 to 15 years, with the option to either (i) extend the leases for additional five-year terms, or (ii) terminate the leases upon expiration of the initial 10- to 15-year term. Our leases generally have consumer price index-based annual rent increases over the full term of the lease.

Data Center Operations

We had 51 carrier and cloud neutral colocation data centers in operation, in 13 metropolitan areas in 11 countries. The open phases of these data centers represent approximately 150,400 square meters of Maximum equippable space (as of December 31, 2018).

Our data centers are all located in Europe and all our revenues are generated in Europe. For more information on the geographic breakdown of our revenues, see Note 5 of our 2018 consolidated financial statements, included elsewhere herein.

We primarily select sites for our data centers based on expected customer demand, availability of power, access to telecommunications fiber routes, and in our near metropolitan areas. The majority of our data centers are stand-alone structures, close to power sub-stations and telecommunication networks in light industrial areas, rather than in residential areas where more prohibitive environmental regulations exist. Data center design and development is a highly complex process. Construction requires extensive planning and must navigate regulatory procedures which can vary by jurisdiction. We have developed extensive technical experience in building data centers in Europe and are well-positioned to bring new data centers to market rapidly to meet customer demand.

The key characteristics of our operational data centers are as follows:






Ready for service Quarter

equippable space
as of
December 31,
               Square meters  


   Vienna-1    Third Quarter, 2000      4,700  


   Vienna-2    Fourth Quarter, 2014      6,500  


   Brussels-1    Third Quarter, 2000      5,100  

Belgium (1)

   Brussels-2    First Quarter, 2018      1,100  


   Copenhagen-1    Third Quarter, 2000      3,700  

Denmark (2)

   Copenhagen-2    Second Quarter, 2016      2,000  


   Marseille-1    Third Quarter, 2014      6,400  

France (3)

   Marseille-2    Third Quarter, 2017      900  


   Paris-1    First Quarter, 2000      1,400  


   Paris-2    Third Quarter, 2001      2,900  


   Paris-3    Third Quarter, 2007      1,900  


   Paris-4    Third Quarter, 2007      1,300  


   Paris-5    Fourth Quarter, 2009      4,000  


   Paris-6    Third Quarter, 2009      1,300  

France (4)

   Paris-7    Second Quarter, 2012      8,800  


   Dusseldorf-1    Second Quarter, 2000      3,300  


   Dusseldorf-2    Fourth Quarter, 2015      1,200  


   Frankfurt-1    First Quarter, 1999      500  


   Frankfurt-2    Fourth Quarter, 1999      1,100  


   Frankfurt-3    First Quarter, 2000      2,200  


   Frankfurt-4    First Quarter, 2001      1,400  


   Frankfurt-5    Third Quarter, 2008      1,700  

Germany (5)

   Frankfurt-6    Second Quarter, 2010      2,600  


   Frankfurt-7    First Quarter, 2012      1,500  


   Frankfurt-8    Second Quarter, 2014      3,700  


   Frankfurt-9    First Quarter, 2014      800  



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Ready for service Quarter

equippable space
as of
December 31,
               Square meters  


   Frankfurt-10    First Quarter, 2016      4,800  

Germany (6)

   Frankfurt-11    Fourth Quarter, 2017      4,800  


   Frankfurt-12    Third Quarter, 2017      1,100  

Germany (7)

   Frankfurt-13    Third Quarter, 2018      4,900  


   Dublin-1    Second Quarter, 2001      1,100  


   Dublin-2    First Quarter, 2010      2,300  

Ireland (8)

   Dublin-3    Fourth Quarter, 2016      2,300  

The Netherlands

   Amsterdam- 1    First Quarter, 1998      600  

The Netherlands

   Amsterdam- 2    First Quarter, 1999      —    

The Netherlands

   Amsterdam- 3    Fourth Quarter, 1999      3,000  

The Netherlands

   Amsterdam- 4    Fourth Quarter, 2000      —    

The Netherlands

   Amsterdam- 5    Fourth Quarter, 2008      4,300  

The Netherlands

   Amsterdam- 6    Third Quarter, 2012      4,400  

The Netherlands

   Amsterdam- 7    First Quarter, 2014      7,600  

The Netherlands (9)

   Amsterdam- 8    Fourth Quarter, 2016      8,200  

The Netherlands (10)

   Amsterdam- 9    First Quarter, 2017      2,800  


   Madrid-1    Third Quarter, 2000      4,000  


   Madrid-2    Fourth Quarter, 2012      1,700  


   Stockholm-1    Third Quarter, 2000      1,900  


   Stockholm-2    Second Quarter, 2013      1,200  


   Stockholm-3    Third Quarter, 2014      900  


   Stockholm-4    Second Quarter, 2015      1,100  

Sweden (11)

   Stockholm-5    Second Quarter, 2017      900  

Switzerland (12)

   Zurich-1    Fourth Quarter, 2000      7,600  


   London-1    Third Quarter, 2000      5,400  


   London-2    Third Quarter, 2012      1,500  



Notes to provide background on increases compared to prior year:



Brussels-2 Maximum equippable space increased by 1,100 square meters as a result of an acquisition (BRU2- January 2018).


Copenhagen-2 Maximum equippable space increased by 900 square meters as a result of new expansions (CPH2.3 - April 2018, CPH2.4 - June 2018).


Marseille-2 Maximum equippable space increased by 700 square meters as a result of new expansions (MRS2.2 - June 2018).



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Paris-7 Maximum equippable space increased by 2,000 square meters as a result of a new expansion (PAR7.2B+ - March 2018, PAR7.C - November 2018).


Frankfurt-6 Maximum equippable space increased by 400 square meters as a result of a new expansion (FRA6.6A - July 2018, FRA6.6B-6C - October 2018).


Frankfurt-11 Maximum equippable space increased by 2,400 square meters as a result of a new expansion (FRA11.3, 11.4 - February 2018).


Frankfurt-13 Maximum equippable space increased by 4,900 square meters as a result of a new expansion (FRA13 - September 2018).


Dublin-3 Maximum equippable space increased by 1,100 square meters as a result of a new expansion (DUB3.3, 3.4 - June 2018).


Amsterdam-8 Maximum equippable space increased by 5,400 square meters as a result of a new expansion (AMS8.3-8.6 - September - December 2018).


Amsterdam-9 Maximum equippable space increased by 500 square meters as a result of a new expansion (AMS9.2 - September 2018).


Stockholm-5 Maximum equippable space increased by 400 square meters as a result of a new expansion (STO5.2 - March and June 2018).


Zurich-1 Maximum equippable space increased by 500 square meters as a result of converting storage space into customer room (ZUR1 - June and July 2018).


The Company’s operations are not significantly exposed to seasonality.


We compete directly with all providers of data center services including in-house and outsourced data centers. Our chief competitors among each of the types of competition are listed below.

Carrier and Cloud Neutral Colocation Data Centers

Carrier and cloud neutral colocation data centers in Europe include Equinix and Telehouse.

Wholesale Data Centers

Wholesale data center providers include Digital Realty Trust, NTT, and Global Switch.

Carrier-Operated Data Centers

Carriers that operate their own data centers in Europe include AT&T, BT, Cable & Wireless, Colt, Verizon, Level 3 and Deutsche Telekom, among others.

IT Outsourcers and Managed Services Provider Data Centers

IT outsourcers and managed services providers in Europe include HP, IBM, Rackspace and Sungard.

See Item 3 “Key Information—Risk Factors—We face significant competition and we may not be able to compete successfully against current and future competitors”.



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We have not been party to any legal proceedings, governmental or arbitration proceedings during the 12 months preceding the date of this annual report which may have, or have in the recent past had, a significant effect on our financial position.


Although we are not subject to any financial regulations (such as outsourcing requirements, MiFID or Basel II), our financial services customers commonly are. In their contracts with us, these financial services customers impose access, audit and inspection rights to those parts of our data centers that contain their equipment to enable them to satisfy their regulatory requirements.

In addition, as a consumer of substantial amounts of electricity, we are affected by the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme (the “CRC Scheme”), which was introduced in 2010, and simplified in May 2013 by the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme Order 2013. It is a mandatory UK-wide emissions trading scheme based on electricity usage. Phase 2 runs from April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2019. For Phase 2 of the CRC Scheme, organizations qualified if, during the qualification year (that ran from April 1, 2012 until March 31, 2013), they consumed over 6,000 MWh of qualifying electricity through at least one settled half hour meter. We qualified for the CRC Scheme and registered for Phase 2 with the CRC Registry by the deadline of January 31, 2014. Non-compliance with the CRC Scheme may result in criminal and civil penalties.

Once registered for Phase 2, participants have to monitor and report their annual supplies of electricity and gas and then surrender “allowances” equal to the quantity of carbon dioxide emissions associated with that annual CRC Scheme consumption before the end of October. One allowance must be surrendered for each ton of carbon dioxide emitted. Allowances can be bought or traded and participants must submit an annual report on their CRC energy supplies by the end of July each year. The allowance price in the April 2017 “forecast sale” was £16.60 per ton of carbon dioxide and £17.70 in the “buy to comply” sale in June 2018. The prices of allowances for the 2018/19 compliance year are £17.20 per ton of carbon dioxide in the forecast sale and £18.30 in the compliance sale. Through the annual report publication, the UK Environmental Agency also publishes information on the basis of participants’ annual reports including details the participants submitted when they registered for the CRC Scheme. The potential impacts of the CRC Scheme on our data centers in the UK include the costs of improving energy efficiency in order to reduce electricity consumption and the costs of allowances and administration in complying with the CRC Scheme.

Climate Change Agreements (“CCAs”) are voluntary agreements between the UK Government and energy-intensive sectors that allow a discount from the UK climate change levy (a tax added to electricity and fuel bills) in return for companies meeting carbon saving targets. Data center businesses that provide colocation space (both wholesale and retail) have been eligible for CCAs since July

2014, when the data center sector association, techUK, signed an umbrella agreement with the UK Environmental Agency. From April 1, 2013, participants are entitled to a 90% reduction on the electricity climate change levy (“CCL”) and a 65% reduction for other fuels if they agree to and meet their CCA targets. We signed a CCA in February 2015. The buy-out price for 2017/18 and 2019/20 (targets period 3 and 4) is £14 per ton of carbon dioxide emissions. As part of the wider CCA review in 2016, the UK government confirmed that data centers (added as a new sector to the CCA scheme in 2014) are not subject to a detailed target review.

Within this CCA framework, the CRC Scheme provides that an electricity or gas supply consumed for the purpose of operating a participating CCA facility will not qualify as an energy supply that requires surrender of carbon dioxide allowance under the CRC Scheme. While we now face costs associated with meeting the target in our CCA, the CCA has reduced our expenditure on CRC Scheme allowances and enables us to qualify for the reduced UK CCL rate under Part IV of Schedule 6 to the Finance Act 2000 (as amended).

Changes to the UK environmental regulations are expected in the future in accordance with the CRC Revocation Order 2018 which came into force on October 1, 2018. The CRC Scheme will close following the 2018-2019 compliance year, with no purchase of allowances required to cover emissions for energy supplied from April 2019. The last CRC report should therefore be submitted by the end of July 2019 and the last surrender of allowances for emissions from energy supplied in the 2018-2019 compliance year should occur by the end of October 2019. The Autumn 2018 Budget set main rates of the CCL for 2020-2021 and 2021-2022. The electricity rate will be lowered, and the gas rate will increase in 2020-2021 so that it reaches 60% of the electricity main rate by 2021-2022. The discount for sectors with CCAs will change to reflect the change in CCL main rates. The UK government will keep the existing CCA eligibility criteria in place through at least 2023. The government will introduce a new, simplified energy and carbon reporting (“SECR”) framework on April 1, 2019, by way of the Energy and Carbon Report Regulations 2018. This will require additional reporting on emissions, energy consumption and energy efficiency action by qualifying companies (including quoted companies and large unquoted companies). We will continue to analyze all proposed changes fully and will prepare to comply with any new requirement and/or legal obligations.



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Pursuant to Article 8(4-6) of the Energy Efficiency Directive 2012 (aiming to encourage investment in energy efficiency improvements, as part of the European Union’s aim to reduce primary energy consumption by 20% by 2020), European Member States are obliged to ensure that undertakings that meet certain thresholds on the number of employees, annual balance sheet total and annual turnover qualify as specified in Energy Efficiency Directive 2012 carry out energy audits. The directive requires the audits to be carried out at least every four years and the next deadline (Phase 2) will be December 5, 2019. The directive allows alternatives to the audit, such as ISO 50001 certification. If a qualifying undertaking does not comply with its obligations under national legislation, the relevant compliance body may issue sanctions (for example, in the UK, the regulator can issue an enforcement notice and seek civil penalties).

We meet the qualification thresholds in the UK, Germany, France, Denmark, Spain, Sweden and The Netherlands.

In Germany and Spain, in accordance with national legislation, we are exempt from performing an energy efficiency audit due to our ISO 50001 certification. The Phase 1 audits, with an initial filing deadline of December 5, 2015 for France, Denmark, Sweden, the UK and The Netherlands, have been performed and filed with the relevant authorities.

As an operator of data centers, which act as content and connectivity hubs that facilitate the storage, sharing and distribution of data, content and media for customers, we have in place an Acceptable Use Policy, which applies to all our customers that use Internet connectivity services provided by us and which requires our customers to respect all legislation pertaining to the use of Internet services, including email.

We are subject to telecommunications regulation in the various European jurisdictions in which we presently operate, most notably the EU Regulatory Framework. Under these regulations, we are not required to obtain licenses for the provision of our services. We may, however, be required to notify the national telecommunications regulator in certain European jurisdictions about these services. We have made and, where and when required, will make the necessary notifications for such jurisdictions.

By operating data centers, we will process personal data under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679). We are subject to this legislation throughout our footprint as processors and controllers in the meaning of this Directive. This imposes obligations on us, such as an obligation to take reasonable steps to protect that information.


We have in place what we consider to be reasonable insurance coverage against the type of risks usually insured by companies carrying on the same or similar types of business as ours in the markets in which we operate. Our insurance broadly falls under the following categories: professional indemnity, general third-party liability, directors and officers liability and property damage insurance and business interruption insurance.

Our History and Organizational Structure

European Telecom Exchange B.V. was incorporated on April 6, 1998. After being renamed InterXion Holding B.V. on June 12, 1998, it was converted into InterXion Holding N.V. on January 11, 2000. For further information on the history and development of the Company, see Item 10 “Additional Information—General”. From inception until the acquisition of Interxion Science Park (formerly known as Vancis B.V., “Interxion Science Park”) in 2017, we grew our colocation business organically. Since 2001, we developed our geographic footprint in 13 cities where we have established data center campuses. The only changes to our geographic footprint have been the addition of Marseille in 2014 and the closing of Hilversum at the end of 2014. Following the industry downturn that began in 2001 as a result of a sharp decline in demand for Internet-based businesses, we restructured within our geographic base to refocus on a broader and more stable customer base. We have since focused on shifting our customer base from primarily emerging Internet companies and carriers to a wide variety of established businesses that seek to house their IT infrastructure.



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Our subsidiaries perform various tasks, such as servicing our clients, operating our data centers, customers support, and providing management, sales and marketing support to the Group. The following table sets forth the name, country of incorporation and (direct and indirect) ownership interest of our subsidiaries as of December 31, 2018:



Country of






InterXion HeadQuarters B.V.

   The Netherlands      100   Management

Interxion Europe Ltd

   United Kingdom      100   Management

InterXion Operational B.V.

   The Netherlands      100   Management/Holding

InterXion Participation 1 B.V.

   The Netherlands      100   Holding

InterXion Nederland B.V.

   The Netherlands      100   Provision of co-location services

InterXion Datacenters B.V.

   The Netherlands      100   Data center sales and marketing

InterXion Science Park B.V.

   The Netherlands      100   Provision of co-location services

InterXion Real Estate Holding B.V.

   The Netherlands      100   Real estate management/Holding

InterXion Real Estate I B.V.

   The Netherlands      100   Real estate

InterXion Real Estate IV B.V.

   The Netherlands      100   Real estate

InterXion Real Estate V B.V.

   The Netherlands      100   Real estate

InterXion Real Estate X B.V.

   The Netherlands      100   Real estate

InterXion Real Estate XII B.V.

   The Netherlands      100   Real estate

InterXion Real Estate XIII B.V.

   The Netherlands      100   Real estate

InterXion Real Estate XIV B.V.

   The Netherlands      100   Real estate

InterXion Real Estate XVI B.V.

   The Netherlands      100   Real estate

InterXion Österreich GmbH

   Austria      100   Provision of co-location services

InterXion Real Estate VII GmbH

   Austria      100   Real estate

InterXion Belgium N.V.

   Belgium      100   Provision of co-location services

InterXion Real Estate IX N.V.

   Belgium      100   Real estate

InterXion Danmark ApS

   Denmark      100   Provision of co-location services

InterXion Real Estate VI ApS.

   Denmark      100   Real estate

InterXion Real Estate XVII ApS.

   Denmark      100   Real estate

Interxion France SAS

   France      100   Provision of co-location services

Interxion Real Estate II SARL

   France      100   Real estate

Interxion Real Estate III SARL

   France      100   Real estate

Interxion Real Estate XI SARL

   France      100   Real estate

InterXion Deutschland GmbH

   Germany      100   Provision of co-location services

InterXion Ireland DAC

   Ireland      100   Provision of co-location services

Interxion España SA

   Spain      100   Provision of co-location services

Interxion Real Estate XV SL

   Spain      100   Real estate

InterXion Sverige AB

   Sweden      100   Provision of co-location services

InterXion (Schweiz) AG

   Switzerland      100   Provision of co-location services

InterXion Real Estate VIII AG.

   Switzerland      100   Real estate

InterXion Carrier Hotel Ltd.

   United Kingdom      100   Provision of co-location services

CT Corporation acts as our agent in the United States. It is located at 111 Eight Avenue, 13th Floor, New York, New York 10011, United States. Refer to “Item 10: Additional Information—Documents on display” for more details about where our SEC filings can be obtained.



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Index to Financial Statements


The following information should be read in conjunction with the audited consolidated financial statements and notes thereto and with the financial information presented in Item 18 “Financial Statements” included elsewhere in this annual report. The following discussion contains forward-looking statements that reflect our plans, estimates and beliefs. Such statements are based upon current expectations that involve risks and uncertainties. Any statements contained herein that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. For example, the words “believes”, “anticipates”, “plans”, “expects”, “intends”, and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Our actual results could differ materially from those discussed in these forward-looking statements. Factors that might cause such a discrepancy include, but are not limited to, those discussed in “—Liquidity and Capital Resources” below and Item 3 “Key Information—Risk Factors” above. All forward-looking statements in this annual report are based on information available to us as of the date of this annual report and we assume no obligation to update any such forward-looking statements.


We are a leading provider of carrier and cloud neutral colocation data center services in Europe. We support over 2,000 customers through 51 data centers (as of December 31, 2018) in 11 countries, enabling them to create value by housing, protecting and connecting their most valuable content and applications. We enable our customers to connect to a broad range of telecommunications carriers, cloud platforms, internet service providers and other customers. Our data centers act as content, cloud and connectivity hubs that facilitate the processing, storage, sharing and distribution of data between our customers, creating an environment that we refer to as a community of interest.

Our core offering of carrier and cloud neutral colocation services includes space, power, cooling, connectivity and a physically secure environment in which to house our customers’ computing, network, storage and IT infrastructure. We enable our customers to reduce operational and capital costs while improving application performance and flexibility. We supplement our core colocation offering with a number of additional services, including network monitoring, remote monitoring of customer equipment, systems management, engineering support services, cross connect, data backup and storage.

Our headquarters are near Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and we operate in major metropolitan areas, including Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Paris and London, Europe’s main data center markets. Our data centers are located in close proximity to the intersection of telecommunications fiber routes, and we house more than 700 individual carriers and internet service providers, 21 European Internet exchanges and all the leading global cloud platforms. Our data centers allow our customers to lower their telecommunications costs and reduce latency, thereby improving the response time of their applications. This high level of connectivity fosters the development of communities of interest.

Growth in Internet traffic, cloud computing and the use of customer-facing hosted applications are driving significant demand for high quality carrier and cloud neutral colocation data center services. This demand results from the need for either more space or more power, or both. These needs, in turn, are driven by, among other factors, decreased cost of Internet access, increased broadband penetration, increased usage of high-bandwidth content, increased number of wireless access points and the growing availability of Internet and network-based applications.

Our market is highly competitive. Most companies operate their own data centers and, in many cases, continue to invest in data center capacity, although there is a trend towards outsourcing. We compete against other carrier and cloud neutral colocation data center service providers, such as Equinix and Telehouse. We also compete with other types of data centers, including carrier-operated colocation, wholesale and IT outsourcers and managed services provider data centers. The cost, operational risk and inconvenience involved in relocating a customer’s networking and computing equipment to another data center are significant and have the effect of protecting a competitor’s data center from significant levels of customer churn.

Key Aspects of Our Financial Model

We offer carrier and cloud neutral colocation services to our customers. Our revenues are mostly recurring in nature and in the last several years, Recurring revenue has consistently represented more than 90% of our total revenue. Our contracted Recurring revenue model together with low levels of Average monthly churn provide significant predictability of future revenue.



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Index to Financial Statements


We generally enter into contracts with our customers for initial terms of three to five years, with annual price escalators and automatic one-year renewals after the end of the initial term. Our cross connect contracts are renewable on a monthly basis. Our customer contracts provide for a fixed monthly recurring fee for our colocation, managed services, cross connects and, in the case of cabinets, fixed amounts of power pre-purchased at a fixed price. These fees are usually billed quarterly in advance but may also be billed monthly or bi-annually in advance, together with fees for cross connects that are billed quarterly in arrears. Other services such as the provision of metered power (based on a price per kilowatt hour actually consumed), are billed monthly in arrears, and fees for setup and installation and for services such as remote hands and eyes support are billed on an as-incurred basis.

The following table presents our future committed revenues expected to be generated from our fixed term customer contracts as of December 31, 2018, 2017 and 2016.


     2018      2017      2016  

Within 1 year

     380,300        327,500        296,600  

Between 1 to 5 years

     543,800        449,500        434,900  

After 5 years

     376,500        35,600        52,700  


     1,300,600        812,600        784,200  

Revenues from contracts with customers are recognized when the relevant performance obligation has been fulfilled. Revenues are measured at relative standalone selling price, taking into account any discounts or volume rebates. By applying the relative standalone selling price, the transaction price is allocated to each performance obligation based on the proportion of the standalone selling price of each performance obligation to the sum of standalone selling prices of all of the performance obligations in the contract.

The Group reviews contracts for separately identifiable performance obligations and if necessary, applies individual recognition treatment, in which case revenues are allocated to separately identifiable performance obligations based on their relative standalone selling price.

The Group earns colocation revenue as a result of providing data center services to customers at its data centers. Colocation revenues and lease income are recognized in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the term of the customer contract. Incentives granted reduce the total consideration to be earned over the term of the customer contract. Customers are usually invoiced quarterly in advance and income is recognized on a straight-line basis over the quarter. Initial setup fees payable at the beginning of customer contracts are deferred at inception and recognized in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the initial term of the customer contract. Power revenues are recognized based on customers’ usage and are generally matched with the corresponding costs.

Other services revenue, including managed services and customer installation services, including equipment sales, are recognized when the services are rendered. Certain installation services and equipment sales, which by their nature are non-recurring, are presented as Non-recurring revenues and are recognized upon delivery of service.

Deferred revenues relating to invoicing in advance and initial setup fees are carried on the statement of financial position as part of trade payables and other liabilities. Deferred revenues due to be recognized after more than one year are held in non-current liabilities.

Recurring revenue comprises revenue that is incurred from colocation and associated power charges, office space, amortized set-up fees, cross-connects and certain recurring managed services (but excluding any ad hoc managed services) provided by us directly or through third parties, excluding rents received for the sublease of unused sites.



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Our cost base consists primarily of personnel, power and property costs.

We employ the majority of our personnel in operations and support roles that operate our data centers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. As of December 31, 2018, we employed 768 employees (excluding contractors and interim staff), of which 474 worked in operations and support, 153 in sales and marketing and 141 in general and administrative roles. A data center typically requires a fixed number of personnel to run, irrespective of customer utilization. Increases in operations and support personnel occur when we bring new data centers into service. Our approach is, where possible, to locate new data centers close to our existing data centers. In addition to other benefits of proximity, in some cases it also enables us to leverage existing personnel within a data center campus.

In 2018, 2017 and 2016, we continued to invest resources in sales and marketing personnel to engage with our existing and potential customers. This has enabled us to establish closer relationships with our customers thereby enabling us to understand and anticipate their needs and to forecast demand, helping us plan the scope and timing of our expansion activities.

Our customers’ equipment consumes significant amounts of power and generates heat. In recent years the amount of power consumed by an individual piece of equipment, or power density, has increased as processing capacity has increased. In maintaining the correct environmental conditions for the equipment to operate most effectively, our cooling and air conditioning infrastructure also consumes significant amounts of power. Our power costs are variable and directly dependent on the amount of power consumed by our customers’ equipment. Our power costs also increase as the Utilization rate of a data center increases. Increases in power costs due to increased usage by our customers are generally matched by corresponding increases in power revenues.

The unit price we pay for our energy also has an impact on our energy costs. We generally enter into contracts with local utility companies to purchase energy at fixed prices for periods of one or two years. Within substantially all of our customer contracts, we have the right to adjust at any time the price we charge for our power services to enable us to recover increases in the unit price we pay.

We currently hold title to the AMS3, AMS6, AMS9, AMS11, BRU1, CPH2, DUB3, FRA8, FRA10, FRA11, FRA13, FRA14, MRS1, PAR3, PAR5, and VIE properties, freehold land for AMS10, CPH3, FRA15, MAD3 and ZUR2, and additional properties for future sites. We exercised certain purchase options and agreed to purchase the PAR7 freehold land, on which we own the PAR7 data center and the AMS7 freehold land and properties. The PAR7 land and the AMS7 land and properties were until December 31, 2018 reported as financial leases. In accordance with IFRS 16, which went into effect on January 1, 2019, both PAR7 and AMS7 are now and will continue to be reported as leases until the acquisitions are completed. See Note 3 “Significant accounting policies New standards and interpretations not yet adopted” of our 2018 consolidated financial statements for more details about IFRS 16.

For the other leased properties on which our data centers are located, we generally seek to secure property leases for terms of 20 to 25 years. Where possible, we try to mitigate the long-term financial commitment by contracting for initial lease terms for a minimum period of 10 to 15 years with the option for us either to (i) extend the leases for additional five-year terms or (ii) terminate the leases upon expiration of the initial 10- to 15-year term and any subsequent term. Our leases generally have consumer price index based annual rent increases over the full term of the lease.

Larger increases in our property costs occur when we bring new data centers into service. This also has the effect of temporarily reducing our overall Utilization rate while the utilization of the new data center increases as we sell to customers.

In addition, we enter into annual maintenance contracts with our major plant and equipment suppliers. This cost increases as new maintenance contracts are entered into in support of new data center operations.

Operating Leverage

As a result of the relatively fixed nature of our costs, we generally experience margin expansion as our Utilization rate at existing data centers increases, although our margins will vary over time based upon the scope and scale of our capacity expansions and the investment that we make in our business, particularly in operations.



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Index to Financial Statements

Adjusted EBITDA

Adjusted EBITDA is a non-IFRS measure. We believe Adjusted EBITDA provides useful supplemental information to investors regarding our ongoing operational performance because this measure helps us and our investors evaluate the ongoing operating performance of the business after removing the impact of our capital structure (primarily interest expense) and our asset base (primarily depreciation and amortization). Management believes that the presentation of Adjusted EBITDA, when combined with the primary IFRS presentation of Net income, provides a more complete analysis of our operating performance. Management also believes the use of Adjusted EBITDA facilitates comparisons between us and other data center operators (including other data center operators that are REITs) and other infrastructure-based businesses. Adjusted EBITDA is also a relevant measure used in the financial covenants of our Revolving Facility Agreement and our Senior Notes.

Other companies may present Adjusted EBITDA differently than we do. This measure is not a measure of financial performance under IFRS and should not be considered as an alternative to Operating income or as a measure of liquidity or an alternative to Net income as an indicator of our operating performance or any other measure of performance implemented in accordance with IFRS.

We define Adjusted EBITDA as Operating income adjusted for the following items, which may occur in any period, and which management believes are not representative of our operating performance:



Depreciation and amortization – property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (except goodwill) are depreciated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life. We believe that these costs do not represent our operating performance.



Share-based payments – represents primarily the fair value at the date of grant of employee equity awards, which is recognized as an expense over the vesting period. In certain cases, the fair value is redetermined for market conditions at each reporting date, until the final date of grant is achieved. We believe that this expense does not represent our operating performance.



Income or expense related to the evaluation and execution of potential mergers or acquisitions (“M&A”) – under IFRS, gains and losses associated with M&A activity are recognized in the period in which such gains or losses are incurred. We exclude these effects because we believe they are not reflective of our ongoing operating performance.



Adjustments related to terminated and unused data center sites – these gains and losses relate to historical leases entered into for certain brownfield sites, with the intention of developing data centers, which were never developed, and for which management has no intention of developing into data centers. We believe the impact of gains and losses related to unused data centers are not reflective of our business activities and our ongoing operating performance.

In certain circumstances, we may also adjust for other items that management believes are not representative of our current ongoing performance. Examples include: adjustments for the cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle or estimate, impairment losses, litigation gains and losses or windfall gains and losses.

A reconciliation of Net income to Adjusted EBITDA is provided in the section “—Results of operations” and “—Adjusted EBITDA”. Adjusted EBITDA and other key performance indicators may not be indicative of our historical results of operations under IFRS, nor are they meant to be predictive of future results under IFRS.

Cash generated from operations

Cash generated from operations is defined as net cash flow from operating activities, excluding interest and corporate income tax payments and receipts. Management believe that the exclusion of these items provides useful supplemental information to net cash flows from operating activities, to aid investors in evaluating the cash generating performance of our business.

Net Finance Expense

Towards the end of 2006, we started an expansion program of our data centers based on customer demand. This program, closely matched to both customer demand and available capital resources, has since continued. Since 2006, we have raised debt capital to fund our expansion program, which has contributed to increases in our finance expense. During the period of construction of a data center, we capitalize the borrowing costs as part of the construction costs. In 2013, we issued €325.0 million of 6.00% senior secured notes due 2020 (the “Senior Secured Notes”). In April 2014, we improved our funding to support growth by issuing an additional €150.0 million of Senior Secured Notes. This additional financing, combined with a €9.2 million mortgage for our BRU1 data center



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secured in 2014, was used to repay amounts drawn under our former super senior facility agreement originally dated June 17, 2013 and to fund further expansion projects. In December 2015, we secured a new €15.0 million mortgage for our FRA8 and FRA10 property, which was used for further expansion projects. In 2016 we issued an additional €150.0 million of Senior Secured Notes and secured a €14.6 million mortgage on our VIE property. In addition, in 2017 we entered into a secured revolving facility agreement providing for a €100.0 million secured revolving facility (the “2017 Senior Secured Revolving Facility”), which was fully drawn as of December 31, 2017. In June 2018, we issued €1,000.0 million of 4.75% Senior Notes. The proceeds were used to purchase, redeem and discharge €625.0 million of 6.00% Senior Secured Notes, redeem the amounts drawn under our revolving credit facilities, pay fees and expenses incurred in connection with the refinancing, and for other general corporate purposes. In September 2018, we issued an additional €200.0 million of 4.75% Senior Notes.

In the year ended December 31, 2018, our net finance expense was €61.8 million, which primarily consisted of interest expense of €52.6 million, one-time charges of €11.2 million relating to the refinancing of our capital structure in June 2018, and €0.9 million relating to the amortization of financing fees, partly offset by €3.1 million of realized premia relating to the refinancing of our 6.00% Senior Secured Notes and a €0.5 million gain due to changes in the fair value of our convertible loan provided to Icolo Ltd. In the year ended December 31, 2017, our net finance expense was €44.4 million, which primarily consisted of interest expense of €41.4 million, foreign currency exchange losses of €1.7 million, €1.2 million amortization of premium received in connection with the issuance and sale in 2016 of the additional €150.0 million 6.00% Senior Secured Notes due 2020, and interest income of €0.2 million in connection with a convertible loan issued to Icolo Ltd. For the full year 2016, our net finance expense was €36.3 million, which primarily consisted of interest expense of €34.9 million, foreign currency exchange losses of €0.8 million, €0.8 million amortization of premium received in connection with the issuance and sale of the additional €150.0 million 6.00% Senior Secured Notes due 2020, and profit of €0.3 million in connection with the sale of a financial asset. During the first quarter of 2019, we increased capacity under the Revolving Facility by €100.0 million for total commitment of €300.0 million.

The increase in the net finance expense for the year ended December 31, 2018 was primarily due to increased interest charges relating to a greater amount of borrowings following the refinancing of our capital structure, together with associated one-time financing charges. The increase in net finance expense for the year ended December 31, 2017 compared to the year ended December 31, 2016 was primarily due to the full-year interest expense on the additional €150.0 million 6.00% Senior Secured Notes due 2020, which we issued in April 2016, utilization of the €100.0 million 2017 Senior Secured Revolving Facility, a positive adjustment of a financial lease obligation in France in 2016, additional financing fees, and increased foreign currency exchange losses.

We capitalized €4.9 million of borrowing costs in connection with the construction of new data center space in the year ended December 31, 2018, €3.1 million in the year ended December 31, 2017, and €3.5 million in the year ended December 31, 2016.

We discuss our capital expenditure, including intangible assets and our capital expansion program below in “Liquidity and Capital Resources”

Income Tax Expense

Since inception, we generated significant tax loss carry forwards in all our jurisdictions. In 2006, we became taxable income positive and began utilizing our tax loss carry forwards against taxable profits. As of December 31, 2018, we have recognized all our tax loss carry forwards. We expect the cash tax rate to trend up over time towards underlying effective tax rate levels.

Segment Reporting

We report our financials in two segments, which we have determined based on our management and internal reporting structure: the first is France, Germany, The Netherlands and UK and the second is the Rest of Europe, which comprises our operations in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. Segment results, assets and liabilities include items directly attributable to a segment as well as those that can be allocated on a reasonable basis. Unallocated items are presented as “Corporate and Other” and mainly comprise general and administrative expenses, assets and liabilities associated with our headquarters operations, provisions for onerous contracts (relating to the discounted amount of future losses expected to be incurred in respect of unused data center sites over the term of the relevant leases, as further explained below) and revenue and expenses related to those onerous contracts, loans and borrowings and related expenses and income tax assets and liabilities. Segment capital expenditure, and intangible assets is the total cost directly attributable to a segment incurred during the period to acquire property, plant and equipment.



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Index to Financial Statements

Results of operations

Operating results for the years ended December 31, 2018, 2017 and 2016:


     Year ended
December 31,
    Year ended December 31,  
     2018 (1)     2018     2017     2016  

(U.S. $’000,

except per

share amounts)

    (€’000, except per share amounts)  


     643,543       561,752       489,302       421,788  

Cost of sales

     (251,416     (219,462     (190,471     (162,568

Gross profit

     392,127       342,290       298,831       259,220  

Other income


Income from sub-leases on unused data center sites

     99       86       97       95  

(Increase)/decrease in provision for site restoration

     —         —         —         238  

Other income

     99       86       97       333  

Sales and marketing costs

     (41,807     (36,494     (33,465     (29,941

General and administrative costs


Depreciation and amortization

     (147,729     (128,954     (108,252     (89,835

Share-based payments

     (14,553     (12,704     (9,929     (7,890

M&A transaction costs

     (3,706     (3,235     (4,604     (2,429

Other general and administrative costs

     (56,998     (49,753     (44,405     (38,403

General and administrative costs

     (222,986     (194,646     (167,190     (138,557

Operating income

     127,433       111,236       98,273       91,055  

Net finance expense

     (70,779     (61,784     (44,367     (36,269

Profit before taxation

     56,654       49,452       53,906       54,786  

Income tax expense

     (21,003     (18,334     (14,839     (16,450

Net income

     35,651       31,118       39,067       38,336  

Basic earnings per share

     0.50       0.43       0.55       0.54  

Adjusted EBITDA (2)

     295,333       257,798       220,961       190,876  



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Index to Financial Statements

Operating results as a percentage of revenues for the years ended December 31, 2018, 2017 and 2016:


     Year Ended December 31,  
     2018     2017     2016  


     100     100     100

Cost of sales

     (39 %)      (39 %)      (39 %) 

Gross profit

     61     61     61

Other income


Income from sub-leases on unused data center sites

     0     0     0

(Increase)/decrease in provision for site restoration

     0     0     0

Other income

     0     0     0

Sales and marketing costs

     (6 %)      (7 %)      (7 %) 

General and administrative costs


Depreciation and amortization

     (23 %)      (22 %)      (21 %) 

Share-based payments

     (2 %)      (2 %)      (2 %) 

M&A transaction costs

     (1 %)      (1 %)      (1 %) 

Other general and administrative costs

     (9 %)      (9 %)      (9 %) 

General and administrative costs

     (35 %)      (34 %)      (32 %) 

Operating income

     20     20     22

Net finance expense

     (11 %)      (9 %)      (9 %) 

Profit before taxation

     9     11     13

Income tax expense

     (3 %)      (3 %)      (4 %) 

Net income

     6     8     9

Adjusted EBITDA (2)

     46     45     45





The operating results for the year ended December 31, 2018, have been translated for convenience only based on the noon buying rate in The City of New York for cable transfers of euro as certified for customs purposes by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as of December 31, 2018, and for euro into U.S. dollars of €1.00 = U.S. 1.1456. See Item 3 “Key Information—Exchange Rate Information” for additional information.


We define Adjusted EBITDA as Operating income adjusted for depreciation and amortization, share-based payments, income or expense related to the evaluation and execution of potential mergers or acquisitions (“M&A”), and adjustments related to terminated and unused data center sites. In certain circumstances, we may also adjust for other items that management believes are not representative of our current ongoing performance. See “Introduction—Non-IFRS Measures”, “—Key Aspects of Our Financial Model—Adjusted EBITDA” and “—Adjusted EBITDA” for a more detailed description.



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Reconciliation of Net income to Adjusted EBITDA, for the periods indicated:


     Year Ended
December 31,
     Year Ended December 31,  
     2018 *      2018      2017      2016  
     (U.S. $’000)      (€’000)  

Other financial data


Net income

     35,651        31,118        39,067        38,336  

Income tax expense

     21,003        18,334        14,839        16,450  

Profit before taxation

     56,654        49,452        53,906        54,786  

Net finance expense

     70,779        61,784        44,367        36,269  

Operating income

     127,433        111,236        98,273        91,055  

Depreciation and amortization

     147,729        128,954        108,252        89,835  

Share-based payments

     14,553        12,704        9,929        7,890  

Re-assessment of indirect taxes

     2,011        1,755        —          —    

M&A transaction costs

     3,706        3,235        4,604        2,429  

Income from sub-leases on unused data center sites

     (99      (86      (97      (95

Increase/(decrease) in provision for site restoration

     —          —          —          (238

Adjusted EBITDA *

     295,333        257,798        220,961        190,876  





References are to the footnotes above.

Some of our key performance indicators as of the dates indicated:


     As of December 31,  
     2018     2017     2016  

Equipped space (1) (square meters)

     144,800       122,500       110,800  

Utilization rate (2) (%)

     79     81     79





Equipped space is the amount of data center space that, on the date indicated, is equipped and either sold or could be sold, without making any additional investments to common infrastructure. Equipped space at a particular data center may decrease if either (a) the power requirements of customers at such data center change so that all or a portion of the remaining space can no longer be sold because the space does not have enough power and/or common infrastructure to support it without further investment or (b) if the design and layout of a data center changes to meet, among others, fire regulations or customer requirements, and necessitates the introduction of common space, such as corridors, which cannot be sold to individual customers.


Utilization rate is, on the relevant date, Revenue generating space as a percentage of Equipped space; some Equipped space is not fully utilized due to customers’ specific requirements on the layout of their equipment. In practice, therefore, Utilization rate may not reach 100%.



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Index to Financial Statements

Years Ended December 31, 2018 and 2017


Revenue for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017:


     Year ended December 31,      Change  
     2018      %      2017      %           %  
     (€’000, except percentages)  

Recurring revenue

     533,083        95        462,516        95        70,567        15  

Non-recurring revenue

     28,669        5        26,786        5        1,883        7  


     561,752        100        489,302        100        72,450        15  

Revenue increased to €561.8 million for the year ended December 31, 2018, from €489.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2017, an increase of 15%. Recurring revenue increased by 15% and Non-recurring revenue was 5% of total revenue for the year ended December 31, 2018, and 5% of total revenue for the year ended December 31, 2017. The period–over-period growth in Recurring revenue was primarily the result of an increase of approximately 15,200 square meters in Revenue generating space as a result of sales both to existing and new customers in all our regions.

Cost of Sales

Cost of sales increased to €219.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2018, from €190.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2017, an increase of 15%. Cost of sales was 39% of revenue for each of the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017. The increase in cost of sales related to our overall revenue growth and data center expansion projects, including (i) an increase of €18.2 million in energy usage costs, (ii) an increase of €6.5 million in costs for operation and support personnel, (iii) an increase of €1.8 million in gross data center rent, (iv) an increase of €1.7 million in security costs, and (v) an increase of €2.7 million in maintenance costs commensurate with our growth. Equipped space increased by approximately 22,300 square meters during the year ended December 31, 2018, mainly as a result of expansions to existing data centers in Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Paris, Vienna, Copenhagen, Dublin and Marseille, and to the addition of new data centers in Frankfurt and Brussels.

Other Income

Other income represents income that we do not consider part of our core business, which includes income from the subleases on unused data center sites.

Sales and Marketing Costs

Our sales and marketing costs increased to €36.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2018, from €33.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2017, an increase of 9%. The increase in sales and marketing costs was primarily due to increased compensation and related costs as a result of increases in employee headcount and marketing expenses associated with our continued investment in our go to market strategy. Sales and marketing costs were 6% of revenue for the year ended December 31, 2018, and 7% of revenue for the year ended December 31, 2017.

General and Administrative Costs

General and administrative costs consist of depreciation and amortization, share-based payments, M&A transaction costs and other general and administrative costs.

Depreciation and amortization increased to €129.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2018, from €108.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2017, an increase of 19%. Depreciation and amortization was 23% of revenue for the year ended December 31, 2018, and 22% for the year ended December 31, 2017. The increase was commensurate with our ongoing investment in new data centers and data center expansions.



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In determining Adjusted EBITDA we add back share-based payments. For the year ended December 31, 2018, we recorded share-based payments of €12.7 million, an increase of 28% from the year ended December 31, 2017. In determining Adjusted EBITDA we also add back M&A transaction costs, which amounted to €3.2 million in 2018 and €4.6 million in 2017.

Other general and administrative costs increased to €49.8 million for the year ended December 31, 2018, from €44.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2017, an increase of 12%. Other general and administrative costs were 9% of revenue for the years ended December 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017. The increase in other general and administrative costs was due to increases in professional advisory fees, software licenses, and in the costs associated with a larger headcount.

Net Finance Expense

Net finance expense increased to €61.8 million for the year ended December 31, 2018 from €44.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2017, an increase of 39%. Net finance expense was 11% of revenue for the year ended December 31, 2018 and 9% of revenue for the year ended December 31, 2017. The increase in net finance expense for the year ended December 31, 2018 was primarily due to the greater amount of borrowings following the refinancing of our capital structure together with associated one-time financing charges. In the year ended December 31, 2018, we capitalized €4.9 million of borrowing costs in connection with the construction of new data center space, compared to €3.1 million in the year ended December 31, 2017.

Income Taxes

Income tax expense was €18.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2018, compared with €14.8 million for the year ended December 31, 2017. The increase in income tax expense reflects the effect of the decrease of several European statutory tax rates, resulting in a revaluation of deferred tax assets. The effective income tax rate of 37% in the year ended December 31, 2018, compared with 28% for the year ended December 31, 2017. This reflects the impact of the decreased statutory tax rates, increased non-deductible costs and limitations on interest deductibility in certain European jurisdictions.

We recorded current tax expenses of €18.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2018, and €13.8 million for the year ended December 31, 2017. We recorded a deferred tax expense of €0.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2018, and a deferred tax expense of €1.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2017. Deferred tax is charged for the annual movements in temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for taxation purposes. The increase in current tax expenses is mainly due to the decreased availability of carry forward losses to offset taxable profits within the group.

Years Ended December 31, 2017 and 2016


Revenue for the years ended December 31, 2017 and 2016:


     Year ended December 31,      Change  
     2017      %      2016      %           %  
     (€’000, except percentages)  

Recurring revenue

     462,516        95        399,958        95        62,558        16  

Non-recurring revenue

     26,786        5        21,830        5        4,956        23  


     489,302        100        421,788        100        67,514        16  

Revenue increased to €489.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2017, from €421.8 million for the year ended December 31, 2016, an increase of 16%. Recurring revenue increased by 16% and Non-recurring revenue was 5% of total revenue for the year ended December 31, 2017, and 5% of total revenue for the year ended December 31, 2016. The period–over-period growth in Recurring revenue was primarily the result of an increase of approximately 12,600 square meters in Revenue generating space as a result of sales both to existing and new customers in all our regions.



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Cost of Sales

Cost of sales increased to €190.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2017, from €162.6 million for the year ended December 31, 2016, an increase of 17%. Cost of sales was 39% of revenue for each of the years ended December 31, 2017, and 2016. The increase in cost of sales related to our overall revenue growth and data center expansion projects, including (i) an increase of €10.6 million in energy usage costs, (ii) an increase of €7.9 million in costs for operation and support personnel, (iii) an increase of €2.0 million in gross rent, (iv) an increase of €1.7 million in security costs, and (v) an increase of €1.3 million in maintenance costs commensurate with growth. Equipped space increased by approximately 11,700 square meters during the year ended December 31, 2017, as a result of expansions to existing data centers in Paris, Marseille, Amsterdam, Vienna, Copenhagen and Stockholm, and to the construction of new data centers in Frankfurt.

Other Income

Other income represents income that we do not consider part of our core business. It includes transaction break-fee income, income from the subleases on unused data center sites, and any increase/(decrease) in provisions for site restoration.

Sales and Marketing Costs

Our sales and marketing costs increased to €33.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2017, from €29.9 million for the year ended December 31, 2016, an increase of 12%. Sales and marketing costs were 7% of revenue for each of the years ended December 31, 2017 and 2016.

The increase in sales and marketing costs was primarily a result of increased compensation and related costs as a result of increases in employee headcount and marketing expenses associated with our continued investment in our go to market strategy.

General and Administrative Costs

General and administrative costs consist of depreciation and amortization, share-based payments, M&A transaction costs and other general and administrative costs.

Depreciation, amortization and impairments increased to €108.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2017, from €89.8 million for the year ended December 31, 2016, an increase of 20%. Depreciation, amortization and impairments was 22% of revenue for the year ended December 31, 2017, and 21% for the year ended December 31, 2016. The increase was a result of our ongoing investment in new data centers and data center expansions.

In determining Adjusted EBITDA we add back share-based payments. For the year ended December 31, 2017, we recorded share-based payments of €9.9 million, an increase of 26% from the year ended December 31, 2016. In determining Adjusted EBITDA we also add back M&A transaction costs , which amounted to €4.6 million in 2017 and €2.4 million in 2016.

Other general and administrative costs increased to €44.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2017, from €38.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2016, an increase of 16%. Other general and administrative costs were 9% of revenue for the years ended December 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016. The increase in the other general and administrative costs was due to increases in professional advisory services, in software licenses, and in salaries associated with a larger headcount and higher external hires.

Net Finance Expense

Net finance expense increased to €44.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2017 from €36.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2016, an increase of 22%. Net finance expense was 9% of revenue for the year ended December 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016. The increase in net finance expense for the year ended December 31, 2017, was primarily due to the full-year interest expense on the additional €150.0 million 6.00% Senior Secured Notes due 2020 which we issued in April 2016, utilization of the €100.0 million 2017 Senior Secured Revolving Facility, a positive adjustment of a financial lease obligation in France in 2016, additional financing fees, and increased foreign currency exchange losses. In the year ended December 31, 2017, we capitalized €3.1 million of borrowing costs during the period of construction of new data center space, compared with €3.5 million in the year ended December 31, 2016.



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Income Taxes

Income tax expense was €14.8 million for the year ended December 31, 2017, compared with €16.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2016. The decrease in income tax expense was primarily a result of a change in the mix of profits from countries with a higher tax rate to countries with a lower tax rate. The effective income tax rate of 28% in the year ended December 31, 2017, compared with 30% for the year ended December 31, 2016, was affected by the change in the profit mix noted above and non-significant return to provision adjustments, resulting in a tax benefit in the year ended December 31, 2017, as opposed to an additional tax expense in the year ended December 31, 2016.

We recorded current tax expenses of €13.8 million for the year ended December 31, 2017, and €11.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2016. We recorded a deferred tax expense of €1.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2017, and a deferred tax expense of €5.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2016. Deferred tax is charged for the annual movements in temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for taxation purposes. The increase in current tax expenses is mainly due to the decreased availability of carry forward losses to offset taxable profits within the group. The decrease in deferred tax expenses was mainly due to the addition of losses in certain countries, which was partly offset by the full utilization of tax losses in other countries.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

As of December 31, 2018, our total indebtedness consisted of (i) €1,200.0 million 4.75% Senior Notes due 2025, (ii) mortgages totaling € 51.4 million, and (iii) finance lease obligations totaling €50.4 million. The borrowing requirements of the Company are not subject to significant seasonality. The interest expense on our outstanding indebtedness is based on a fixed rate, except for our mortgages. Our PAR3, PAR5, BRU1, AMS3, AMS6, FRA8/FRA10 and VIE mortgages are subject to a floating interest rate of EURIBOR plus an individual margin ranging from 195 to 280 basis points. The interest rates on the mortgages secured by our PAR3 and PAR5 properties have been swapped to a fixed rate for approximately 75% of the principal outstanding amounts for a period of ten years.

As of December 31, 2018, the interest payable under the Revolving Facility on (i) any EUR amounts drawn would be at the rate of EURIBOR plus 200 basis points per annum, (ii) any Danish kroner amounts drawn would be at the rate of CIBOR plus 200 basis points per annum, (iii) any Swedish Krona amounts drawn would be at the rate of STIBOR plus 200 basis points per annum and (iv) other applicable currencies, including GBP, amounts drawn at the rate of LIBOR plus 200 basis points per annum. In the case any of these rates is less than zero, it shall be deemed to be zero. The Revolving Facility was undrawn as of December 31, 2018.

Historically, we have made significant investments in our property, plant and equipment and intangible assets in order to expand our data center footprint and total Equipped space as we have grown our business. In the year ended December 31, 2018, we invested €451.2 million in both property, plant and equipment (€439.8 million) and intangible assets (€11.5 million). Of our investments in property, plant and equipment, €420.0 million was attributed to expansion capital expenditure and the remainder was attributed to maintenance and other capital expenditure. In the year ended December 31, 2017, we invested €256.0 million in both property, plant and equipment (€247.2 million) and intangible assets (€8.8 million, excluding acquisition goodwill). Of our investments in property, plant and equipment, €224.8 million was attributed to expansion capital expenditure and the remainder was attributed to maintenance and other capital expenditure. In addition, we invested €77.5 million in the acquisition of InterXion Science Park B.V., in February 2017. In the year ended December 31, 2016, we invested €250.9 million in both property, plant and equipment (€242.0 million) and intangible assets (€8.9 million). Of our investments in property, plant and equipment, €228.8 million was attributed to expansion capital expenditure and the remainder was attributed to maintenance and other capital expenditure. Although in any one year the amount of maintenance and replacement capital expenditure may vary, we expect that long-term such expenses will be between 4% and 6% of total revenue.

As of December 31, 2018, we had €186.1 million of cash and cash equivalents.

Our policy is to maintain a strong capital base so as to maintain investor, creditor and market confidence and to sustain future development of the business. We monitor the return on capital. See Note 20 “Financial Instruments” to our 2018 consolidated financial statements for more details about capital management.



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Sources and Uses of Cash


     Year ended December 31,  
     2018      2017      2016  

Cash generated from operations

     250,984        209,013        183,388  

Net cash flows from/(used in) operating activities

     164,854        155,246        139,397  

Net cash flows from/(used in) investing activities

     (466,503      (335,620      (251,400

Net cash flows from/(used in) financing activities

     449,479        104,597        173,959  

Net cash flows from/(used in) operating activities

The increase in net cash flows from operating activities in the year ended December 31, 2018, compared to the year ended December 31, 2017, was primarily due to our improved operating performance. The increase in net cash flows from operating activities in the year ended December 31, 2017, compared to the year ended December 31, 2016 was primarily due to our improved operating performance combined with improved net working capital movements.

Net cash flows from/(used in) investing activities

The increase in net cash flows used in investing activities in the year ended December 31, 2018, compared with the year ended December 31, 2017, was primarily the result of higher investments in data center assets. Capital expenditure in the year ended December 31, 2018, primarily related to the addition and expansion of data centers in Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Paris, Marseille, London and Vienna.

The increase in net cash flows used in investing activities in the year ended December 31, 2017, compared with the year ended December 31, 2016, was primarily the result of the acquisition of Interxion Science Park in February 2017 for €77.5 million. Furthermore, the purchase of property, plant and equipment primarily related to the addition and expansion of data centers in Frankfurt, Paris, Vienna, Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Stockholm, which contributed to the increase in net cash flows used in investing activities.

Net cash flows from / (used in) financing activities

Net cash flows from financing activities during the year ended December 31, 2018, were principally the result of transactions relating to the refinancing in June 2018 and the issuance of additional Senior Notes in September 2018. Net cash flows also include €150.0 million of net proceeds from revolving facilities, which were repaid as part of the transactions relating to the refinancing. Net cash flows from financing activities during the year ended at December 31, 2017, were primarily the result of €100.0 million net proceeds from our 2017 Senior Secured Revolving Facility. Net cash flows from financing activities during the year ended December 31, 2016, were principally the result of €155.3 million in net proceeds from the offering of the additional €150.0 million 6.00% Senior Secured Notes due 2020 and €14.6 million in gross proceeds drawn under the new mortgage on our VIE property.

We anticipate that cash flows from operating activities and committed funding from our €300.0 million Revolving Facility will be sufficient to meet our operating requirements on a short-term (12 month) and long-term basis, including the repayment of our other debt as it becomes due, and to complete our publicly announced expansion projects.

The Company assesses its capital raising and refinancing needs on an ongoing basis and may enter into additional credit facilities and seek to issue equity and/or debt securities in the domestic and international capital markets if market conditions are favorable. Also, depending on market conditions, the Company may elect to repurchase portions of its debt securities in the open market, pursuant to the redemption provisions in the applicable indenture or otherwise.



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Optional Redemption of the Senior Notes

Optional redemption prior to June 15, 2021 upon an equity offering

At any time and from time to time prior to June 15, 2021, upon not less than 10 and not more than 60 days’ notice, we may on any one or more occasions redeem up to 40% of the original aggregate principal amount of the Senior Notes (including any additional notes), with funds in an aggregate amount not exceeding the net cash proceeds received from one or more equity offerings at a redemption price equal to 104.75% of the principal amount of the Senior Notes so redeemed, plus accrued and unpaid interest and Additional Amounts, if any, on the Senior Notes redeemed to but excluding the redemption date, provided that:



the redemption takes place not later than 180 days after the closing of the related equity offering; and



at least 50% of the original aggregate principal amount of the Senior Notes (including any additional notes) issued under the Indenture remains outstanding immediately thereafter.

Optional redemption prior to June 15, 2021

At any time prior to June 15, 2021, upon not less than 10 and not more than 60 days’ notice, we may on any one or more occasions redeem the Senior Notes, in whole or in part, at our option, at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount thereof plus the Applicable Premium as of, and accrued and unpaid interest and Additional Amounts, if any, on the Senior Notes redeemed to, but excluding, the redemption date.

Optional redemption on or after June 15, 2021

At any time and from time to time on or after June 15, 2021, upon not less than 10 and not more than 60 days’ notice, we may on any one or more occasions redeem the Senior Notes in whole or in part, at a redemption price equal to the percentage of principal amount set forth below plus accrued and unpaid interest, if any, on the Senior Notes redeemed, to, but excluding, the applicable redemption date and Additional Amounts, if any, if redeemed during the twelve-month period beginning on June 15 of the year indicated below:



   Redemption Price  





2023, and thereafter


In connection with any tender offer for the Senior Notes, including a change of control offer or asset disposition offer, if Holders of Senior Notes of not less than 90% in aggregate principal amount of the then outstanding Senior Notes validly tender and do not withdraw such Senior Notes in such tender offer and we, or any third party making such a tender offer, purchases all of the Senior Notes validly tendered and not withdrawn by such Holders, all of the Holders of the Senior Notes will be deemed to have consented to such tender or other offer and accordingly, we or such third party will have the right upon not less than 10 nor more than 60 days’ prior notice, given not more than 30 days following such tender offer expiration date, to redeem the Senior Notes that remain outstanding in whole, but not in part, following such purchase at a price equal to the price offered to each other Holder of Senior Notes (excluding any early tender or incentive fee) in such tender offer, plus, to the extent not included in the tender offer payment, accrued and unpaid interest and Additional Amounts, if any, thereon, to, but excluding, such redemption date. The Senior Notes and the Indenture also contain a change of control provision, which requires the Company to make an offer to purchase the Senior Notes at a price equal to 101% of the principal amount thereof, plus accrued and unpaid interest and Additional Amounts, if any, to the date of purchase, upon the occurrence of certain events constituting a change of control (as defined in the Indenture) and a ratings event (as defined in the Indenture).


Capitalized terms used herein relating to the Senior Notes and Indenture that are not defined below, shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Indenture.

“Additional Amounts” means amounts the Issuer or Guarantor, as the case may be, shall pay as may be necessary so that the net amount received by each Holder of the Senior Notes, after withholding or deduction on account of any such taxes from any payment made under or with respect to the Senior Notes, shall be not less than the amounts which would have been received by each Holder in respect of such payments on any such Senior Notes in the absence of such withholding or deduction.



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“Applicable Premium” means the greater of:



1.0% of the principal amount of such Senior Note; and



the excess (to the extent positive) of:



the present value at such redemption date of (i) the redemption price of such Senior Note at June 15, 2021 (such redemption price (expressed in percentage of principal amount) being set forth in the table in paragraph 5(d) of such Senior Note (excluding accrued and unpaid interest)), plus (ii) all required interest payments due on such Senior Note to and including June 15, 2021 (excluding accrued but unpaid interest), computed upon the redemption date using a discount rate equal to the Bund Rate at such redemption date plus 50 basis points; over



the outstanding principal amount of such Senior Note.

“Holder” means the person in whose name the Senior Notes are registered on the registrar’s books.

“Indenture” means the indenture dated as of June 18, 2018, among InterXion Holding N.V., as Issuer, InterXion HeadQuarters B.V., InterXion Nederland B.V., InterXion Operational B.V., InterXion Datacenters B.V., InterXion Real Estate Holding B.V., InterXion Real Estate I B.V., InterXion Real Estate X B.V., InterXion Österreich GmbH, InterXion Belgium NV, InterXion France S.A.S., InterXion Deutschland GmbH, InterXion Ireland DAC, InterXion Carrier Hotel Limited, InterXion Sverige AB, InterXion España S.A., InterXion Science Park B.V., InterXion Real Estate XIII B.V., and InterXion Real Estate XVI B.V., as initial guarantors, The Bank of New York Mellon, London Branch, as trustee and paying agent, and The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV, Luxembourg Branch, as transfer agent and registrar, as may be amended or supplemented from time to time.

“Issuer” means InterXion Holding N.V. and any successor thereto.

Restrictive Covenants Under Certain Financing Agreements

Revolving Facility Agreement

The unsecured multicurrency revolving loan facility agreement dated as of June 18, 2018 (the “Revolving Facility Agreement”), among the Company as original borrower, the lenders named therein and ABN AMRO Bank N.V. as agent provides for the €200.0 million Revolving Facility. During the first quarter of 2019, the Company increased the Revolving Facility by €100.0 million for a total commitment of €300.0 million. The Revolving Facility Agreement has an initial maturity date of June 18, 2023.

The Revolving Facility Agreement contains various covenants that restrict, among other things and subject to certain exceptions, the ability of the Company and its subsidiaries to:



create certain liens;



incur debt and/or guarantees;



sell certain kinds of assets;



designate unrestricted subsidiaries; and



effect mergers, consolidate or sell assets.

The restrictive covenants are subject to customary exceptions including, in relation to the incurrence of additional debt, a consolidated fixed charge coverage ratio (calculated as a ratio of Adjusted EBITDA to consolidated interest expense) of at least 2.00 to 1.00 on a pro forma basis for the four full fiscal quarters (taken as one period) for which financial statements are available immediately preceding the incurrence of such debt.

The Revolving Facility Agreement also includes a net leverage ratio financial covenant (tested on a quarterly basis provided the Test Condition applies), which requires total net debt (calculated as a ratio to pro forma Adjusted EBITDA) not to exceed 5.00 to 1.00. In addition, the Revolving Facility Agreement permits us to elect, on a one-time basis and subject to certain conditions, to adjust the financial covenant to 5.50 to 1.00 for two consecutive quarter periods (including the quarter in which such election is made).



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The Revolving Facility Agreement is unsecured and is guaranteed by certain of the Company’s subsidiaries. The breach of any of these covenants by the Company or the failure by the Company to maintain its leverage ratio could result in a default under the Revolving Facility Agreement.

Senior Notes Indenture

The Indenture contains covenants for the benefit of the holders of the Senior Notes that restrict, among other things and subject to certain exceptions, the ability of the Company and its subsidiaries to:



incur or guarantee additional indebtedness;



create certain liens;



designate unrestricted subsidiaries;



transfer or sell certain assets; and



merge or consolidate with other entities.

The restrictive covenants are subject to customary exceptions including, in relation to the incurrence of additional debt, a consolidated fixed charge coverage ratio (calculated as a ratio of Adjusted EBITDA to consolidated interest expense) of at least 2.00 to 1.00 on a pro forma basis for the four full fiscal quarters (taken as one period) for which financial statements are available immediately preceding the incurrence of such debt. The breach of any of these covenants by the Company could result in a default under the Indenture. As of December 31, 2018, the Company was in compliance with all covenants in the Indenture.

Adjusted EBITDA

Adjusted EBITDA for the years ended December 31, 2018, December 31, 2017, and December 31, 2016, was €257.8 million, €221.0 million and €190.9 million respectively, representing 46%, 45% and 45% of revenue, respectively.

We define Adjusted EBITDA as Operating income adjusted to exclude depreciation and amortization, share-based payments, income or expense related to the evaluation and execution of potential mergers or acquisitions, and adjustments related to terminated and unused data center sites. See “Introduction—Non-IFRS Financial Measures” for a more detailed description. Adjusted EBITDA is a non-IFRS measure. We believe Adjusted EBITDA provides useful supplemental information to investors regarding our ongoing operational performance because this measure helps us and our investors evaluate the ongoing operating performance of the business after removing the impact of our capital structure (primarily interest expense) and our asset base (primarily depreciation and amortization). Management believes that the presentation of Adjusted EBITDA, when combined with the primary IFRS presentation of Net income, provides a more complete analysis of our operating performance. Management also believes the use of Adjusted EBITDA facilitates comparisons between us and other data center operators (including other data center operators that are REITs) and other infrastructure-based businesses. Adjusted EBITDA is also a relevant measure used in the financial covenants of our Revolving Facility and our Senior Notes. Other companies may present Adjusted EBITDA differently than we do. This measure is not a measure of financial performance under IFRS and should not be considered as an alternative to Operating income or as a measure of liquidity or an alternative to Net income as an indicator of our operating performance or any other measure of performance implemented in accordance with IFRS.

Contractual Obligations and Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements

We lease a significant proportion of our data centers and certain equipment under non-cancellable lease agreements. The following represents our debt maturities, financings, leases and other contractual commitments as of December 31, 2018:


     Total      Less than 1
     1 – 3 years      3 – 5 years      More than
5 years

Long-term debt obligations (1)

     1,598,739        62,372        133,221        131,651        1,271,495  

Capital (finance) lease obligations (2)

     66,085        21,686        5,256        21,463        17,680  

Operating lease obligations (3)

     437,816        35,739        71,847        75,404        254,826  

Energy purchase commitments

     24,032        24,032        —          —          —    

Other contractual purchase commitments

     36,259        25,359        2,296        1,148        7,456  

Capital purchase commitments

     357,500        357,500        —          —          —    


     2,520,431        526,688        212,620        229,666        1,551,457  



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Long-term debt obligations include the Senior Notes and mortgages, including interest related thereto.


Capital (finance) lease obligations include future interest payments, and where we exercised purchase options, the amount payable upon transfer of ownership.


Operating lease obligations include the lease of property and equipment.

As of December 31, 2018, we entered into 18 irrevocable bank guarantees with ABN AMRO Bank, BNP Paribas and La Caixa, amounting to €16.4 million in aggregate. These bank guarantees include one guarantee that was provided in lieu of a cash deposit for a real estate purchase contract. The remaining bank guarantees were primarily provided in lieu of cash deposits for lease contracts and either automatically renew in successive one-year periods or, in each case, remain in effect until the final lease expiration date. The bank guarantees are cash collateralized and the collateral is included in other (non-)current assets on our statement of financial position. These contingent commitments are not reflected in the table above.

Primarily as a result of our various data center expansion projects, as of December 31, 2018, we were contractually committed for €357.7 million of unaccrued capital expenditure, primarily for data center equipment not yet delivered and labor not yet provided, in connection with the work necessary to complete construction and open these data centers before making them available to customers for installation. This amount, which is expected to be paid in 2019, is reflected in the table above as “Capital purchase commitments”.

We have other non-capital purchase commitments in place as of December 31, 2018, such as commitments to purchase power in select locations, through the year 2019, for a total amount of €24.0 million. In addition, we have committed to purchase goods or services to be delivered or provided during 2019 and beyond. Such other purchase commitments as of December 31, 2018, which totaled €36.3 million, are also reflected in the table above as “Other contractual purchase commitments”.

In addition, although we are not contractually obligated to do so, we expect to incur additional capital expenditure consistent with our disciplined expansion and conservative financial management in our various data center expansion projects during 2019 in order to complete the work needed to open these data centers. Such non-contractual capital expenditure is not reflected in the table above.

On January 18, 2013, the Group completed a €10.0 million financing agreement, consisting of two loans that are secured by mortgages on the PAR3 land owned by Interxion Real Estate II Sarl and the PAR5 land owned by Interxion Real Estate III Sarl and a pledge on the rights under the intergroup lease agreements between Interxion Real Estate II Sarl and Interxion Real Estate III Sarl, as lessors, and Interxion France SAS, as lessee, and are guaranteed by Interxion France SAS. The principal amounts of the mortgage loans are required to be repaid in quarterly installments collectively amounting to €167,000 of which the first quarterly installment was paid on April 18, 2013. The mortgage loans have a maturity of 15 years and a variable interest rate based on EURIBOR plus an individual margin ranging from 240 to 280 basis points. The financing agreement requires the interest rate to be fixed for a minimum of 40% of the principal outstanding amount for a minimum of six years. In April 2013, the interest rate was fixed for approximately 75% of the principal outstanding amount for a period of ten years. The financing agreement does not include any financial covenants.

On April 1, 2014, the Group completed a €9.2 million financing agreement, consisting of a loan that is secured by a mortgage on the data center property in Belgium owned by Interxion Real Estate IX N.V. and a pledge on the rights under the intergroup lease agreement between InterXion Real Estate IX N.V., as lessor, and InterXion Belgium N.V., as lessee, and is guaranteed by Interxion Real Estate Holding B.V. The principal amount of the mortgage loan is required to be repaid in quarterly installments of €153,330 of which the first quarterly installment was paid on July 31, 2014. The mortgage loan has a maturity of 15 years and a variable interest rate based on EURIBOR plus 200 basis points. The financing agreement does not include any financial covenants.

On October 13, 2015, the Group completed a €15.0 million financing agreement, consisting of a loan that is secured by a mortgage on certain data center property (FRA8 and FRA10) in Germany owned by Interxion Real Estate I B.V. and a pledge on the rights under the intergroup lease agreement between InterXion Real Estate I B.V., as lessor, and Interxion Deutschland GmbH, as lessee. The principal amount of the mortgage loan is required to be repaid in four annual installments of €1.0 million of which the first



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annual installment was paid on September 30, 2016, and a final installment of €11.0 million which is due on September 30, 2020. The mortgage loan has a maturity of five years and has a variable interest rate based on EURIBOR plus 225 basis points. The financing agreement includes a minimum required debt service capacity ratio of 1.20 to 1.00, based on the operations of Interxion Real Estate I B.V.

On April 8, 2016, the Group completed a €14.6 million financing agreement, consisting of a loan that is secured by a mortgage on certain data center property in Austria owned by Interxion Real Estate VII GmbH and a pledge on the rights under the intergroup lease agreement between InterXion Real Estate VII GmbH, as lessor, and Interxion Österreich GmbH, as lessee. The principal amount of the mortgage loan is required to be repaid in 177 monthly installments, increasing from €76,000 to €91,750. The mortgage loan has a maturity of fourteen years and nine months and has a variable interest rate based on EURIBOR plus 195 basis points. The financing agreement includes a minimum required debt service capacity ratio of 1.20 to 1.00, based on the operations of Interxion Real Estate VII GmbH.

On December 1, 2017, the Group renewed a €10.0 million financing agreement, entered into in 2012, consisting of a loan that is secured by a mortgage on certain data center property in The Netherlands owned by Interxion Real Estate IV B.V. The principal amount of the mortgage loan is required to be repaid in four annual instalments of €667,000 commencing in December 2018 and a final installment of €7,332,000 which is due on December 31, 2022. The mortgage loan has a variable interest rate based on EURIBOR (subject to a zero percent EURIBOR floor) plus 225 basis points. The financing agreement includes a minimum required debt service capacity ratio of 1.20 to 1.00, based on the operations of Interxion Real Estate IV B.V.

On July 12, 2018, the Group completed a €6.0 million financing agreement, consisting of a loan that is secured by a mortgage on certain data center property in The Netherlands owned by Interxion Real Estate V B.V. and a pledge on rights under the intergroup lease agreement between Interxion Real Estate V B.V., as lessor, and Interxion Nederland B.V., as lessee. The principal amount of the mortgage loan is required to be repaid in four annual instalments of €400,000 commencing July 12, 2019 and a final installment of €4,400,000 which is due on July 1, 2023. The mortgage loan has a variable interest rate based on EURIBOR plus 225 basis points. The financing agreement includes a minimum required debt service capacity ratio of 1.20 to 1.00, based on the operations of Interxion Real Estate V B.V.

Critical Accounting Estimates

Basis of Measurement

We present our financial statements in thousands of euro. They are prepared under the historical cost convention except for certain financial instruments. The financial statements are presented on the going-concern basis. Our functional currency is the euro.

The accounting policies set out below have been applied consistently by us and our wholly-owned subsidiaries.

Use of Estimates and Judgments

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Actual results may differ from these estimates. Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognized in the period in which the estimates are revised and in any future periods affected.

Judgments, estimates and assumptions applied by management in preparing the financial statements are based on circumstances as of December 31, 2018 and based on Interxion operating as a stand-alone company.

In particular, information about significant areas of estimation uncertainty and critical judgments in applying accounting policies that have the most significant effect on amounts recognized in the financial statements are discussed below.

Property, Plant and Equipment and Depreciation

Estimated remaining useful lives and residual values of property plant and equipment, including assets recognized upon a business combination, are reviewed annually. The carrying values of property, plant and equipment are also reviewed for impairment where there has been a triggering event by assessing the fair value less costs to sell or the value in use, compared with net book value.



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The calculation of estimated future cash flows and residual values is based on our best estimates of future prices, output and costs and is therefore subjective. In addition, the valuation of some of the assets under construction requires judgments, which are related to the probability of signing lease contracts and obtaining planning permits. Regarding the properties acquired as part of the acquisition of InterXion Science Park B.V. in 2017, we recognized fair value at acquisition date, based on the highest and best use.

Intangible Assets and Amortization

Estimated remaining useful lives of intangible assets, including those recognized upon a business combination, are reviewed annually. The carrying values of intangible assets are also reviewed for impairment where there has been a triggering event by assessing the fair value less costs to sell or the value in use, compared with net book value. The calculation of estimated future cash flows is based on our best estimates of future prices, output and costs and is therefore subjective. The customer portfolio acquired as part of the acquisition of InterXion Science Park B.V. in 2017 was valued based on the multi-period excess earnings method, which considers the present value of net cash flows expected to be generated by the customer portfolio, excluding any cash flows related to contributory assets.


Goodwill is recognized as the amount by which the purchase price of an acquisition exceeds the fair values of the assets and liabilities identified as part of the purchase price allocation. Goodwill is not being amortized, but subject to an annual impairment test.

Lease Accounting

At inception or modification of an arrangement, the Group determines whether such an arrangement is or contains a lease. Classification of a lease contract (operating versus a finance lease) is based on the extent to which risks and rewards incidental to ownership of a leased asset lie with the lessor or the lessee. The classification of lease contracts includes the use of judgments and estimates.

Costs of Site Restoration

Liabilities in respect of obligations to restore premises to their original condition are estimated at the commencement of the lease and reviewed yearly based on rents, remaining terms, contracted extension possibilities and the probability of lease terminations. A provision for site restoration is recognized when costs for restoring leasehold premises to their original condition at the end of the lease term is required to be made and the likelihood of this liability is estimated to be probable. The discounted cost of the liability is included in the related assets and is depreciated over the remaining estimated term of the lease. If the likelihood of this liability is estimated to be possible, rather than probable, it is disclosed as a contingent liability.

Provision for Onerous Lease Contracts

Provision is made for the discounted amount of future losses expected to be incurred in respect of unused data center sites over the term of the leases. Where unused sites have been sublet or partly sublet, in arriving at the amount of future losses management has taken account of the contracted rental income to be received over the minimum sublease term.

Deferred Taxation

Provision is made for deferred taxation at the rates of tax prevailing at the period end dates unless future rates have been substantively enacted. Deferred tax assets are recognized where it is probable that they will be recovered based on estimates of future taxable profits for each tax jurisdiction. The actual profitability may be different depending upon local financial performance in each tax jurisdiction.

Share-based Payments

Equity-settled share-based payments are issued to certain employees under the terms of the long-term incentive plans. The charges related to equity-settled share-based payments and options to purchase ordinary shares, are measured at fair value at the grant date. Fair values are being redetermined for market conditions as of each reporting date, until final grant date. The fair value at the



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grant date of options is determined using the Black Scholes model and is expensed over the vesting period. The fair value at grant date of the performance shares is determined using the Monte Carlo model and is expensed over the vesting period. The value of the expense is dependent upon certain assumptions including the expected future volatility of the Company’s share price at the date of the grant.

Senior Notes

The Senior Notes are valued at cost. The Indenture includes optional redemption provisions, which allow us to redeem the Senior Notes before their stated maturity. As part of the initial measurement of the amortized cost value of the Senior Notes, we have assumed that the Senior Notes will be held to maturity. If we redeem all or part of the Senior Notes before their stated maturity, the liability will be re-measured based on the original effective interest rate. The difference between the liability of excluding a change in assumed early redemption and the liability compared with including a change in assumed early redemption, will be reflected in our profit and loss.

New Standards and Interpretations not yet adopted

The new standards, and amendments to standards listed below are available for early adoption in the annual period beginning January 1, 2018, although they are not mandatory until a later period. The Group has decided to adopt IFRS 16 as from January 1, 2019.


Effective date


New standard or amendment

January 1, 2019    IFRS 16 – Leases
Deferred indefinitely    Amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28: Sale or contribution of assets between an investor and its associate or joint venture

IFRS 16 – Leases

In January 2016, the IASB issued IFRS 16 - Leases, the new accounting standard for leases. The new standard is effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2019 and will replace IAS 17 – Leases and IFRIC 4 – Determining whether an Arrangement contains a Lease. IFRS 16 was endorsed by the EU in October 2017.

Leases in Which the Group is a Lessee

The new standard requires lessees to apply a single, on-balance sheet accounting model to all its leases, unless a lessee elects the recognition exemptions for short-term leases and/or leases of low-value assets. A lessee must recognize a right-of-use asset representing its right to use the underlying asset and a lease obligation representing its obligation to make lease payments. The standard permits a lessee to elect either a full retrospective or a modified retrospective transition approach.

The most significant impact on the income statement is that operating lease expenses will no longer be recognized, except for those lease contracts for which the Group is going to apply the practical expedients mentioned hereafter. The impact of lease contracts on the consolidated income will move from cost of sales to amortization of the right of use asset and interest relating to the lease liability. As a result, certain key metrics such as operating profit and Adjusted EBITDA will change significantly. Compared to lease accounting under IAS 17, total expenses will be higher in the earlier years of a lease and lower in the later years.

The lease liability will be calculated based on the minimum future lease payments under the lease contract, discounted at the incremental borrowing rate, which is calculated per class of leased assets (e.g. real estate, ducts, cars and office equipment) and per country in which the relevant asset is operating. Additionally, the incremental borrowing rate will be the rate at which the interest charges relating to the lease liability are calculated.

Implementation of IFRS 16 is not expected to have a significant impact on the Group’s compliance with the debt covenants in the Revolving Facility Agreement and Indenture because the relevant definitions in the Revolving Facility Agreement and Indenture exclude the impact of IFRS 16.

The Group elected to apply the practical expedients for lease contracts with a lease terms ending within twelve months from the date of initial contract start date, and lease contracts for which the underlying asset is of low value. As a result, it will not apply lease accounting to these contracts. Furthermore, the payments under lease contracts in which the Group is a lessee have not been separated into lease- and non-lease elements.

Leases in Which the Group is a Lessor

The Company has investigated which elements of its contracts with customers will be subject to lessor accounting under the requirements of IFRS 16. The portion of the contracts with customers that meet the criteria for recognition of a lease (primarily real estate) based on guidance in IFRS 16 will be identified as lease elements and fall within the scope of IFRS 16 and no longer within the scope of IFRS 15 – Revenue from contracts with customers as from January 1, 2019, since leases are specifically excluded from that standard. Therefore, as of January 1, 2019, the Group accounted for the lease-elements in its contracts with customers in accordance with IFRS 16. Non-lease elements which are included in those contracts will continue to be accounted for in accordance with IFRS 15.


The Group adopted IFRS 16 on January 1, 2019, using the modified retrospective approach, and applied the practical expedient to grandfather the definition of a lease on transition and therefore did not apply IFRS 16 to all contracts entered into before January 1, 2019 which were not identified as leases in accordance with IAS 17 and IFRIC 4.

Impact analysis

The adoption of IFRS 16 had the following significant impact on the opening balance sheet of 2019 compared to the consolidated statement of financial position as of December 31, 2018:



a €420 million increase in non-current assets due to the recognition of right-of-use assets relating to leases that were accounted for under IAS 17 as operating leases;



a €20 million decrease in current assets due to reclassification of certain prepayments to the right-of-use assets;



a €422 million increase in financial liabilities due to the recognition of lease liabilities relating to leases that were accounted for under IAS 17 as operating leases; and



a €22 million decrease in current liabilities due to the reclassification of certain accruals to lease liabilities.

In addition to the above impact, the adoption of IFRS 16 also resulted in a reclassification of finance lease liabilities from borrowings to lease liabilities and impacted the consolidated income statement and certain of the Company’s key financial metrics as a result of changes in the classification of charges recognized in the consolidated income statement and the consolidated statement of cash flows. The application of the new standard will decrease both cost of sales and operating costs (excluding depreciation) in the income statement, giving rise to an increase of underlying Adjusted EBITDA, but this will largely be offset by corresponding increases in depreciation and finance expenses, and hence the impact on the Company’s Net income for the year will not be material. Net cash flows from operating activities will increase due to certain lease expenses no longer being recognized as operating cash outflows, however this will be offset by a corresponding decrease in Net cash flows from financing activities due to repayments of the principal amount of lease liabilities.


The amendments that are not yet adopted, are not expected to have a material impact on the Company’s financial information.



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We have a one-tier board structure (“Board of Directors” or the “Board”) composed of directors with the title “Executive Directors” and directors with the title “Non-Executive Directors” (together with the Executive Directors, the “Directors”). The majority of our Directors are independent as required by the NYSE.

Senior Management and Board of Directors

Names, positions and ages of the members of our Senior Management and our Directors:




Position (1)

   Term Expiration Date (2)  

David Ruberg

     73      President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice-Chairman and Executive Director      2019  

John Doherty


Chief Financial Officer


Giuliano Di Vitantonio


Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer


Jaap Camman


Senior Vice President, Legal


Jan Pieter Anten


Senior Vice President, Human Resources


Adriaan Oosthoek


Senior Vice President, Operations and ICT


Frank Esser


Non-Executive Director


Mark Heraghty


Non-Executive Director


David Lister


Non-Executive Director


Jean F.H.P. Mandeville


Chairman and Non-Executive Director


Rob Ruijter


Non-Executive Director






All our Directors except our Chief Executive Officer, David Ruberg, are independent.


The term of office expires at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held in the year indicated.

The business address of all members of our Senior Management and of our Directors is at our registered offices located at Scorpius 30, 2132 LR Hoofddorp, The Netherlands.

The principal functions and experience of each of the members of our Senior Management and our Directors are set out below:

David Ruberg, President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice-Chairman and Executive Director

Mr. Ruberg joined us as President and Chief Executive Officer in November 2007 and became Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors when it became a one-tier board in 2011. Mr. Ruberg served as Chairman of the Supervisory Board from 2002 to 2007 and on the Management Board from 2007 until its conversion into a one-tier board. He was affiliated with Baker Capital, a private equity firm, from January 2002 to October 2007. From April 1993 to October 2001 he was Chairman, President and CEO of Intermedia Communications, a NASDAQ-listed broadband communications services provider, as well as Chairman of its majority-owned subsidiary, Digex, Inc., a NASDAQ-listed managed web hosting company. He began his career as a scientist at AT&T Bell Labs, where he contributed to the development of operating systems and computer languages. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from Middlebury College and a Masters in Computer and Communication Sciences from the University of Michigan.

John Doherty, Chief Financial Officer

Mr. Doherty joined Interxion as Chief Financial Officer on November 1, 2018 and is responsible for providing leadership to corporate strategy and development activities and overall financial operations. He joined from Verizon, where he held various senior management roles over the past 20 years including from 2012—2018 as Senior Vice President, Corporate Development and President & Chief Investment Officer for Verizon Ventures. He was also Chief Financial Officer for Verizon’s Shared Services, Enterprise and International Organizations. He has previously worked in Bangkok for TelecomAsia and in the U.K. for NYNEX Cablecomms. Mr. Doherty holds a degree in economics from Stonybrook University and has attended the MBA program at Baruch College as well as Wharton’s Executive Education program.



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Giuliano Di Vitantonio, Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer

Mr. Di Vitantonio joined Interxion in January 2015 and is responsible for our market and product strategies, including product management, product marketing, segment strategy and business development. He joined from Cisco Systems, where he held the position of Vice President Marketing, Data Center and Cloud.

Mr. Di Vitantonio has more than 20 years’ experience in the IT industry, including 17 years at Hewlett-Packard, where he held a broad range of positions in R&D, strategy, consulting, business development and marketing. His areas of expertise include IT management software, enterprise applications, data center infrastructure and business intelligence solutions. He holds a Master’s Degree in EE/Telecommunications from the University of Bologna and an MBA from the London Business School.

Jaap Camman, Senior Vice President, Legal

Mr. Camman is responsible for all legal and corporate affairs across the Group. He joined us in November 1999 as Manager Legal and has been a member of our Executive Committee since July 2002. Before joining us, he worked for the Dutch Government from February 1994 to October 1999. His latest position was Deputy Head of the Insurance Division within The Netherlands Ministry of Finance. Mr. Camman holds a Law Degree from Utrecht University.

Jan-Pieter Anten, Senior Vice President, Human Resources

Mr. Anten joined us as Vice President Human Resources in October 2011. Before joining us, he worked for Hay Group, a global management consulting firm, as Director International Strategic Clients Europe, where he led major accounts within the European market. Before that, he held the position of Vice President Human Resources at Synthon, an international organization with worldwide affiliates. He previously worked for Hay Group as a Senior Consultant. Mr. Anten holds a degree from the University of Utrecht.

Adriaan Oosthoek, Senior Vice President, Operations and ICT

Mr. Oosthoek has held senior management positions in the IT and Telecom industry for a number of years. Until 2015 he was responsible for operating Interxion’s UK business. Before joining Interxion, he was the Executive Vice President at Colt, responsible for its global Data Center footprint. Before joining Colt, he spent 11 years at Telecity Group plc, the last seven years as the Managing Director of the UK and Ireland operation for Telecity Group plc where he significantly grew the business. Preceding his tenure in the UK, he ran the Dutch operation of data center operator, Redbus Interhouse, and was a founder and Managing Director of the Dutch subsidiary of Teles AG, a Berlin-headquartered provider of telecoms and data com products.

He studied Information Sciences at the University of Applied Sciences in The Hague and holds marketing certificates NIMA A and NIMA B from The Netherlands Institute of Marketing. In addition to his formal roles, Mr. Oosthoek is also Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Data Center Alliance, a European industry association for the data center industry.

Frank Esser, Non-Executive Director

Mr. Esser was appointed to our Board of Directors in June 2014. Since 2000, he has held various positions with the French telecom operator SFR, where, from 2002 to 2012, he was President and CEO. From 2005 to 2012, he was a member of the Board of Vivendi Management. Before that he was a Senior Vice President of Mannesmann International Operations until 2000. Mr. Esser serves on the board of Swisscom AG. Mr. Esser is a Business Administration graduate from Cologne University and he holds a Doctorate in Business Administration from Cologne University.



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Mark Heraghty, Non-Executive Director

Mr. Heraghty was appointed to our Board of Directors in June 2014. He is a Director of Ravenscourt Consulting Services Ltd which he established in December 2018. In February 2019 Mr. Heraghty was appointed as a Non-Executive Director of Jurassic Fibre Holdings Ltd. and before that he served as Chairman of John Henry Group Ltd from December 2016 until October 2018. His most recent executive role was as Managing Director of Virgin Media Business. From 2006 to 2009, he was President EMEA for Reliance Globalcom with regional responsibility for the former FLAG Telecom and Vanco businesses which Reliance acquired. From 2000 to 2003, he was the CEO Europe for Cable & Wireless. Mr. Heraghty graduated from Trinity College Dublin with a degree in Mechanical Engineering (1985) and holds an MBA from Warwick University (1992).

David Lister, Non-Executive Director

Mr. Lister serves on our Board of Directors, to which he was appointed in June 2018. He has numerous years of experience working for a number of large multi-national businesses in the area of Operations and Technology Management. In particular, leading and developing large-scale Global IT organizations and designing and delivering complex business and technology change. Many of Mr. Lister’s roles focused on delivering the integration of business processes and organizational structures underpinned by technology standardization and followed the acquisition or merger of businesses. More recently, he has been focused on delivering cloud based digital solutions to create new products and services and creating defensive capabilities to protect businesses from the threat of Cyber Terrorism and Information Security breaches. Mr. Lister also currently sits on the Board of FDM Group plc., Weatherby’s, HSBC Bank plc and Nuffield Health. Mr. Lister studied Architecture at the University of Edinburgh.

Jean F.H.P. Mandeville, Chairman and Non-Executive Director

Mr. Mandeville serves on our Board of Directors, to which he was appointed in January 2011. Since June 8, 2015, Mr. Mandeville has served as the Chairman of the Board. From October 2008 to December 2010, he served as Chief Financial Officer and Board member of MACH S.à.r.l. He served as an Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Global Crossing Holdings Ltd/Global Crossing Ltd. from February 2005 to September 2008. Mr. Mandeville joined Global Crossing in February 2005, where he was responsible for all of its financial operations. He served as Chief Financial Officer of Singapore Technologies Telemedia Pte. Ltd./ST Telemedia from July 2002 to January 2005. In 1992, he joined British Telecom and served in various capacities covering all sectors of the telecommunications market (including wireline, wireless and multi-media) in Europe, Asia and the Americas. From 1992 to June 2002, Mr. Mandeville served in various capacities at British Telecom PLC, including President of Asia Pacific from July 2000 to June 2002, Director of International Development Asia Pacific from June 1999 to July 2000 and General Manager, Special Projects from January 1998 to July 1999. He was a Senior Consultant with Coopers & Lybrand, Belgium from 1989 to 1992. Mr. Mandeville graduated from the University Saint-Ignatius Antwerp with a Master’s in Applied Economics in 1982 and a Special degree in Sea Law in 1985.

Rob Ruijter, Non-Executive Director

Mr. Ruijter serves on our Board of Directors, to which he was appointed in November 2014. He was the Chief Financial Officer of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines from 2001 until its merger with Air France in 2004, and Chief Financial Officer of VNU N.V. (a publicly listed marketing and publishing company, now the Nielsen company), between 2004 and 2007. In 2009 and 2010 he served as the CFO of ASM International N.V. (a publicly listed manufacturer of electronic components), and in 2013 as the interim CEO of Vion Food Group N.V.

Mr. Ruijter currently serves on the Supervisory Board and as Chairman of the Audit Committee of Wavin N.V. (a piping manufacturer). He is a non-executive director of Inmarsat Plc and the Chairman of its Audit Committee. He also serves as member of the Supervisory Board of NN Group N.V. and as a member of the Remuneration Committee and the Audit Committee of that company. Mr. Ruijter is a Certified Public Accountant in the United States and in The Netherlands and a member of the Association of Corporate Treasurers (“ACT”) in the UK.

Board Powers and Function

Our Board is responsible for the overall conduct of our business and has the powers, authorities and duties vested in it by and pursuant to the relevant laws of The Netherlands and our Articles of Association. In all its dealings, our Board is guided by the interests of our Group as a whole, including but not limited to our shareholders. Our Board has the final responsibility for the management, direction and performance of us and of our Group. Our Executive Director is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Company. Our Non-Executive Directors supervise the Executive Director and our general affairs and provide general advice to the Executive Director.



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Our CEO is the general manager of our business, subject to the control of the Board, and is entrusted with all the Board’s powers, authorities and discretions (including the power to sub-delegate), delegated by a resolution of the full Board from time to time. Matters expressly delegated to the CEO are validly resolved by the CEO, and no further resolutions, approvals or other involvement of the Board is required. Our Board may also delegate authorities to its committees. Upon any such delegation, the Board supervises the execution of its responsibilities by the CEO and/or the Board committees. It remains ultimately responsible for the fulfillment of its duties by them.

Our Articles of Association provide that in the event that there is a conflict of interest with one or more Directors, we may still be represented by the Board or an Executive Director. In the event of a conflict of interest, however, our General Meeting of Shareholders has the power to designate one or more other persons to represent us. Under Dutch law, a Director is prohibited from participating in any Board discussion or decision-making pertaining to a subject in which such director has a conflict of interest.

Board Meetings and Decisions

All resolutions of the Board are adopted by an absolute majority of votes cast in a meeting at which at least the majority of the Directors are present or represented. A member of the Board may authorize another member of the Board to represent him/her at the Board meeting and vote on his/her behalf. Each Director is entitled to one vote (provided that, for the avoidance of doubt, a member representing one or more absent members of the Board by written power of attorney will be entitled to cast the vote of each such absent member) therein the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote.

The Board meets as often as it deems necessary or appropriate or upon the request of any of its members. The Board has adopted rules, which contain additional requirements for its decision-making process, the convening of meetings and, through separate resolution by the Board, details on the assignment of duties and a division of responsibilities between Executive Directors and Non-Executive Directors. The Board has appointed one of the Directors as Chairman and one of the Directors as Vice-Chairman of the Board. The Board is assisted by a Corporate Secretary, who may be a member of the Board or the Senior Management and is appointed by the Board.

Composition of the Board

The majority of the Directors are independent as required by the NYSE.

Our Board consists of a minimum of one Executive Director and a minimum of three Non-Executive Directors, provided that our Board is composed of a maximum of seven members. The number of Executive Directors and Non-Executive Directors is determined by our General Meeting of Shareholders, provided that the majority of the Board must consist of Non-Executive Directors. Only natural persons can be Non-Executive Directors. The Executive Directors and Non-Executive Directors as such are appointed by the General Meeting of Shareholders, provided that the Board is classified, with respect to the term for which each member will severally be appointed and serve as member, into three classes, as nearly equal in number as is reasonably possible.

The class I Directors serve for a term expiring at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2020, the class II Directors serve for a term expiring at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2021 and the class III Directors serve for a term expiring at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2019. At each Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, Directors appointed to succeed those Directors whose terms expire are appointed to serve for a term of office to expire at the third succeeding Annual General Meeting of Shareholders after their appointment. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Directors appointed to each class continue to serve their term in office until their successors are duly appointed and qualified or until their earlier resignation, death or removal. If a vacancy occurs, any Director so appointed to fill that vacancy serves its term in office for the remainder of the full term of the class of Directors in which the vacancy occurred.

The Board has nomination rights with respect to the appointment of a Director. Any nomination by the Board may consist of one or more candidates per vacant seat. If a nomination consists of two or more candidates, it is binding and the appointment to the vacant seat concerned will be from the persons placed on the binding list of candidates and will be effected through election. Notwithstanding the foregoing, our General Meeting of Shareholders may, at all times, by a resolution passed with a two-thirds majority of the votes cast representing more than half of our issued and outstanding capital, resolve that such list of candidates will not be binding.

Directors may be suspended or removed at any time by our General Meeting of Shareholders. A resolution to suspend or remove a Director must be adopted by at least a two-thirds majority of the votes cast, provided such majority represents more than half of our issued and outstanding share capital. Executive Directors may also be suspended by the Board.



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Directors’ Insurance and Indemnification

To attract and retain qualified and talented persons to serve as members of our Board or our Senior Management, we currently provide, and expect to continue to provide, such persons with protection through a directors’ and officers’ insurance policy. Under this policy, any of our past, present or future Directors and members of our Senior Management will be insured against any claim made against any one of them for any wrongful act in their respective capacities.

Under our Articles of Association, we are required to indemnify each current and former member of the Board who was or is involved, in that capacity, as a party to any actions or proceedings, against all conceivable financial loss or harm suffered in connection with those actions or proceedings, unless it is ultimately determined by a court having jurisdiction that the damage was caused by intent ( opzet ), willful recklessness ( bewuste roekeloosheid ) or serious culpability ( ernstige verwijtbaarheid ) on the part of such member.

Insofar as indemnification of liabilities arising under the Securities Act may be permitted to members of the Board, officers or persons controlling us pursuant to the foregoing provisions, we have been informed that, in the opinion of the SEC, such indemnification is against public policy as expressed in the Securities Act and is therefore unenforceable.

Board Committees

The Board has established an Audit Committee, a Compensation Committee and a Nominating Committee. Each of the Audit Committee, Compensation Committee and Nominating Committee were in compliance with the NYSE listed company board committee independence requirements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2018. However, Rule 303A permits us as a foreign private issuer to follow home country practice with regard to, among others, the independence requirement for our Compensation Committee and for our Nominating Committee. The Board may also establish such other committees as it deems appropriate, in accordance with applicable law and regulations, our Articles of Association and any applicable Board rules.

Many of the NYSE corporate governance rules do not apply to us as a “foreign private issuer”; however, Rule 303A.11 requires foreign private issuers to describe significant differences between their corporate governance standards and the corporate governance standards applicable to U.S. companies listed on the NYSE. While we believe that our corporate governance practices are similar in many respects to those of U.S. NYSE-listed companies and provide investors with protections that are comparable in many respects to those established by the NYSE rules, there have been certain key differences, which are described below.

Audit Committee

Our Audit Committee consists of three independent Directors, Rob Ruijter (Chair), Frank Esser and Mark Heraghty. The committee is independent as defined under, and required by, Rule 10A-3 of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (“Rule 10A-3”) and the NYSE. The Board of Directors has determined that Rob Ruijter qualifies as an “audit committee financial expert”, as that term is defined in Item 16A of Form 20-F. The Audit Committee is responsible, subject to Board and shareholder approval, for the appointment, compensation, retention and oversight of the work of our independent registered public accounting firm, KPMG Accountants N.V. In addition, the Audit Committee’s approval is required before our entering into any related-party transaction. It is also responsible for “whistle-blowing” procedures, certain other compliance matters and the evaluation of the Company’s policies with respect to risk assessment and risk management. The Audit Committee also focuses primarily on (i) overseeing our financial reporting process and the disclosure of our financial information, including earnings and press releases, to ensure that financial information is accurate, sufficient and credible, (ii) compliance with accounting standards and changes in accounting policies and procedures, and (iii) major accounting entries involving estimates based on the exercise of judgment by senior management.

Compensation Committee

Our Compensation Committee consists of four independent Directors, Mark Heraghty (Chair), Rob Ruijter, Frank Esser and David Lister. Among other things, the Compensation Committee reviews, and makes recommendations to the Board regarding, the compensation and benefits of our CEO and the Board. The Compensation Committee also administers the awards under our equity incentive plan and evaluates and reviews policies relating to the compensation and benefits of our employees and consultants.



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Under Section 303A.05 of the NYSE rules, which govern compensation committees, the Company’s Compensation Committee meets the NYSE independence standard.

Nominating Committee

Our Nominating Committee consists of four independent Directors, Jean Mandeville, Frank Esser (Chair), Mark Heraghty and David Lister. The Nominating Committee is responsible for, among other things, developing and recommending corporate governance guidelines to the Board, identifying individuals qualified to become Directors, overseeing the evaluation of the performance of the Board, selecting the Director nominees for the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders and selecting director candidates to fill any vacancies on the Board.

Under Section 303A.04 of the NYSE rules, which govern nominating/corporate governance committees, the Company’s Nominating Committee meets the NYSE independence standard.


The aggregate reported compensation expense of our Executive Director and the Non-Executive Directors of the Board for the year ended December 31, 2018, is set forth below. The “Share-based payment charges” and the “Total” numbers included in the following table are calculated in accordance with IFRS and reflect the current year charges for shares that started their vesting period in prior years and those that started to vest in 2018.


     Bonus      Share-
     Termination /

D.C. Ruberg

     590        735        4,301        —          5,626  

F. Esser

     65        —          40        —          105  

M. Heraghty

     70        —          40        —          110  

D. Lister (1)

     23        —          20        —          43  

J.F.H.P. Mandeville

     90        —          40        —          130  

R. Ruijter

     75        —          40        —          115  


     913        735        4,481        —          6,129  

Executive Committee (excluding D.C. Ruberg) (2)

     1,300        900        2,564        65        4,829  


     2,213        1,635        7,045        65        10,958  





D. Lister was appointed to our Board of Directors in June 2018. His compensation has been calculated on a pro rata basis.


The compensation for the Executive Committee (excluding D.C. Ruberg) includes the compensation for J. Doherty, J. Camman, J.P. Anten, G. Di Vitantonio and A. Oosthoek.

None of the non-executive directors is entitled to any contractually agreed benefit upon termination. Upon termination, the Executive Director is entitled to contractually agreed benefit compensation equal to 12 months base salary.

Employee Share Ownership Plans

On May 24, 2013, pursuant to the recommendation of the Compensation Committee, the Board adopted the 2013 International Equity Based Incentive Plan (the “2013 Plan”). Pursuant to further recommendation of our Compensation Committee, the Board amended the 2013 Plan and adopted the 2013 Amended International Equity Based Incentive Plan (the “2013 Amended Plan”) on October 30, 2013. The 2013 Amended Plan was further amended on March 17, 2014 by the Board, pursuant to the recommendation of our Compensation Committee to clarify that the 2013 Amended Plan was adopted by the Board of Directors, instead of just by the Compensation Committee. The 2013 Amended Plan provides the Compensation Committee with the authority to award options, performance shares and restricted shares to certain employees and advisors.



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Index to Financial Statements

We implemented the 2013 Amended Plan to attract and retain certain employees, advisors and Board members and reward them for their contributions to the Group. The 2013 Amended Plan is designed to act as an incentive scheme, whereby various equity-based instruments may be awarded from time-to-time in accordance with the terms and conditions of the 2013 Amended Plan. The 2013 Plan was discontinued following the implementation of the 2013 Amended Plan, however, outstanding options will continue to be governed by the terms of the 2013 Plan until such options have been exercised in full.

On May 13, 2017, pursuant to the recommendation of the Compensation Committee, the Board adopted the 2017 Executive Director Long-Term Incentive Plan (the “2017 Plan”). The 2017 Plan was implemented to align the performance share plan for our Executive Director with Executive Compensation best practices.

The terms and conditions of the 2017 Plan not only apply to the 2017 and 2018 conditional performance share award and future awards to our Executive Director, but also retroactively to all shares from the conditional performance share awards made to the Executive Director in 2016, that were unvested at the time of the adoption of the 2017 Plan on May 13, 2017.

The total number of shares that may be granted pursuant to the 2013 Amended Plan and the 2017 Plan is 5,273,371 shares (the “Share Pool”). The Share Pool includes grants made under the 2013 Plan, the 2013 Amended Plan and the 2017 Plan. Shares subject to awards that expire, terminate or are otherwise surrendered, canceled or forfeited under the 2013 Plan, the 2013 Amended Plan or the 2017 Plan are returned to the Share Pool. Taking into account the grants made under those plans, as of December 31, 2018, approximately 1.4 million shares are available for grant.

For more information regarding Non-Executive Director, Executive Director and other senior management compensation, including incentive plans and awards, please see Note 26 of our 2018 consolidated financial statements.

Corporate Governance

The Dutch Corporate Governance Code, as revised, became effective on January 1, 2009, and applies to all Dutch companies listed on a government-recognized Stock Exchange, whether in The Netherlands or elsewhere. The Dutch Corporate Governance Code is based on a “comply or explain” principle, under which all companies filing annual reports in The Netherlands must disclose whether or not they are in compliance with the various rules of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code and explain the reasons for any instance of noncompliance.

On December 8, 2016, the revised Dutch Corporate Governance Code was published. Beginning in 2018 Dutch listed companies were required to report in compliance with this revised Code for the financial years ending December 31, 2017, and beyond. The Company complies with the requirements in the revised Dutch Corporate Governance Code or explains instances where it is not fully compliant.

For the year ended December 31, 2018, we complied with the applicable NYSE rules and we intend to do so going forward. We also intend to comply with the Dutch Corporate Governance Code, but where the NYSE rules conflict with the Dutch Corporate Governance Code, we intend to comply with the NYSE rules. For further information with respect to the composition of the Board committees, see “ Board Committees” above.

Stock Options, Restricted and Performance Shares

As of April 15, 2019, our directors and senior managers were granted the awards (restricted and performance shares outstanding) as set out below. The awards are awards granted under the “Amended 2013 Plan” and the “2017 Plan”.



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Index to Financial Statements

The ordinary shares beneficially owned by our directors and senior managers are disclosed in Item 7, “Major Shareholders and Related Party Transactions”.



   Awards granted
     Awards granted
outstanding, but

D. Ruberg

     107,571        107,571        January 1, 2020 (1)(2 )  
     46,808        46,808        January 1, 2021 (1)(3)  
     45,116        45,116        January 1, 2022 (1)(4)  

F. Esser

     746        746        June, 2019 (1)(5)  

M. Heraghty

     746        746        June, 2019 (1)(5)  

D. Lister

     746        746        June, 2019 (1)(5)  

J.F.H.P. Mandeville

     746        746        June, 2019 (1)(5)  

Rob Ruijter

     746        746        June, 2019 (1)(5)  

J. Doherty

     20,000        20,000        November 1, 2020 (6)  

G. Di Vitantonio

     8,656        8,656        January 1, 2020 (1)(7)  
     13,700        13,700        January 1, 2021 (1)(8)  
     17,807        17,807        January 1, 2022 (1)(12)  

J. Camman

     2,500        2,500        January 1, 2020 (1)(6)  
     3,280        3,280        January 1, 2020 (1)(7)  
     6,480        6,480        January 1, 2021 (1)(8)  
     6,662        6,662        January 1, 2022 (1)(9)  

J.P. Anten

     2,500        2,500        January 1, 2020 (1)(6)  
     3,245        3,245        January 1, 2020 (1)(7)  
     6,677        6,677        January 1, 2021 (1)(8)  
     8,371        8,371        January 1, 2022 (1)(9)  

A. Oosthoek

     1,172        1,172        November 1, 2019 (6)  
     5,071        5,071        January 1, 2020 (1)(7)  
     9,681        9,681        January 1, 2021 (1)(8)  
     10,115        10,115        January 1, 2022 (1)(9)  





Represents awards of performance shares and restricted shares which contractually will vest and any lock up provisions will expire immediately upon a change of control.


Represents performance shares related to the year ended December 31, 2016, adjusted for to relative TSR performance adjustment (over the 2016 – 2018 performance period), approved by the Board in April 2019 and subject to Shareholder approval at the 2019 Annual General Meeting.


Represents performance shares related to the year ended December 31, 2017, subject to relative TSR performance adjustment (over the 2017 – 2019 performance period), Board approval and Shareholder approval at the 2020 Annual General Meeting.


Represents performance shares related to the year ending December 31, 2018, subject to relative TSR performance adjustment (over the 2018 – 2020 performance period), Board approval and Shareholder approval at the 2021 Annual General Meeting.


Represent awards of restricted shares to Non-executive Directors that were approved at the Annual General Meeting in June 2018. The awards, subject to the Non-executive Directors having served the entire period between the 2018 and 2019 Annual General Meetings, will vest at the next Annual General Meeting, which we anticipate will be held in June 2019. After vesting, these restricted shares are subject to lock-up provisions.


Represent awards of restricted shares.


Represents performance shares related to the year ended December 31, 2016, after final adjustment in accordance with the applicable LTI plan.


Represents performance shares related to the year ended December 31, 2017, after final adjustment in accordance with the applicable LTI plan.


Represents performance shares related to the year ending December 31, 2018, after initial adjustment in accordance with the applicable LTI plan.

See Note 21 “Share-based payments” of our 2018 consolidated financial statements for further disclosure of the vesting schedules of performance share awards.


For a discussion of the number of employees, see Item 4 “Information on the Company—Employees”.



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Index to Financial Statements


Major Shareholders

The following table sets forth information with respect to Directors, Senior Management and major shareholders, meaning shareholders that are beneficial owners of 5% or more of our ordinary shares as of April 15, 2019.

Beneficial ownership is determined in accordance with rules of the SEC and generally includes any shares over which a person exercises sole or shared voting and/or investment power. Ordinary shares subject to options and warrants currently exercisable or exercisable within 60 days are deemed outstanding and have therefore been included in the number of shares owned and the calculation of the percentage ownership of the person holding the options but are not deemed outstanding for computing the percentage ownership of any other person.


Beneficially owned

Name of Beneficial Owner

   Number      Percent

5% Shareholders


Franklin Resources, Inc. (1)

     5,015,795        6.97

Ameriprise Financial, Inc. (2)

     3,916,406        5.44

Directors and Senior Management


David Ruberg (3)

     1,003,000        1.40

Jean F.H.P. Mandeville (4)


Frank Esser (4)


Mark Heraghty (4)


David Lister (5)


Rob Ruijter (4)


John Doherty (6)


Giuliano Di Vitantonio (7)


Jaap Camman (8)


Jan Pieter Anten (9)


Adriaan Oosthoek (10)






Franklin Resources, Inc. filed a schedule 13G on January 28, 2018, in which it reported 5,015,795 ordinary shares were beneficially owned by Franklin Resources, Inc.


Ameriprise Financial, Inc. (“AFI”) filed a schedule 13G on February 14, 2019, in which it reported 3,916,406 ordinary shares were beneficially owned by Ameriprise Financial, Inc. This includes 3,791,021 ordinary shares held by Threadneedle Asset Management Limited (“TAML”) and 125,385 ordinary shares held by AFI. TC Financing Ltd (“TCFL”) is the parent entity to TAML. Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings Limited (“TAMHL”) is the parent entity to TCFL. TAM UK Holdings Limited (“TUHL”) is the parent entity to TAMHL. Threadneedle Holdings Limited (“THL”) is the parent entity to TUHL. Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings Sarl (“TAMH”) is a holding company for various companies including THL and its subsidiary entities. Ameriprise International Holdings GmbH (“AIHG”) is a holding company for various companies including TAMH and its subsidiary entities. AFI, as the parent company of AIHG, TAMH, THL, TUHL, TAMHL, TCFL and TAML, may be deemed to beneficially own the shares held by TAML. Each of AFI, AIHG, TAMH, THL, TUHL, TAMHL, TCFL and TAML disclaims beneficial ownership of such securities except to the extent of their pecuniary interest therein.


Mr. Ruberg is our President, Chief Executive Officer, Vice-Chairman and Executive Director. Mr. Ruberg’s shares beneficially owned consist of ordinary shares.


Messieurs Esser, Heraghty, Mandeville, and Ruijter own our shares and restricted shares (subject to lock-up provisions).


David Lister was appointed to our Board of Directors in June 2018. As at April 15, 2019, he does not beneficially own any of our shares.


Mr. Doherty joined Interxion as Chief Financial Officer in November 2018. Mr. Doherty’s total shares beneficially owned consist of ordinary shares.


Mr. Di Vitantonio is our Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer. Mr. Di Vitantonio’s total shares beneficially owned consist of ordinary shares of which some are subject to lock-up provisions.


Mr. Camman is our Senior Vice President of Legal and Corporate Secretary. Mr. Camman’s total shares beneficially owned consist of ordinary shares of which some are subject to lock-up provisions.



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Index to Financial Statements

Mr. Anten is our Senior Vice President of Human Resources. Mr. Anten’s total shares beneficially owned consist of ordinary shares, of which some are subject to lock-up provisions.


Mr. Oosthoek is our Senior Vice President Operations and ICT. Mr. Oosthoek’s total shares beneficially owned consist of ordinary shares, of which some are subject to lock-up provisions.


Indicates beneficial ownership of less than 1 percent of the class of shares.

We effected a registered public offering of our ordinary shares, which began trading on the NYSE on January 28, 2011. Our major shareholders have the same voting rights as our other shareholders. As of April 15, 2019, we had 13 shareholders of record. Two of those, located in the United States, held in aggregate 71,764,340 ordinary shares, representing approximately 99.8% of our outstanding ordinary shares. The United States shareholders of record include, however, Cede & Co., which, as nominee for The Depository Trust Company, is the record holder of 71,745,530 ordinary shares. Accordingly, we believe that the shares held by Cede & Co. include ordinary shares beneficially owned by both holders in the United States and non-United States beneficial owners. As a result, these numbers may not accurately represent the number of beneficial owners in the United States.

As reported on Schedule 13G/A, Amendment No. 2, filed on February 16, 2016, by Eminence Capital, LP, Eminence GP, LLC and Ricky C. Sandler with the SEC, Eminence Capital, LP, Eminence GP, LLC and Ricky C. Sandler managed funds and advised accounts with aggregate beneficial ownership of 5,356,519 ordinary shares, 4,532,737 ordinary shares and 5,361,519 ordinary shares of the Company, respectively, constituting 7.7%, 6.5% and 7.7% of the outstanding ordinary shares, respectively. As reported on Schedule 13G/A, Amendment No. 3, filed on February 6, 2017, by Eminence Capital, LP, Eminence GP, LLC and Ricky C. Sandler with the SEC, Eminence Capital, LP, Eminence GP, LLC and Ricky C. Sandler managed funds and advised accounts with aggregate beneficial ownership of 4,471,424 ordinary shares, 3,542,072 ordinary shares and 4,476,424 ordinary shares of the Company, respectively, constituting 6.3%, 5.0% and 6.3% of the outstanding ordinary shares, respectively. As reported on Schedule 13G/A, Amendment No. 4, filed on February 14, 2018, by Eminence Capital, LP, Eminence GP, LLC and Ricky C. Sandler with the SEC, Eminence Capital, LP, Eminence GP, LLC and Ricky C. Sandler managed funds and advised accounts with aggregate beneficial ownership of 4,342,083 ordinary shares, 3,310,807 ordinary shares and 4,342,083 ordinary shares of the Company, respectively, constituting 6.1%, 4.6% and 6.1% of the outstanding ordinary shares, respectively. As reported on Schedule 13G/A, Amendment No. 5, filed on February 14, 2019, by Eminence Capital, LP, Eminence GP, LLC and Ricky C. Sandler with the SEC, Eminence Capital, LP, Eminence GP, LLC and Ricky C. Sandler managed funds and advised accounts with aggregate beneficial ownership of 2,821,396 ordinary shares, 1,941,456 ordinary shares and 2,825,626 ordinary shares of the Company, respectively. As at April 15, 2019, this constitutes 3.92%, 2.70% and 3.93% of the outstanding ordinary shares, respectively.

As reported on Schedule 13G, filed on February 12, 2016, by Thornburg Investment Management Inc. with the SEC, Thornburg Investment Management Inc. beneficially owned 4,581,372 ordinary shares of the Company, constituting 6.58% of the outstanding ordinary shares. As reported on Schedule 13G/A, Amendment No. 1, filed on February 8, 2017, by Thornburg Investment Management Inc. with the SEC, Thornburg Investment Management Inc beneficially owned 2,130,044 ordinary shares of the Company. As at April 15, 2019, this constitutes 2.96% of the outstanding ordinary shares.

As reported on Schedule 13G, filed on November 27, 2017, by Norges Bank with the SEC, Norges Bank beneficially owned 3,607,741 ordinary shares of the Company, constituting 5.06% of the outstanding ordinary shares. As reported on Schedule 13G, Amendment No. 1, filed on September 18, 2018, by Norges Bank with the SEC, Norges Bank beneficially owned 3,576,019 ordinary shares of the Company. As at April 15, 2019, this constitutes 4.97% of the outstanding ordinary shares.

As reported on Schedule 13G, filed on February 15, 2018, by Principal Real Estate Investors, LLC, with the SEC, Principal Real Estate Investors, LLC, beneficially owned 3,874,188 ordinary shares of the Company, constituting 5.4% of the outstanding ordinary shares. As reported on Schedule 13G/A, Amendment No. 1, filed on February 14, 2019, by Principal Real Estate Investors, LLC, with the SEC, Principal Real Estate Investors, LLC, beneficially owned 3,436,979 ordinary shares of the Company. As at April 15, 2019, this constitutes 4.78% of the outstanding ordinary shares.

As reported on Schedule 13G, filed on January 28, 2019, by Franklin Resources, Inc. with the SEC, Franklin Resources Inc. beneficially owned 5,015,795 ordinary shares of the Company. As at April 15, 2019, this constitutes 6.97% of the outstanding ordinary shares.



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As reported on Schedule 13G, filed on February 14, 2019, by Ameriprise Financial, Inc. with the SEC, Ameriprise Financial Inc. and certain of its direct and indirect subsidiaries beneficially owned 3,916,406 ordinary shares of the Company. As at April 15, 2019, this constitutes 5.44% of the outstanding ordinary shares.

To our knowledge, we are not directly or indirectly owned or controlled by any other corporation, by any foreign government or by any other natural or legal person either severally or jointly. As far as is known to us, there are no arrangements the operation of which may, at a subsequent date, result in a change in control of the Company.

Related party transactions

Transactions with related parties are disclosed in note 26 of our Financial Statements.



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Index to Financial Statements


Reference is made to Item 18 for a list of all financial statements filed as part of this annual report. For information on legal proceedings, please refer to Item 4 “Information on the Company”, above.

Dividends and Dividend Policy

We have never declared or paid cash dividends on our ordinary shares. We currently intend to retain any future earnings to fund the development and growth of our business and do not currently anticipate paying dividends on our ordinary shares. Our Board of Directors has the discretion to determine to what extent profits shall be retained by way of a reserve. The remaining profits will be at the disposal of our General Meeting of Shareholders for distribution of a dividend or to be added to the reserves or for such other purposes as our General Meeting of Shareholders decides, upon a proposal of our Board of Directors. Our Board of Directors, in determining whether to recommend to our shareholders the payment of dividends, will consider our ability to declare and pay dividends in light of our future operations and earnings, capital expenditure requirements, general financial conditions, legal and contractual restrictions and other factors that it may deem relevant. In addition, the Indenture and the Revolving Facility Agreement limit our ability to pay dividends and we may in the future become subject to debt instruments or other agreements that further limit our ability to pay dividends. To the extent we pay dividends in euro, the amount of U.S. dollars realized by shareholders will vary depending on the rate of exchange between U.S. dollars and euro. Shareholders will bear any costs related to the conversion of euro into U.S. dollars.

We are a holding company incorporated in The Netherlands. Under Dutch law, we may only pay dividends out of our profits or our share premium account subject to our ability to service our debts as they fall due in the ordinary course of our business and subject to Dutch law and our Articles of Association. See Item 10 “Additional Information—General—Articles of Association and Dutch Law”. We rely on dividends paid to us by our wholly-owned subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium and Denmark to fund the payment of dividends, if any, to our shareholders.



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Index to Financial Statements



Our ordinary shares began trading on the NYSE under the symbol “INXN” on January 28, 2011. As of April 30, 2019, our ordinary shares were not listed on any other markets.


Material contracts

The Revolving Facility Agreement dated as of June 18, 2018, among the Company and the financial institutions party thereto, as arrangers and ABN AMRO Bank N.V. as agent.

On June 18, 2018, we entered into a €200.0 million revolving facility agreement (the “Revolving Facility Agreement”) between, among others, the Company, the arrangers named therein and ABN AMRO Bank N.V. as agent (for the purpose of this section, the “Agent”), pursuant to which the Revolving Facility has been made available to the Company. In the first quarter of 2019, we increased the Revolving Facility by €100.0 million for a total commitment of €300.0 million.

Borrowings under the Revolving Facility will be used to finance our general corporate and working capital needs (including capital expenditure, acquisitions and investments, which are not prohibited by the Revolving Facility Agreement).

The Revolving Facility initially bears interest at an annual rate equal to EURIBOR (or, for loans denominated in Sterling, USD, DKK, SEK or CHF, LIBOR, CIBOR or STIBOR (as applicable)), all subject to a 0% floor, plus a margin of 2.00% per annum, subject to a margin ratchet pursuant to which the margin may increase thereafter on certain specific dates and subject to a maximum margin of 3.50% per annum.

We are also required to pay a commitment fee, quarterly in arrears, on available but undrawn commitments under the Revolving Facility at a rate of 30% of the then applicable margin.

The Revolving Facility currently has a final maturity date of June 18, 2023. Any amount still outstanding at that time will be immediately due and payable. Subject to certain conditions, any borrower under the Revolving Facility Agreement may voluntarily prepay the utilizations and the borrower may permanently cancel all or part of the available commitments under the Revolving Facility in a minimum amount of €1,000,000 by giving not less than, three business days’ (or, in each case, such shorter period as the required majority lenders under the Revolving Facility Agreement agree) prior notice to the Agent.

Subject to certain conditions, we may reborrow amounts repaid.

In addition to voluntary prepayments, the Revolving Facility Agreement requires mandatory prepayment (or, as the case may be, an offer to do so) in full or in part in certain circumstances, including:



with respect to any lender, if it becomes unlawful for such lender to perform any of its obligations under the Revolving Facility Agreement or to maintain its participation in any loan under the Revolving Facility;



if a lender so requires in respect of that lender’s participation in an outstanding loan under the Revolving Facility, upon a Change of Control (as defined in the Revolving Facility Agreement); and/or



upon the occurrence of the sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the Group.

Drawdowns under the Revolving Facility are subject to satisfaction of certain conditions precedent on the date the applicable drawdown is requested and on the date such loan is utilized including: (i) no default (or no acceleration event for rollover of existing loans at the end of an interest period) is continuing or would result from such drawdown and (ii) (in the case of new borrowings) certain repeating representations and warranties specified in the Revolving Facility Agreement being true in all material respects.



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Index to Financial Statements

The Revolving Facility Agreement contains customary operating and restrictive covenants, subject to certain agreed exceptions, qualifications and thresholds as well as customary events of default (subject in certain cases to agreed grace periods, qualifications and thresholds), including a cross default with respect to an event of default under the Indenture (as defined below) governing the Senior Notes (as defined below). The Revolving Facility Agreement also requires the Company, each borrower and each guarantor to observe certain customary affirmative covenants (subject to certain agreed exceptions, qualifications and thresholds) and requires the Company to comply with a net leverage ratio financial covenant (calculated as the ratio of consolidated total net debt at each quarter end to pro forma Adjusted EBITDA for the 12 months ending on that quarter end) provided that the Test Condition applies.

The Indenture dated June 18, 2018, among InterXion Holding N.V., as issuer, the guarantors party thereto, The Bank of New York Mellon, London Branch, as trustee and paying agent and The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV, Luxembourg Branch as transfer agent and registrar.

On June 18, 2018, the Company issued an aggregate principal amount of €1,000.0 million 4.75% Senior Notes due 2025 (the “Initial Notes”). On September 20, 2018, the Company issued a further €200.0 million aggregate principal amount of 4.75% Senior Notes due 2025 (the “Additional Notes” and, together with the Initial Notes, the “Senior Notes”). The Additional Notes were issued pursuant to the same indenture as the Initial Notes.

The Senior Notes are governed by an indenture dated June 18, 2018, between the Company, as issuer, the guarantors party thereto, The Bank of New York Mellon, London Branch, as trustee and paying agent and The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV, Luxembourg Branch as transfer agent and registrar (the “Indenture”). The Indenture contains customary restrictive covenants. The restrictive covenants are subject to customary exceptions, including, in relation to the incurrence of additional debt, a consolidated fixed charge coverage ratio (calculated as a ratio of Adjusted EBITDA to consolidated interest expense) of at least 2.00 to 1.00 on a pro forma basis for the four full fiscal quarters (taken as one period) for which financial statements are available immediately preceding the incurrence of such debt.

The Senior Notes are guaranteed by certain of the Company’s subsidiaries.

Optional redemption prior to June 15, 2021 upon an equity offering

At any time and from time to time prior to June 15, 2021, upon not less than 10 and not more than 60 days’ notice, we may on any one or more occasions redeem up to 40% of the original aggregate principal amount of the Senior Notes (including any additional notes), with funds in an aggregate amount not exceeding the net cash proceeds received from one or more equity offerings at a redemption price equal to 104.75% of the principal amount of the Senior Notes so redeemed, plus accrued and unpaid interest and Additional Amounts, if any, on the Senior Notes redeemed to but excluding the redemption date, provided that:



the redemption takes place not later than 180 days after the closing of the related equity offering; and



at least 50% of the original aggregate principal amount of the Senior Notes (including any additional notes) issued under the Indenture remains outstanding immediately thereafter.

Optional redemption prior to June 15, 2021

At any time prior to June 15, 2021, upon not less than 10 and not more than 60 days’ notice, we may on any one or more occasions redeem the Senior Notes, in whole or in part, at our option, at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount thereof plus the Applicable Premium as of, and accrued and unpaid interest and Additional Amounts, if any, on the Senior Notes redeemed to, but excluding, the redemption date.

Optional redemption on or after June 15, 2021

At any time and from time to time on or after June 15, 2021, upon not less than 10 and not more than 60 days’ notice, we may on any one or more occasions redeem the Senior Notes in whole or in part, at a redemption price equal to the percentage of principal amount set forth below plus accrued and unpaid interest, if any, on the Senior Notes redeemed, to, but excluding, the applicable redemption date and Additional Amounts, if any, if redeemed during the twelve-month period beginning on June 15 of the year indicated below:



   Redemption Price  





2023, and thereafter




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Index to Financial Statements

In connection with any tender offer for the Senior Notes, including a change of control offer or asset disposition offer, if Holders of Senior Notes of not less than 90% in aggregate principal amount of the then outstanding Senior Notes validly tender and do not withdraw such Senior Notes in such tender offer and we, or any third party making such a tender offer, purchases, all of the Senior Notes validly tendered and not withdrawn by such Holders, all of the Holders of the Senior Notes will be deemed to have consented to such tender or other offer and accordingly, we or such third party will have the right upon not less than 10 nor more than 60 days’ prior notice, given not more than 30 days following such tender offer expiration date, to redeem the Senior Notes that remain outstanding in whole, but not in part, following such purchase at a price equal to the price offered to each other Holder of Senior Notes (excluding any early tender or incentive fee) in such tender offer, plus, to the extent not included in the tender offer payment, accrued and unpaid interest and Additional Amounts, if any, thereon, to, but excluding, such redemption date. The Senior Notes and the Indenture also contain a change of control provision, which requires the Company to make an offer to purchase the Senior Notes at a price equal to 101% of the principal amount thereof, plus accrued and unpaid interest and Additional Amounts, if any, to the date of purchase, upon the occurrence of certain events constituting a change of control (as defined in the Indenture) and a ratings event (as defined in the Indenture).


Incorporation and Registered Office

We were incorporated on April 6, 1998 as a private company with limited liability ( besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid ) under the laws of The Netherlands. On January 11, 2000, we were converted from a B.V. to a limited liability company ( naamloze vennootschap ) under the laws of The Netherlands.

Our corporate seat is in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. We are registered with the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam under number 33301892. Our executive offices are located at Scorpius 30, 2132 LR, Hoofddorp, The Netherlands. Our telephone number is +31 20 880 7600.

Articles of Association and Dutch Law

Set forth below is a summary of relevant information concerning our share capital and of material provisions of our Articles of Association (the “Articles”) and applicable Dutch law. This summary does not constitute legal advice regarding those matters and should not be regarded as such.

Corporate Purpose

Pursuant to Article 3 of our Articles, our corporate purpose is:



to incorporate, to participate in any way whatsoever in, to manage, to supervise businesses and companies;



to finance businesses and companies;



to borrow, to lend and to raise funds, including through the issue of bonds, debt instruments or other securities or evidence of indebtedness as well as to enter into agreements in connection with aforementioned activities;



to render advice and services to businesses and companies, with which the Company forms a group and to third parties;



to grant guarantees, to bind the Company and to pledge its assets for obligations of businesses and companies, with which it forms a group and on behalf of third parties; and



to perform any and all activities of an industrial, financial or commercial nature, and to do all that is connected therewith or may be conducive thereto, all to be interpreted in the broadest sense.



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Issue of Ordinary Shares

Our Articles provide that we may issue ordinary shares, or grant rights to subscribe for ordinary shares, pursuant to a resolution of our General Meeting of Shareholders upon a proposal of our Board. Our Articles provide that our General Meeting of Shareholders may, upon a proposal of our Board, designate another body of the Company, which can only be our Board, as the competent body to issue ordinary shares, or grant rights to subscribe for ordinary shares. Pursuant to our Articles and Dutch law, the period of designation may not exceed five years, but may be renewed by a resolution of our General Meeting of Shareholders for periods of up to five years. If not otherwise stated in the resolution approving the designation, such designation is irrevocable. The resolution designating our Board must specify the number of shares that may be issued and, if applicable, any conditions to the issuance.

On June 29, 2018, our General Meeting of Shareholders designated our Board as the corporate body competent to issue ordinary shares and to grant rights to subscribe for up to 2,441,601 ordinary shares, without pre-emption rights accruing to shareholders, in relation to our employee incentive schemes and to issue ordinary shares and to grant rights to subscribe for ordinary shares up to 10% of the issued share capital at that time, without pre-emptive rights accruing to shareholders, for general corporate purposes. This authority to issue ordinary shares and grant rights to acquire ordinary shares without pre-emptive rights accruing to shareholders is for a period of 18 months expiring on December 28, 2019. Our General Meeting of Shareholders may extend this period, subject to the limitations as set out above.

Ordinary shares may not be issued at less than their nominal value and must be fully paid up upon issue.

No resolution of our General Meeting of Shareholders or our Board is required for an issue of ordinary shares pursuant to the exercise of a previously granted right to subscribe for ordinary shares.

Pre-emptive Rights

Dutch law and our Articles generally give our shareholders pre-emptive rights to subscribe in proportion to the aggregate nominal value of the Shares held by the respective shareholder for any issue of new ordinary shares or grant of rights to subscribe for ordinary shares. Exceptions to these pre-emptive rights include: (i) the issue of ordinary shares and the grant of rights to subscribe for ordinary shares to our employees, or a group company in accordance with section 2:24b of the Dutch Civil Code, (ii) the issue of ordinary shares in exchange for non-cash contributions, and (iii) the issue of ordinary shares which are issued to a person exercising a right to subscribe for ordinary shares previously granted.

A shareholder has the legal right to exercise pre-emption rights for at least two weeks after the date of the announcement of the issue or grant. However, our General Meeting of Shareholders, or our Board if so designated by our General Meeting of Shareholders, may restrict or exclude pre-emptive rights. A resolution by our General Meeting of Shareholders to designate another corporate body, which can only be our Board, as the competent authority to exclude or restrict pre-emptive rights requires a proposal by our Board and approval by a majority of at least two-thirds of the valid votes cast at our General Meeting of Shareholders if less than half of our issued and outstanding share capital is present or represented. A simple majority is sufficient if more than half of our issued and outstanding share capital is present or represented. A resolution by our General Meeting of Shareholders to designate our Board as the competent authority to exclude or restrict pre-emptive rights must be for a fixed period not exceeding five years and is only possible if our Board is simultaneously designated as the corporate body authorized to issue ordinary shares. If not otherwise stated in the resolution approving designation, such designation is irrevocable. If our General Meeting of Shareholders has not designated our Board, our General Meeting of Shareholders itself is the corporate body authorized to restrict or exclude pre-emptive rights upon a proposal by our Board.

Our Board has been designated as the corporate body authorized to issue ordinary shares and grant rights to subscribe for ordinary shares, without pre-emption rights accruing to shareholders for the purpose of (i) our employee incentive schemes and (ii) general corporate purposes, both as set out under “—Issue of Ordinary Shares” above, for a period that will end on December 28, 2019.

Reduction of Share Capital

Our General Meeting of Shareholders may, subject to Dutch law and our Articles and only upon a proposal of our Board, resolve to reduce our issued share capital by cancellation of ordinary shares or reduction of the nominal value of ordinary shares by amendment of our Articles. A resolution of our General Meeting of Shareholders to reduce the issued share capital must designate the



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ordinary shares to which the resolution applies and must make provisions for the implementation of such resolution. A resolution to cancel ordinary shares may only be adopted in relation to ordinary shares or depositary receipts for such shares we hold ourselves. A partial repayment or exemption from the obligation to pay up ordinary shares must be made pro rata, unless all our shareholders agree otherwise. A resolution at our General Meeting of Shareholders to reduce our issued share capital requires a majority of at least two-thirds of the votes validly cast at a meeting at which less than half of our issued and outstanding share capital is present or represented. A simple majority is sufficient if more than half of our issued and outstanding share capital is present or represented.

Acquisition of Ordinary Shares

We may acquire our own fully paid up ordinary shares at any time for no consideration or, subject to certain provisions of Dutch law and our Articles, if (i) our shareholders’ equity minus the payment required to make the acquisition, does not fall below the sum of called-up and paid-up share capital and any statutory reserves we must maintain by Dutch law or our Articles, and (ii) we and our subsidiaries would thereafter not hold ordinary shares or rights of pledge over ordinary shares with an aggregate nominal value exceeding 50% of our issued and outstanding share capital.

Dutch law generally and more specifically the Dutch Civil Code, imposes minimum capital and other reserve requirements on legal entities as a way of protecting shareholders and creditors and maintaining the capital of a company. Such minimum capital and reserve requirements include, among other things, complying with certain minimum capital requirements when declaring and paying dividends and repurchasing shares in its own capital, maintaining reserves on the granting of legitimate financial assistance loans by a public limited company and maintaining reserves on the revaluation of assets.

An acquisition of ordinary shares for a consideration must be authorized by our General Meeting of Shareholders. Such authorization may be granted for a maximum period of 18 months and must specify the number of ordinary shares that may be acquired, the manner in which ordinary shares may be acquired and the price limits within which ordinary shares may be acquired. Authorization is not required for the acquisition of ordinary shares in order to transfer them to our employees. The actual acquisition may only be effected by a resolution of our Board.

Any ordinary shares held by us in our own capital may not be voted on or counted for quorum purposes.

Exchange Controls and Other Provisions Relating to Non-Dutch Shareholders

There are no Dutch exchange control restrictions on investments in, or payments on, the ordinary shares. There are no special restrictions in our Articles or Dutch law that limit the right of shareholders who are not citizens or residents of The Netherlands to hold or vote the ordinary shares.

Dividends and Distributions

We may only make distributions to our shareholders in so far as our equity exceeds the sum of our paid-in and called-up share capital plus the reserves we are required to maintain by Dutch law or our proposed Articles. Under our Articles, our Board may determine that a portion of the profits of the current financial year shall be added to our reserves. The remaining profits are at the disposal of our General Meeting of Shareholders.

We may only make distributions of dividends to our shareholders after the adoption of our statutory annual accounts from which it appears that such distributions are legally permitted. Our Board may, however, resolve to pay interim dividends on account of the profits of the current financial year if the equity requirement set out above is met, as evidenced by an interim statement of assets and liabilities relating to the condition of such assets and liabilities on a date no earlier than the first day of the third month preceding the month in which the resolution to distribute interim dividends is made public. Our General Meeting of Shareholders may resolve, upon a proposal to that effect by our Board, to pay distributions at the expense of any of our reserves.

In addition, if we choose to declare dividends, the payment of cash dividends on our shares is restricted under the terms of the agreements governing our indebtedness.



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Dividends and other distributions may be made in cash or, but only at all times with the approval of the Board, in ordinary shares. Dividends and other distributions are due and payable as from the date determined by the corporate body resolving on the distribution. Claims to dividends and other declared distributions lapse after five years from the date that such dividends or distributions became payable and any such amounts not collected within this period revert to us and are allocated to our general reserves.

General Meetings of Shareholders and Voting Rights

Our Annual General Meeting of Shareholders must be held within six months of the end of each of our financial years. It must be held in The Netherlands in Amsterdam, Haarlemmermeer (Schiphol Airport) or Hoofddorp. Our financial year coincides with the calendar year. An Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders may be convened whenever our Board or CEO deems necessary. Shareholders representing at least 10% of our issued and outstanding share capital may, pursuant to Dutch law and our Articles, request that a General Meeting of Shareholders be convened, specifying the items for discussion. If our Board has not convened a General Meeting of Shareholders within four weeks of such a request so that a meeting can be held within six weeks following the request, the shareholders requesting the meeting are authorized to call a meeting themselves with due observance of the relevant provisions of our Articles.

The notice convening any General Meeting of Shareholders must include an agenda indicating the items for discussion, or it must state that the shareholders and any holders of depositary receipts for ordinary shares may review such agenda at our main offices in The Netherlands. We will have the notice published by electronic means of communication which is directly and permanently accessible until the meeting and in such other manner as may be required to comply with any applicable rules of the NYSE. The explanatory notes to the agenda must contain all facts and circumstances that are relevant for the proposals on the agenda. Such explanatory notes and the agenda will be placed on our website.

Shareholders holding at least 3% of our issued and outstanding share capital may submit agenda proposals for any General Meeting of Shareholders. Provided we receive such proposals no later than 60 days before the date of the General Meeting of Shareholders, and provided that such proposal does not, according to our Board, conflict with our vital interests, we will have the proposals included in the notice.

Each of the ordinary shares confers the right to cast one vote. Each shareholder entitled to participate in a General Meeting of Shareholders, either in person or through a written proxy, is entitled to attend and address the meeting and, to the extent that the voting rights accrue to him, to exercise his voting rights in accordance with our Articles. The voting rights attached to any ordinary shares, or ordinary shares for which depositary receipts have been issued, are suspended as long as they are held in treasury.

Our Board may allow shareholders to, in person or through a person holding a written proxy, participate in a General Meeting of Shareholders, including to take the floor and, to the extent applicable, to exercise voting rights, through an electronic means of communication. Our Board selects the means of electronic communication and may subject its use to conditions.

To the extent that our Articles or Dutch law do not require a qualified majority, all resolutions of our General Meeting of Shareholders shall be adopted by a simple majority of the votes cast.

The following resolutions of our General Meeting of Shareholders may be adopted only upon a proposal by our Board:



to effect a statutory merger ( juridische fusie ) or demerger ( juridische splitsing );



to issue ordinary shares or to restrict or exclude pre-emption rights on ordinary shares to the extent the authority to issue has not been delegated to our Board;



to designate our Board as the corporate body authorized to issue ordinary shares or rights to subscribe for ordinary shares and to restrict or to exclude the pre-emption rights on ordinary shares or rights to subscribe for ordinary shares;



to reduce our issued share capital;



to make a whole or partial distribution of reserves;



to amend our Articles of Association or change our corporate form; and



to dissolve us.



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Amendment of our Articles of Association

Our General Meeting of Shareholders may resolve to amend our Articles upon a proposal made by our Board.

Dissolution and Liquidation

Under our Articles, we may be dissolved by a resolution of our General Meeting of Shareholders upon a proposal of our Board.

In the event of dissolution, our business will be liquidated in accordance with Dutch law and our Articles and the liquidation shall be effected by our Board. During liquidation, the provisions of our Articles will remain in force to the extent possible. Any assets remaining upon completion of the dissolution will be distributed to the holders of ordinary shares in proportion to the aggregate nominal amount of their ordinary shares.

Disclosure of Information

Dutch law contains specific rules intended to prevent insider trading, tipping and market manipulation. We are subject to these rules and accordingly, we have adopted a code of securities dealings in relation to our securities.

Squeeze Out

If a shareholder, alone or together with group companies, (the “Controlling Entity”) holds a total of at least 95% of a company’s issued share capital by nominal value for its own account, Dutch law permits the Controlling Entity to acquire the remaining shares in the controlled entity (the “Controlled Entity”) by initiating proceedings against the holders of the remaining shares. The price to be paid for such shares will be determined by the Enterprise Chamber of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal (the “Enterprise Chamber”). A Controlling Entity that holds less than 95% of the shares in the Controlled Entity, but that in practice controls the Controlled Entity’s General Meeting of Shareholders, could attempt to obtain full ownership of the business of the Controlled Entity through a legal merger of the Controlled Entity with another company controlled by the Controlling Entity, by subscribing to additional shares in the Controlled Entity (for example, in exchange for a contribution of part of its own business), through another form of reorganization aimed at raising its interest to 95% or through other means.

In addition to the general squeeze-out procedure mentioned above, following a public offer, a holder of at least 95% of the outstanding shares and voting rights has the right to require the minority shareholders to sell their shares to it. To the extent there are two or more types of shares, the request can only be made with regard to the type of shares of which the shareholder holds at least 95% in aggregate representing at least 95% of the voting rights attached to those shares. Any request to require the minority shareholders to sell their shares must be filed with the Enterprise Chamber within three months of the end of the acceptance period of the public offer. Conversely, in such a case, each minority shareholder has the right to require the holder of at least 95% of the outstanding shares and voting rights to purchase its shares. The minority shareholders must file such claim with the Enterprise Chamber within three months of the end of the acceptance period of the public offer.

Reporting of Insider Transactions

Until July 14, 2018 we were subject to the European Market Abuse Regulation (EU) 596/2014, but following the redemption of the €625.0 million 6.00% Senior Secured Notes on July 15, 2018, neither our ordinary shares nor our Senior Notes are listed on a stock exchange located in the European Economic Area and therefore we are no longer subject to the Market Abuse Regulation.

Pursuant to the rules against insider trading we have, among other things, further adopted rules governing the holding of, reporting and carrying out of transactions in our securities by the Directors or our employees. Further, we have drawn up a list of those persons working for us who could have access to inside information on a regular or incidental basis and have informed the persons concerned of the rules against insider trading and market manipulation including the sanctions which can be imposed in the event of a violation of those rules.



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Comparison of Dutch Corporate Law and U.S. Corporate Law

The following comparison between Dutch corporation law, which applies to us, and Delaware corporation law, the law under which many corporations in the United States are incorporated, discusses additional matters not otherwise described in this annual report.

Duties of directors

The Netherlands

Under Dutch law, the Board of Directors is collectively responsible for the policy and day-to-day management of the Company. The non-executive directors will be assigned the task of supervising the executive directors and providing them with advice. Each director has a duty to the Company to properly perform the duties assigned to him. In addition, each Board member has a duty to act in the corporate interest of the Company. Under Dutch law, the corporate interest extends to the interests of all corporate stakeholders, such as shareholders, creditors, employees, customers and suppliers. The duty to act in the corporate interest of the Company also applies in the event of a proposed sale or break-up of the Company, whereby the circumstances generally dictate how such duty is to be applied. Any board resolution regarding a significant change in the identity or character of the Company or its business requires shareholders’ approval.


The Board of Directors of a Delaware corporation bears the ultimate responsibility for managing the business and affairs of a corporation. In discharging this function, directors of a Delaware corporation owe fiduciary duties of care and loyalty to the corporation and to its shareholders. Delaware courts have decided that the directors of a Delaware corporation are required to exercise an informed business judgment in the performance of their duties. An informed business judgment means that the directors have informed themselves of all material information reasonably available to them. Delaware courts have also imposed a heightened standard of conduct upon directors of a Delaware corporation who take any action designed to defeat a threatened change in control of the corporation. In addition, under Delaware law, when the Board of Directors of a Delaware corporation approves the sale or break-up of a corporation, the Board of Directors may, in certain circumstances, have a duty to obtain the highest value reasonably available to the shareholders.

Director terms

The Netherlands

Under Dutch law, a director of a listed company is generally appointed for a maximum term of four years.


The Delaware General Corporation Law generally provides for a one-year term for directors, but permits directorships to be divided into up to three staggered classes with up to three-year terms, with the terms for each class expiring in different years, if permitted by the certificate of incorporation, an initial bylaw or a bylaw adopted by the shareholders, with exceptions if the board is classified or if the company has cumulative voting.

Director vacancies

The Netherlands

Under Dutch law, new members of the Board of Directors of a company such as ours are appointed by the General Meeting. Our Articles provide that our Board has nomination rights with respect to the appointment of a new member of our Board. If a nomination consists of a list of two or more candidates, it is binding and the appointment to the vacant seat concerned shall be from the persons placed on the binding list of candidates and shall be effected through election. Notwithstanding the foregoing, our General Meeting of Shareholders may, at all times, by a resolution passed with a two-thirds majority of the votes cast representing more than half of our issued and outstanding capital, resolve that such list of candidates shall not be binding.



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The Delaware General Corporation Law provides that vacancies and newly created directorships may be filled by a majority of the directors then in office (even though less than a quorum) unless (a) otherwise provided in the certificate of incorporation or by-laws of the corporation or (b) the certificate of incorporation directs that a particular class of stock is to elect such director, in which case any other directors elected by such class, or a sole remaining director elected by such class, will fill such vacancy.

Shareholder proposals

The Netherlands

Pursuant to our Articles, extraordinary shareholders’ meetings will be held as often as our Board or our CEO deems necessary. In addition, shareholders and/or persons with depository receipt holder rights representing in the aggregate at least one-tenth of the issued capital of the Company may request the Board to convene a general meeting, specifically stating the business to be discussed. If our Board has not given proper notice of a general meeting within four weeks of receipt of such request such that the meeting can be held within six weeks of receipt of the request, the applicants shall be authorized to convene a meeting themselves. Pursuant to Dutch law, one or more shareholders representing at least 10% of the issued share capital may request the Dutch Courts to order that a General Meeting be held.

The agenda for a meeting of shareholders must contain such items as our Board or the person or persons convening the meeting decide, including the time and place of the shareholders’ meeting and the procedure for participating in the shareholders’ meeting by way of a written power of attorney. The agenda shall also include such other items as one or more shareholders, representing at least such part of the issued share capital as required by the laws of The Netherlands (currently, 3% of the issued share capital or shares) may request by providing a substantiated written request or a proposal for a resolution to our Board at least 60 days before the date of the meeting.


Delaware law does not specifically grant shareholders the right to bring business before an annual or special meeting.

Shareholder suits

The Netherlands

In the event that a third-party is liable to a Dutch company, only the company itself can bring a civil action against that party. The individual shareholders do not have the right to bring an action on behalf of the company. Only in the event that the cause for the liability of a third-party to the company also constitutes a tortious act directly against a shareholder does that shareholder have an individual right of action against such third-party in its own name. The Dutch Civil Code provides for the possibility to initiate such actions collectively. A foundation or an association, the objective of which is to protect the rights of a group of persons having similar interests can institute a collective action. The collective action itself cannot result in an order for payment of monetary damages but may only result in a declaratory judgment ( verklaring voor recht ). In order to obtain compensation for damages, the foundation or association and the defendant may reach—often on the basis of such declaratory judgment—a settlement. A Dutch court may declare the settlement agreement binding upon all the injured parties with an opt-out choice for an individual injured party. An individual injured party may also itself institute a civil claim for damages.


Under the Delaware General Corporation Law, a shareholder may bring a derivative action on behalf of the corporation to enforce the rights of the corporation. An individual also may commence a class action suit on behalf of himself and other similarly situated shareholders where the requirements for maintaining a class action under Delaware law have been met. A person may institute and maintain such a suit only if that person was a shareholder at the time of the transaction which is the subject of the suit. In addition, under Delaware case law, the plaintiff normally must be a shareholder not only at the time of the transaction that is the subject of the suit, but also throughout the duration of the derivative suit. Delaware law also requires that the derivative plaintiff make a demand on the directors of the corporation to assert the corporate claim and such demand has been refused before the suit may be prosecuted by the derivative plaintiff in court, unless such a demand would be futile.



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Anti-takeover provisions

The Netherlands

Neither Dutch law nor our Articles specifically prevent business combinations with interested shareholders. Under Dutch law various protective measures are as such possible and admissible, within the boundaries set by Dutch case law and Dutch law.


In addition to other aspects of Delaware law governing fiduciary duties of directors during a potential takeover, the Delaware General Corporation Law also contains a business combination statute that protects Delaware companies from hostile takeovers and from actions following the takeover by prohibiting some transactions once an acquirer has gained a significant holding in the corporation.

Section 203 of the Delaware General Corporation Law prohibits “business combinations”, including mergers, sales and leases of assets, issuances of securities and similar transactions by a corporation or a subsidiary with an interested shareholder that beneficially owns 15% or more of a corporation’s voting stock, within three years after the person becomes an interested shareholder, unless:



the transaction that will cause the person to become an interested shareholder is approved by the Board of Directors of the target before the transactions;



after the completion of the transaction in which the person becomes an interested shareholder, the interested shareholder holds at least 85% of the voting stock of the corporation not including shares owned by persons who are directors and also officers of interested shareholders and shares owned by specified employee benefit plans; or



after the person becomes an interested shareholder, the business combination is approved by the Board of Directors of the corporation and holders of at least 66.67% of the outstanding voting stock, excluding shares held by the interested shareholder.

A Delaware corporation may elect not to be governed by Section 203 by a provision contained in the original certificate of incorporation of the corporation or an amendment to the original certificate of incorporation or to the bylaws of the Company, which amendment must be approved by a majority of the shares entitled to vote and may not be further amended by the Board of Directors of the corporation. Such an amendment is not effective until 12 months following its adoption.

Removal of directors

The Netherlands

Under Dutch law, the General Meeting has the authority to suspend or remove members of the Board of Directors at any time. Under our Articles, a member of our Board may be suspended or removed by our General Meeting of Shareholders at any time by a

resolution passed with a two-thirds majority of the votes cast representing more than half of the issued and outstanding capital. If permitted under the laws of The Netherlands, a member of our Board may also be suspended by our Board itself. Any suspension may not last longer than three months in the aggregate. If, at the end of that period, no decision has been taken on termination of the suspension, the suspension shall end. Currently, Dutch law does not allow directors to be suspended by the Board of Directors. It is, however, expected that Dutch law will be amended to facilitate the suspension of directors by the Board of Directors.


Under the Delaware General Corporation Law, any director or the entire Board of Directors may be removed, with or without cause, by the holders of a majority of the shares then entitled to vote at an election of directors, except (a) unless the certificate of incorporation provides otherwise, in the case of a corporation whose board is classified, shareholders may effect such removal only for cause, or (b) in the case of a corporation having cumulative voting, if less than the entire board is to be removed, no director may be removed without cause if the votes cast against his removal would be sufficient to elect him if then cumulatively voted at an election of the entire Board of Directors, or, if there are classes of directors, at an election of the class of directors of which he is a part.



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Certain U.S. Federal Income Tax Considerations

This section describes certain material United States federal income tax consequences of owning our ordinary shares. It applies to a U.S. Holder (as defined below) that holds our ordinary shares as capital assets for tax purposes. This section does not apply to a U.S. Holder that is a member of a special class of holders subject to special rules, such as:



a financial institution;



a dealer in securities;



a trader in securities that elects to use a mark-to-market method of accounting for its securities holdings;



a real estate investment trust;



a regulated investment company;



U.S. expatriates;



persons who acquired shares pursuant to the exercise of any employee share option or otherwise as compensation;



a tax-exempt organization;



an insurance company;



a person liable for alternative minimum tax;



a person who actually or constructively owns 10% or more of our stock (by vote or value);



a person who owns shares through a partnership or other pass-through entity;



persons subject to special tax accounting rules as a result of any item of gross income with respect to shares being taken into account in an applicable financial statement;



a person who holds shares as part of a straddle or a hedging or conversion transaction; or



a person whose functional currency is not the U.S. dollar.

This section is based on the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), its legislative history, existing and proposed regulations, published rulings and court decisions, all as currently in effect. These laws are subject to change, possibly on a retroactive basis.

This section does not describe any tax consequences arising out of the tax laws of any state, local or non-U.S. jurisdiction, any estate or gift tax consequences or the Medicare tax on certain “net investment income”. If any entity or arrangement that is treated as a partnership for United States federal income tax purposes is a beneficial owner of our ordinary shares, the treatment of a partner in the partnership will generally depend on the status of the partner and the activities of the partnership. Partners in such partnerships should consult with their tax advisors.

For purposes of this discussion, a U.S. Holder is a beneficial owner of our ordinary shares that is for United States federal income tax purposes:



a citizen or resident of the United States,



a US domestic corporation (or other entity taxable as a U.S. domestic corporation for United States federal income tax purposes),



an estate the income of which is subject to United States federal income tax regardless of its source, or



a trust, if a United States court can exercise primary supervision over the trust’s administration and one or more United States persons are authorized to control all substantial decisions of the trust, or if the trust has a valid election in effect to be treated as a United States person.



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U.S. Holders should consult their own tax advisor regarding the United States federal, state and local and other tax consequences of owning and disposing of our ordinary shares in their particular circumstances.

Taxation of Dividends

Under the United States federal income tax laws, and subject to the passive foreign investment company, or PFIC, rules discussed below, U.S. Holders will include in gross income the gross amount of any dividend paid by us out of our current or accumulated earnings and profits (as determined for United States federal income tax purposes). The dividend is ordinary income that the U.S. Holder must include in income when the dividend is actually or constructively received. The dividend will not be eligible for the dividends-received deduction generally allowed to United States corporations in respect of dividends received from other United States corporations. The amount of a dividend distribution paid in euros includible in the income of a U.S. Holder will be the US dollar value of the euro payment made, determined at the spot euro/U.S. dollar rate on the date the dividend distribution is includible in the income of the U.S. Holder, regardless of whether the payment is in fact converted into U.S. dollars. Generally, any gain or loss resulting from currency exchange fluctuations during the period from the date the dividend payment is includible in income to the date such payment is converted into U.S. dollars will be treated as ordinary income or loss. Such gain or loss generally will be income or loss from sources within the United States for foreign tax credit limitation purposes. Distributions in excess of current and accumulated earnings and profits, as determined for United States federal income tax purposes, will be treated as a non-taxable return of capital to the extent of the U.S. Holder’s basis in the shares and thereafter as capital gain. We currently do not, and we do not intend to, calculate our earnings and profits under United States federal income tax principles. Therefore, a US Holder should expect that a distribution will generally be reported as a dividend even if that distribution would otherwise be treated as a non-taxable return of capital or as capital gain under the rules described above.

With respect to non-corporate taxpayers, dividends may be taxed at the lower applicable capital gains rate provided that (i) either (a) our ordinary shares are readily tradable on an established securities market in the United States or (b) we are eligible for the benefits of the “Convention between the United States of America and the Kingdom of The Netherlands for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income”, (ii) we are not a PFIC (as discussed below) for either our taxable year in which the dividend was paid or the preceding taxable year, and (iii) certain holding period requirements are met. Common stock is considered for purposes of clause (i) above to be readily tradable on an established securities market if it is listed on the NYSE. U.S. Holders should consult their tax advisors regarding the availability of the lower rate for dividends paid with respect to our ordinary shares.

For foreign tax credit limitation purposes, the dividend will generally constitute foreign source income. If the dividends are taxed as qualified dividend income (as discussed above), the amount of the dividend taken into account for purposes of calculating the foreign tax credit limitation will in general be limited to the gross amount of the dividend, multiplied by the reduced tax rate applicable to qualified dividend income and divided by the highest tax rate normally applicable to dividends.

If Dutch withholding taxes apply to any dividends paid to you with respect to our ordinary shares, the amount of the dividend would include withheld Dutch taxes and, subject to certain conditions and limitations, such Dutch withholding taxes may be eligible for credit against your U.S.-federal income tax liability. The rules relating to the determination of the foreign tax credit are complex, and you should consult your tax advisor regarding the availability of a foreign tax credit in your particular circumstances, including the effects of any applicable income tax treaties.

Taxation of Capital Gains

Subject to the PFIC rules discussed below, upon the sale or other disposition of our ordinary shares, a U.S. Holder will generally recognize capital gain or loss for United States federal income tax purposes equal to the difference between the U.S. Holder’s amount realized and the U.S. Holder’s tax basis in such shares. If a U.S. Holder receives consideration for shares paid in a currency other than U.S. dollars, the U.S. Holder’s amount realized will be the U.S. dollar value of the payment received. In general, the U.S. dollar value of such a payment will be determined on the date of sale or disposition. On the settlement date, a U.S. Holder may recognize U.S. source foreign currency gain or loss (taxable as ordinary income or loss) equal to the difference (if any) between the U.S. dollar value of the amount received based on the exchange rates in effect on the date of sale or other disposition and the settlement date. However, if our ordinary shares are treated as traded on an established securities market and the U.S. Holder is a cash basis taxpayer or an accrual basis taxpayer who has made a special election, the U.S. dollar value of the amount realized in a foreign currency is determined by translating the amount received at the spot rate of exchange on the settlement date, and no exchange gain or loss would be recognized at that time. Capital gain of a non-corporate U.S. Holder is generally taxed at a reduced rate where the property is held for more than one year. The gain or loss will generally be income or loss from sources within the United States for foreign tax credit limitation purposes.



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PFIC Rules

We believe that our ordinary shares should not be treated as stock of a PFIC for United States federal income tax purposes for the taxable year that ended on December 31, 2018. The application of the PFIC rules, however, is subject to uncertainty in several respects, and we cannot assure you that the United States Internal Revenue Service will not take a contrary position. In addition, PFIC status is a factual determination which cannot be made until the close of the taxable year. Accordingly, there is no guarantee that we will not be a PFIC for our current taxable year or for any future taxable year. In addition, because the total value of our assets for purposes of the asset test generally will be calculated using the market price of our ordinary shares, our PFIC status will depend in large part on the market price of our ordinary shares. Accordingly, fluctuations in the market price of our ordinary shares could render us a PFIC for any year. A non-U.S. corporation is considered a PFIC for any taxable year if either:



at least 75% of its gross income is passive income, or



at least 50% of the value of its assets (based on an average of the quarterly values of the assets during a taxable year) is attributable to assets that produce or are held for the production of passive income (the “asset test”).

In the PFIC determination, we will be treated as owning our proportionate share of the assets and earning our proportionate share of the income of any other corporation in which we own, directly or indirectly, 25% or more (by value) of the stock.

If we were to be treated as a PFIC for any year during a U.S. Holder’s holding period, unless the U.S. Holder elects to be taxed annually on a mark-to-market basis with respect to the shares (which election may be made only if our ordinary shares are “marketable stock” within the meaning of Section 1296 of the Code), the U.S. Holder will be subject to special tax rules with respect to any “excess distribution” received and any gain realized from a sale or other disposition (including a pledge) of that holder’s shares. Distributions a U.S. Holder receives in a taxable year that are greater than 125% of the average annual distributions received during the shorter of the three preceding taxable years or the holder’s holding period for the shares will be treated as excess distributions. Under these special tax rules:



the excess distribution or gain will be allocated ratably over the U.S. Holder’s holding period for the shares;



the amount allocated to the current taxable year, and any taxable year before the first taxable year in which we are treated as a PFIC, will be treated as ordinary income; and



the amount allocated to each other year will be subject to tax at the highest tax rate in effect for that year and the interest charge generally applicable to underpayments of tax will be imposed on the resulting tax attributable to each such year.

The tax liability for amounts allocated to years before the year of disposition or “excess distribution” cannot be offset by any net operating losses for such years, and gains (but not losses) realized on the sale of the shares cannot be treated as capital, even if the shares are held as capital assets. If we were to be treated as a PFIC for any year during which a U.S. Holder holds the shares, we generally would continue to be treated as a PFIC with respect to that U.S. Holder for all succeeding years during which it owns our ordinary shares. If we were to cease to be treated as a PFIC, however, a U.S. Holder may avoid some of the adverse effects of the PFIC regime by making a deemed sale election with respect to our ordinary shares.

If a U.S. Holder holds shares in any year in which we are a PFIC, that US Holder will generally be required by the Code to file an information report with the Internal Revenue Service containing such information as the Internal Revenue Service may require.

Information Reporting and Backup Withholding

Dividend payments with respect to our shares and proceeds from the sale, exchange or redemption of our ordinary shares may be subject to information reporting to the United States Internal Revenue Service and possible United States backup withholding. Backup withholding will not apply, however, to a U.S. Holder that furnishes a correct taxpayer identification number and makes any other required certification or that is otherwise exempt from backup withholding. U.S. Holders that are required to establish their exempt status generally must provide such certification on United States Internal Revenue Service Form W-9. U.S. Holders should consult their tax advisors regarding the application of the U.S. information reporting and backup withholding rules.



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Backup withholding is not an additional tax. Amounts withheld as backup withholding may be credited against your United States federal income tax liability, and you may obtain a refund of any excess amounts withheld under the backup withholding rules by filing the appropriate claim for refund with the United States Internal Revenue Service and furnishing any required information in a timely manner.

Information with respect to Foreign Financial Assets

U.S. individuals that own “specified foreign financial assets” with an aggregate value in excess of certain threshold amounts are generally required to file an information report with respect to such assets with their tax returns. “Specified foreign financial assets” include any financial accounts maintained by foreign financial institutions, as well as any of the following, but only if they are not held in accounts maintained by certain financial institutions: (i) stocks and securities issued by non-U.S. persons, (ii) financial instruments and contracts held for investment that have non-U.S. issuers or counterparties, and (iii) interests in foreign entities. Our shares may be subject to these rules. Under certain circumstances, an entity may be treated as an individual for purposes of these rules. U.S. Holders that are individuals should consult their tax advisers regarding the application of this requirement to their ownership of our shares.

Certain Dutch Tax Considerations


This section summarizes the material Dutch tax consequences of the ownership and disposition of our ordinary shares as of the date hereof and is intended as general information only. It does not purport to be a comprehensive description of all Dutch tax considerations that could be relevant for holders of the ordinary shares. This summary is intended as general information only. Each prospective holder should consult a professional tax advisor with respect to the tax consequences of an investment in the ordinary shares. This summary is based on Dutch tax legislation and published case law in force as of the date of this annual report. It does not take into account any developments or amendments thereof after that date, whether or not such developments or amendments have retroactive effect.

For the purpose of this section, “The Netherlands” shall mean the part of the Kingdom of The Netherlands in Europe.


Regardless of whether or not a holder of ordinary shares is, or is treated as being, a resident of The Netherlands, this summary does not address the Dutch tax consequences for such a holder:



having a substantial interest ( aanmerkelijk belang ) in our Company (such a substantial interest is generally present if an equity stake, profit stake of at least 5%, or a right to acquire such an equity/profit stake, is held, in each case by reference to our Company’s total issued share capital, or the issued capital of a certain class of shares);



who is a private individual and may be taxed for the purposes of Dutch income tax ( inkomstenbelasting ) as an entrepreneur ( ondernemer ) that has an enterprise ( onderneming ) to which the ordinary shares are attributable, as one who earns income from miscellaneous activities ( resultaat uit overige werkzaamheden ), which include the performance of activities with respect to the ordinary shares that exceed regular, active portfolio management (normaal,actief vermogensbeheer ), or who may otherwise be taxed as one earning taxable income from work and home ( werk en woning ) with respect to benefits derived from the ordinary shares;



which is a corporate entity, and for the purposes of Dutch corporate income tax ( vennootschapsbelasting ) and Dutch dividend tax ( dividendbelasting ), has, or is deemed to have, a participation ( deelneming ) in our Company (such a participation is generally present in the case of an interest of at least 5% of our Company’s nominal paid-in capital); or



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which is a corporate entity and an exempt investment institution ( vrijgestelde beleggingsinstelling ) or investment institution ( beleggingsinstelling ) for the purposes of Dutch corporate income tax, a pension fund, or otherwise not a taxpayer or exempt for tax purposes.

Dividend tax

Withholding requirement

We are required to withhold 15% Dutch dividend tax in respect of proceeds from the ordinary shares, which include, but is not limited to:



proceeds in cash or in kind, including deemed and constructive proceeds;



liquidation proceeds, proceeds on redemption of the ordinary shares and, as a rule, the consideration for the repurchase of ordinary shares by our Company in excess of its average paid-in capital ( gestort kapitaal ) as recognized for Dutch dividend tax purposes, unless a particular statutory exemption applies;



the par value of the ordinary shares issued to a holder, or an increase in the par value of the ordinary shares, except when the (increase in the) par value of the ordinary shares is funded out of our paid-in capital as recognized for Dutch dividend tax purposes; and



partial repayments of paid-in capital, if and to the extent there are qualifying profits ( zuivere winst ), unless the General Meeting of Shareholders has resolved in advance to make such repayment and provided that the nominal value of the ordinary shares concerned has been reduced by an equal amount by way of an amendment of the Articles of Association and the capital concerned is recognized as paid-in capital for Dutch dividend tax purposes.

Resident holders

If a holder of ordinary shares is, or is treated as being, a resident of The Netherlands, Dutch dividend tax which is withheld with respect to proceeds from the ordinary shares, will generally be creditable for Dutch corporate income tax or Dutch income tax purposes if the holder is the beneficial owner ( uiteindelijk gerechtigde ) of the proceeds concerned. A resident corporate holder of ordinary shares may, under certain conditions, be entitled to an exemption from Dutch dividend withholding tax.

Non-resident holders

If a private individual holder of ordinary shares is, or is treated as being, a resident of a country other than The Netherlands, such holder is generally not entitled to claim full or partial relief at source or a refund, in whole or in part, of Dutch dividend tax with respect to proceeds from the ordinary shares. A non-resident corporate holder of ordinary shares may, under certain conditions, be entitled to an exemption from, reduction or refund of Dutch dividend withholding tax under the provisions of a treaty for the avoidance of double taxation between The Netherlands and its country of residence.

Income tax

Resident holders

A holder who is a private individual and a resident, or treated as being a resident, of The Netherlands for the purposes of Dutch income tax and who does not have a substantial interest in our Company nor otherwise is taxed in relation to the ordinary shares as one earning taxable income from work and home, must record the ordinary shares as assets that are held in box 3. Taxable income with regard to the ordinary shares is then determined on the basis of a deemed return on income from savings and investments ( sparen en beleggen ), rather than on the basis of income actually received or gains actually realized. This deemed return is calculated on the basis of three ascending fixed rates applied to the holder’s yield basis ( rendementsgrondslag ), divided in three brackets, on January 1 of each year. In 2018, ascending rates and brackets were set as follows: 2.017% on the holder’s yield basis up to EUR 70,800; 4.326% on the holder’s yield basis between EUR 70,801 and EUR 978,000 and 5.38% on the holder’s yield basis exceeding EUR 978,000. A threshold applies based on which part of the holder’s yield basis is exempt from box 3 taxation. Such yield basis is determined as the fair market value of certain qualifying assets held by the holder of the ordinary shares, less the fair market value of certain qualifying liabilities. The fair market value of the ordinary shares will be included as an asset in the holder’s yield basis. The deemed return on the holder’s yield basis, being the fair market value of the ordinary shares, is taxed at a rate of 30% (insofar as the yield basis concerned exceeds a certain threshold).



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Non-resident holders

A holder who is a private individual and neither a resident, nor treated as being a resident of The Netherlands for the purposes of Dutch income tax, will not be subject to such tax in respect of benefits derived from the ordinary shares.

Corporate income tax

Resident holders or holders having a Dutch permanent establishment

A holder, which is a corporate entity and for the purposes of Dutch corporate income tax a resident (or treated as being a resident) of The Netherlands, or a non-resident having (or treated as having) a permanent establishment in The Netherlands, is generally taxed in respect of benefits derived from the ordinary shares at rates of up to 25%.

Non-resident holders

A holder, which is a corporate entity and for the purposes of Dutch corporate income tax neither a resident, nor treated as being a resident, of The Netherlands, having no permanent establishment in The Netherlands (and is not treated as having such a permanent establishment), will generally not be subject to such tax in respect of benefits derived from the ordinary shares.

Gift and inheritance tax

Resident holders

Dutch gift tax or inheritance tax ( schenk- of erfbelasting ) will arise in respect of an acquisition (or deemed acquisition) of the ordinary shares by way of a gift by, or on the death of, a holder of ordinary shares who is a resident, or treated as being a resident, of The Netherlands for the purposes of Dutch gift and inheritance tax. A holder is so treated as being a resident of The Netherlands, if one having Dutch nationality has been a resident of The Netherlands during the ten years preceding the relevant gift or death. A holder is further so treated as being a resident of The Netherlands, if one has been a resident of The Netherlands at any time during the 12 months preceding the time of the relevant gift.

Non-resident holders

No Dutch gift tax or inheritance tax will arise in respect of an acquisition (or deemed acquisition) of the ordinary shares by way of a gift by, or on the death of, a holder of ordinary shares who is neither a resident, nor treated as being a resident, of The Netherlands for the purposes of Dutch gift and inheritance tax.

Other taxes

No Dutch sales tax ( omzetbelasting ) will arise in respect of any payment in consideration for the issue of the ordinary shares, with respect to a distribution of proceeds from the ordinary shares or with respect to a transfer of ordinary shares. In addition, no Dutch registration tax, capital tax, transfer tax or stamp duty (nor any other similar tax or duty) will be payable in connection with the issue or acquisition of the ordinary shares.

Documents on display

We are subject to the information requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, applicable to foreign private issuers and, in accordance therewith, we file annual reports on Form 20-F within four months of our fiscal year-end and furnish other reports and information on Form 6-K with the SEC. These reports and other information can be inspected without charge at the public reference room at the Securities and Exchange Commission at 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549. You can also obtain copies of such material by mail from the public reference room of the Securities and Exchange Commission at prescribed fees. You may obtain information on the operation of the Securities and Exchange public reference room by calling the Securities and Exchange Commission in the United States at 1-800-SEC-0330. The Securities and Exchange Commission also maintains a web site at



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Index to Financial Statements that contains reports, proxy statements and other information regarding registrants that file electronically with the SEC. We also make available on our website, free of charge, our annual reports on Form 20-F, as well as certain other SEC filings, as soon as is reasonably practicable after they are electronically filed with or furnished to the SEC. Our website address is The information on our website is not incorporated by reference in this document.



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Interest Rate Risk

The interest expense on our outstanding indebtedness is based on a fixed rate, except for some of our mortgages and our Revolving Facility. Some of our mortgages are subject to a floating interest rate of EURIBOR plus an individual margin ranging from 195 to 280 basis points. We have determined that the impact of a near-term 10% appreciation or depreciation of EURIBOR would not have a significant effect on our financial position, results of operations, or cash flow. The interest rates on our mortgages secured by our PAR3 and PAR5 properties were fixed for approximately 75% of the principal outstanding amounts for a period of ten years.

As of December 31, 2018, the interest payable under the Revolving Facility on any EUR amounts drawn would be at the rate of EURIBOR (subject to a zero percent EURIBOR floor) plus 200 basis points per annum. The Revolving Facility was undrawn as of December 31, 2018.

Foreign Exchange Rate Risk

Our reporting currency for purposes of our financial statements is the euro. However, we also incur revenue and operating costs in non-euro denominated currencies, such as British pounds, Swiss francs, Danish kroner, Swedish kronor and U.S. dollars. We recognize foreign currency gains or losses arising from our operations in the period incurred. As a result, currency fluctuations between the euro and the non-euro currencies in which we do business will cause us to incur foreign currency translation gains and losses. We cannot predict the effects of exchange rate fluctuations upon our future operating results because of the number of currencies involved, the variability of currency exposure and the potential volatility of currency exchange rates. We have determined that the impact of a near-term 10% appreciation or depreciation of non-euro denominated currencies relative to the euro would not have a significant effect on our financial position, results of operations, or cash flows.

We do not maintain any derivative instruments to mitigate the exposure to translation and transaction risk. Our foreign exchange transaction gains and losses are included in our results of operations and were not material for all periods presented. We do not currently engage in foreign exchange hedging transactions to manage the risk of our foreign currency exposure.

Commodity Price Risk

We are a significant user of electricity and have exposure to increases in electricity prices. In recent years, we have seen significant increases in electricity prices. We use independent consultants to monitor price changes in electricity and negotiate fixed-price term agreements with the power supply companies where possible.

Approximately 63% of our customers by revenue pay for electricity on a metered basis, while the remainder pay for power “plugs”. While we are contractually able to recover energy cost increases from our customers, some portion of the increased costs may not be recovered. In addition, some portion of the increased costs may be recovered in a delayed fashion based on commercial reasons at the discretion of local management.

See Note 20 “Financial Instruments” of our 2018 consolidated financial statements for quantitative disclosure about market risk.



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Disclosure Controls and Procedures

Under the supervision and with the participation of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO), the effectiveness of the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”)), has been evaluated as of December 31, 2018. Based on their evaluation of the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures, our CEO and CFO identified a material weakness in our internal control over financial reporting (as further described below), and further concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures were not effective as of December 31, 2018.

Management’s Annual Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting

Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) under the Exchange Act), and for the assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting. Internal control over financial reporting includes maintaining records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect our transactions; providing reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary for preparation of our financial statements; providing reasonable assurance that receipts and expenditure of Company assets are made in accordance with management authorization; and providing reasonable assurance that unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition of Company assets that could have a material effect on our financial statements would be prevented or detected on a timely basis. The Company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Due to its inherent limitations, however, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements.

In connection with the preparation of the Company’s annual consolidated financial statements, management has undertaken an assessment of the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2018, based on criteria established in the “Internal-Control Integrated Framework (2013)”, established by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (the COSO Framework).

Management identified a material weakness relating to insufficient coverage of Assurance Reports on Controls at a Service Organization or Service Organization Controls (“SOC”) reports from a service provider which operates a platform for processing payments and which we use to pay the majority of our operating and capital expenses (the “Payments Vendor”). By using the Payments Vendor’s service, we are required to obtain its SOC reports for the assurance of effectiveness of internal control over their platform system and/or obtain alternative evidence to conclude on the effectiveness of internal control over their platform systems. Despite our requests, we were unable to obtain SOC reports from the Payments Vendor or obtain alternative evidence to conclude on the effectiveness of internal control over their platform system for the year ended December 31, 2018 and therefore, we did not receive sufficient evidence of the operating effectiveness of the relevant internal controls at the Payments Vendor prior to submission of this annual report on Form 20-F. Although, we performed additional testing subsequent to year end, including enquiring whether our vendors and other payees received payments, such testing was performed after the year ended December 31, 2018 and therefore such testing was not performed in a timely manner. Based on our communication with the Payments Vendor, our extensive testing subsequent to the year ended December 31, 2018 and the amount of time that elapsed since December 31, 2018, we are unaware that any of our vendors and payees have not received the correct payments through the Payments Vendor and thus our financial results, financial position and cash flows as of and for the year ended December 31, 2018 have not been affected. Therefore, management does not believe that the material weakness described above has caused our financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2018 to contain a material misstatement.

Based on this assessment, management identified a deficiency in the internal control over financial reporting that constitutes a material weakness, and therefore concluded that our internal control over financial reporting was not effective as of December 31, 2018. A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control over financial reporting, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the annual or interim financial statements will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis.

Attestation Report of the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

The attestation report of KPMG Accountants N.V., an independent registered public accounting firm, on management’s assessment of our internal control over financial reporting is included elsewhere in this annual report on Form 20-F.

Remediation Efforts to Address Material Weakness Identified as of December 31, 2018

The Company began to remediate the identified material weakness in the first quarter of 2019 once we were made aware that the SOC reports would not be available prior to the submission of this annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2018.



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A series of remedial measures were performed and continue to be taken, including updating our internal policies and assessing procedures to enhance control over services from the Payments Vendor, and monitoring over its services. The Company has also received confirmation from the Payments Vendor regarding rectification, including an indication from the Payments Vendor that it anticipates providing the Company with SOC reports for future reporting periods that will satisfy our internal control requirements. In addition, the Company intends to enhance internal requirements and criteria in selecting future third-party service providers

Based on discussion with the Payments Vendor, the Company anticipates receiving the SOC reports in the second quarter of 2019, covering the period from January 1, 2019 to March 31, 2019, and will review and check for any deficiency or access control issue. We will monitor progress toward that delivery and, if necessary, consider alternative arrangements. In addition, we are reviewing related existing internal controls to consider additional and modified controls to strengthen the control environment without regard to whether we obtain the SOC reports from our Payments Vendor.

Remediation Efforts to Address Material Weakness Identified as of December 31, 2017

The material weakness disclosed in our annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2017 pertaining to a deficiency in the design of internal controls relating to the technical accounting of share-based payments has been remediated during the year ended December 31, 2018. The specific remediation actions taken by management included:



strengthening our existing review process for the complex area of share-based payments by adding additional independent outside specialists to both evaluate the assumptions applied in the calculations of share-based payments and checking our resulting valuations;



conducting a review of the application of IFRS 2 requirements on individual share awards each quarter, as opposed to solely conducting the analysis at the time new incentive plans and/or modifications to existing incentive plans are made and/or implemented; and



strengthening our existing control procedures relating to changes in existing share award plans and the forfeitures of share awards by designing and implementing additional controls.

Changes in Internal Control Over Financial Reporting

Except for the remediation efforts described above in respect of the material weakness identified with respect to the year ended December 31, 2017, there were no other changes that occurred during the period covered by this report that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.



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The Board of Directors has determined that Rob Ruijter is the Audit Committee financial expert as defined by the SEC and meets the applicable independence requirements of the SEC and the NYSE.



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Our Board of Directors adopted a code of ethics on January 21, 2013, which applies to our principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officers, controllers and employees. The code is posted on our website at



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KPMG Accountants N.V. has served as the Company’s principal accountant for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2018, 2017 and 2016. The fees for audit and other services rendered by KPMG Accountants N.V. or other KPMG network firms for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2018, 2017 and 2016 are set out below.


     Year ended December 31,  
     2018      2017      2016  

Audit fees

     2,512        1,949        1,569  

Audit-related fees

     249        33        111  

Tax fees

     —          —          —    

All other fees

     22        22        16  


     2,783        2,004        1,696  

Audit fees include fees billed for audit services rendered for the Company’s annual consolidated financial statements, filed with regulatory organizations and the review of quarterly financial reports. Audit-related fees relate to the service organization control reports, such as SOC 2 and ISAE 3402 reports. Tax fees include fees billed for tax compliance. All other fees consist of fees for all other services not included in any of the other categories noted above.

All the above fees were pre-approved by the Audit Committee.

Audit Committee’s Policies and Procedures

In accordance with the Securities and Exchange Commission rules regarding auditor independence, the Audit Committee has established Policies and Procedures for Audit and Non-Audit Services Provided by an Independent Auditor. The rules apply to the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries that engage any accounting firms for audit services and the auditor who audits the accounts filed with the SEC, or the external auditor, for permissible non-audit services.

When engaging the external auditor for permissible non-audit services (audit-related services, tax services, and all other services), pre-approval is obtained before the commencement of the services.



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Not applicable.



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Not applicable.



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Many of the corporate governance rules of the NYSE do not apply to the Company as a “foreign private issuer”. Rule 303A.11, however, requires foreign private issuers to describe significant differences between their corporate governance standards and the corporate governance standards applicable to U.S. companies listed on the NYSE. While the Company’s management believes that its corporate governance practices are similar in many respects to those of U.S. NYSE-listed companies and provide investors with protections that are comparable in many respects to those established by the NYSE, there is one key difference that is described below.

Internal Audit Function

Under Section 303A.07 of the NYSE rules, a domestic listed company must have an internal audit function. In 2018, an internal audit function was not in place.



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Not applicable.



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The Company has responded to Item 18 in lieu of responding to this item.



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Reference is made to pages F-1 through F-79, included herein.



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The following instruments and documents are included as Exhibits to this annual report.




   Description of Document
1.1‡    Articles of Association of InterXion Holding N.V., as amended, dated as of January 20, 2012.
1.2‡    Bylaws of InterXion Holding N.V. dated as of June 8, 2015.
2.1‡    Indenture dated as of June   18, 2018 among InterXion Holding N.V., as Issuer, InterXion HeadQuarters B.V., InterXion Nederland B.V., InterXion Operational B.V., InterXion Datacenters B.V., InterXion Real Estate Holding B.V., InterXion Real Estate I B.V., InterXion Real Estate X B.V., InterXion Österreich GmbH, InterXion Belgium NV, InterXion France S.A.S., InterXion Deutschland GmbH, InterXion Ireland Designated Activity Company, InterXion Carrier Hotel Limited, InterXion Sverige AB, InterXion España S.A., InterXion Science Park B.V., InterXion Real Estate XIII B.V., and InterXion Real Estate XVI B.V., as initial guarantors, The Bank of New York Mellon, London Branch, as trustee and paying agent and The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV, Luxembourg Branch, as transfer agent and registrar.
4.1‡    Directors Remuneration Policy of InterXion Holding N.V. dated January 20, 2012.
4.2☐    Management Agreement Managing Director InterXion Holding N.V. dated July 1, 2016.
4.3§    InterXion Holding N.V. 2011 International Stock Option and Incentive Master Award Plan dated May 31, 2011.
4.4‡    InterXion Holding N.V. 2013 Amended International Equity Based Incentive Plan dated October 30, 2013.
4.5‡    InterXion Holding N.V. 2013 Amended International Equity Based Incentive Plan dated March 17, 2014.
4.6☐    Deed of Pledge of Shares among InterXion Holding N.V., InterXion Operational B.V. and Barclays Bank PLC dated July 2, 2013.
4.7*†    Lease Agreement between InterXion France Sarl and ICADE dated December 23, 2008.
4.8*†    Lease Agreement between InterXion Nederland B.V. and VastNed Industrial B.V. dated November 4, 2005.
4.9*†    Lease Agreement between InterXion Nederland B.V. and VA No. 1 (Point of Logistics) B.V. dated May 14, 2007.
4.10*†    Lease Agreement between InterXion Carrier Hotel S.L. and Naves y Urbanas Andalucia S.A. dated March  20, 2000 as amended by the Annex to the Lease Agreement dated March 15, 2006.
4.11*†    Lease/Loan Agreement between Alpine Finanz Immobilien AG, InterXion (Schweiz) AG and InterXion Holding N.V. dated March 13, 2009.
4.12☐†    Lease Agreement among InterXion Holding N.V., InterXion France Sas and Corpet Louvet Sas dated January 3, 2011.
4.13☐†    Lease Agreement among InterXion Holding N.V., InterXion España, S.A.U and Chainco Investments Company, S.L. dated October  10, 2011.
4.14☐†    Lease Agreement between InterXion Holding B.V. and GiP Gewerbe im Park GmbH dated January 29, 1999 as amended by Supplement No.  17 to the Lease Agreement dated September 1, 2011.



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4.15†    Lease Agreement between InterXion Netherlands B.V. and ProLogis Netherlands VII SarL dated April 15, 2013.
4.16†    Lease Agreement between InterXion Deutschland GmbH and Union Investment Real Estate GmbH date August 2, 2013.
4.17§§    InterXion Holding N.V. 2017 Executive Director Long Term Incentive Plan dated May 13, 2017.
4.18‡    Revolving Facility Agreement dated June   18, 2018, by and among, InterXion Holding N.V., as original borrower, InterXion HeadQuarters B.V., InterXion Nederland B.V., InterXion Operational B.V., InterXion Datacenters B.V., InterXion Real Estate Holding B.V., InterXion Real Estate I B.V., InterXion Real Estate X B.V., InterXion Österreich GmbH, InterXion Belgium NV, InterXion France S.A.S., InterXion Deutschland GmbH, InterXion Ireland Designated Activity Company, InterXion Carrier Hotel Limited, InterXion Sverige AB, InterXion España S.A., InterXion Science Park B.V., InterXion Real Estate XIII B.V., InterXion Real Estate XVI B.V., as original guarantors, ABN AMRO Bank N.V., Bank of America Merrill Lynch International Designated Activity Company (formerly Bank of America Merrill Lynch International Limited), Barclays Bank PLC, Citigroup Global Markets Limited and Crédit Agricole CIB S.A. as arrangers and ABN AMRO Bank N.V., as agent.
12.1    Certification of Chief Executive Officer.
12.2    Certification of Chief Financial Officer.
13.1    Certification of Chief Executive Officer.
13.2    Certification of Chief Financial Officer.
15.1    Consent of KPMG Accountants N.V.




Previously filed as an exhibit to InterXion Holding N.V.’s Registration Statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-171662) filed with the SEC and hereby incorporated by reference to such Registration Statement.

Confidential treatment has been received for certain portions which are omitted in the copy of the exhibit filed with the SEC. The omitted information has been filed separately with the SEC pursuant to an application for confidential treatment.


The omitted information has been filed separately with the SEC pursuant to an application for confidential treatment.

Previously filed as an exhibit on Form 6-K (File No. 001-35053) filed with the SEC and hereby incorporated by reference.


Previously filed as an exhibit to InterXion Holding N.V.’s Registration Statement on Form S-8 (File No. 333-175099) filed with the SEC and hereby incorporated by reference to such Registration Statement.


Previously filed as an exhibit to InterXion Holding N.V.’s Registration Statement on Form S-8 (File No. 333-218364) filed with the SEC and hereby incorporated by reference to such Registration Statement.

Previously filed as an exhibit on Form 20-F (File No. 001-35053) filed with the SEC and hereby incorporated by reference.



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements


The registrant hereby certifies that it meets all of the requirements for filing on Form 20-F and that it has duly caused and authorized the undersigned to sign this annual report on its behalf.


/s/ David C. Ruberg
Name:   David C. Ruberg
Title:   Chief Executive Officer
Date:   April 30, 2019



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements


Audited financial statements of InterXion Holding N.V. as of and for the years ended December 31, 2018, 2017 and 2016


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Consolidated Income Statements


Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income


Consolidated Statements of Financial Position


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows


Notes to the 2018 Consolidated Financial Statements




Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Directors and Shareholders

InterXion Holding N.V.:

Opinion on the Consolidated Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying consolidated statements of financial position of InterXion Holding N.V. and subsidiaries (the Company) as of December 31, 2018, 2017 and 2016, the related consolidated income statements and consolidated statements of comprehensive income, changes in shareholders’ equity, and cash flows for each of the years then ended, and the related notes (collectively, the consolidated financial statements). In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2018, 2017 and 2016, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for each of the years then ended in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board.

We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB), the Company’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2018, based on criteria established in Internal Control – Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission, and our report dated April 30, 2019 expressed an adverse opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.

Basis for Opinion

These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the PCAOB and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

/s/ KPMG Accountants N.V.

We have served as the Company’s auditor since 2000.

Amstelveen, The Netherlands

April 30, 2019



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Directors and Shareholders

InterXion Holding N.V.:

Opinion on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting

We have audited InterXion Holding N.V.’s and subsidiaries’ (the Company) internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2018, based on criteria established in Internal Control – Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. In our opinion, because of the effect of the material weakness, described below, on the achievement of the objectives of the control criteria, the Company has not maintained effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2018, based on criteria established in Internal Control – Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission.

We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB), the consolidated statement of financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2018, 2017 and 2016, the related consolidated income statements and consolidated statements of comprehensive income, changes in shareholders’ equity, and cash flows for each of the years then ended, and the related notes (collectively, the consolidated financial statements), and our report dated April 30, 2019 expressed an unqualified opinion on those consolidated financial statements.

A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control over financial reporting, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the company’s annual or interim financial statements will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis. A material weakness related to an inability to obtain evidence of the operating effectiveness of internal controls at a service provider which operates a platform for processing payments and which the Company uses to pay the majority of their operating and capital expenses has been identified and included in management’s assessment. The material weakness was considered in determining the nature, timing, and extent of audit tests applied in our audit of the 2018 consolidated financial statements, and this report does not affect our report on those consolidated financial statements.

Basis for Opinion

The Company’s management is responsible for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, included in the accompanying Management’s Annual Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s internal control over financial reporting based on our audit. We are a public accounting firm registered with the PCAOB and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.

We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects. Our audit of internal control over financial reporting included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk. Our audit also included performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Definition and Limitations of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting

A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.

Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

Disclaimer on Additional Information in Management’s Report

We do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance on management’s statements, included in the accompanying Management’s Annual Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting, referring to corrective actions taken after December 31, 2018, relative to the aforementioned material weakness in internal control over financial reporting.

/s/ KPMG Accountants N.V.

Amstelveen, The Netherlands

April 30, 2019



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements



            Year Ended December 31,  
     Note      2018     2017     2016  


     5,6        561,752       489,302       421,788  

Cost of sales

     5,8        (219,462     (190,471     (162,568

Gross profit

        342,290       298,831       259,220  

Other income

     5        86       97       333  

Sales and marketing costs

     5,8        (36,494     (33,465     (29,941

General and administrative costs

     5,7,8        (194,646     (167,190     (138,557

Operating income

     5        111,236       98,273       91,055  

Finance income

     9        4,094       1,411       1,206  

Finance expense

     9        (65,878     (45,778     (37,475

Profit before taxation

        49,452       53,906       54,786  

Income tax expense

     10        (18,334     (14,839     (16,450

Net income

        31,118       39,067       38,336  

Earnings per share attributable to shareholders:


Basic earnings per share: (€)

     17        0.43       0.55       0.54  

Diluted earnings per share: (€)

     17        0.43       0.55       0.54  



     For the year ended December 31,  
     2018     2017 (i)     2016 (i)  

Net income

     31,118       39,067       38,336  

Other comprehensive income


Items that are, or may be, reclassified subsequently to profit or loss


Foreign currency translation differences

     (1,067     (7,029     (11,613

Initial recognition of pension provision 1

     (909     —         —    

Effective portion of changes in fair value of cash flow hedge

     7       110       (45

Tax on items that are, or may be, reclassified subsequently to profit or loss


Foreign currency translation differences

     428       205       1,836  

Initial recognition of pension provision 1

     179       —         —    

Effective portion of changes in fair value of cash flow hedge

     (3     (36     15  

Other comprehensive income/(loss), net of tax

     (1,365     (6,750     (9,807

Total comprehensive income attributable to shareholders

     29,753       32,317       28,529  


Note: — The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



The “Initial recognition of pension provision” relates to a pension plan that qualifies as a defined benefit plan in accordance with IAS 19 – Employee Benefits , but was previously accounted for as a defined contribution plan for which the impact to the (interim) financial statements of previous periods and the current period is immaterial. As from 2018, management elected to change this by recognizing a corresponding entry in “Other comprehensive income”.


Certain figures as of December 31, 2017 and 2016 have been corrected compared to those previously reported. For further information on these corrections, see Notes 2 and 28 of these 2018 consolidated financial statements.



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements



            As at December 31,  
     Note      2018     2017 (i)     2016 (i)  

Non-current assets


Property, plant and equipment

     11        1,721,064       1,342,471       1,156,031  

Intangible assets

     12        64,331       60,593       28,694  


     12        38,900       38,900       —    

Deferred tax assets

     10        21,807       24,470       20,370  

Other investments

     13        7,906       3,693       1,942  

Other non-current assets

     14        16,843       13,674       11,914  
            1,870,851     1,483,801     1,218,951  

Current assets


Trade and other current assets

     14        205,613       179,786       147,821  

Cash and cash equivalents

     15        186,090       38,484       115,893  
            391,703     218,270     263,714  

Total assets

        2,262,554       1,702,071       1,482,665  

Shareholders’ equity


Share capital

     16        7,170       7,141       7,060  

Share premium

     16        553,425       539,448       523,671  

Foreign currency translation reserve

     16        3,541       4,180       11,004  

Hedging reserve, net of tax

     16        (165     (169     (243

Accumulated profit / (deficit)

     16        69,449       39,061       (6
            633,420     589,661     541,486  

Non-current liabilities



     19        1,266,813       724,052       723,975  

Deferred tax liability

     10        16,875       19,778       8,025  

Other non-current liabilities

     18        34,054       23,671       20,570  
            1,317,742     767,501     752,570  

Current liabilities


Trade payables and other liabilities

     18        280,877       229,912       171,433  

Income tax liabilities

        7,185       6,237       5,694  


     19        23,330       108,760       11,482  
            311,392     344,909     188,609  

Total liabilities

        1,629,134       1,112,410       941,179  

Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity

        2,262,554       1,702,071       1,482,665  

Note:— The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



Certain figures as of December 31, 2017 and 2016 have been corrected compared to those previously reported. For further information on these corrections, see Notes 2 and 28 of these 2018 consolidated financial statements.



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements



     Note      Share
reserve (i)
profit/(deficit) (i)
equity (i)

Balance at January 1, 2018

        7,141        539,448       4,180       (169     39,061       589,661  

Net income

        —          —         —         —         31,118       31,118  

Hedging result, net of tax

        —          —         —         4       —         4  

Other comprehensive income/(loss), net of tax

        —          —         (639     —         (730     (1,369

Total comprehensive income/(loss), net of tax

        —          —         (639     4       30,388       29,753  

Exercise of options

        10        1,726       —         —         —         1,736  

Issuance of performance shares and restricted shares

        19        (19     —         —         —         —    

Share-based payments

     21        —          12,270       —         —         —         12,270  

Total contribution by, and distributions to, owners of the Company

        29        13,977       —         —         —         14,006  

Balance at December 31, 2018

        7,170        553,425       3,541       (165     69,449       633,420  

Balance at January 1, 2017 (i)

        7,060        523,671       11,004       (243     (6     541,486  

Net income

        —          —         —         —         39,067       39,067  

Hedging result, net of tax

        —          —         —         74       —         74  

Other comprehensive income/(loss), net of tax

        —          —         (6,824     —         —         (6,824

Total comprehensive income/(loss), net of tax

        —          —         (6,824     74       39,067       32,317  

Exercise of options

        55        6,914       —         —         —         6,969  

Issuance of performance shares and restricted shares

        26        (26     —         —         —         —    

Share-based payments

     21        —          8,889       —         —         —         8,889  

Total contribution by, and distributions to, owners of the Company

        81        15,777       —         —         —         15,858  

Balance at December 31, 2017 (i)

        7,141        539,448       4,180       (169     39,061       589,661  

Balance at January 1, 2016 (i)

        6,992        509,816       20,781       (213     (38,342     499,034  

Net income

        —          —         —         —         38,336       38,336  

Hedging result, net of tax

        —          —         —         (30     —         (30

Other comprehensive income/(loss), net of tax

        —          —         (9,777     —         —         (9,777

Total comprehensive income/(loss), net of tax

        —          —         (9,777     (30     38,336       27,429  

Exercise of options

        48        6,284       —         —         —         6,332  

Issuance of performance shares and restricted shares

        20        (20     —         —         —         —    

Share-based payments

     21        —          7,591       —         —         —         7,591  

Total contribution by, and distributions to, owners of the Company

        68        13,855       —         —         —         13,923  

Balance at December 31, 2016 (i)

        7,060        523,671       11,004       (243     (6     541,486  

Since no minority shareholders in Group equity exist, the Group equity is entirely attributable to the parent’s shareholders.

Note:— The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



Certain figures as of December 31, 2017 and 2016 have been corrected compared to those previously reported. For further information on these corrections, see Notes 2 and 28 of these 2018 consolidated financial statements.



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements



            For the years ended December 31,  
     Note      2018     2017     2016  

Net income

        31,118       39,067       38,336  

Depreciation and amortization

     11,12        128,954       108,252       89,835  

Provision for onerous lease contracts

     19        —         —         (1,533

Share-based payments

     21        12,270       8,889       7,652  

Net finance expense

     9        61,784       44,367       36,269  

Income tax expense

     10        18,334       14,839       16,450  
        252,460       215,414       187,009  

Movements in trade receivables and other assets

        (13,647     (30,667     (11,126

Movements in trade payables and other liabilities

        12,187       24,266       7,505  

Cash generated from operations

        250,984       209,013       183,388  

Interest and fees paid

        (69,005     (41,925     (36,003

Interest received

        1       143       136  

Income tax paid

        (17,126     (11,985     (8,124

Net cash flow from operating activities

        164,854       155,246       139,397  

Cash flows from investing activities


Purchase of property, plant and equipment

        (439,733     (247,228     (241,958

Financial investments—deposits

        (12,366     (324     1,139  

Acquisition of Interxion Science Park

        —         (77,517     —    

Purchase of intangible assets

        (11,446     (8,787     (8,920

Loans provided to third parties

        (2,988     (1,764     (1,942

Proceeds from sale of financial asset

        —         —         281  

Net cash flow used in investing activities

        (466,503     (335,620     (251,400

Cash flows from financing activities


Proceeds from exercised options

        1,736       6,969       6,332  

Proceeds from mortgages

        5,969       9,950       14,625  

Repayment of mortgages

        (8,335     (10,848     (4,031

Proceeds from Revolving Facilities

        148,814       129,521       —    

Repayment of Revolving Facilities

        (250,724     (30,000     —    

Proceeds 6.00% Senior Secured Notes

        —         —         154,808  

Repayment 6.00% Senior Secured Notes

        (634,375     —         —    

Proceeds 4.75% Senior Notes

        1,194,800       —         —    

Finance lease obligation

        (1,170     (995     —    

Interest received at issuance of Additional Notes

        2,428       —         2,225  

Transaction costs 4.75% Senior Notes

        (7,122     —         —    

Transaction costs 2018 Revolving Facility

        (2,542     —         —    

Net cash flows from financing activities

        449,479       104,597       173,959  

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash

        (224     (1,632     251  

Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

        147,606       (77,409     62,207  

Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period

        38,484       115,893       53,686  

Cash and cash equivalents, end of period

     15        186,090       38,484       115,893  

Note:— The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements




The Company

InterXion Holding N.V. (the “Company”) is domiciled in The Netherlands. The Company’s registered office is at Scorpius 30, 2132 LR Hoofddorp, The Netherlands. The consolidated financial statements of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2018 comprise the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the “Group”). The Group is a leading pan-European operator of carrier-neutral Internet data centers.



Basis of preparation

Statement of compliance

The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”), effective as of December 31, 2018, as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”), and IFRS as endorsed by the European Union (“EU”). They were authorized for issue by the Company’s Board of Directors on April 30, 2019.

Basis of measurement

The Group prepared its consolidated financial statements on a going-concern basis and under the historical cost convention except for certain financial instruments that have been measured at fair value.

IFRS basis of presentation

The audited consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2018, 2017 and 2016 have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as endorsed by the EU. All standards and interpretations issued by the IASB and the IFRS Interpretations Committee effective for the year ended 2018 have been endorsed by the EU, except that the EU historically did not adopt certain paragraphs of IAS 39 applicable to hedge transactions. The Group has historically not entered into hedge transactions to which these paragraphs have been applicable. Under IFRS 9, this disparity is no longer in place. Consequently, the accounting policies applied by the Group also comply with IFRS as issued by the IASB. The changes in accounting policies that became effective as from January 1, 2018 (IFRS 9 and IFRS 15) are discussed in Note 3.

Correction of errors

Certain comparative amounts in the consolidated statements of financial position, consolidated statements of shareholders’ equity and consolidated statements of comprehensive income have been corrected for immaterial errors with respect to historic application of IAS 17 – Leases. The impact of this correction is disclosed in Note 28 – Correction of errors. Throughout the consolidated financial statements, columns including comparative figures that have been corrected, are indicated with ‘ (i) ’.

Use of estimates and judgments

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Actual results may differ from these estimates, which together with underlying assumptions, are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognized in the period in which the estimates are revised and in any future periods affected.

Judgments, estimates and assumptions applied by management in preparing these financial statements are based on circumstances as of December 31, 2018, and the Group operating as a stand-alone company.

In particular, information about significant areas of estimation uncertainty and critical judgments in applying accounting policies that have the most significant effect on amounts recognized in the financial statements are discussed below:

Property, plant and equipment and depreciation (see also Note 11) — Estimated remaining useful lives and residual values of

property plant and equipment, including assets recognized upon a business combination, are reviewed annually. The carrying values of property, plant and equipment are also reviewed for impairment, where there has been a triggering event, by assessing the fair value



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

less costs to sell or the value in use, compared with net book value. The calculation of estimated future cash flows and residual values is based on the Group’s best estimates of future prices, output and costs and is, therefore, subjective. In addition, the valuation of some of the assets under construction requires judgments that are related to the probability of signing lease contracts and obtaining planning permits. Regarding the properties acquired as part of the acquisition of InterXion Science Park B.V. we recognized fair value at acquisition date, based on the highest and best use.

Intangible assets and amortization (see also Note 12) — Estimated remaining useful lives of intangible assets, including those recognized upon a business combination, are reviewed annually. The carrying values of intangible assets are also reviewed for impairment where there has been a triggering event by assessing the fair value less costs to sell or the value in use, compared with net book value. The calculation of estimated future cash flows is based on the Group’s best estimates of future prices, output and costs and is, therefore, subjective. The customer portfolio acquired as part of the acquisition of InterXion Science Park B.V. was valued based on the multi-period excess earnings method, which considers the present value of net cash flows expected to be generated by the customer portfolio, excluding any cash flows related to contributory assets.

Goodwill (see also Note 12) — Goodwill is recognized as the amount by which the purchase price of an acquisition exceeds the fair values of the assets and liabilities identified as part of the purchase price allocation. Goodwill is not being amortized, but subject to an annual impairment test.

Lease accounting (see also Note 22) — At inception or modification of an arrangement, the Group determines whether such an arrangement is, or contains, a lease. Classification of a lease contract is based on the extent to which risks and rewards incidental to ownership of a leased asset lie with the lessor or the lessee. The classification of lease contracts includes the use of judgments and estimates.

Costs of site restoration (see also Note 24) — Liabilities in respect of obligations to restore premises to their original condition are estimated at the commencement of the lease and reviewed annually, based on the rent period, contracted extension possibilities, the probability of lease terminations and the probability of incurrence of costs for restoring leasehold premises to their original condition at the end of the lease.

Deferred tax (see also Note 10) — Provision is made for deferred tax at the rates of tax prevailing at the period-end dates unless future rates have been substantively enacted. Deferred tax assets are recognized where it is probable that they will be recovered based on estimates of future taxable profits for each tax jurisdiction. The actual profitability may be different depending on local financial performance in each tax jurisdiction.

Share-based payments (see also Note 21) — The Group issues equity-settled share-based payments to certain employees under the terms of the long-term incentive plans. The charges related to equity-settled share-based payments, options to purchase ordinary shares and restricted and performance shares, are measured at fair value at the grant date. Fair values are being redetermined for market conditions as of each reporting date, until final grant date. The fair value at the grant date of options is determined using the Black Scholes model and is expensed over the vesting period. The fair value at grant date of the performance shares is determined using the Monte Carlo model and is expensed over the vesting period. The value of the expense is dependent upon certain assumptions including the expected future volatility of the Group’s share price at the grant date and, for the performance shares, the relative performance of the Group’s share price compared with a group of peer companies.

Senior debt (see also Note 19) — Senior debt, including in 2018 the Senior Notes due 2025 and in 2017 and 2016 the Senior Secured Notes due 2020, is valued at amortized cost. The indentures under which senior debt was issued, include specific early redemption clauses. As part of the initial measurement of the amortized costs value of senior debt it is assumed that it will be held to maturity. If an early redemption of all or part of the senior debt is expected, the liabilities will be re-measured based on the original effective interest rate. The difference between liabilities, excluding a change in assumed early redemption and liabilities, including a change in assumed early redemption, will be recorded through profit and loss.

Functional and presentation currency

These consolidated financial statements are presented in euro, the Company’s functional and presentation currency. All information presented in euros has been rounded to the nearest thousand, except when stated otherwise.



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Significant accounting policies

Basis of consolidation

The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements of the Company and all entities that are directly or indirectly controlled by the Company. Subsidiaries are entities that are controlled by the Group. The Group controls an entity when it is exposed to, or has the right to, variable returns from its involvement with the entity and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the entity. The financial statements of subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial statements from the date on which control commences until the date on which control ceases.

The accounting policies set out below have been applied consistently by all subsidiaries.

Loss of control

When the Group loses control over a subsidiary, the Company de-recognizes the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary, any non-controlling interests and the other components of equity related to the subsidiary. Any surplus or deficit arising on the loss of control is recognized in profit or loss.

Transactions eliminated on consolidation

Intercompany balances and transactions, and any unrealized income and expenses arising from intercompany transactions, are eliminated in preparing the consolidated financial statements.


With the exception of Stichting Administratiekantoor Management InterXion, all the subsidiary undertakings of the Group, as set out below are wholly owned as of December 31, 2018. Stichting Administratiekantoor Management InterXion is part of the consolidation based on the Group’s control over the entity.

InterXion HeadQuarters B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands;

InterXion Nederland B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands;

InterXion Trademarks B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands;

InterXion Participation 1 B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands;

InterXion Österreich GmbH, Vienna, Austria;

InterXion Real Estate VII GmbH, Vienna, Austria;

InterXion Belgium N.V., Brussels, Belgium;

InterXion Real Estate IX N.V., Brussels, Belgium;

InterXion Denmark ApS, Copenhagen, Denmark;

InterXion Real Estate VI ApS, Copenhagen, Denmark;

InterXion Real Estate XVII ApS, Copenhagen, Denmark;

Interxion France SAS, Paris, France;



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Interxion Real Estate II SARL, Paris, France;

Interxion Real Estate III SARL, Paris, France;

Interxion Real Estate XI SARL, Paris, France;

InterXion Deutschland GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany;

InterXion Ireland DAC, Dublin, Ireland;

Interxion Telecom SRL, Milan, Italy;

InterXion España SA, Madrid, Spain;

InterXion Real Estate XV SL, Madrid, Spain;

InterXion Sverige AB, Stockholm, Sweden;

InterXion (Schweiz) AG, Zurich, Switzerland;

InterXion Real Estate VIII AG, Zurich, Switzerland;

InterXion Carrier Hotel Ltd., London, United Kingdom;

InterXion Europe Ltd., London, United Kingdom;

InterXion Real Estate Holding B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands;

InterXion Real Estate I B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands;

InterXion Real Estate IV B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands;

InterXion Real Estate V B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands;

InterXion Real Estate X B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands;

InterXion Real Estate XII B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands;

InterXion Real Estate XIII B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands;

InterXion Real Estate XIV B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands;

InterXion Real Estate XVI B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands;

InterXion Science Park B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands;

InterXion Operational B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands;

InterXion Datacenters B.V., The Hague, The Netherlands;

InterXion Consultancy Services B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands (dormant);

Interxion Telecom B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands (dormant);



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Interxion Trading B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands (dormant);

InterXion B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands (dormant);

InterXion Telecom Ltd., London, United Kingdom (dormant);

Stichting Administratiekantoor Management InterXion, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Foreign currency

Foreign currency transactions

The individual financial statements of each Group entity are presented in the currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates (its functional currency). For the purpose of the consolidated financial statements, the results and the financial position of each entity are expressed in euros, which is the functional currency of the Company and the presentation currency for the consolidated financial statements.

In preparing the financial statements of the individual entities, transactions in foreign currencies other than the entity’s functional currency are recorded at the rates of exchange prevailing at the dates of the transactions. At each balance sheet date, monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are retranslated at the rates prevailing at the balance sheet date. Non-monetary items that are measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency are not retranslated. The income and expenses of foreign operations are translated to euros at average exchange rates.

Foreign operations

For the purpose of presenting consolidated financial statements, the assets and liabilities of the Group’s foreign operations are expressed in euros using exchange rates prevailing at the balance sheet date. Income and expense items are translated at average exchange rates for the period. Exchange differences, if any, arising on net investments including receivables from or payables to a foreign operation for which settlement is neither planned nor likely to occur, are recognized directly in the foreign currency translation reserve (“FCTR”) within equity. When control over a foreign operation is lost, in part or in full, the relevant amount in the FCTR is transferred to profit or loss.

Borrowing costs

Borrowing costs attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of qualifying assets, which are assets that necessarily take a substantial period of time to get ready for their intended use or sale, are added to the cost of those assets, until such time as the assets are substantially ready for their intended use or sale. All other borrowing costs are recognized in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.

Borrowing costs are capitalized based on the effective interest rate of the Senior debt.

Statement of cash flows

The consolidated statement of cash flows is prepared using the indirect method. The cash flow statement distinguishes between operating, investing and financing activities.

Cash flows in foreign currencies are converted at the exchange rate at the dates of the transactions. Currency exchange differences on cash held are separately shown. Payments and receipts of corporate income taxes and interest paid are included as cash flow from operating activities.



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Financial instruments

Derivative financial instruments

Up until December 31, 2017

Derivatives are initially recognized at fair value; any attributable transaction costs are recognized in profit and loss as they are incurred. Subsequent to initial recognition, derivatives are measured at their fair value, and changes therein are generally recognized in profit and loss.

When a derivative is designated as a cash flow hedging instrument, the effective portion of changes in the fair value of the derivative is recognized in other comprehensive income and accumulated in the hedging reserve. Any ineffective portion of changes in the fair value of the derivative is recognized immediately in profit or loss.

The amount accumulated in equity is retained in other comprehensive income and reclassified to the profit or loss in the same period, or periods, during which the hedged item affects profit or loss.

If the hedging instrument no longer meets the criteria for hedge accounting, expires, is sold, terminated or exercised, or the designation is revoked, hedge accounting is discontinued prospectively. If the forecast transaction is no longer expected to occur, the amount accumulated in equity is reclassified to profit or loss.

Fair values are obtained from quoted market prices in active markets or, where an active market does not exist, by using valuation techniques. Valuation techniques include discounted cash flow models.

As from January 1, 2018

Derivatives are initially recognized at fair value; any attributable transaction costs are recognized in profit and loss as they are incurred. Subsequent to initial recognition, derivatives are measured at their fair value, and changes therein are generally recognized in profit and loss.

When a derivative is designated as a cash flow hedging instrument, the effective portion of changes in the fair value of the derivative is recognized in other comprehensive income and accumulated in the hedging reserve. Any ineffective portion of changes in the fair value of the derivative is recognized immediately in profit or loss.

The amount accumulated in equity is retained in other comprehensive income and reclassified to the profit or loss in the same period, or periods, during which the hedged item affects profit or loss.

If the hedging instrument no longer meets the criteria for hedge accounting, expires, is sold, terminated or exercised, or the designation is revoked, hedge accounting is discontinued prospectively. If the forecast transaction is no longer expected to occur, the amount accumulated in equity is reclassified to profit or loss.

Financial instruments that contain embedded derivatives that cannot or should not be separated from the host contract, are recognized at Fair Value through Profit and Loss (“FVTPL”).

Fair values are obtained from quoted market prices in active markets or, where an active market does not exist, by using valuation techniques. Valuation techniques include discounted cash flow models.

Non-derivative financial instruments

Non-derivative financial instruments comprise trade and other receivables, cash and cash equivalents, loans and borrowings, and trade and other payables.

Up until December 31, 2017

Non-derivative financial instruments are recognized initially at fair value, net of any directly attributable transaction costs. Subsequent to initial recognition, non-derivative financial instruments are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method, less any impairment losses.



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The Group de-recognizes a financial asset when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the asset expire, or it transfers the right to receive the contractual cash flows in a transaction in which substantially all the risk and rewards of ownership of the financial asset are transferred. Any interest in such transferred financial assets that is created or retained by the Group is recognized as a separate asset or liability.

Financial assets and liabilities are offset, and the net amount presented in the statement of financial position when, and only when, the Group has a legal right to offset the amounts and intends either to settle on a net basis or to realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.

Financial assets are designated as of fair value through profit and loss if the Group manages such investments and makes purchase and sale decisions based on their fair value in accordance with the Group’s risk management or investment strategy. Attributable transaction costs are recognized in profit and loss as incurred. Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss are measured at fair value and changes therein, which takes into account any dividend income, are recognized in profit and loss.

The convertible loan given, is presented as ‘Other investment’ on the balance sheet. This loan is initially measured at fair value plus any directly attributable transaction costs. Subsequent to initial recognition, it is measured at amortized costs using the effective interest method.

As from January 1, 2018

A financial asset is measured at amortized cost (or in case of debt investments at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income (“FVOCI”)) if it meets the following conditions and is not designated as of FVTPL:



It is held within a business model whose objective is to hold assets to collect contractual cash flows; and



Its contractual terms give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding.

All financial assets not classified as measured at amortized cost or FVOCI, are measured at FVTPL. This includes all derivative financial assets and assets that contain an embedded derivative instrument, such as the convertible loan the Group has given to Icolo Ltd.

The Group de-recognizes a financial asset when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the asset expire, or it transfers the right to receive the contractual cash flows in a transaction in which substantially all the risk and rewards of ownership of the financial asset are transferred.

Financial assets and liabilities are offset, and the net amount presented in the statement of financial position when, and only when, the Group has a legal right to offset the amounts and intends either to settle on a net basis or to realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.

Trade receivables

Up until December 31, 2017:

Trade receivables were recognized initially at fair value and subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method, less provision for impairment.

A provision for impairment of trade receivables and other current assets is established when there is objective evidence that the Group will not be able to collect all amounts due according to the original term of the receivables. Significant financial difficulties of the debtor, probability that the debtor will enter bankruptcy or financial reorganization, and default or delinquency in payments are considered indicators that the trade receivable is impaired.

The amount of the provision is the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows, discounted at the original effective interest rate. The carrying amount of the asset is reduced through the use of an allowance account, and the amount of the loss is recognized in the income statement.

When a trade receivable and other current asset is uncollectable, it is written off against the allowance account for trade receivables. Subsequent recoveries of amounts previously written off are credited in the income statement.

As from January 1, 2018:

Trade receivables are initially recognized when they are originated. Trade receivables (unless they include a significant financing component) are initially measured at the transaction price (as defined in IFRS 15), minus a loss allowance equal to lifetime expected credit losses.



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An allowance for expected credit losses is established when at the date the trade receivable originated, there is objective evidence that the Group will not be able to collect all amounts due according to the original term of the receivables. Significant financial difficulties of the debtor, probability that the debtor will enter bankruptcy or financial reorganization, and default or delinquency in payments are considered indicators that there is a credit loss allowance necessary.

The amount of the allowance is the difference between the transaction price and the present value of estimated future cash flows, discounted at the original effective interest rate.

When a trade receivable and other current asset is uncollectable, it is written off against the allowance account for trade receivables. Subsequent recoveries of amounts previously written off are credited in the income statement.

Other current assets

Other current assets are recognized initially at fair value and subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method, less provision for impairment.

Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand, deposits held at call with banks and other short-term highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less. Cash and cash equivalents, including short-term investments, is valued at face value, which equals its fair value. Collateralized cash is included in other (non-) current assets and accounted for at face value, which equals its fair value, taking into account any expected credit losses.

Trade payables and other current liabilities

Trade payables and other current liabilities are recognized initially at fair value and subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method.

Share capital

Ordinary shares are classified as equity. Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue of ordinary shares and share options are recognized as a deduction from equity, net of any tax effects.

Property, plant and equipment

Property, plant and equipment are measured at cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses.

Cost includes expenditure that is directly attributable to the acquisition or construction of the asset and comprises purchase cost, together with the incidental costs of installation and commissioning. These costs include external consultancy fees, capitalized borrowing costs, rent and associated costs attributable to bringing the assets to a working condition for their intended use and internal employment costs that are directly and exclusively related to the underlying asset. In case of operating leases where it is probable that the lease contract will not be renewed, the cost of self-constructed assets includes the estimated costs of dismantling and removing the items and restoring the site on which they are located.

When parts of an item of property, plant and equipment have different useful lives, they are accounted for as separate items (major components) of property, plant and equipment.

Gains and losses on disposal of an item of property, plant and equipment are determined by comparing the proceeds from disposal with the carrying amount of property, plant and equipment and are recognized within income.

The cost of replacing part of an item of property, plant and equipment is recognized in the carrying amount of the item if it is probable that the future economic benefits embodied within the part will flow to the Group and its cost can be measured reliably. The carrying amount of the replaced part is de-recognized. The costs of the day-to-day servicing of property, plant and equipment are recognized in profit or loss as incurred.



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Depreciation is calculated from the date an asset becomes available for use and is depreciated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of each part of an item of property, plant and equipment. Leased assets are depreciated on the same basis as owned assets over the shorter of the lease term and their useful lives. The principal periods used for this purpose are:


•  Data center freehold land

   Not depreciated

•  Data center buildings

   15-30 years

•  Data center infrastructure and equipment

   5-20 years

•  Office equipment and other

   3-15 years

Depreciation methods, useful lives and residual values are reviewed annually.

Data center freehold land consists of the land owned by the Company and land leased by the Company under finance lease agreements. The data center buildings consist of the core and shell in which we have constructed a data center. Data center infrastructure and equipment comprises data center structures, leasehold improvements, data center cooling and power infrastructure, including infrastructure for advanced environmental controls such as ventilation and air conditioning, specialized heating, fire detection and suppression equipment and monitoring equipment. Office equipment and other is comprised of office leasehold improvements and office equipment consisting of furniture and computer equipment.

Intangible assets and goodwill

Intangible assets represent power grid rights, software, a customer portfolio previously identified as part of a business combination, and other intangible assets. Intangible assets are recognized at cost less accumulated amortization and accumulated impairment losses. Other intangible assets principally consist of lease premiums (paid in addition to obtain rental contracts).

Software includes development expenditure, which is capitalized only if development costs can be measured reliably, the product or process is technically and commercially feasible, future economic benefits are probable, and the Group intends to and has sufficient resources to complete development and to use the asset. The expenditure capitalized includes the cost of material, services and direct labor costs that are directly attributable to preparing the asset for its intended use.

Amortization is calculated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of the intangible asset. Amortization methods, useful lives are reviewed annually.

The estimated useful lives are:


•  Power grid rights (except for those with an indefinite life)

   10–15 years

•  Software

   3–5 years

•  Customer portfolio

   20 years

•  Other

   3–12 years

Goodwill represents the goodwill related to business combinations, which is determined based on purchase price allocation. Goodwill is not being amortized, and subject to an annual impairment test.

Impairment of non-financial assets

The carrying amounts of the Group’s non-financial assets, excluding goodwill, are reviewed at each reporting date to determine whether there is any indication of impairment. If any such indication exists, then the asset’s recoverable amount is estimated. For goodwill, intangible assets with an indefinite useful life and intangible assets that are not yet available for use, the recoverable amount is estimated annually.



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The recoverable amount of an asset or cash-generating unit is the greater of either its value in use or its fair value less costs to sell. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. For the purpose of impairment testing, assets are grouped together into the smallest group of assets that generates cash inflows from continuing use that are largely independent of the cash inflows of other assets or groups of assets (the “cash-generating unit”).

Considering the Company manages its data centers by country, and, given the data center campus-structures, the financial performance of data centers within a country is highly inter-dependent, the Company has determined that the cash-generating unit for impairment-testing purposes should be the group of data centers per country, unless specific circumstances would indicate that a single data center is a cash-generating unit.

An impairment loss is recognized if the carrying amount of an asset or its cash-generating unit exceeds its estimated recoverable amount. Impairment losses are recognized in profit or loss. Impairment losses recognized in respect of cash-generating units are to reduce the carrying amount of the assets in the unit (group of units) on a pro-rata basis.

Impairment losses recognized in prior periods are assessed at each reporting date for any indications that the loss has decreased or no longer exists. An impairment loss is reversed if there has been a change in the estimates used to determine the recoverable amount. An impairment loss previously recognized on assets other than goodwill, is reversed only to the extent that the asset’s carrying amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined, net of depreciation or amortization, if no impairment loss had been recognized.


Borrowings are recognized initially at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred. Borrowings are subsequently stated at amortized cost; with any difference between the proceeds (net of transaction costs) and the redemption value recognized in the income statement over the period of the borrowings using the effective interest method.

Borrowings are classified as current liabilities unless the Group has an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at least 12 months after the balance sheet date. The Group de-recognizes a borrowing when its contractual obligations are discharged, cancelled or expired.

As part of the initial measurement of the amortized cost value of debt, it is assumed that it will be held to maturity. If an early redemption of all or part of certain debt is expected, the liability will be re-measured based on the original effective interest rate. The difference between the liability, excluding a change in assumed early redemption and the liability, including a change in assumed early redemption, will be recognized in profit and loss.


A provision is recognized in the statement of financial position when the Group has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of a past event; it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and the amount can be estimated reliably. Provisions are determined by discounting the expected future cash flows at a pre-tax rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and, where appropriate, the risks specific to the liability. The discount rate arising on the provision is amortized in future years through interest.

A provision for site restoration is recognized when costs for restoring leasehold premises to their original condition at the end of the lease are probable to be incurred and it is possible to make an accurate estimate of these costs. The discounted cost of the liability is included in the related assets and is depreciated over the remaining estimated term of the lease. If the likelihood of this liability is estimated to be possible, rather than probable, it is disclosed as a contingent liability in Note 25.

A provision for onerous lease contracts is recognized when the expected benefits to be derived by the Group from a contract are lower than the unavoidable cost of meeting its obligations under the contract. The provision is measured at the discounted amount of future losses expected to be incurred in respect of unused data center sites over the term of the leases. Where unused sites can be sublet or partly sublet, management has taken account of the sublease income expected to be received over the minimum sublease term, which meets the Group’s revenue recognition criteria in arriving at the amount of future losses. Before a provision is established, the Group recognizes any impairment loss on the assets associated with that contract.



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Leases, in which the Group assumes substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership, are classified as finance leases. On initial recognition, the leased asset is measured at an amount equal to the lower of either its fair value or the present value of the minimum lease payments. Subsequent to initial recognition, the asset is accounted for in accordance with the accounting policy applicable to that asset. The finance lease obligations are presented as part of the long-term liabilities and, as far as amounts need to be repaid within one year, as part of current liabilities.

Other leases are operating leases and the leased assets are not recognized on the Group’s statement of financial position. Payments made under operating leases are recognized in the income statement, or capitalized during construction, on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease. Lease incentives received are recognized as an integral part of the total lease expense, over the term of the lease.

Minimum finance lease payments are apportioned between the finance charge and the reduction of the outstanding liability. The finance charge is allocated to each period during the lease term so as to produce a constant periodic rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability.

At inception or modification of an arrangement, the Group determines whether such an arrangement is, or contains, a lease. This will be the case if the following two criteria are met:



the fulfilment of the arrangement is dependent on the use of a specific asset or assets; and



the arrangement contains the right to use an asset.

For leased properties on which our data centers are located, we generally seek to secure property leases for terms of 20 to 25 years. Where possible, we try to mitigate the long-term financial commitment by contracting for initial lease terms for a minimum period of 10 to 15 years with the option for us either to (i) extend the leases for additional five-year terms or (ii) terminate the leases upon expiration of the initial 10- to 15-year term. Our leases generally have consumer price index based annual rent increases over the full term of the lease. Certain of our leases contain options to purchase the asset.

Segment reporting

The segments are reported in a manner Big4 , which comprises consistent with internal reporting provided to the chief operating decision-maker, identified as the Board of Directors. There are two segments: the first is France, Germany, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom , the second is Rest of Europe , which comprises Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. Shared expenses such as corporate management, general and administrative expenses, loans and borrowings and related expenses and income tax assets and liabilities are stated in Corporate and other . The Big4 and Rest of Europe are different segments as management believes that the Big4 countries represent the largest opportunities for Interxion, from market trends and growth perspective to drive the development of its communities of interest strategy within customer segments and the attraction of magnetic customers. As a result, over the past three years we have invested between 68% and 71% of our capital expenditure in the Big4 segment while revenue constituted an average of 65% of total revenue over the same period.

Segment results, assets and liabilities include items directly attributable to a segment as well as those that can be allocated on a reasonable basis. Unallocated items presented as Corporate and other principally comprise loans and borrowings and related expenses; corporate assets and expenses (primarily the Company’s headquarters); and income tax assets and liabilities.

Segment capital expenditure is defined as the net cash outflow during the period to acquire property, plant and equipment, and intangible assets other than goodwill, during the period.

Adjusted EBITDA, Recurring revenue and Cash generated from operations, are additional indicators of our operating performance, and are not required by or presented in accordance with IFRS. We define Adjusted EBITDA as Operating income adjusted for the following items, which may occur in any period, and which management believes are not representative of our operating performance:



Depreciation and amortization – property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (except goodwill) are depreciated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life. We believe that these costs do not represent our operating performance.



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Share-based payments – represents primarily the fair value at the date of grant of employee equity awards, which is recognized as an expense over the vesting period. In certain cases, the fair value is redetermined for market conditions at each reporting date, until the final date of grant is achieved. We believe that this expense does not represent our operating performance.



Income or expense related to the evaluation and execution of potential mergers or acquisitions (“M&A”) – under IFRS, gains and losses associated with M&A activity are recognized in the period in which such gains or losses are incurred. We exclude these effects because we believe they are not reflective of our ongoing operating performance.



Adjustments related to terminated and unused data center sites – these gains and losses relate to historical leases entered into for certain brownfield sites, with the intention of developing data centers, which were never developed, and for which management has no intention of developing into data centers. We believe the impact of gains and losses related to unused data centers are not reflective of our business activities and our ongoing operating performance.

In certain circumstances, we may also adjust for items that management believes are not representative of our current ongoing performance. Examples of this would include: adjusting for the cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle or estimate, impairment losses, litigation gains and losses or windfall gains and losses.

We define Recurring revenue as revenue incurred from colocation and associated power charges, office space, amortized set-up fees, cross-connects and certain recurring managed services (but excluding any ad hoc managed services) provided by us directly or through third parties, excluding rents received for the sublease of unused sites.

Cash generated from operations is defined as net cash flows from operating activities, excluding interest and corporate income tax payments and receipts. Management believe that the exclusion of these items provides useful supplemental information to net cash flows from operating activities to aid investors in evaluating the cash generating performance of our business.

We believe Adjusted EBITDA, Recurring revenue and Cash generated from operations provide useful supplemental information to investors regarding our ongoing operational performance because these measures help us and our investors evaluate the ongoing operating performance of the business after removing the impact of our capital structure (primarily interest expense) and our asset base (primarily depreciation and amortization). Management believes that the presentation of Adjusted EBITDA, when combined with the primary IFRS presentation of net income, provides a more complete analysis of our operating performance. Management also believes the use of Adjusted EBITDA facilitates comparisons between us and other data center operators (including other data center operators that are REITs) and other infrastructure-based businesses. Adjusted EBITDA is also a relevant measure used in the financial covenants of our revolving credit facility (the “Revolving Facility”) and our 4.75% Senior Notes due 2025 (the “Senior Notes”).

This information, provided to the chief operating decision-maker, is disclosed to permit a more complete analysis of our operating performance. Exceptional items are those significant items that are separately disclosed by virtue of their size, nature or incidence to enable a full understanding of the Group’s financial performance.

Revenue recognition under IAS 18—Revenue

In the comparative periods 2017 and 2016, the Group applied the following accounting policies for recognition of revenue under IAS 18 .

Revenue is recognized when it is probable that future economic benefits will flow to the Group and that these benefits, together with their related costs, can be measured reliably. Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable considering any discounts or volume rebates.



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The Group reviews transactions for separately identifiable components and, if necessary, applies individual recognition treatment, revenues are allocated to separately identifiable components based on their relative fair values.

The Group earns colocation revenue as a result of providing data center services to customers at its data centers. Colocation revenue and lease income are recognized in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the term of the customer contract. Incentives granted are recognized as an integral part of the total income, over the term of the customer contract. Customers are usually invoiced quarterly in advance and income is recognized on a straight-line basis over the quarter. Initial setup fees payable at the beginning of customer contracts are deferred at inception and recognized in the income statement on a straight-line basis over the initial term of the customer contract. Power revenue is recognized based on customers’ usage.

Other services revenue, including managed services, connectivity and customer installation services including equipment sales are recognized when the services are rendered. Certain installation services and equipment sales, which by their nature have a non-recurring character, are presented as non-recurring revenues and are recognized on delivery of service.

Deferred revenues relating to invoicing in advance and initial setup fees are considered contract liabilities and carried on the statement of financial position as part of trade payables and other liabilities. Deferred revenues due to be recognized after more than one year are held in non-current liabilities.

Revenue recognition under IFRS 15 – Revenues from contracts with customers

The Group has initially applied IFRS 15 from January 1, 2018, and recognized revenues based on applying the recognition model prescribed by IFRS 15. Due to the transition method chosen in applying IFRS 15, comparative information has not been restated to reflect the new requirements.

Identification of contracts with customers

Contracts that are in scope of IFRS 15 include mutually approved service agreements and customer order forms. Based on these contracts and forms, both parties can identify their rights and obligations. In certain circumstances two or more agreements and customer order forms may be considered a combined contract.

Identification of performance obligations

Under IFRS 15 the Group identified four performance obligations:



Primary data center services

This performance obligation includes providing space, power capacity, connectivity, required setup and installation services and energy to customers. These services are not capable of being distinct from each other and therefore considered one performance obligation. Since customers simultaneously receive and consume the benefits as the Group meets its performance obligation, revenues are being recognized over time. Each month we deliver services which are substantially similar. Customers can benefit from each individual month of service. Therefore, and since an individual month of providing primary data center services is separately identifiable, each month of providing primary data center services is considered a distinct performance obligation. Most of our contracts include price indexation clauses which in general apply as of January each year.

Under the new standard, a series of distinct goods or services will be accounted for as a single performance obligation if they are substantially the same, have the same pattern of transfer and both of the following criteria are met:



each distinct good or service in the series represents a performance obligation that would be satisfied over time; and



the entity would measure its progress towards satisfaction of the performance obligation using the same measure of progress for each distinct good or service in the series.

The principles in IFRS 15 therefore apply to each single performance obligation when the series criteria are met, rather than the individual services that make up the single performance obligation. As a result, revenue is allocated to the relative standalone selling price of the series as one performance obligation, rather than to each distinct service within it., except for allocating variable considerations.



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Hands and eyes recurring

This performance obligation represents remote hands and eyes activities for which the customer is being charged a recurring monthly fee.



Additional setup and installation

This performance obligation relates to selling goods and one-off installation services to the customer, which are not part of providing primary data center services.



Hands and eyes on demand

This type of remote hands and eyes support is being provided upon the customers’ specific request and charged on an as-incurred basis. This performance obligation is fulfilled as soon as the requested support is provided.

Determination of the transaction price

The transaction price is the amount of consideration to which the Group expects to be entitled in exchange for transferring the goods and providing the services to customers.

Allocation of revenue

Revenue from contracts with customers is being allocated to separate performance obligations, based on the relative standalone selling price of each performance obligation. This includes the allocation of discounts given to customers.

Recognition of revenue

Revenue from primary data center services and from Hands and eyes recurring is being recognized over time, considering one month of providing service as a separate performance obligation. Incentives granted are recognized as an integral part of the total income, over the term of the customer contract. Initial setup fees payable at the beginning of customer contracts are deferred at inception and recognized in the income statement on a straight-line basis over the initial term of the customer contract. Power revenue is recognized based on customers’ usage.

Hands and eyes on demand and additional setup and installation, which have a non-recurring character, are presented as non-recurring revenues and are recognized at the point in time of the delivery of the service.

Delivery of these goods and providing these services triggers transfer of control and is the point in time at which revenue is recognized.

Contract balances

Under IFRS 15 the Group recognizes three types of contract balances:



Contract assets

A contract asset is the right to consideration in exchange for goods or services transferred to the customer. If the Group performs services to a customer before the customer pays consideration or before payment is due, a contract asset is recognized. In our consolidated statement of financial position, these assets are included as accrued revenue in trade and other current assets (see also note 14).



Trade receivables

A receivable represents the Group’s right to an amount of consideration that is unconditional (i.e. only the passage of time is required before payment of the consideration is due).



Contract liabilities

A contract liability is the obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer for which the Group has received consideration (or an amount of consideration is that is unconditionally due) from the customer. If the customer pays consideration before the Group transfers the services to the customer, a contract liability is recognized when the payment is made by the customer or when the payment is due (whichever is earlier). Contract liabilities are recognized as revenue in line with fulfilling the performance obligations under the contract. In our consolidated statement of financial position, these liabilities are presented as deferred revenue in trade payables and other liabilities (see also note 18).



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Cost of sales

Cost of sales consists mainly of rental costs for the data centers and offices, power costs, maintenance costs relating to the data center equipment, operation and support personnel costs and costs related to installations and other customer requirements. In general, maintenance and repairs are expensed as incurred. In cases where maintenance contracts are in place, the costs are recorded on a straight-line basis over the contractual period.

Sales and marketing costs

The operating expenses related to sales and marketing consist of costs for personnel (including sales commissions), marketing and other costs directly related to the sales process. Costs of advertising and promotion are expensed as incurred.

General and administrative costs

General and administrative costs are expensed as incurred and include amortization and depreciation expenses.

Employee benefits

Defined contribution pension plans

A defined contribution pension plan is a post-employment plan under which an entity pays fixed contributions into a separate entity and has no legal or constructive obligation to pay further amounts. Obligations for contributions to defined contribution plans are recognized as an employee benefit expense in the income statement in the periods during which the related services are rendered by employees. Prepaid contributions are recognized as an asset to the extent that a cash refund or a reduction in future payments is available. Contributions to a defined contribution plan, which are due more than 12 months after the end of the period in which the employees render the service, are discounted to their present value.

Termination benefits

Termination benefits are recognized as an expense when the Group is demonstrably committed, without realistic possibility of withdrawal, to a formal detailed plan to either terminate employment before the normal retirement date, or to provide termination benefits as a result of an offer made to encourage voluntary redundancy. Termination benefits for voluntary redundancy are recognized as an expense if the Group has made an offer of voluntary redundancy, it is probable that the offer will be accepted, and the number of acceptances can be estimated reliably. If benefits are payable more than 12 months after the reporting date, they are discounted to their present value.

Share-based payments

The long-term incentive plans enable Group employees to earn and/or acquire shares of the Group. The fair value at the date of grant of share options, restricted shares and performance shares is recognized over the vesting period, with a corresponding increase in equity. The fair value of options is determined using the Black Scholes model, the fair value of performance shares is determined using the Monte Carlo model. Restricted shares are valued based on the market value at the date of grant. Based on the actual performance on non-market conditions the number of performance shares that will vest is updated after the performance period. The fair value of performance share awards which are conditionally granted and are subject to market conditions is redetermined at each reporting date until the final date of grant is achieved. The amount recognized as an expense is adjusted to reflect the actual number of share options, restricted and performance shares that vest.

Finance income and expense

Finance income and expense include interest payable on borrowings calculated using the effective interest rate method, gains on financial assets recognized at fair value through profit and loss and foreign exchange gains and losses. Borrowing costs attributable to the acquisition or construction of data center assets, which are assets that necessarily take a substantial period of time to get ready for their intended use, are added to the costs of those assets, until such time as the assets are ready for their intended use.



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Interest income is recognized in the income statement as it accrues, using the effective interest method. The interest expense component of finance lease payments is recognized in the income statement using the effective interest rate method.

Foreign currency gains and losses are reported on a net basis, as either finance income or expenses, depending on whether the foreign currency movements are in a net gain or a net loss position.

Other financial income and expense may include the changes in fair value of financial instruments carried at fair value through profit and loss.

Income tax

Income tax on the profit or loss for the year comprises current and deferred tax. Income tax is recognized in the income statement except to the extent that it relates to items recognized directly in equity, in which case it is recognized in equity.

Current tax is the expected tax payable on the taxable income for the year, using tax rates enacted or substantially enacted at the balance sheet date, and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years.

Deferred tax is recognized in respect of temporary differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for taxation purposes. The following temporary differences are not provided for: the initial recognition of assets or liabilities that affect neither accounting nor taxable profit, nor differences relating to investments in subsidiaries to the extent that they will probably not reverse in the foreseeable future. The amount of deferred tax provided is based on the expected manner of realization or settlement of the carrying amount of assets and liabilities, using tax rates enacted or substantially enacted at the balance sheet date that are expected to be applied to temporary differences when they reverse, or loss carry forwards when they are utilized.

A deferred tax asset is also recognized for unused tax losses and tax credits. A deferred tax asset is recognized only to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which the asset can be utilized. Deferred tax assets are reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that the related tax benefit will be realized.

Additional income taxes that arise from the distribution of dividends are recognized at the same time as the liability to pay the related dividend.

In determining the amount of current and deferred tax, the Company takes into account the impact of uncertain tax positions and whether additional taxes, penalties and interest may be due. The Company believes that its accruals for tax liabilities are adequate for all open tax years based on its assessment of many factors, including interpretations of tax law and prior experience. This assessment relies on estimates and assumptions and may involve a series of judgments about future events. New information may become available that causes the Company to change its judgment regarding the adequacy of existing tax liabilities; such changes to tax liabilities will have an impact on tax expense in the period that such a determination is made.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset if there is a legally enforceable right to offset current tax liabilities and assets, and they relate to taxes levied by the same tax authority on the same taxable entity, or on different tax entities, but they intend to settle current tax liabilities and assets on a net basis or their tax assets and liabilities will be realized simultaneously.

Earnings per share

The Group presents basic and diluted earnings per share (“EPS”) data for its ordinary shares. Basic EPS is calculated by dividing the profit or loss attributable to ordinary and preference shareholders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year. Diluted EPS is determined by adjusting the basic earnings per share for the effects of all dilutive potential ordinary shares.



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Changes in accounting policies

This is the first set of consolidated financial statements in which IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments and IFRS 15 – Revenue from Contracts with Customers have been reflected . The nature and effect of the changes as a result of adoption of these new accounting standards is described below.

Several other amendments and interpretations, including Amendments to IFRS 2 – Classification and Measurement of Share-based Payment Transactions , apply for the first time in 2018, but do not have an impact on the consolidated financial statements of the Group. The Group has not adopted any standards, interpretations or amendments that have been issued but are not yet effective.

IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments

IFRS 9 sets out requirements for recognizing and measuring financial assets, financial liabilities and some contracts to buy or sell non-financial items. This standard replaces IAS 39 – Financial Instruments: Recognition and measurement .

As a result of the adoption of IFRS 9, the Company has adopted consequential amendments to IAS 1 – Presentation of Financial Statements, which require impairment of financial assets to be presented in a separate line item in the consolidated income statement, as far as these impairment losses are material. Impairment losses on other financial assets, if any, are presented under ‘Finance expense’, similar to the presentation under IAS 39, and not presented separately in the consolidated income statement due to materiality considerations.

Additionally, the Company had adopted consequential amendments to IFRS 7 – Financial Instruments: Disclosures that are applied to disclosures about 2018 but have not been generally applied to comparative information.

IFRS 9 contains three principal classification categories for financial assets: measured at amortized cost, at fair value through other comprehensive income (“FVOCI”) and at fair value through profit and loss (“FVTPL”). The standard eliminates the IAS 39 categories of held to maturity , loans and receivables and available for sale . Under IFRS 9, derivatives embedded in contracts where the host is a financial asset in the scope of the standard, are never separated. Instead, the hybrid financial instrument as a whole is assessed for classification.

IFRS 9 largely retains the requirements in IAS 39 for the classification and measurement of financial liabilities. The adoption of IFRS 9 has not had a significant effect on the Group’s accounting policies related to financial liabilities and derivative financial instruments.

IFRS 15 – Revenue from Contracts with Customers

IFRS 15 establishes a comprehensive framework for determining whether, how much and when revenue from contracts with customers is recognized. It replaced IAS 18 – Revenue , IAS 11 – Construction Contracts and related interpretations. Under IFRS 15, revenue is recognized when a customer obtains control of the goods or services. Determining the timing of the transfer of control – at a point in time or over time – requires judgment.

The Group has adopted IFRS 15 using the cumulative effect method, applying the practical expedient that allows to only apply IFRS 15 to contracts that are not completed as per the initial date of application. Accordingly, the information presented for 2017 and 2016 has not been restated, i.e., it is presented, as previously reported, under IAS 18 and related interpretations. Additionally, the disclosure requirements in IFRS 15 have not generally been applied to comparative information.

IFRS 15 does not have a significant impact on the way the Group accounts for revenues from primary data center services, because the services provided to customers meet the requirements to apply the series guidance under IFRS 15. Revenues relating to non-recurring performance obligations are being recognized at a point in time upon the Group fulfilling its performance obligation, which is similar to how the Group historically recognized such revenues in the past. Accordingly, there would not be material adjustments to be reported in the retained earnings of the comparative period.



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New standards and interpretations not yet adopted

Of the new and amended standards and interpretations that are issued, but not yet effective, up to the date of issuance of the Group’s financial statements, IFRS 16 – Leases is disclosed below. This is the only standard becoming effective in the future, that will significantly impact the Group’s financial statements.

IFRS 16 - Leases

In January 2016, the IASB issued IFRS 16 - Leases, the new accounting standard for leases. The new standard is effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2019 and will replace IAS 17 – Leases and IFRIC 4 – Determining whether an Arrangement contains a Lease. IFRS 16 was endorsed by the EU in October 2017.

Leases in Which the Group is a Lessee

The new standard requires lessees to apply a single, on-balance sheet accounting model to all its leases, unless a lessee elects the recognition exemptions for short-term leases and/or leases of low-value assets. A lessee must recognize a right-of-use asset representing its right to use the underlying asset and a lease obligation representing its obligation to make lease payments. The standard permits a lessee to elect either a full retrospective or a modified retrospective transition approach.

The most significant impact on the income statement is that operating lease expenses will no longer be recognized, except for those lease contracts for which the Group is going to apply the practical expedients mentioned hereafter. The impact of lease contracts on the consolidated income will move from cost of sales to amortization of the right of use asset and interest relating to the lease liability. As a result, certain key metrics such as operating profit and Adjusted EBITDA will change significantly. Compared to lease accounting under IAS 17, total expenses will be higher in the earlier years of a lease and lower in the later years.

The lease liability will be calculated based on the minimum future lease payments under the lease contract, discounted at the incremental borrowing rate, which is calculated per class of leased assets (e.g. real estate, ducts, cars and office equipment) and per country in which the relevant asset is operating. Additionally, the incremental borrowing rate will be the rate at which the interest charges relating to the lease liability are calculated.

Implementation of IFRS 16 is not expected to have a significant impact on the Group’s compliance with the debt covenants in the Revolving Facility Agreement and Indenture, because the relevant definitions in the Revolving Facility Agreement and Indenture exclude the impact of IFRS 16.

The Group elected to apply the practical expedients for lease contracts with lease terms ending within twelve months from the date of initial contract start date, and lease contracts for which the underlying asset is of low value. As a result, it will not apply lease accounting to these contracts. Furthermore, the payments under lease contracts in which the Group is a lessee will not be separated into lease- and non-lease elements.

Leases in Which the Group is a Lessor

The Company has investigated which elements of its contracts with customers will be subject to lessor accounting under the requirements of IFRS 16. The portion of the contracts with customers that meet the criteria for recognition of a lease (primarily real estate) based on guidance in IFRS 16 will be identified as lease elements and fall within the scope of IFRS 16 and no longer within the scope of IFRS 15 – Revenue from contracts with customers as from January 1, 2019, since leases are specifically excluded from that standard. Therefore, as of January 1, 2019, the Group will account for the lease-elements in its contracts with customers in accordance with IFRS 16. Non-lease elements which are included in those contracts will continue to be accounted for in accordance with IFRS 15.


The Group will adopt IFRS 16 on January 1, 2019, using the modified retrospective approach, and will apply the practical expedient to grandfather the definition of a lease on transition and therefore will not apply IFRS 16 to all contracts entered into before January 1, 2019 which were not identified as leases in accordance with IAS 17 and IFRIC 4.

Impact analysis

The adoption of IFRS 16 will have the following significant impact on the opening balance of 2019 compared to the consolidated statement of financial position as of December 31, 2018:



a €420 million increase in non-current assets due to the recognition of right-of-use assets relating to leases that were accounted for under IAS 17 as operating leases;



a €20 million decrease in current assets due to reclassification of certain prepayments to the right-of-use assets;



a €422 million increase in financial liabilities due to the recognition of lease liabilities relating to leases that were accounted for under IAS 17 as operating leases; and



a €22 million decrease in current liabilities due to the reclassification of certain accruals to lease liabilities.

In addition to the above impact, the adoption of IFRS 16 will also result in a reclassification of finance lease liabilities from borrowings to lease liabilities and impact the consolidated income statement and certain of the Company’s key financial metrics as a result of changes in the classification of charges recognized in the consolidated income statement and the consolidated statement of cash flows. The application of the new standard will decrease both cost of sales and operating costs (excluding depreciation) in the income statement, giving rise to an increase of the underlying Adjusted EBITDA, but this will largely be offset by corresponding increases in depreciation and finance expenses, and hence the impact on the Company’s Net income for the year will not be material. Net cash flows from operating activities will increase due to certain lease expenses no longer being recognized as operating cash outflows, however this will be offset by a corresponding decrease in Net cash flows from financing activities due to repayments of the principal amount of lease liabilities.



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Financial risk management


The Group has exposure to the following risks from its use of financial instruments:



credit risk;



liquidity risk;



market risk;



other price risks.

This note presents information about the Group’s exposure to each of the above risks, the Group’s goals, policies and processes for measuring and managing risk, and its management of capital. Further quantitative disclosures are included throughout these consolidated financial statements.

The Board of Directors has overall responsibility for the oversight of the Group’s risk management framework.

The Group continues developing and evaluating the Group’s risk management policies with a view to identifying and analyzing the risks faced, to setting appropriate risk limits and controls, and to monitoring risks and adherence to limits. Risk management policies and systems are reviewed regularly to reflect changes in market conditions and the Group’s activities. The Group, through its training and management standards and procedures, aims to develop a disciplined and constructive control environment in which all employees understand their roles and obligations.

The Board of Directors oversees the way management monitors compliance with the Group’s risk management policies and procedures and reviews the adequacy of the risk management framework in relation to the risks the Group faces.

Credit risk

Credit risk is the risk of financial loss to the Group if a customer, bank or other counterparty to a financial instrument were to fail to meet its contractual obligations. It principally arises from the Group’s receivables from customers. The Group’s most significant customer, which is serviced from multiple locations and under a number of service contracts, accounted for 14% of revenues in 2018, for 14% of revenues in 2017, and for 13% in 2016.



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Trade and other receivables

The Group’s exposure to credit risk is mainly influenced by the individual characteristics of each customer. The makeup of the Group’s customer base, including the default risk of the industry and the country in which customers operate, has less of an influence on credit risk.

The Group has an established credit policy under which each new customer is analyzed individually for creditworthiness before it begins to trade with the Group. If customers are independently rated, these ratings are used. If there is no independent rating, the credit quality of the customer is analyzed taking its financial position, past experience and other factors into account.

The Group’s standard terms require invoices for contracted services to be settled before the services are delivered. In addition to the standard terms, the Group provides service-fee holidays on long-term customer contracts, for which an accrued revenue balance is accounted. In the event that a customer fails to pay amounts that are due, the Group has a clearly defined escalation policy that can result in a customer’s access to their equipment being denied or in service to the customer being suspended.

In 2018, 95% (2017: 95% and 2016: 95%) of the Group’s revenue was derived from contracts under which customers paid an agreed contracted amount, including power on a regular basis (usually monthly or quarterly) or from deferred initial setup fees paid at the outset of the customer contract.

As a result of the Group’s credit policy and the contracted nature of the revenues, losses have been infrequent (see Note 20). Prior to the transition to IFRS 9, the Group established an allowance that represents its estimate of potential incurred losses in respect of trade and other receivables. This allowance is entirely composed of a specific loss component relating to individually significant exposures. After the transition to IFRS 9, the Group recognizes trade receivables at the transaction price, minus a loss allowance at an amount equal to lifetime expected credit losses.

Loans granted

The Group has granted a USD 7.5 million (excluding accrued interest) convertible loan to Icolo Ltd, a company that is investing in a green field and operating a data center business in Kenya. Interxion has the option to convert the loan into equity on the maturity date or upon occurrence of an enforcement event. Upon implementation of IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments, the convertible loan is considered a single instrument, to be carried at fair value through profit and loss. Since January 1, 2018, it has been accounted for as such.

Bank counterparties

The Group has certain obligations under the terms of its Revolving Facility Agreement and Senior Notes which limit disposal of surplus cash balances. The Group monitors its cash position, including counterparty and term risk, on a daily basis.


Certain of our subsidiaries have granted guarantees to our lending banks in relation to our facilities. The Company grants rent guarantees to landlords of certain of the Group’s property leases (see Note 24).

Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that the Group will not be able to meet its financial obligations as they fall due. The Group’s approach to managing liquidity is to ensure, as far as possible, that it will always have sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities when due, under both normal and stressed conditions, without incurring unacceptable losses or risking damage to its reputation or jeopardizing its future.

The majority of the Group’s revenues and operating costs are contracted, which assists it in monitoring cash flow requirements, which it does on a daily and weekly basis. Typically, the Group ensures that it has sufficient cash on demand to meet expected normal operational expenses, including the servicing of financial obligations, for a period of 60 days; this excludes the potential impact of extreme circumstances, such as natural disasters, that cannot reasonably be predicted.



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All significant capital expansion projects are subject to formal approval by the Board of Directors, and material expenditure or customer commitments are made only once the management is satisfied that the Group has adequate committed funding to cover the anticipated expenditure (see Note 22).

Senior Notes

On June 18, 2018, the Company issued an aggregate principal amount of €1,000 million 4.75% Senior Notes due 2025 (the “Initial Notes”). The net proceeds of the offering were used to redeem the entire amounts relating to the €625 million Senior Secured Notes due 2020, to repay amounts drawn under our former revolving credit facilities, to pay all related fees, expenses and premiums and for other general corporate purposes. On September 20, 2018, the Company issued a further €200.0 million aggregate principal amount of 4.75% Senior Notes due 2025 (the “Additional Notes” and together with the Initial Notes, the “Senior Notes”).

The Senior Notes are governed by an indenture dated June 18, 2018, between the Company, as issuer, and The Bank of New York Mellon, London Branch, as Trustee (the “Indenture”). The Indenture contains customary restrictive covenants including, but not limited to, limitations or restrictions on our ability to incur debt, grant liens and sell assets. The restrictive covenants are subject to customary exceptions including, in relation to the incurrence of certain additional debt, a consolidated fixed charge coverage ratio (calculated as a ratio of Adjusted EBITDA to consolidated interest expense) of at least 2.00 to 1.00 on a pro forma basis for the four full fiscal quarters (taken as one period) for which financial statements are available immediately preceding the incurrence of such debt. The Senior Notes are guaranteed by certain of the Company’s subsidiaries

On September 20, 2018, the Company issued a further €200.0 million aggregate principal amount of Senior Notes . The net proceeds of the offering amounted to €203.8 million, net of offering fees and expenses of €2.2 million. The net proceeds contained the nominal value of the Additional Notes, plus an issuance premium of 103.00%. The Additional Notes, which are guaranteed by certain subsidiaries of the Company, were issued under the Indenture pursuant to which, on June 18, 2018, the Company issued the Initial Notes.

Revolving Facility Agreement

On June 18, 2018, the Company entered into the €200.0 million revolving facility agreement (the “Revolving Facility Agreement”) between, among others, InterXion Holding N.V., the arrangers named therein and ABN AMRO Bank N.V. as agent (for the purpose of this section, the “Agent”), pursuant to which the Revolving Facility has been made available to the Company.

As at December 31, 2018, the Revolving Facility was undrawn. In the first quarter of 2019, this facility was increased by €100.0 million for a total commitment of €300.0 million.

Covenants regarding Revolving Facility Agreement

The Revolving Facility Agreement requires us to maintain a specified financial ratio. The restrictive covenants are subject to customary exceptions including, in relation to the incurrence of certain debt, a consolidated fixed charge coverage ratio (calculated as a ratio of Adjusted EBITDA to consolidated interest expense) of at least 2.00 to 1.00 on a pro forma basis for the four full fiscal quarters (taken as one period) for which financial statements are available immediately preceding the incurrence of such debt.

The Revolving Facility Agreement also includes a net leverage ratio (tested on a quarterly basis provided that the aggregate base currency amount of the outstanding loans (excluding any non-cash ancillary outstandings and any non-cash utilization) exceeds 35% of the total commitments thereunder on the applicable quarter date (the “Test Condition”)), which requires total net debt (calculated as a ratio to pro forma Adjusted EBITDA of consecutive four quarters) not to exceed 5.00 to 1.00. In addition, the Revolving Facility Agreement permits us to elect, on a one-time basis and subject to certain conditions, to adjust the financial covenant to 5.50 to 1.00 for two consecutive quarter periods (including the quarter such election is made). In addition, the Company must ensure, under the Revolving Facility Agreement, that the guarantors represent a certain percentage of Adjusted EBITDA, and a certain percentage of the consolidated net assets of the Group.



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The breach of any of these covenants by the Company or the failure by the Company to maintain its leverage ratio could result in a default under the Revolving Facility Agreement. As of December 31, 2018, the Company’s consolidated fixed charge ratio was 4.01 to 1.00 and the Consolidated Total Net Leverage Ratio was 4.39 to 1.00.

The Company has remained in full compliance with all its covenants. In addition, the Company does not anticipate, in the next twelve months, any breach or failure that would negatively impact its ability to borrow funds under the Revolving Facility Agreement.


On January 18, 2013, the Group completed a €10.0 million financing agreement, consisting of two loans that are secured by mortgages on the PAR3 land owned by Interxion Real Estate II Sarl and the PAR5 land owned by Interxion Real Estate III Sarl and a pledge on the rights under the intergroup lease agreements between Interxion Real Estate II Sarl and Interxion Real Estate III Sarl, as lessors, and Interxion France SAS, as lessee, and are guaranteed by Interxion France SAS. The principal amounts of the mortgage loans are required to be repaid in quarterly installments collectively amounting to €167,000 of which the first quarterly installment was paid on April 18, 2013. The mortgage loans have a maturity of 15 years and a variable interest rate based on EURIBOR plus an individual margin ranging from 240 to 280 basis points. The financing agreement requires the interest rate to be fixed for a minimum of 40% of the principal outstanding amount for a minimum of six years. In April 2013, the interest rate was fixed for approximately 75% of the principal outstanding amount for a period of ten years. The financing agreement does not include any financial covenants.

On April 1, 2014, the Group completed a €9.2 million financing agreement, consisting of a loan that is secured by a mortgage on the data center property in Belgium owned by Interxion Real Estate IX N.V. and a pledge on the rights under the intergroup lease agreement between InterXion Real Estate IX N.V., as lessor, and InterXion Belgium N.V., as lessee, and is guaranteed by Interxion Real Estate Holding B.V. The principal amount of the mortgage loan is required to be repaid in quarterly installments of €153,330 of which the first quarterly installment was paid on July 31, 2014. The mortgage loan has a maturity of 15 years and a variable interest rate based on EURIBOR plus 200 basis points. The financing agreement does not include any financial covenants.

On October 13, 2015, the Group completed a €15.0 million financing agreement, consisting of a loan that is secured by a mortgage on certain data center property (FRA8 and FRA10) in Germany owned by Interxion Real Estate I B.V. and a pledge on the rights under the intergroup lease agreement between InterXion Real Estate I B.V., as lessor, and Interxion Deutschland GmbH, as lessee. The principal amount of the mortgage loan is required to be repaid in four annual installments of €1.0 million of which the first annual installment was paid on September 30, 2016, and a final installment of €11.0 million which is due on September 30, 2020. The mortgage loan has a maturity of five years and has a variable interest rate based on EURIBOR plus 225 basis points. The financing agreement includes a minimum required debt service capacity ratio of 1.20 to 1.00, based on the operations of Interxion Real Estate I B.V.

On April 8, 2016, the Group completed a €14.6 million financing agreement, consisting of a loan that is secured by a mortgage on certain data center property in Austria owned by Interxion Real Estate VII GmbH and a pledge on the rights under the intergroup lease agreement between InterXion Real Estate VII GmbH, as lessor, and Interxion Österreich GmbH, as lessee. The principal amount of the mortgage loan is required to be repaid in 177 monthly installments, increasing from €76,000 to €91,750. The mortgage loan has a maturity of fourteen years and nine months and has a variable interest rate based on EURIBOR plus 195 basis points. The financing agreement includes a minimum required debt service capacity ratio of 1.20 to 1.00, based on the operations of Interxion Real Estate VII GmbH.

On December 1, 2017, the Group renewed a €10.0 million financing agreement, entered into in 2012, consisting of a loan that is secured by a mortgage on certain data center property in The Netherlands owned by Interxion Real Estate IV B.V. The principal amount of the mortgage loan is required to be repaid in four annual instalments of €667,000 commencing in December 2018 and a final installment of €7,332,000 which is due on December 31, 2022. The mortgage loan has a variable interest rate based on EURIBOR (subject to a zero percent EURIBOR floor) plus 225 basis points. The financing agreement includes a minimum required debt service capacity ratio of 1.20 to 1.00, based on the operations of Interxion Real Estate IV B.V.

On July 12, 2018, the Group completed a €6.0 million financing agreement, consisting of a loan that is secured by a mortgage on certain data center property in The Netherlands owned by Interxion Real Estate V B.V. and a pledge on rights under the intergroup lease agreement between Interxion Real Estate V B.V., as lessor, and Interxion Nederland B.V., as lessee. The principal amount of the mortgage loan is required to be repaid in four annual instalments of €400,000 commencing July 12, 2019 and a final installment of €4,400,000 which is due on July 1, 2023. The mortgage loan has a variable interest rate based on EURIBOR plus 225 basis points. The financing agreement includes a minimum required debt service capacity ratio of 1.20 to 1.00, based on the operations of Interxion Real Estate V B.V.



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Further details are in the Borrowing section (see Note 19).

Market risk

Currency risk

The Group is exposed to currency risk on sales, purchases and borrowings that are denominated in a currency other than the respective functional currencies of Group entities, primarily the euro, but also pounds sterling (GBP), Swiss francs (CHF), Danish kroner (DKK) and Swedish kronor (SEK). The currencies in which these transactions are primarily denominated are EUR, GBP, CHF, DKK, SEK and USD.

Historically, the revenues and operating costs of each of the Group’s entities have provided an economic hedge against foreign currency exposure and have not required foreign currency hedging.

It is anticipated that a number of capital expansion projects will be funded in a currency that is not the functional currency of the entity in which the associated expenditure will be incurred. In the event that this occurs and is material to the Group, the Group will seek to implement an appropriate hedging strategy.

The majority of the Group’s borrowings are euro denominated and the Company believes that the interest on these borrowings will be serviced from the cash flows generated by the underlying operations of the Group, the functional currency of which is the euro. The Group’s investments in subsidiaries are not hedged.

Interest rate risk

Following the issue of the Senior Notes, the Group is not exposed to significant variable interest rate expense for borrowings.

The Group has a number of mortgages which have variable interest rates, based on EURIBOR plus individual margins. These mortgages are disclosed in “Liquidity Risk Mortgages” and Note 20 “Financial Instruments”.

Other risks

Price risk

There is a risk that changes in market circumstances, such as strong unanticipated increases in operational costs, construction of new data centers or churn in customer contracts, will negatively affect the Group’s income. Customers individually have short-term contracts that require notice before termination. The objective of market risk management is to manage and control market risk exposures within acceptable parameters, while optimizing the return.

The Group is a significant user of power and is exposed to increases in power prices. It uses independent consultants to monitor price changes in electricity and seeks to negotiate fixed-price term agreements with the power supply companies, not more than for own use, where possible. The risk to the Group is mitigated by the contracted ability to recover power price increases through adjustments in the pricing for power services.

Capital management

The Group has a capital base comprising its equity, including reserves, Senior Notes, mortgage loans, finance leases and committed debt facilities. It monitors its solvency ratio, financial leverage, funds from operations and net debt with reference to multiples of its previous 12 months’ Adjusted EBITDA levels. The Company’s policy is to maintain a strong capital base and access to capital in order to sustain the future development of the business and maintain shareholders’, creditors’ and customers’ confidence.



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

The principal use of capital in the development of the business is through capital expansion projects for the deployment of further Equipped space in new and existing data centers. Major capital expansion projects are not initiated unless the Company has access to adequate capital resources to complete the project, and the projects are evaluated against target internal rates of return before approval. Capital expansion projects are continually monitored before and after completion.

There were no changes in the Group’s approach to capital management during the year.



Information by segment

Operating segments are to be identified on the basis of internal reports about components of the Group that are regularly reviewed by the chief operating decision maker in order to allocate resources to the segments and to assess their performance. The Board of Directors monitors the operating results of its business units separately for the purpose of making decisions about performance assessments.

There are two segments: the first, Big4 , comprises France, Germany, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom ; the second, Rest of Europe , comprises Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. Shared expenses, such as corporate management, general and administrative expenses, expenses relating to loans and borrowings, and income tax assets and liabilities, are stated in Corporate and other .

The evaluation of the performance of the operating segments is primarily based on the measures of revenue and Adjusted EBITDA. Other information, except as noted below, provided to the Board of Directors is measured in a manner consistent with that in the financial statements.

The geographic information analyzes the Group’s revenues and non-current assets by country of domicile and other individually material countries. In presenting the geographic information, both revenue and assets excluding deferred tax assets and financial instruments are based on geographic location.


     Revenues      Non-current assets excluding
deferred tax assets and financial
     (€’000)      (€’000)  
     2018      2017      2016      2018      2017      2016  


     100,391        86,180        68,816        349,312        261,558        223,917  


     138,016        106,069        84,449        442,681        374,893        281,935  

The Netherlands

     84,019        80,411        70,678        475,757        373,390        286,604  

United Kingdom

     47,882        45,977        45,831        103,893        87,955        81,156  

Other countries

     191,444        170,665        152,014        462,168        350,624        316,644  


     561,752        489,302        421,788        1,833,783        1,448,420        1,190,256  

Information by segment, 2018


     Big4     Rest of
    Subtotal     Corporate
and other

Recurring revenue

     352,692       180,391       533,083       —         533,083  

Non-recurring revenue

     17,616       11,053       28,669       —         28,669  

Total revenue

     370,308       191,444       561,752       —         561,752  

Cost of sales

     (141,312     (63,464     (204,776     (14,686     (219,462

Gross profit/(loss)

     228,996       127,980       356,976       (14,686     342,290  

Other income

     86       —         86       —         86  

Sales and marketing costs

     (10,562     (6,380     (16,942     (19,552     (36,494

General and administrative costs

     (100,660     (44,543     (145,203     (49,443     (194,646

Operating income

     117,860       77,057       194,917       (83,681     111,236  

Net finance expense


Profit before taxation


Total assets

     1,508,967       520,834       2,029,801       232,753       2,262,554  

Total liabilities

     311,140       111,762       422,902       1,206,232       1,629,134  

Capital expenditures, including intangible assets*

     (318,595     (113,775     (432,370     (18,809     (451,179

Depreciation and amortization

     84,943       33,964       118,907       10,047       128,954  

Adjusted EBITDA (1)

     203,796       113,653       317,449       (59,651     257,798  



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

Information by segment, 2017


     Big4     Rest of
    Subtotal     Corporate
and other

Recurring revenue

     302,346       160,170       462,516       —         462,516  

Non-recurring revenue

     16,291       10,495       26,786       —         26,786  

Total revenue

     318,637       170,665       489,302       —         489,302  

Cost of sales

     (119,931     (57,810     (177,741     (12,730     (190,471

Gross profit/(loss)

     198,706       112,855       311,561       (12,730     298,831  

Other income

     97       —         97       —         97  

Sales and marketing costs

     (9,780     (5,891     (15,671     (17,794     (33,465

General and administrative costs

     (87,903     (37,045     (124,948     (42,242     (167,190

Operating income

     101,120       69,919       171,039       (72,766     98,273  

Net finance expense


Profit before taxation


Total assets

     1,229,960       393,644       1,623,604       78,467       1,702,071  

Total liabilities (i)

     274,076       78,247       352,323       760,087       1,112,410  

Capital expenditures, including intangible assets*

     (174,818     (69,832     (244,650     (11,365     (256,015

Depreciation and amortization

     72,721       29,365       102,086       6,166       108,252  

Adjusted EBITDA (1)

     174,818       99,665       274,483       (53,522     220,961  

Information by segment, 2016


     Big4     Rest of
    Subtotal     Corporate
and other

Recurring revenue

     256,004       143,954       399,958       —         399,958  

Non-recurring revenue

     13,770       8,060       21,830       —         21,830  

Total revenue

     269,774       152,014       421,788       —         421,788  

Cost of sales

     (100,921     (51,769     (152,690     (9,878     (162,568

Gross profit/(loss)

     168,853       100,245       269,098       (9,878     259,220  

Other income

     333       —         333       —         333  

Sales and marketing costs

     (8,390     (5,209     (13,599     (16,342     (29,941

General and administrative costs

     (73,238     (32,632     (105,870     (32,687     (138,557

Operating income

     87,558       62,404       149,962       (58,907     91,055  

Net finance expense


Profit before taxation


Total assets

     990,406       363,444       1,353,850       128,815       1,482,665  

Total liabilities (i)

     208,871       74,355       283,226       657,953       941,179  

Capital expenditures, including intangible assets*

     (170,707     (69,650     (240,357     (10,521     (250,878

Depreciation and amortization

     60,128       25,371       85,499       4,336       89,835  

Adjusted EBITDA (1)

     148,191       88,195       236,386       (45,510     190,876  



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

Note:— * Capital expenditure, including intangible assets, represent payments to acquire property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, as recorded in the consolidated statement of cash flows as “Purchase of property, plant and equipment” and “Purchase of intangible assets” respectively.



Certain figures as of December 31, 2017 and 2016 have been corrected compared to those previously reported. For further information on these corrections, see Notes 2 and 28 of these 2018 consolidated financial statements.

Reconciliation to Adjusted EBITDA



     2018      2017      2016  

Net income

     31,118        39,067        38,336  

Income tax expense

     18,334        14,839        16,450  

Profit before taxation

     49,452        53,906        54,786  

Finance income

     (4,094      (1,411      (1,206

Finance expense

     65,878        45,778        37,475  

Operating income

     111,236        98,273        91,055  

Depreciation and amortization

     128,954        108,252        89,835  

Share-based payments

     12,704        9,929        7,890  

M&A transaction costs (2)

     3,235        4,604        2,429  

Re-assessment of indirect taxes (3)

     1,755        —          —    

Income from sub-leases on unused data center sites (4)

     (86      (97      (95

Increase/(decrease) in provision for site restoration (5)

     —          —          (238

Adjusted EBITDA (1)

     257,798        220,961        190,876  

France, Germany, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom


     2018      2017      2016  

Operating income

     117,860        101,120        87,558  

Depreciation and amortization

     84,943        72,721        60,128  

Share-based payments

     1,079        1,074        838  

Income from sub-leases on unused data center sites (4)

     (86      (97      (95

Increase/(decrease) in provision for site restoration (5)

     —          —          (238

Adjusted EBITDA (1)

     203,796        174,818        148,191  

Rest of Europe


     2018      2017      2016  

Operating income

     77,057        69,919        62,404  

Depreciation and amortization

     33,964        29,365        25,371  

Re-assessment of indirect taxes (3)

     1,755        —          —    

Share-based payments

     877        381        420  

Adjusted EBITDA (1)

     113,653        99,665        88,195  



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

Corporate and other


     2018      2017      2016  

Operating income

     (83,681      (72,766      (58,907

Depreciation and amortization

     10,047        6,166        4,336  

Share-based payments

     10,748        8,474        6,632  

M&A transaction costs (2)

     3,235        4,604        2,429  

Adjusted EBITDA (1)

     (59,651      (53,522      (45,510





“Adjusted EBITDA” is a non-IFRS financial measure within the meaning of the rules of the SEC. See “Non-IFRS Financial Measures” for more information on this measure, including why we believe that this supplemental measure is useful, and the limitations on the use of this supplemental measure.


“M&A transaction costs” are costs associated with the evaluation, diligence and conclusion or termination of merger or acquisition activity. These costs are included in “General and administrative costs”.


This re-assessment relates to years prior to 2018 and is therefore not representative of our current ongoing business.


“Income from sub-leases of unused data center sites” represents the income on sub-lease of portions of unused data center sites to third parties. This income is treated as “Other income”.


“Increase/(decrease) in provision for site restoration” represents income or expense related to the termination of data center sites. This item is treated as “Other income”.



Revenue from contracts with customers

Disaggregated revenue information

Revenue consists of colocation revenue derived from the rendering of data center services, which includes customer installation services and equipment sales.


     For the year ended December 31, 2018  
     Recurring revenues, mainly
from primary data center
services and recurring
hands and eyes services
     Non-recurring revenues, from
additional setup and
installations and hands and
eyes services on demand

Geographical region



     94,165        6,226        100,391  


     130,139        7,877        138,016  

The Netherlands

     82,467        1,552        84,019  

United Kingdom

     45,921        1,961        47,882  

Other countries

     180,391        11,053        191,444  

Total revenue from contracts with customers

     533,083        28,669        561,752  



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements
     For the year ended December 31, 2017  
     Recurring revenues, mainly
from primary data center
     Non-recurring revenues,
mainly from additional setup
and installations

Geographical region



     79,816        6,364        86,180  


     99,478        6,591        106,069  

The Netherlands

     78,712        1,699        80,411  

United Kingdom

     44,340        1,637        45,977  

Other countries

     160,170        10,495        170,665  

Total revenue from contracts with customers

     462,516        26,786        489,302  


     For the year ended December 31, 2016  
     Recurring revenues, mainly
from primary data center
     Non-recurring revenues,
mainly from additional
setup and installations

Geographical region



     65,333        3,483        68,816  


     78,439        6,010        84,449  

The Netherlands

     68,206        2,472        70,678  

United Kingdom

     44,025        1,806        45,831  

Other countries

     143,954        8,060        152,014  

Total revenue from contracts with customers

     399,957        21,831        421,788  

Considerations from contracts with customers which have been received or which are receivable at reporting date, have not been adjusted for any financing component, since the period between fulfilling performance obligations and receipt of the consideration is less than one year.

The Group did not incur significant incremental costs to obtain contracts with customers. There are no significant assets relating to costs to fulfil contracts with customers.

Contract balances

The following table provides information about receivables, contract assets and contracts liabilities from contracts with customers.


     December 31,
     January 1,

Trade receivables

     99,904        113,518  

Contract assets

     41,754        36,575  

Contract liabilities (current)

     (60,472      (73,262

Contract liabilities (non-current)

     (11,045      (7,557

The contract assets primarily relate to the Group’s rights to consideration for services provided but not billed at the reporting date. The contract assets are transferred to Trade receivables when the rights become unconditional, which is usually when the Group issues an invoice to the customer.



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

The contract liabilities primarily relate to the advance consideration received from customers for setup and installation work that is directly related to primary data center services and has been executed close to commencement date of the customer contracts. The amounts included in the current contract liability balance at the beginning of 2018, have been recognized as revenue during the year.



General and administrative costs

The general and administrative costs consist of the following components:


     2018      2017      2016  

Depreciation, amortization and impairments

     128,954        108,252        89,835  

Share-based payments

     12,704        9,929        7,890  

M&A transaction costs

     3,235        4,604        2,429  

Employee benefit expenses (excluding share-based payments)

     18,407        16,918        16,279  

Other general and administrative costs

     31,346        27,487        22,124  
     194,646      167,190      138,557  



Employee benefit expenses

The Group employed an average of 720 employees (full-time equivalents) during 2018 (2017: 638 and 2016: 574). Costs incurred in respect of these employees were:


     2018      2017      2016  

Salaries and bonuses

     57,689        50,580        44,556  

Social security charges

     9,424        8,147        7,113  

Contributions to defined contribution pension plans

     3,303        3,063        2,571  

Other personnel-related costs

     9,243        8,572        7,844  

Share-based payments

     12,704        9,929        7,890  
     92,363      80,291      69,974  

The following income statement line items include employee benefit expenses of:


     2018      2017      2016  

Costs of sales

     38,027        31,877        26,539  

Sales and marketing costs

     23,225        21,567        19,274  

General and administrative costs

     31,111        26,847        24,161  
     92,363      80,291      69,974  

The Group operates a defined contribution scheme for most of its employees. The contributions are made in accordance with the scheme and are expensed in the income statement as incurred.



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

Finance income and expense


     2018      2017      2016  

Bond premium and fees in income

     3,140        1,188        790  

Bank and other interest

     477        223        135  

Profit from sale of financial asset

     —          —          281  

Fair value adjustment of convertible loans

     469        —          —    

Net foreign currency exchange gain

     8        —          —    

Finance income

     4,094        1,411        1,206  

Interest expense on Senior (Secured) Notes, bank loans and other loans

     (49,262      (37,706      (33,095

Interest expense on finance leases

     (3,375      (3,667      (1,750

Bond premium and fees in expense

     (945      —          —    

Interest expense on provision for onerous lease contracts

     —          —          (16

Other financial expenses

     (12,296      (2,707      (1,765

Net foreign currency exchanges loss

     —          (1,698      (849

Finance expense

     (65,878      (45,778      (37,475

Net finance expense

     (61,784      (44,367      (36,269

In 2018, the “Interest expense on Senior (Secured) Notes, bank loans and other loans” increased principally as result of the impact of the refinancing completed in June 2018 and the bond tap completed in September 2018.

In 2018, “Other financial expenses” includes the impact of gains and losses recognized with respect to the redemption of the Senior Secured Notes due 2020 and the termination of three revolving credit facility agreements.

“Fair value adjustment of convertible loans” reflects the changes in the fair value of convertible loans given to Icolo Ltd., which are carried at FVTPL. Interest income relating to these convertible loans are included in “Bank and other interest”.

“Profit from sale of financial asset” reflects the profit realized in 2016 on the sale of the Group’s shares in iStreamPlanet Co.

“Interest expense on finance leases” in 2016 was impacted by a €1.4 million adjustment reducing the finance lease obligations.



Income taxes

Income tax expense


     2018      2017      2016  

Current taxes

     (17,990      (13,814      (11,421

Deferred taxes

     (344      (1,025      (5,029

Total income tax expense

     (18,334      (14,839      (16,450



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

Reconciliation of effective tax rate

A reconciliation between income taxes calculated at the Dutch statutory tax rate of 25% in 2018 (25% in 2017 and 2016) and the actual tax benefit/(expense) with an effective tax rate of 37.1% (27.5% in 2017 and 30.0% in 2016) is as follows:


     2018     2017     2016  
     (€’000)         %     (€’000)         %     (€’000)         %  

Net income

     31,118         39,067         38,336    

Income tax expense

     18,334         14,839         16,450    

Profit before taxation

     49,452         53,906         54,786    

Income tax using Company’s domestic tax rate

     (12,363     25.0 %     (13,477     25.0     (13,697     25.0

Effect of tax rates in foreign jurisdictions

     (24     0.0     (99     0.2     (844     1.5

Change in tax rate and legislation

     (2,768     5.6     554       (1.0 %)      367       (0.7 %) 

Non-deductible expenses

     (3,329     6.7     (2,496     4.6     (2,197     4.0

Recognition of previously unrecognized tax losses

     —         0.0     —         0.0     147       (0.3 )% 

Prior year adjustments included in current year tax

     657       (1.3 %)      201       (0.4 %)      (354     0.7


     (507     1.1     478       (0.9 %)      128       (0.2 %) 

Income tax expense

     (18,334     37.1     (14,839     27.5     (16,450     30.0

Recognized deferred tax assets/(liabilities)

The movement in recognized deferred tax assets/(liabilities) during the year is as follows:


plant and
     Other      Tax loss
     Total      Of
          €’000      €’000      €’000      €’000      €’000      €’000      €’000  

January 1, 2016 (i)

   Net deferred tax assets/(liabilities)      (6,790      484        2,855        18,356        14,905        23,024        (8,119
   Recognized in profit/(loss) for 2016      (856      (484      (618      (3,071      (5,029      
   Recognized in equity      —          —          —          1,835        1,835        
   Effects of movements in exchange rates      985        —          (228      (123      635        

December 31, 2016 (i)

   Net deferred tax assets/(liabilities)      (6,661      —          2,009        16,997        12,345        20,370        (8,025
   Recognized in profit/(loss) for 2017      (4,019      —          639        2,355        (1,025      
   Recognized in equity      —          —          (37      205        168        
   Acquisitions through business combinations      (7,790      —          70        915        (6,805      
   Effects of movements in exchange rates      174        —          (76      (89      9        

December 31, 2017 (i)

   Net deferred tax assets/(liabilities)      (18,296      —          2,605        20,383        4,692        24,470        (19,778
   Recognized in profit/(loss) for 2018      (3,707         489        2,875        (343      
   Recognized in equity            601           601        
   Acquisitions through business combinations      —          —          —          —          —          
   Effects of movements in exchange rates      80           (6      (92      (18      

December 31, 2018

   Net deferred tax assets/(liabilities)      (21,923      —          3,689        23,166        4,932        21,807        (16,875



Certain figures as of December 31, 2017 and 2016 have been corrected compared to those previously reported. For further information on these corrections, see Notes 2 and 28 of these 2018 consolidated financial statements.



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

The deferred tax assets and liabilities are presented as net amounts per tax jurisdiction as far as the amounts can be offset.

The estimated utilization of carried-forward tax losses in future years is based on management’s forecasts of future profitability by tax jurisdiction. In the years presented there were no unrecognized deferred tax assets.

The accumulated recognized and unrecognized tax losses expire as follows:


     2018      2017      2016  

Within one year

     —          —          —    

Between 1 and 5 years

     23,458        25,352        3,517  

After 5 years

     74,623        35,164        28,146  


     14,559        27,748        47,081  

Total recognized and unrecognized tax losses

     112,640        88,264        78,744  



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

Property, plant and equipment


land and
    Assets under
data center
and other



As at January 1, 2018

     227,715       1,534,440       116,437       1,878,592       55,065       1,933,657  


     45,598       99,406       343,254       488,258       13,035       501,293  

Exchange differences

     225       (790     (526     (1,091     67       (1,024


     —         (7,538     —         (7,538     (1,094     (8,632


     5,704       183,289       (189,507     (514     514       —    

As at December 31, 2018

     279,242       1,808,807       269,658       2,357,707       67,587       2,425,294  

Accumulated depreciation and impairment:


As at January 1, 2018

     (21,098     (537,035     —         (558,133     (33,053     (591,186


     (4,448     (108,252     —         (112,700     (8,030     (120,730

Exchange differences

     1       (275     —         (274     (59     (333


     —         7,227       —         7,227       792       8,019  

As at December 31, 2018

     (25,545     (638,335     —         (663,880     (40,350     (704,230

Carrying amount as of December 31, 2018

     253,697       1,170,472       269,658       1,693,827       27,237       1,721,064  



As at January 1, 2017

     176,421       1,315,971       111,803       1,604,195       46,761       1,650,956  


     28,712       83,216       160,004       271,932       8,765       280,697  

Acquisitions through business combinations

     5,440       11,272       —         16,712       109       16,821  

Exchange differences

     (1     (11,181     (1,020     (12,202     (510     (12,712


     —         (2,045     —         (2,045     (60     (2,105


     17,143       137,207       (154,350     —         —         —    

As at December 31, 2017

     227,715       1,534,440       116,437       1,878,592       55,065       1,933,657  

Accumulated depreciation and impairment:


As at January 1, 2017

     (16,237     (452,054     —         (468,291     (26,634     (494,925


     (4,861     (91,912     —         (96,773     (6,812     (103,585

Exchange differences

     —         5,050       —         5,050       333       5,383  


     —         1,881       —         1,881       60       1,941  

As at December 31, 2017

     (21,098     (537,035     —         (558,133     (33,053     (591,186

Carrying amount as of December 31, 2017

     206,617       997,405       116,437       1,320,459       22,012       1,342,471  



As at January 1, 2016

     174,935       1,127,883       77,664       1,380,482       38,219       1,418,701  


     —         64,369       184,603       248,972       9,274       258,246  

Exchange differences

     6       (17,010     (2,454     (19,458     (501     (19,959


     —         (5,801     —         (5,801     (231     (6,032


     1,480       146,530       (148,010     —         —         —    

As at December 31, 2016

     176,421       1,315,971       111,803       1,604,195       46,761       1,650,956  

Accumulated depreciation and impairment:


As at January 1, 2016

     (12,652     (385,095     —         (397,747     (21,882     (419,629


     (3,584     (78,680     —         (82,264     (5,302     (87,566

Exchange differences

     (1     5,920       —         5,919       319       6,238  


     —         5,801       —         5,801       231       6,032  

As at December 31, 2016

     (16,237     (452,054     —         (468,291     (26,634     (494,925

Carrying amount as of December 31, 2016

     160,184       863,917       111,803       1,135,904       20,127       1,156,031  



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Index to Financial Statements

In December 2018, the Group completed a transaction to purchase a parcel of land in Copenhagen, Denmark. As of December 31, 2018, the carrying value of the land amounted to €9.4 million.

In October 2018, the Group completed a transaction to purchase a parcel of land in Zurich, Switzerland. As of December 31, 2018, the carrying value of the land amounted to €17.5 million.

In June 2018, the Group completed a transaction to purchase a parcel of land in Madrid, Spain. As of December 31, 2018, the carrying value of the land amounted to €8.2 million.

In April 2018, the Group completed a transaction to purchase a parcel of land in Amsterdam, Netherlands. As of December 31, 2018, the carrying value of the land amounted to €6.3 million.

In December 2017, the Group completed a transaction to purchase approximately 22,000 sqm of land in close proximity to the AMS8 datacenter. As of December 31, 2018, the carrying value of the land amounted to €14.8 million.

In October 2017, the Group completed a transaction to purchase a parcel of land in Frankfurt, Germany. As of December 31, 2018, the carrying value of the land amounted to €10.7 million.

On September 29, 2015, the Group entered into a contract to lease the properties related to the AMS8 data center. The lease, which covers land and building, commenced during the third quarter of 2016. The land component has been treated as an operating lease, the building as a financial lease. As of December 31, 2018, the carrying value of the building amounted to €15.9 million.

In December 2012, the Group exercised its option to purchase the PAR7 data center land. The actual legal transaction will become effective in 2019. As a result of this modification, the lease is reported as a financial lease. Per December 31, 2018, the carrying amount of the land amounted to €20.9 million.

As at December 31, 2018, the carrying value of freehold land included in the category “Freehold land and buildings” amounted to €145.9 million (2017: €104.6 million; 2016: €76.9 million).

Depreciation of property, plant and equipment is disclosed as general and administrative cost in the consolidated statement of income.

At December 31, 2018, properties with a carrying value of €96.7 million (2017: €102.9 million; 2016: €90.2 million) were subject to a registered debenture to secure mortgages (see Note 19). At December 31, 2018, properties with a carrying value of €49.1 million (2017: €50.2 million and 2016: €51.3 million) were subject to a finance lease agreement (see Note 19).

Capitalized interest relating to borrowing costs for 2018 amounted to €4.9 million (2017: €3.1 million; 2016: €3.4 million). The cash effect of the interest capitalized for 2018 amounted to €6.2 million, which is presented in the Statement of Cash Flows under “Purchase of property, plant and equipment” (2017: €3.9 million; 2016: €2.2 million).



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Index to Financial Statements

Intangible assets and goodwill


     Power grid
    Software     Goodwill      Customer
    Other     Total  



As at January 1, 2018

     21,820       26,810       38,900        28,005       2,165       117,700  


     6,699       4,747       —          —         —         11,446  

Exchange differences

     (73     (9     —          —         —         (82


     —         (255     —          —         —         (255

As at December 31, 2018

     28,446       31,293       38,900        28,005       2,165       128,809  

Accumulated amortization and impairment:


As at January 1, 2018

     (3,005     (12,403     —          (1,167     (1,632     (18,207


     (932     (5,213     —          (1,417     (74     (7,636

Exchange differences

     —         10       —          —         —         10  


     —         255       —          —         —         255  

As at December 31, 2018

     (3,937     (17,351     —          (2,584     (1,706     (25,578

Carrying amount as of December 31, 2018

     24,509       13,942       38,900        25,421       459       103,231  



As at January 1, 2017

     18,582       21,519       —          —         2,165       42,266  


     3,466       5,326       —          —         —         8,792  

Acquisitions through business combinations

     —         —         38,900        28,005       —         66,905  

Exchange differences

     (228     (35     —          —         —         (263


     —         —         —          —         —         —    

As at December 31, 2017

     21,820       26,810       38,900        28,005       2,165       117,700  

Accumulated amortization and impairment:


As at January 1, 2017

     (2,232     (9,816     —          —         (1,524     (13,572


     (773     (2,619     —          (1,167     (108     (4,667

Exchange differences

     —         32       —          —         —         32  


     —         —         —          —         —         —    

As at December 31, 2017

     (3,005     (12,403     —          (1,167     (1,632     (18,207

Carrying amount as of December 31, 2017

     18,815       14,407       38,900        26,838       533       99,493  



As at January 1, 2016

     16,091       16,322       —          —         2,165       34,578  


     3,647       5,282       —          —         —         8,929  

Exchange differences

     (1,156     (85     —          —         —         (1,241


     —         —         —          —         —         —    

As at December 31, 2016

     18,582       21,519       —          —         2,165       42,266  

Accumulated amortization and impairment:


As at January 1, 2016

     (1,688     (8,285     —          —         (1,411     (11,384


     (544     (1,612     —          —         (113     (2,269

Exchange differences

     —         81       —          —         —         81  


     —         —         —          —         —         —    

As at December 31, 2016

     (2,232     (9,816     —          —         (1,524     (13,572

Carrying amount as of December 31, 2016

     16,350       11,703       —          —         641       28,694  



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

Amortization of intangible assets is disclosed as general and administrative cost in the consolidated income statement.

Impairment test on goodwill

The goodwill relates to the acquisition of Interxion Science Park in February 2017. This business has been integrated in the Dutch operating company and is as such considered part of the Dutch cash generating unit (“CGU”). As such, the annual impairment test on acquisition goodwill is carried out on this CGU in October of each year.

The recoverable amount of the Dutch CGU was based on value in use, estimated using discounted cash flows.

The key assumptions used in the estimation of the recoverable amount are set out below. The values assigned to the key assumptions represent management’s assessment of future trends in the relevant industries and have been based on historical data from both external and internal sources.


Percentages    2018     2017     2016  

Discount rate (pre-tax)

     8.4     8.2     n/a  

Terminal value growth rate

     0.9     1.1     n/a  

Budgeted Adjusted EBITDA growth rate throughout the forecast

     0.0     0.0     n/a  

The cash flow projections included specific estimates for 2019 and a terminal growth rate thereafter. The terminal growth rate was determined based on management’s estimate.

The budgeted Adjusted EBITDA for 2019 and in steady state was based on expectations of future outcomes taking into account past experience.

Customer portfolio

The customer portfolio was identified as a separate asset after the acquisition of InterXion Science Park B.V. in 2017. It has been initially recognized at fair value and is being amortized in 20 years.



Other investments

The other investments represent a convertible loan with a principal amount of USD 7.5 million provided by InterXion Participation 1 B.V. to Icolo, a company that is running a data center business in Kenya through its wholly-owned Kenyan subsidiary. Interxion has the option to convert the loan into equity on the maturity date or upon occurrence of an enforcement event. Upon implementation of IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments, the convertible loan is considered a single instrument, to be carried at fair value through profit and loss. Accordingly, since January 1, 2018, it has been accounted for as such.



Other non-current assets and Trade and other current assets


     2018      2017      2016  

Other non-current assets


Data-center-related prepaid expenses

     4,305        2,708        3,507  

Rental and other supplier deposits

     4,069        3,736        3,056  

Collateralized cash

     3,524        3,529        3,328  

Deferred setup cost

     2,413        2,806        1,502  

Deferred financing costs

     1,741        —          142  

Deferred rent related stamp duties

     791        895        379  
     16,843      13,674      11,914  



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements
     2018      2017      2016  

Trade and other current assets


Trade receivables – net (Note 20)

     99,904        113,518        91,451  

Accrued revenue

     41,754        36,575        34,560  

Prepaid expenses and other current assets

     27,061        16,745        15,992  

Taxes receivable

     24,029        12,415        5,416  

Collateralized cash

     12,865        533        402  
     205,613      179,786      147,821  

Accrued revenue relates to service-fee holidays provided in relation to our long-term customer contracts. As of December 31, 2018, €16.5 million of the accrued revenue balance will not be realized within 12 months.

Prepaid expenses and other current assets principally comprise accrued income, prepaid insurances, rental and other related operational data center and construction-related prepayments.

As at December 31, 2018, collateralized cash amounting to €16.4 million is held to support the issuance of bank guarantees on behalf of a number of subsidiary companies (2017: €4.1 million; 2016: €3.7 million).



Cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments

Cash and cash equivalents are at free disposal of the Company. Cash held as collateral is presented as other current and non-current assets.



Shareholders’ equity

Share capital and share premium


     Ordinary shares  
     2018      2017      2016  
     (In thousands of shares)  

On issue at January 1,

     71,415        70,603        69,919  

Issue/conversion of shares

     293        812        684  

On issue at December 31,

     71,708        71,415        70,603  

On January 28, 2011, the Company issued 16,250 thousand new shares (post reverse stock split) at the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol INXN. On completion of the offering, the Company did a reverse stock split 5:1, which resulted in nominal value of €0.10 per ordinary shares. The 34,808 thousand Preferred Shares were converted into ordinary shares and the Liquidation Price of €1.00 (post reverse stock split) per Preferred A Share was either paid out in cash or converted in ordinary shares (3.3 million ordinary shares). In 2018, a total of 0.3 million (2017: 0.8 million, 2016: 0.7 million) options were exercised and restricted and performance shares were vested.

At December 31, 2018, 2017 and 2016, the authorized share capital comprised 200,000,000 ordinary shares at par value of €0.10. All issued shares are fully paid.

Foreign currency translation reserve

The foreign currency translation reserve comprises of all foreign exchange differences arising from the translation of the financial statements of foreign operations as well as from the translation of intergroup balances with a permanent nature.



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

Earnings per share

Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders


     2018      2017      2016  

Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders

     31,118        39,067        38,336  

Basic earnings per share

The calculation of basic earnings per share at December 31, 2018, was based on the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders and a weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year ended December 31, 2018, of 71,562,000 (for the years; 2017: 71,089,000 and 2016: 70,349,000). Profit is attributable to ordinary shareholders on an equal basis.

Diluted earnings per share

The calculation of diluted earnings per share at December 31, 2018, was based on the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders and a weighted average number of ordinary shares and the impact of dilutive options, restricted shares and performance shares outstanding during the year ended December 31, 2018, of 72,056,000 (for the years; 2017: 71,521,000 and 2016: 71,213,000).

Weighted average number of ordinary shares


     2018      2017      2016  

Weighted average number of ordinary shares at December 31,

     71,562        71,089        70,349  

Dilution effect of share options, restricted and performance shares on issue

     494        432        864  

Weighted average number of ordinary shares (diluted) at December 31,

     72,056        71,521        71,213  



Trade payables and other liabilities


     2018      2017 (i)      2016 (i)  



Deferred revenue

     11,056        7,557        6,282  

Other non-current liabilities

     22,998        16,114        14,288  
     34,054      23,671      20,570  



Trade payables

     109,463        47,489        23,076  

Tax and social security

     7,989        9,357        6,528  

Customer deposits

     20,098        20,878        20,671  

Deferred revenue

     60,472        73,262        63,974  

Accrued expenses

     81,074        78,804        57,077  

Other current liabilities

     1,781        122        107  
     280,877      229,912      171,433  



Certain figures as of December 31, 2017 and 2016 have been corrected compared to those previously reported. For further information on these corrections, see Notes 2 and 28 of these 2018 consolidated financial statements.



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Index to Financial Statements

Trade payables include €87.9 million (2017: €28.8 million; 2016: €10.6 million) accounts payable in respect of purchases of property, plant and equipment.

Accrued expenses include the following items:


     2018      2017 (i)      2016 (i)  

Data-center-related costs

     51,912        36,838        18,785  

Personnel and related costs

     14,746        13,273        12,261  

Professional services

     3,207        2,486        1,871  

Customer implementation and related costs

     4,484        4,492        3,081  

Financing-related costs

     2,780        17,909        17,498  


     3,945        3,806        3,581  
     81,074        78,804        57,077  



Certain figures as of December 31, 2017 and 2016 have been corrected compared to those previously reported. For further information on these corrections, see Notes 2 and 28 of these 2018 consolidated financial statements.





     2018      2017      2016  



Senior Notes

     1,188,387        —          —    

Senior Secured Notes 6.0%, due 2020

     —          628,141        629,327  


     47,124        45,386        43,508  

Finance lease liabilities

     31,302        50,525        51,140  
     1,266,813        724,052        723,975  




     4,258        8,254        10,904  

Finance lease liabilities

     19,072        602        578  

2017 Senior Secured Revolving Facility

     —          99,904        —    
     23,330        108,760        11,482  

Total borrowings

     1,290,143        832,812        735,457  

The carrying amounts of the Group’s borrowings are principally denominated in euros. The face value of the Senior Notes as of December 31, 2018 was €1,200.0 million. The face value of the Senior Secured Notes as of December 31, 2017 was €625.0 million (2016: €625.0 million).

The face value of the mortgages amounted to €52.0 million as of December 31, 2018 (2017: €54.3 million and 2016: €55.2 million).



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

Senior Notes and bank borrowings


On January 18, 2013, the Group completed a €10.0 million financing agreement, consisting of two loans that are secured by mortgages on the PAR3 land owned by Interxion Real Estate II Sarl and the PAR5 land owned by Interxion Real Estate III Sarl and a pledge on the rights under the intergroup lease agreements between Interxion Real Estate II Sarl and Interxion Real Estate III Sarl, as lessors, and Interxion France SAS, as lessee, and are guaranteed by Interxion France SAS. The principal amounts of the mortgage loans are required to be repaid in quarterly installments collectively amounting to €167,000 of which the first quarterly installment was paid on April 18, 2013. The mortgage loans have a maturity of 15 years and a variable interest rate based on EURIBOR plus an individual margin ranging from 240 to 280 basis points. The financing agreement requires the interest rate to be fixed for a minimum of 40% of the principal outstanding amount for a minimum of six years. In April 2013, the interest rate was fixed for approximately 75% of the principal outstanding amount for a period of ten years. The financing agreement does not include any financial covenants.

On April 1, 2014, the Group completed a €9.2 million financing agreement, consisting of a loan that is secured by a mortgage on the data center property in Belgium owned by Interxion Real Estate IX N.V. and a pledge on the rights under the intergroup lease agreement between InterXion Real Estate IX N.V., as lessor, and InterXion Belgium N.V., as lessee, and is guaranteed by Interxion Real Estate Holding B.V. The principal amount of the mortgage loan is required to be repaid in quarterly installments of €153,330 of which the first quarterly installment was paid on July 31, 2014. The mortgage loan has a maturity of 15 years and a variable interest rate based on EURIBOR plus 200 basis points. The financing agreement does not include any financial covenants.

On October 13, 2015, the Group completed a €15.0 million financing agreement, consisting of a loan that is secured by a mortgage on certain data center property (FRA8 and FRA10) in Germany owned by Interxion Real Estate I B.V. and a pledge on the rights under the intergroup lease agreement between InterXion Real Estate I B.V., as lessor, and Interxion Deutschland GmbH, as lessee. The principal amount of the mortgage loan is required to be repaid in four annual installments of €1.0 million of which the first annual installment was paid on September 30, 2016, and a final installment of €11.0 million which is due on September 30, 2020. The mortgage loan has a maturity of five years and has a variable interest rate based on EURIBOR plus 225 basis points. The financing agreement includes a minimum required debt service capacity ratio of 1.20 to 1.00, based on the operations of Interxion Real Estate I B.V.

On April 8, 2016, the Group completed a €14.6 million financing agreement, consisting of a loan that is secured by a mortgage on certain data center property in Austria owned by Interxion Real Estate VII GmbH and a pledge on the rights under the intergroup lease agreement between InterXion Real Estate VII GmbH, as lessor, and Interxion Österreich GmbH, as lessee. The principal amount of the mortgage loan is required to be repaid in 177 monthly installments, increasing from €76,000 to €91,750. The mortgage loan has a maturity of fourteen years and nine months and has a variable interest rate based on EURIBOR plus 195 basis points. The financing agreement includes a minimum required debt service capacity ratio of 1.20 to 1.00, based on the operations of Interxion Real Estate VII GmbH.

On December 1, 2017, the Group renewed a €10.0 million financing agreement, entered into in 2012, consisting of a loan that is secured by a mortgage on certain data center property in The Netherlands owned by Interxion Real Estate IV B.V. The principal amount of the mortgage loan is required to be repaid in four annual instalments of €667,000 commencing in December 2018 and a final installment of €7,332,000 which is due on December 31, 2022. The mortgage loan has a variable interest rate based on EURIBOR (subject to a zero percent EURIBOR floor) plus 225 basis points. The financing agreement includes a minimum required debt service capacity ratio of 1.20 to 1.00, based on the operations of Interxion Real Estate IV B.V.

On July 12, 2018, the Group completed a €6.0 million financing agreement, consisting of a loan that is secured by mortgage on certain data center property in The Netherlands owned by Interxion Real Estate V B.V. and a pledge on rights under the intergroup lease agreement between Interxion Real Estate V B.V., as lessor, and Interxion Nederland B.V., as lessee. The principal amount of the mortgage loan is required to be repaid in four annual instalments of €400,000 commencing July 12, 2019 and a final installment of €4,400,000 which is due on July 1, 2023. The mortgage loan has a variable interest rate based on EURIBOR plus 225 basis points. The financing agreement includes a minimum required debt service capacity ratio of 1.20 to 1.00, based on the operations of Interxion Real Estate V B.V.

These mortgages do not conflict with the restrictions of the Indenture and the Revolving Facility.

Senior Notes

On June 18, 2018, the Company issued an aggregate principal amount of €1,000 million 4.75% Senior Notes due 2025 (the “Senior Notes”). The net proceeds of the offering were used to redeem the entire amounts relating to the €625 million Senior Secured Notes due 2020, to repay amounts drawn under revolving credit facilities, to pay all related fees, expenses and premiums and for other general corporate purposes.



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

The Senior Notes are governed by an indenture dated June 18, 2018, between the Company, as issuer, the guarantors named therein, The Bank of New York Mellon, London Branch, as trustee and paying agent and The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV, Luxembourg Branch as transfer agent and registrar (the “Indenture”). The Indenture contains customary restrictive covenants, including but not limited to limitations or restrictions on our ability to incur debt, grant liens, and sell assets. The restrictive covenants are subject to customary exceptions including, in relation to the incurrence of certain additional debt, a consolidated fixed charge coverage ratio (calculated as a ratio of Adjusted EBITDA to consolidated interest expense) of at least 2.00 to 1.00 on a pro forma basis for the four full fiscal quarters (taken as one period) for which financial statements are available immediately preceding the incurrence of such debt.

The Senior Notes are guaranteed by certain of the Company’s subsidiaries.

On September 20, 2018, the Company issued a further €200.0 million aggregate principal amount of its Senior Notes (the “Additional Notes”). The net proceeds of the offering amounted to €203.8 million, net of offering fees and expenses of €2.2 million. The net proceeds contained the nominal value of the Additional Notes, plus an issuance premium of 103.00%. The Additional Notes, which are guaranteed by certain subsidiaries of the Company, were issued under the Indenture pursuant to which, on June 18, 2018, the Company issued the Senior Notes.

The Company may redeem all or part of the Senior Notes. The Company has the following redemption rights:

Optional redemption prior to June 15, 2021 upon an equity offering

At any time and from time to time prior to June 15, 2021, upon not less than 10 and not more than 60 days’ notice, we may on any or more occasions redeem up to 40% of the original aggregate principal amount of the Senior Notes (including any additional notes), with funds in an aggregate amount not exceeding the net cash proceeds received from one or more equity offerings at a redemption price equal to 104.75% of the principle amount of any such Senior Notes, plus accrued and unpaid interest and additional amounts, if any, on the Senior Notes redeemed to but excluding the redemption date, provided that:



the redemption takes place not later than 180 days after the closing of the related equity offering; and



at least 50% of the original aggregate principal amount of the Senior Notes (including any additional notes) issued under the Indenture remains outstanding immediately thereafter.

Optional redemption prior to June 15, 2021

At any time prior to June 15, 2021, upon not less than 10 and not more than 60 days’ notice, we may on any one or more occasions redeem the Senior Notes, in whole or in part, at our option, at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount thereof plus the applicable premium (as defined in the Indenture)as of, and accrued and unpaid interest and additional amounts, if any, on the Senior Notes redeemed to, but excluding, the redemption date.

Optional redemption on or after June 15, 2021

At any time and from time to time on or after June 15, 2021, upon not less than 10 and not more than 60 days’ notice, we may on any one or more occasions redeem the Senior Notes in whole or in part, at a redemption price equal to the percentage of principal amount set forth below plus accrued and unpaid interest, if any, on the Senior Notes redeemed, to, but excluding, the applicable redemption date and additional amounts, if any, if redeemed during the twelve-month period beginning on June 15 of the year indicated below:



   Redemption Price  





2023, and thereafter




Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

Change of Control

The Senior Notes and the Indenture also contain a change of control provision, which requires the Company to make an offer to purchase the Senior Notes at a price equal to 101% of the principal amount thereof, plus accrued and unpaid interest and Additional Amounts, if any, to the date of purchase, upon the occurrence of certain events constituting a change of control (as defined in the Indenture) and a ratings event (as defined in the Indenture).

Revolving Facility Agreement

On June 18, 2018, the Company entered into the €200.0 million 2018 revolving facility agreement (the “Revolving Facility Agreement”) between, among others, the Company, the arrangers named therein and ABN AMRO Bank N.V. as agent (for the purpose of this section, the “Agent”), pursuant to which the Revolving Facility has been made available to the Company.

As at December 31, 2018, the Revolving Facility was undrawn. In the first quarter of 2019, this facility was increased by €100.0 million for a total commitment of €300.0 million.

Covenants regarding Revolving Facility Agreement

The Revolving Facility Agreement requires us to maintain a specified financial ratio. The restrictive covenants are subject to customary exceptions including, in relation to the incurrence of certain additional debt, a consolidated fixed charge coverage ratio (calculated as a ratio of Adjusted EBITDA to consolidated interest expense) of at least 2.00 to 1.00 on a pro forma basis for the four full fiscal quarters (taken as one period) for which financial statements are available immediately preceding the incurrence of such debt. The Revolving Facility Agreement also includes a net leverage ratio financial covenant (tested on a quarterly basis provided that the Test Condition applies), which requires total net debt (calculated as a ratio to pro forma Adjusted EBITDA) not to exceed 5.00 to 1.00. In addition, the Revolving Facility Agreement permits us to elect, on a one-time basis and subject to certain conditions, to adjust the financial covenant to 5.50 to 1.00 for two consecutive quarter periods (including the quarter in which such election is made).

The breach of any of these covenants by the Company or the failure by the Company to maintain its net leverage ratio could result in a default under the Revolving Facility Agreement. As of December 31, 2018, the Company’s consolidated fixed charge coverage ratio was 4.01 to 1.00 and the leverage ratio was stood at 4.39 to 1.00.

The Company has remained in full compliance with all its covenants. In addition, the Company does not anticipate, in the next twelve months, any breach or failure that would negatively impact its ability to borrow funds under the Revolving Facility Agreement.

Change of control or sale of assets

If, there is a sale of all or substantially all the assets of the Group whether in a single transaction or a series of related transactions, or a change of control that any beneficial owner gains control of the Company, then a lender under the Revolving Facility Agreement shall not be obliged to fund a loan to the Company.

In addition, if within 15 business days of the Company notifying the Agent of a change of control or sale of assets as described above, a lender wishes to cancel its commitment under the Revolving Facility Agreement as a result of that event, such lender’s commitments will be immediately cancelled and its participation in all outstanding loans shall, together with the accrued and unpaid interest and all other amounts accrued and outstanding under the agreement, become due and payable within five business days of the date on which the relevant lender notifies the applicable agent thereunder.



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

Reconciliation to cash flow statement

The reconciliation of movements of liabilities to cash flows arising from financing activities is set out below:


     Note      6.00%
due 2020
due 2025
    Mortgages     Finance

Balance as of January 1, 2018

        628,141       —         53,640       51,127       99,904       7,141        539,448        4,180       (169     39,061        1,422,473  

Changes from financing cash flows


Proceeds from exercised options

        —         —         —         —         —         29        1,707        —         —         —          1,736  

Proceeds from mortgages

        —         —         5,969       —         —         —          —          —         —         —          5,969  

Repayment of mortgages

        —         —         (8,335     —         —         —          —          —         —         —          (8,335

Proceeds from revolving facilities

        —         —         —         —         148,814       —          —          —         —         —          148,814  

Repayments of revolving facilities

        —         —         —         —         (250,724     —          —          —         —         —          (250,724

Proceeds from 4.75% Senior Notes

        —         1,194,800       —         —         —         —          —          —         —         —          1,194,800  

Finance lease obligation

        —         —         —         (1,170     —         —          —          —         —         —          (1,170

Repayment 6.00% Senior Secured Notes

        (634,375     —         —         —         —         —          —          —         —         —          (634,375

Interest received at issuance of additional notes

        —         2,428       —         —         —         —          —          —         —         —          2,428  

Transaction costs Senior Notes

        —         (7,122     —         —         —         —          —          —         —         —          (7,122

Transaction costs Revolving Facility

        —         —         —         —         (2,542     —          —          —         —         —          (2,542

Total changes from financing cash flows

        (634,375     1,190,106       (2,366     (1,170     (104,452     29        1,707        —         —         —          449,479  

Other changes




Capitalized borrowing costs/bond premiums

        (3,141     709       108       —         4,548       —          —          —         —         —          2,224  

Redemption fee repayment 6.00% Senior Secured Notes

        9,375                            9,375  

Interest expense

        —         —         —         417       —         —          —          —         —         —          417  

Interest paid

        —         (2,428     —         —         —         —          —          —         —         —          (2,428

Total liability-related

        6,234       (1,719     108       417       4,548       —          —          —         —         —          9,588  

Total equity-related other changes

        —         —         —         —         —         —          12,270        (639     4       30,388        42,023  

Balance as of December 31, 2018

        —         1,188,387       51,382       50,374       —         7,170        553,425        3,541       (165     69,449        1,923,563  



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements
     Note      Senior
    Mortgages     Finance
reserve (i)
(deficit) (i)

Balance as of January 1, 2017

        629,327       54,412       51,718       —         7,060        523,671        11,004       (243     (6     1,276,943  

Changes from financing cash flows


Proceeds from exercised options

        —         —         —         —         55        6,914        —         —         —         6,969  

Proceeds from mortgages

        —         9,950       —         —         —          —          —         —         —         9,950  

Repayment of mortgages

        —         (10,848     —         —         —          —          —         —         —         (10,848

Proceeds from revolving facilities

        —         —         —         129,521       —          —          —         —         —         129,521  

Repayments of revolving facilities

        —         —         —         (30,000     —          —          —         —         —         (30,000

Finance lease obligation

        —         —         (995     —         —          —          —         —         —         (995

Total changes from financing cash flows

        —         (898     (995     99,521       55        6,914        —         —         —         104,597  

Other changes




Capitalized borrowing costs/bond premiums

        (1,186     126       —         383       —          —          —         —         —         (677

Interest expense

        —         —         404       —         —          —          —         —         —         404  

Interest paid

        —         —         —         —         —          —          —         —         —         —    

Total liability-related

        (1,186     126       404       383       —          —          —         —         —         (273

Total equity-related other changes

        —         —         —         —         26        8,863        (6,824     74       39,067       41,206  

Balance as of December 31, 2017

        628,141       53,640       51,127       99,904       7,141        539,448        4,180       (169     39,061       1,422,473  



Certain figures as of January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2017 have been corrected compared to those previously reported. For further information on these corrections, see Notes 2 and 28 of these 2018 consolidated financial statements.

Maturity profile

The maturity profile of the gross amounts of Senior Notes, Senior Secured Notes, the 2017 Senior Secured Revolving Facility and Mortgages are set out below:


     2018      2017      2016  

Within one year

     —          104,400        7,332  

Between 1 and 5 years

     27,333        648,000        643,800  

Over 5 years

     1,224,648        26,916        29,107  
     1,251,981      779,316      680,239  



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

The Group has the following undrawn bank borrowing facilities:


     2018      2017      2016  

Expiring within one year

     —          100,000        —    

Expiring between 1 and 5 years

     200,000      —          100,000  
     200,000      100,000        100,000  


The Revolving Facility Agreement contains various covenants that restrict, among other things and subject to certain exceptions, the ability of the Company and its subsidiaries to:



create certain liens;



incur debt and/or guarantees;



sell certain kinds of assets;



designate unrestricted subsidiaries; and



effect mergers, consolidate or sell assets.

Our Revolving Facility Agreement also requires us to maintain a specified financial ratio. The restrictive covenants are subject to customary exceptions including, in relation to the incurrence of certain debt, a consolidated fixed charge coverage ratio (calculated as a ratio of Adjusted EBITDA to consolidated interest expense) of at least 2.00 to 1.00 on a pro forma basis for the four full fiscal quarters (taken as one period) for which financial statements are available immediately preceding the incurrence.

The Revolving Facility Agreement also includes a net leverage ratio financial covenant (tested on a quarterly basis provided that the Test Condition applies), which requires total net debt (calculated as a ratio to pro forma Adjusted EBITDA) not to exceed a leverage ratio of 5.00 to 1.00. In addition, the Revolving Facility Agreement permits us to elect, on a one-time basis and subject to certain conditions, to adjust the financial covenant to 5.50 to 1.00 for up to two consecutive quarter periods (including the quarter such election is made). In addition, the Company must ensure, under the Revolving Facility Agreement, that the guarantors represent a certain percentage of Adjusted EBITDA of the Group as a whole and a certain percentage of the consolidated net assets of the Group. Our ability to meet these covenants may be affected by events beyond our control and, as a result, we cannot assure you that we will be able to meet the covenants. In the event of a continuing default under our Revolving Facility Agreement, the lenders could terminate their commitments and declare all amounts owed to them to be due and payable. Borrowings under other debt instruments that contain cross acceleration or cross default provisions, including the Senior Notes, may as a result also be accelerated and become due and payable. The breach of any of these covenants by the Company or the failure by the Company to maintain its leverage ratio could result in a default under the Revolving Facility Agreement.

The Indenture contains covenants for the benefit of the holders of the Notes that restrict, among other things and subject to certain exceptions, the ability of the Company and its subsidiaries to:



incur debt;



create or incur certain liens;



sell certain kinds of assets;



designate unrestricted subsidiaries;



effect mergers, consolidations or sale of assets; and



guarantee certain debt.



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

The restrictive covenants are subject to customary exceptions including, in relation to the incurrence of certain additional debt, a consolidated fixed charge coverage ratio (calculated as a ratio of Adjusted EBITDA to consolidated interest expense) of at least 2.00 to 1.00 on a pro forma basis for the four full fiscal quarters (taken as one period) for which financial statements are available immediately preceding the incurrence of such debt. The breach of any of these covenants by the Company could result in a default under the Indenture. The Company remained in full compliance with all its covenants. As of December 31, 2018, the Company’s consolidated fixed charge ratio was 4.11 to 1.00 (2017: 4.92 to 1.00; 2016: 4.51 to 1.00).

Financial lease liabilities

Financial lease liabilities relate to the acquisition of property, plant and equipment with the following payment schedule:


     2018      2017      2016  

Gross lease liabilities:


Within one year

     21,686        4,389        4,346  

Between 1 and 5 years

     26,719        29,625        31,904  

More than 5 years

     17,680        36,478        39,144  
     66,085      70,492      75,394  



Within one year

     3,034        3,693        3,898  

Between 1 and 5 years

     8,595        10,218        11,897  

More than 5 years

     4,082        5,454        7,881  
     15,711      19,365      23,676  

Present value of minimum lease payments


Within one year

     18,652        696        448  

Between 1 and 5 years

     18,124        19,407        20,007  

More than 5 years

     13,598        31,024        31,263  
     50,374      51,127      51,718  

In September 2015, the Group entered into a contract to lease the properties related to the AMS8 data center. The lease, which covers land and building, commenced during the third quarter of 2016. The land component has been treated as an operating lease, the building as a finance lease. As of December 31, 2018, the carrying value of the building amounted to €15.9 million.

In August 2014, the Group exercised its option to purchase the AMS7 data center land and building. The actual legal transaction will become effective in 2023. As a result of this modification, in accordance with IAS17, as of 22 August 2014, the lease, which was previously reported as an operating lease is reported as a financial lease. The carrying amount of the land amounts to €5.8 million, the carrying value of the building amounted to €6.5 million. The actual legal transfer of ownership will become effective in 2023.

In December 2012, the Group exercised its option to purchase the PAR7 data center land. The actual legal transaction will come into effect in 2019. As a result of this modification, in accordance with IAS17, as of December 20, 2012, the lease, which was previously reported as an operating lease is treated as a financial lease. The carrying amount of the land amounts to €20.9 million.



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

Financial instruments

Credit risk

Exposure to credit risk

The carrying amount of financial assets represents the maximum credit exposure. The total balance exposed to credit risk at the reporting date was:


     2018      2017      2016  

Trade receivables

     99,904        113,518        91,451  

Accrued revenue

     41,754        36,575        34,560  

Collateralized cash

     16,389        4,053        3,729  

Rental and other supplier deposits

     4,069        3,736        3,056  

Other investments

     7,906        3,693        1,942  

Cash and cash equivalents

     186,090        38,484        115,893  
     356,112        200,059        250,631  

The Group assessed its risks relating to cash and cash equivalents. Based on the outcome of this assessment, the group elected its main relationship bank to hold the majority of its cash and cash equivalents. Term risk is limited to deposits of no more than two weeks. The Group monitors its cash position, including counterparty and term risk, daily.

The Group seeks to minimize the credit risk related to customers by analyzing new customers individually for creditworthiness before it begins to trade. If customers are independently rated, these ratings are used. If there is no independent rating, the credit quality of the customer is analyzed taking its financial position, past experience and other factors into account.

The Group’s largest financial asset balance exposed to credit risk is with a financial institution, one of the Company’s relationships banks, which accounts for approximately 48% of the €356.1 million total balance exposed to credit risk as of December 31, 2018.

The Group’s largest customer balance exposed to credit risk is with a customer, serviced from multiple locations under multiple service contracts, which accounts for approximately 11% of the total balance exposed to credit risk as of December 31, 2018.

The maximum credit exposure on the trade receivables is reduced by the deferred revenue balance of €71.5 million, as presented in Note 18 (2017: €80.8 million and 2016: €70.3 million).

The exposure to credit risk for trade receivables at the reporting date by geographic region was:


     2018      2017      2016  

UK, France, Germany and The Netherlands

     76,213        88,634        71,099  

Rest of Europe

     22,840        23,995        19,807  


     851        889        545  
     99,904        113,518        91,451  

The Company uses an allowance matrix to measure the Expected Credit Losses of trade receivables from individual customers, which comprise a very large number of small balances. The aging and the allowance per aging category of trade receivables as of the reporting date was:


     2018      2017      2016  
     Gross      Allowance      Gross      Allowance      Gross      Allowance  

Not past due

     71,139        —          88,530        —          69,771        —    

Past due 0–30 days

     12,312        —          9,448        —          12,027        —    

Past due 31–120 days

     10,830        36        13,111        39        7,329        8  

Past due 121 days–1 year

     4,739        317        2,295        223        2,358        234  

More than 1 year

     1,628        391        725        329        324        116  
     100,648        744        114,109        591        91,809        358  



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

The movement in the loss allowance for expected credit losses in respect of trade receivables during the year was as follows:


     2018      2017      2016  

Balance as of January 1,

     591        358        192  

Expected credit losses recognized

     174        316        285  


     (21      (83      (119

Balance as of December 31,

     744        591        358  

Liquidity risk

The following are the contractual maturities of financial liabilities, including interest payments and excluding the impact of netting agreements.

December 31, 2018


cash flows
     Less than
1 year
1 - 5 years
     More than
5 years

Financial liabilities


Senior Notes

     1,188,387        1,542,000        57,000        228,000        1,257,000  

Finance lease liabilities

     50,374        66,094        21,695        26,720        17,679  


     51,382        56,739        5,372        36,872        14,495  

Trade and other payables (1)

     226,116        226,116        225,879        31        206  
     1,516,259        1,890,949        309,946        291,623        1,289,380  

December 31, 2017


cash flows
     Less than
1 year
1 - 5 years
     More than
5 years

Financial liabilities


Senior Secured Notes

     628,141        737,500        37,500        700,000        —    

Finance lease liabilities

     51,127        70,492        4,389        29,625        36,478  


     53,640        59,684        9,380        33,149        17,155  

2017 Senior Secured Revolving Facility

     100,000        100,000        100,000        —          —    

Trade and other payables (1) (i)

     145,446        145,446        145,259        26        161  
     978,354        1,113,122        296,528        762,800        53,794  



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

December 31, 2016


cash flows
     Less than
1 year
1 - 5 years
     More than
5 years

Financial liabilities


Senior Secured Notes

     629,327        775,000        37,500        737,500        —    

Finance lease liabilities

     51,718        75,394        4,346        31,904        39,144  


     54,412        60,792        12,137        28,980        19,675  

Trade and other payables (1) (i)

     95,836        95,836        95,657        26        153  
     831,293        1,007,022        149,640        798,410        58,972  





The carrying amount excludes accrued interest on Senior Notes, Senior Secured Notes and mortgages, deferred revenues and rental holidays.


Certain figures as of December 31, 2017 and 2016 have been corrected compared to those previously reported. For further information on these corrections, see Notes 2 and 28 of these 2018 consolidated financial statements.

Market risk

Exposure to currency risk

The following significant exchange rates applied during the year:


     Average rate      Report date
mid-spot rate
     2018      2017      2016      2018      2017      2016  




     1.131        1.141        1.220        1.115        1.126        1.167  


     0.864        0.897        0.918        0.888        0.855        0.931  


     0.134        0.134        0.134        0.134        0.134        0.135  


     0.098        0.104        0.106        0.098        0.102        0.104  

Sensitivity analysis

A 10% strengthening of the euro against the following currencies at December 31, would have increased (decreased) equity and profit or loss by approximately the amounts shown below. This analysis assumes that all other variables, in particular interest rates, remained constant and was performed on the same basis for 2017 and 2016.


     Equity (i)      Profit or

December 31, 2018



     (6,295      (1,656


     (5,131      (252


     (2,679      (164


     (1,319      (24

December 31, 2017



     (4,573      (1,712


     (4,755      (148


     (2,499      (246


     (1,348      (196

December 31, 2016



     (2,895      (127


     (4,990      (186


     (2,255      (211


     (1,179      38  



Certain figures as of December 31, 2017 and 2016 have been corrected compared to those previously reported. For further information on these corrections, see Notes 2 and 28 of these 2018 consolidated financial statements.



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Index to Financial Statements

A 10% weakening of the euro against the above currencies at December 31, would have had the equal, but opposite, effect to the amounts shown above, on the basis that all other variables remained constant.

Interest rate risk


At the reporting date, the interest rate profile of the Group’s interest-bearing financial instruments was:


     Carrying amount  
     2018      2017      2016  

Fixed-rate instruments


Senior Secured Notes

     —          628,141        629,327  

Senior Notes

     1,188,387        —          —    

Finance lease liabilities

     50,374        51,127        51,718  


     4,451        4,927        5,400  
     1,243,212      684,195      686,455  

Variable-rate instruments



     46,931        48,713        49,012  

2017 Senior Secured Revolving Facility

     —          99,904        —    
     46,931        148,617        49,012  
     1,290,143        832,812        735,457  

The mortgages on the PAR3 land, owned by Interxion Real Estate II Sarl, and the PAR5 land, owned by Interxion Real Estate III Sarl have variable interest rates based on EURIBOR plus an individual margin ranging from 240 to 280 basis points. The interest rates have been fixed for 75% of the principal outstanding amount for a period of ten years, which has been reflected in the table above.

Cash flow sensitivity analysis for fixed-rate instruments

Except for the convertible loan granted to Icolo Ltd., the Group does not account for any fixed-rate financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit and loss and does designate derivatives (interest rate swaps) as hedging instruments under a fair value hedge accounting model. A change in interest rates at the end of the reporting period would, therefore, not affect profit or loss.

Cash flow sensitivity analysis for variable rate instruments

A change of 100 basis points in interest rates payable during the reporting period would have increased (decreased) equity and profit or loss by the amounts shown below. This analysis assumes that all other variables, in particular foreign currency rates, remained constant.


     Profit or loss      Equity  
     100 bp
     100 bp
     100 bp
     100 bp

December 31, 2018


Variable rate instruments

     (1,692      1,692        (69      69  

December 31, 2017


Variable rate instruments

     (1,021      1,021        (76      76  

December 31, 2016


Variable rate instruments

     (478      478        (84      84  



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Index to Financial Statements

Fair values and hierarchy

Fair values versus carrying amounts

As at December 31, 2018, the market price of the Senior Notes was 102.641. Using this market price, the fair value of the Senior Notes would have been approximately €1,231.7 million, compared with their nominal value of €1,200.0 million. As of December 31, 2017, the market price of the 6.00% Senior Secured Notes due 2020 was 103.552 (2016: 105.045). Using this market price, the fair value of the Senior Secured Notes due 2020 would have been approximately €647.0 million (2016: €657.0 million), compared with their nominal value of €625.0 million (2016: €625.0 million).

The Group had a cash flow hedge in place to hedge the interest rate risk of part of two mortgages. This instrument is carried at fair value through profit and loss.

As at December 31, 2018, the fair value of all mortgages was equal to their carrying amount of €51.4 million. As of December 31, 2018, the fair value of the financial lease liabilities was €54.1 million compared with its carrying amount of €50.4 million.

Fair-value hierarchy

The Company regularly reviews significant unobservable inputs and valuation adjustments. If third-party information, such as broker quotes or pricing services, is used to measure fair values, then the Company assesses the evidence obtained from the third parties to support the conclusion that such valuations meet the requirements of IFRS, including the level in the fair value hierarchy in which such valuations should be classified. Significant valuation issues are reported to the Company’s Audit Committee.

When measuring the fair value of an asset or a liability, the Company uses observable market data as far as possible. Fair values are categorized into different levels in a fair-value hierarchy based on the inputs used in the valuation techniques as follows:


Level 1:   quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities;
Level 2:   inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (i.e. as prices) or indirectly (i.e. derived from prices);


  inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs).



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Index to Financial Statements

If the inputs used to measure the fair-value of an asset or a liability fall into different levels of the fair-value hierarchy, then the fair-value measurement is categorized in its entirety at the same level of the fair-value hierarchy as the lowest level input that is significant to the entire measurement. The Company recognizes transfers between levels of the fair-value hierarchy at the end of the reporting period during which the change has occurred. The values of the instruments are:


     Carrying value      Fair value  
            Level 1      Level 2      Level 3  

December 31, 2018


Senior Notes

     (1,188,387      (1,231,692      —          —    

Finance leases

     (50,374      —          (54,092      —    


     (51,382      —          (51,382      —    

Other investments

     7,906        —          —          7,906  

Interest rate swap

     (226      —          (226      —    

December 31, 2017


6.00% Senior Secured Notes due 2020

     (628,141      (647,000      —          —    

2017 Senior Secured Revolving Facility

     (99,904      —          (99,904      —    

Finance leases

     (51,127      —          (54,282      —    


     (53,640      —          (53,640      —    

Other investments

     3,693        —          3,693        —    

Interest rate swap

     (255      —          (255      —    

Conversion option

     0        —          —          0  

December 31, 2016


6.00% Senior Secured Notes due 2020

     (629,327      (657,000      —          —    

Finance leases

     (51,718      —          (55,625      —    


     (54,412      —          (54,412      —    

Other investments

     1,942        —          1,942        —    

Interest rate swap

     (367      —          (367      —    

Conversion option

     0        —          —          0  

The Level 3 financial assets represent convertible loans with a principal amount of USD 7.5 million (excluding accrued interest) provided by InterXion Participation 1 B.V. Interxion has the option to convert the loans into equity on the maturity date or upon occurrence of an enforcement event. Upon implementation of IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments , the convertible loans are considered instruments to be carried at FVTPL. Changes in the fair value of these loans are recognized in Net finance expense. Accordingly, since 1 January 2018, they have been presented in Level 3. There have been no further transfers between levels of hierarchy.

Fair values were obtained from quoted market prices in active markets or, where no active market exists, by using valuation techniques. Valuation techniques include discounted cash flow models using inputs as market interest rates and cash flows.

Capital management

The Board’s policy is to maintain a strong capital base to maintain investor, creditor and market confidence and to sustain future development of the business. The Board of Directors monitors the return on capital based on a ratio calculated as Total liabilities minus Cash and cash equivalents, divided by Shareholders’ equity:


     2018      2017 (i)      2016 (i)  

Total liabilities

     1,629,134        1,112,410        941,179  

Less: cash and cash equivalents

     (186,090      (38,484      (115,893
     1,443,044        1,073,926        825,286  



Shareholders’ equity

     633,420        589,661        541,486  

Ratio of Total liabilities minus Cash and cash equivalents, divided by Shareholders’ equity:

     2.28        1.82        1.52  



Certain figures as of December 31, 2017 and 2016 have been corrected compared to those previously reported. For further information on these corrections, see Notes 2 and 28 of these 2018 consolidated financial statements.



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Index to Financial Statements

Share-based payments

Summary of outstanding options at December 31, 2018

The terms and conditions of the grants (excluding restricted shares and performance share grants), under the 2011 and 2013 Option Plans with an USD exercise price, were as follows:


Grant date


Employees entitled

price in $
   Outstanding      Exercisable  
          (in thousands)  

Senior employees

   13.00      36        36  

Senior employees

   20.50      1        1  

Senior employees

   10.00-15.00      3        3  

Senior employees

   17.50      76        76  

Senior employees

   24.60-27.26      42        36  

Senior employees

   27.14-34.00      45        23  

Senior employees

   35.60-45.84      22        8  

Senior employees

   55.90      38        —    

Total share options

        263        183  

Share options granted from 2011 onwards, under the 2011 and 2013 Option Plans, generally vest over four years and can be exercised up to eight years after the grant date. Vesting typically is over a 4-year period with 25% vesting after one year after the grant date and 6.25% per quarter thereafter. Options are settled with common shares of Interxion stock. If the employee is terminated prior to the contractual term of the award, all unvested options are forfeited.

The number and weighted average exercise prices of outstanding share options under the 2011 and 2013 Option Plans, excluding the restricted shares and performance share grants, with U.S. dollar exercise prices are as follows:


     Weighted average exercise price in $      Number of options in thousands  
     2018      2017      2016      2018     2017     2016  

Outstanding at January 1,

     22.30        16.70        14.98        330       865       1,264  


     55.90        37.91        31.20        37       30       94  


     20.27        14.13        14.90        (100     (550     (479


     —          —          —          —         —         —    


     26.00        30.67        20.49        (4     (15     (14

Outstanding – December 31,

     27.80        22.30        16.70        263       330       865  

Exercisable – December 31,

     20.65        18.34        14.22        183       228       689  

The options outstanding at December 31, 2018 have a weighted average remaining contractual life of 4.3 years (2017: 4.4 years and 2016: 3.9 years).



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Index to Financial Statements

Restricted Share Awards to Non-executive Directors

On June 30, 2015, the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders approved to award restricted shares equivalent to a value of €40,000 under the terms and conditions of the Interxion Holding N.V. 2013 Amended International Equity Based Incentive Plan (the “Amended 2013 Plan”) to each of our Non-executive Directors (1,615 restricted shares each) for their services to be provided for the period between the 2015 Annual General Meeting and the 2016 Annual General Meeting. A total of 6,460 restricted shares were granted.

On June 24, 2016, the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders approved the award of restricted shares, equivalent to a value of €40,000 under the terms and conditions of the Amended 2013 Plan, to each of our Non-executive Directors (1,234 restricted shares each) for their services to be provided for the period between the 2016 Annual General Meeting and the 2017 Annual General Meeting. A total of 4,936 restricted shares were granted.

On June 30, 2017, the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders approved the award of restricted shares equivalent to a value of €40,000 under the terms and conditions of the Amended 2013 Plan to each of our Non-executive Directors (996 restricted shares each) for their services to be provided for the period between the 2017 Annual General Meeting and the 2018 Annual General Meeting. A total of 3,984 restricted shares were granted.

On June 29, 2018, the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders approved the award of restricted shares equivalent to a value of €40,000 under the terms and conditions of the Amended 2013 Plan to each of our Non-executive Directors (746 restricted shares each) for their services to be provided for the period between the 2018 Annual General Meeting and the 2019 Annual General Meeting. A total of 3,730 restricted shares were granted.

2015 Performance Share Awards

With regard to the performance period of 2015, the Board of Directors approved the conditional award of performance shares in March 2015 for certain members of key management and the Executive Director under the terms and conditions of the Company’s 2013 Amended International Equity Based Incentive Plan on the basis of the predetermined, on target equity value for 2015 and the Company’s average closing share price during the month of January 2015. The actual initial award of 149,600 performance shares, based on the level of the actual Company and individual performance from January 1, 2015, to December 31, 2015, was approved by the Board of Directors in February 2016.

With regard to the Executive Director, the first 50% (38,286 performance shares) of the initial award was approved at the 2016 Annual General Meeting. Of these 38,286 shares, 19,143 performance shares vested on approval but were locked up until December 31, 2016, and 19,143 performance shares vested on January 1, 2017.

With retroactive effect, all performance shares from the 2015 conditional performance share award to our Executive Director that were unvested at the time of the adoption of the 2017 Executive Director Long-Term Incentive Plan (the ‘2017 Plan”) on May 13, 2017, were deemed to have been awarded under the terms and conditions of the 2017 Plan. As a result, 50% of the original 2015 conditional performance share award, 34,320 shares, were subject to the terms of the 2017 Plan. In accordance with the rules of the plan, the shares were subject to the Company’s three-year TSR performance relative to the three-year TSR performance of the constituents of the S&P SmallCap 600 over the period January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2017.

Based on the Company’s actual three-year TSR performance (105%) relative to the three-year TSR performance of the constituents of S&P SmallCap 600 over the period January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2017, the Company ranked at the 85 th percentile of the S&P SmallCap 600. Based on this ranking and in accordance with the plan performance and the payout table, a final performance share award of 60,060 shares was earned and approved by the Board in April 2018. The final performance share award was approved at the Annual General Meeting on June 29, 2018 and vested in two equal instalments. The first instalment of 30,030 shares (50% of the final performance share award) vested on August 8, 2018, the second instalment of 30,030 shares (50% of the final performance share award) vested on March 11, 2019.

With regard to key members of management, the first 50% of the initial award (36,514 performance shares) was awarded after the 2016 Annual General Meeting. A number of 18,257 performance shares vested on award but were locked up until December 31, 2016 and 18,257 performance shares vested on January 1, 2017. The remaining 50% of the initial award (36,512 performance shares) was subject to the Company’s two-year TSR performance relative to the two-year performance of the S&P SmallCap 600 Index over the period January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2016.



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Index to Financial Statements

The Company’s actual two-year TSR performance relative to the two-year performance of the S&P SmallCap 600 Index over the period January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2016 was reviewed in March 2017. Based on the Company’s relative TSR performance the Compensation Committee approved a final performance share award of 33,292 performance shares. Of these performance shares, 6,004 were forfeited on January 31, 2018, 6,004 shares vested on May 4, 2018 and 10,642 vested on June 5, 2018. The remaining 10,642 shares vested on January 1, 2019.

Upon a change of control and (1) in the event the performance share plan or the individual award agreement is terminated, or (2) the management agreement or employment agreement between the participant and the company is terminated by the company other than for cause, or (3) the participant is offered a position which is a material demotion to the current position, all performance shares will vest immediately and any lock up provisions will expire.

2016 Performance Share Awards

With regard to the performance period of 2016, the Board of Directors approved the conditional award of performance shares in February 2016 for certain members of key management and the Executive Director under the terms and conditions of the Company’s 2013 Amended International Equity Based Incentive Plan on the basis of the predetermined on-target equity value for 2016 and the Company’s average closing share price during the month of January 2016.

With regard to the Executive Director, with retroactive effect, all 61,469 performance shares from the 2016 conditional performance share award were deemed to have been awarded under the terms and conditions of the 2017 Plan. In accordance with the rules of the 2017 Plan, these shares were subject to the Company’s three-year TSR performance relative to the three-year TSR performance of the constituents of the S&P SmallCap 600 over the period January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2018. The Company’s actual three-year TSR performance relative to the three-year TSR performance of the constituents of the S&P SmallCap 600 over the period January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2018 was reviewed in January 2019. Based on the Company’s actual three-year TSR performance (96%) relative to the three-year TSR performance of the constituents of S&P SmallCap 600 over the period January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2018, the Company ranked at the 82 nd percentile of the S&P SmallCap 600. Based on this ranking and in accordance with the plan performance and the payout table, a final performance share award of 107,571 shares was earned and approved by the Board in April 2019. The final performance share award will be subject to shareholder approval at the 2019 Annual General Meeting. Should it be approved, 50% of the performance shares will vest upon approval at the Annual General Meeting and 50% will vest on January 1, 2020.

With regard to key members of management, an initial award of 76,456 performance shares was approved by the Compensation Committee in February 2017, based on the level of actual company performance and individual performance from January 1, 2016, to December 31, 2016. The first 50% of the initial award (38,228 performance shares) was awarded after the 2017 Annual General Meeting. Of the 38,228 performance shares, 19,114 performance shares vested on award but were locked up until December 31, 2017, 5,612 shares vested on May 4, 2018 and 13,502 shares vested on June 5, 2018.

Of the remaining 38,228 performance shares, 27,004 shares were subject to relative TSR performance adjustment, as 11,224 of the 38,228 shares were forfeited on January 31, 2018. The 27,004 shares were subject to the Company’s two-year TSR performance relative to the two-year performance of S&P SmallCap 600 Index over the period January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2017. The Company’s actual two-year TSR performance relative to the performance of the S&P SmallCap 600 Index over the period January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2017 was reviewed in January 2018. Based on the Company’s relative TSR performance over the two-year performance period, a final performance share award of 40,507 shares (150% of 27,004 shares) was earned and approved by the Compensation Committee in April 2018. Of the final performance share award, 50% (20,255 shares) vested on January 1, 2019 and 50% (20,252 shares) will vest on January 1, 2020.

Upon a change of control and (1) in the event the performance share plan or the individual award agreement is terminated, or (2) the management agreement or employment agreement between the participant and the company is terminated by the company other than for cause, or (3) the participant is offered a position which is a material demotion to the current position, all performance shares will vest immediately and any lock up provisions will expire.

2017 Performance Share Awards

With regard to the performance period of 2017, the Board of Directors approved the conditional award of 108,213 performance shares in April 2017 for certain members of key management, under the terms and conditions of the Company’s 2013 Amended International Equity Based Incentive Plan, and for the Executive Director under the Company’s 2017 Executive Director Long-Term Incentive Plan, on the basis of the predetermined on-target equity value for 2017 and the Company’s average closing share price during the month of January 2017.



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Index to Financial Statements

With regard to the Executive Director, in accordance with the rules of the 2017 Plan, 100% of the conditional performance share award of 46,808 performance shares is subject to the Company’s three-year TSR performance relative to the three-year TSR performance of the constituents of the S&P SmallCap 600 over the period January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2019. The Company’s actual three-year TSR performance relative to the three-year TSR performance of the constituents of the S&P SmallCap 600 over the period January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2019 will be reviewed in early 2020. The final award will be subject to Board and then Shareholder approval at the 2020 Annual General Meeting. Should it be approved, 50% of the performance shares will vest upon approval at the Annual General Meeting and 50% will vest on January 1, 2021.

With regard to the 61,405 performance shares conditionally awarded to key members of management, 46,577 shares were subject to initial adjustment, based on company and individual performance over the performance year 2017, as 14,828 of the 61,405 performance shares were forfeited on January 31, 2018.

Based on the actual level of Company and individual performance from January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017 an initial award of 48,720 performance shares was earned and approved by the Compensation Committee in April 2018. The first 50% of the initial award (24,362 performance shares) was awarded after the 2018 Annual General Meeting. Of the 24,362 performance shares 12,181 shares vested on award but were locked up until December 31, 2018 and 12,181 performance shares vested on January 1, 2019.

The remaining 50% of the initial award (24,358 performance shares) was subject to the Company’s two-year TSR performance relative to the two-year performance of S&P SmallCap 600 Index over the period January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2018. The Company’s actual two-year TSR performance relative to the two-year performance of the S&P SmallCap 600 Index over the period January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2018 was reviewed in January 2019. A final award of 36,538 performance shares was approved by the Compensation Committee in March 2019. Of the final performance share award of 36,538 shares, 50% (18,270 shares) will vest on January 1, 2020. Due to resignation of one of the members of key management subsequent to reporting date, the number of shares that will vest on January 1, 2021, amounts to 15,028.

Upon a change of control and (1) in the event the performance share plan or the individual award agreement is terminated, or (2) the management agreement or employment agreement between the participant and the company is terminated by the company other than for cause, or (3) the participant is offered a position which is a material demotion to the current position, all performance shares will vest immediately and any lock up provisions will expire.

2018 Performance Share Awards

With regard to the performance period of 2018, on the basis of the predetermined on-target equity value for 2018 and the Company’s average closing share price during the month of January 2018, the Board of Directors approved the conditional award of 39,311 performance shares in March 2018 for certain members of key management under the terms and conditions of the Company’s 2013 Amended International Equity Based Incentive Plan, and a conditional award of 45,116 performance shares in June 2018 for the Executive Director under the Company’s 2017 Executive Director Long-Term Incentive Plan.

With regard to the Executive Director, in accordance with the rules of the 2017 Plan, 100% of the conditional performance share award of 45,116 performance shares is subject to the Company’s three-year TSR performance relative to the three-year TSR performance of the constituents of the S&P SmallCap 600 over the period January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2020. The Company’s actual three-year TSR performance relative to the three-year TSR performance of the constituents of the S&P SmallCap 600 over the period January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2020 will be reviewed in early 2021. The final award will be subject to Board and then Shareholder approval at the 2021 Annual General Meeting. Should it be approved, 50% of the performance shares will vest upon approval at the Annual General Meeting and 50% will vest on January 1, 2022.

The 39,311 performance shares conditionally awarded to key members of management are subject to initial adjustment based on company and individual performance over the performance year 2018.

Based on the actual level of Company and individual performance from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018 an initial award of 42,955 performance shares has been earned and was approved by the Compensation Committee in March 2019. The first 50% of the initial award (21,480 performance shares) will be awarded after the 2019 Annual General Meeting. Of the 21,480 performance shares 10,740 shares will vest on award but will be locked up until December 31, 2019 and 10,740 performance shares will vest on January 1, 2020.



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

Due to resignation of one of the members of key management subsequent to reporting date, the number of performance shares from the initial award that will vest after January 1, 2020, was reduced to 18,145. These shares are subject to the Company’s two-year TSR performance relative to the two-year performance of S&P SmallCap 600 Index over the period January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019. The Company’s actual two-year TSR performance relative to the two-year performance of the S&P SmallCap 600 Index over the period January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019 will be reviewed in early 2020. Subject to the Compensation Committee’s approval of the final performance share award, 50% of the final performance share award will vest on January 1, 2021, and 50% will vest on January 1, 2022.

Upon a change of control and (1) in the event the performance share plan or the individual award agreement is terminated, or (2) the management agreement or employment agreement between the participant and the company is terminated by the company other than for cause, or (3) the participant is offered a position which is a material demotion to the current position, all performance shares will vest immediately and any lock up provisions will expire.

Summary of outstanding performance shares at December 31, 2018

The number and weighted average fair value of performance shares that were finally awarded as of December 31, 2018, 2017 and 2016 is broken down as follows:


     2018      2017      2016  
     Shares     Weighted
Average Grant
date value
     Shares     Weighted
Average Grant
date value
     Shares     Weighted
Average Grant
date value

Outstanding January 1,

     204       33.45        253       30.68        129       26.07  


     115       59.64        62       43.83        196       33.67  


     (130     40.79        (108     33.18        (72     30.58  


     (32     38.26        (3     23.95        —         —    

Outstanding at December 31,

     157       45.58        204       33.45        253       30.68  

The performance share plan was modified during 2017, see the disclosure on Executive Director Compensation, which is included in Note 26 — Related-party transactions, for details about the modification.

Restricted Share Awards

In 2015, 75,000 restricted shares were awarded to a key member of management (not the Executive Director) of which 25,000 shares vested in the first quarter of 2015. Half of the remaining 50,000 restricted shares vested on March 1, 2016 and the other 25,000 shares vested on March 1, 2017. On a change of control, these restricted shares would have vested immediately.

In 2016, 20,000 restricted shares were awarded to key members of management (not the Executive Director) of which 5,000 shares vested in January 2017, 5,000 shares vested in June 2018 and 5,000 shares vested in January 2019. The remaining 5,000 restricted shares will vest on January 1, 2020. On a change of control, these restricted shares will vest and become exercisable immediately.

In 2017, 10,000 restricted shares were awarded to a key member of management (not the Executive Director) of which 5,000 shares vested in January 2018 and 5,000 shares vested in January 2019. On a change of control, these restricted shares would have vested and would have become exercisable immediately.

In 2018, 30,000 restricted shares were awarded to a key member of management (not the Executive Director) of which 10,000 shares vested in February 2019. Of the remaining 20,000 restricted shares, 10,000 will vest on November 1, 2019, and 10,000 will vest on November 1, 2020. On a change of control, these restricted shares will vest and become exercisable immediately.



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements

Summary of outstanding restricted shares at December 31, 2018

The number and weighted average fair value of restricted shares that were awarded to key members of management and to other employees as of December 31, 2018, 2017 and 2016 is broken down as follows:


     2018      2017      2016  
     Shares     Weighted
Average Grant
date value
     Shares     Weighted
Average Grant
date value
     Shares     Weighted
Average Grant
date value

Outstanding January 1,

     170       41.39        253       29.51        308       25.76  


     180       58.31        104       47.14        92       35.49  


     (63     39.16        (147     27.84        (124     25.66  


     (8     36.77        (40     30.98        (23     23.67  

Outstanding at December 31,

     279       52.96        170       41.39        253       29.51  

Restricted share awards granted under the Amended 2013 Plan, generally vest over four years with 25% of the award vesting each year. Restricted share awards are settled with common Interxion stock. If the employee is terminated prior to the contractual term of the award, all unvested restricted shares are forfeited. Restricted shares awarded to our Non-executive Directors for their services, vest annually at the Annual General Meeting.

The restricted shares outstanding at December 31, 2018 have a weighted average remaining contractual life of 2.4 years (2017: 2.5 years; 2016: 1.9 years).

Employee expenses

In 2018, the Company recorded employee expenses of €12.7 million related to share-based payments (2017: €9.9 million and 2016: €7.9 million). The 2018 share-based payments related expenses include an amount of €0.3 million related to taxes and social security charges (2017: €1.0 million and 2016: €0.2 million).

The weighted average fair value at grant date of options granted during the period was determined using the Black-Scholes valuation model. The following inputs were used:


     2018    2017    2016

Share price in € at grant date

   52.58-53.28    37.48-48.38    28.09-33.89

Exercise price in €

   45.42    31.68-39.08    24.27-30.47

Dividend yield

   0%    0%    0%

Expected volatility

   22%    26%    30%

Risk-free interest rate

   2.5%    1.8%-2.1%    1.2%

Expected life weighted average

   3.0 years    5.1 years    5.0 years

The significant inputs into the model were:



expected volatility, based on a combination of the share performance of the Company over a five-year period;



the risk-free interest rate, based on the yield on U.S. Treasury Strips with a maturity similar to the expected life of the options;



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dividend yield, considered to be nil;



expected life, considered to be equal to the average of the share option exercise and vesting periods.

The weighted average fair value at grant date of the performance shares granted during the period was determined using the Monte Carlo valuation model. In addition to the above-mentioned inputs a one year holding discount of 5.5% was used as input for the performance shares.

Change of control clauses

Some awards to key management contain change of control clauses. Upon a change of control and (i) in the event the performance share plan or the individual award agreement is terminated, or (ii) the management agreement or employment agreement between the participant and the company is terminated by the company other than for cause, or (iii) the participant is offered a position which is a material demotion to the current position, all performance shares will vest immediately and any lock up provisions will expire.



Financial commitments

Non-cancellable operating lease commitments

At December 31, the Group has future minimum commitments for non-cancellable operating leases with terms in excess of one year as follows:


     2018      2017      2016  

Within 1 year

     35,739        35,107        28,698  

Between 1 and 5 years

     147,251        136,143        118,115  

After 5 years

     254,826        189,298        171,313  
     437,816      360,548      318,125  

The total gross operating lease expense for the year 2018 was €31.7 million (2017: €29.6 million and 2016: €27.5 million).

Future committed revenue receivable

The Group enters into initial contracts with its customers for periods of at least one year and generally between three and five years, resulting in future committed revenues from customers. At December 31 the Group had contracts with customers for future committed revenue receivable as follows:


     2018      2017      2016  

Within 1 year

     380,300        327,500        296,600  

Between 1 and 5 years

     543,800        449,500        434,900  

After 5 years

     376,500        35,600        52,700  
     1,300,600      812,600      784,200  

Commitments to purchase energy

Where possible, for its own use, the Group seeks to purchase power on fixed-price term agreements with local power supply companies in the cities in which it operates. In some cases the Group also commits to purchase certain minimum volumes of energy at fixed prices. At December 31, the Group had entered into non-cancellable energy purchase commitments as follows:


     2018      2017      2016  

Within 1 year

     24,032        16,480        16,330  

Between 1 and 5 years

            12,378        10,460  
     24,032        28,858        26,790  



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As from 2018, commitments to purchase energy exclude the energy-related taxes which first become due upon usage of the committed energy. Comparative figures for 2017 and 2016 have been adjusted accordingly.

Other commitments

The Group has entered into several other commitments, which in general relate to operating expenses. As of December 31, 2018, the outstanding commitments amount to €36.3 million (2017: €43.7 million, 2016: €40.6 million).



Capital commitments

At December 31, 2018, the Group had outstanding capital commitments totaling €357.5 million (2017: €285.9 million and 2016: €114.1 million). These commitments are expected to be settled in the following financial year. The increase results from the timing of expansion projects.





Certain of our subsidiaries have granted guarantees to our lending banks in relation to our borrowings. The Company has granted rent guarantees to landlords of certain of the Group’s property leases. Financial guarantees granted by the Group’s banks in respect of leases amount to €3.8 million (2017: €5.1 million; 2016: €4.6 million), and one guarantee in respect of a real estate purchase amounts to €12.6 million (2017 and 2016: €nil). No other guarantees were granted (2017: €nil and 2016: €1.0 million).

Site restoration costs

As at December 31, 2018, the estimated discounted cost and recognized provision relating to the restoration of data center leasehold premises was €0.3 million (2017: €0.3 million and 2016: €nil).

In accordance with the Group’s accounting policy site restoration costs have been provided in the financial statements only in respect of premises where the liability is considered probable and the related costs can be estimated reliably. As of December 31, 2018, the Group estimated the possible liability to range from nil to €31.9 million (2017: nil to €29.2 million and 2016: nil to €24.7 million).



Business combinations

Acquisition Interxion Science Park

On February 24, 2017, the Group completed the acquisition of 100% of the share capital of Vancis B.V. (“Vancis”), a company that historically provided colocation services from a data center at Science Park, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and a satellite facility in Almere, The Netherlands. After the acquisition, Vancis B.V. was renamed InterXion Science Park B.V. (“Interxion Science Park”). Total consideration was €77.5 million of cash, which was paid immediately upon completion. The transaction was accounted for as a business combination, which requires that assets acquired and liabilities assumed be recognized at their respective fair values at the acquisition date.



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The table below summarizes the purchase price allocation for the acquisition of Interxion Science Park:



Property, plant and equipment


Trade receivables (1)


Other current assets


Trade payables and other liabilities






Customer portfolio


Deferred taxes


Total purchase price





Trade and other receivables represent contractual gross amounts less €30 thousand, which was determined to be uncollectible at the date of acquisition.

Goodwill is the excess consideration remaining after allocating the fair value of the other acquired assets and liabilities and represents expected future economic benefits, to be achieved by operating a data center in close proximity to the virtual connectivity hub at Science Park and is not expected to be deductible for tax purposes.

In connection with this acquisition, the Company recorded M&A transaction costs of approximately €1.2 million, which have been included in General and administrative costs as incurred (€0.5 million in 2017 and €0.7 million in 2016).

In 2017, Interxion Science Park contributed €6.5 million to total revenues and €0.1 million loss to the Group’s net income. If the acquisition had occurred on January 1, 2017, management estimates that consolidated revenue in 2017 would have been €490.6 million, and net income in 2017 would have been €42.3 million. Interxion Science Park is included in the Big4 segment.



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Related-party transactions

There are no material transactions with related parties, other than those related to our investment disclosed in note 13 and the information disclosed below.

Key management compensation

The total compensation of key management, including compensation for the Executive Director, which was recognized in the consolidated income statement, was as follows:


     2018      2017      2016  

Short-term employee benefits (salaries and bonuses)

     3,525        3,454        3,473  

Post-employment benefits

     65        62        74  

Share-based payments

     6,866        6,386        4,700  


     10,456        9,902        8,247  

Key management’s share-based payment compensation is disclosed in Note 21.

Remuneration of the Executive Director and Non-executive Directors of the Board

The aggregate reported compensation expense of our Executive Director and the Non-Executive Directors of the Board for the years ended December 31, 2018, 2017 and 2016, is set forth below. The “Share-based payment charges” and the “Total” numbers included in the following tables are calculated in accordance with IFRS and reflect the current year charges for shares that started their vesting period in prior years and those that started to vest in 2018:


     Salaries     Bonus     Share-

D.C. Ruberg

     590 (1)       735 (2)       4,301        5,626  

F. Esser

     65       —         40        105  

M. Heraghty

     70       —         40        110  

D. Lister

     23         20        43 (4)  

J.F.H.P. Mandeville

     90       —         40        130  

R. Ruijter

     75       —         40        115  


     913       735       4,481        6,129  



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     2017      2016  
     Salaries     Bonus      Share-
     Total      Salaries     Bonus      Share-
     (€’000)      (€’000)  

D.C. Ruberg

     590 (1)       668        4,198        5,456        590 (1)       597        2,044        3,231  

F. Esser

     65       —          40        105        65       —          40        105  

M. Heraghty

     70       —          40        110        70       —          40        110  

J.F.H.P. Mandeville

     90       —          40        130        115 (4)       —          40        155  

R. Ruijter

     75       —          40        115        75       —          40        115  


     890       668        4,358        5,916        915       597        2,204        3,716  



Includes allowance of €40,000.


Based on performance achievements during 2018, this amount is calculated as 133.6% of base salary.


David Lister was appointed to our Board of Directors in June 2018. His compensation is calculated on a pro rata basis.


Includes €25,000 that has additionally been awarded in relation to the period of July 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015.

In 2018, 3,730 restricted shares were granted to the Non-executive Directors (746 restricted shares each). Costs related to these grants are reflected as part of share-based payment charges.

The goal of the Company’s remuneration policy is to provide remuneration to its Directors in a form that will attract, retain and motivate qualified industry professionals in an international labor market, and to align the remuneration of the Directors with their short- and long-term performance as well as with interests of the stakeholders of the Company. The compensation of our Directors will be reviewed regularly.

Executive Director Compensation

The total direct compensation program for our Executive Director consists of (i) a base salary, (ii) short-term incentives (“STI”) in the form of an annual cash bonus, (iii) long term incentives (“LTI”) in the form of performance shares, and (iv) perquisites consisting of a car allowance. Our goal is to provide the Executive Director with a base salary around the 50 th percentile and STI and LTI in the range of the 50 th to 75 th percentile of our peer group discussed below.

Overall, for 2016 and 2017, at risk compensation was 79% of total direct compensation at target pay-out of both STI and LTI and 86% of total direct compensation at maximum pay-out of both STI and LTI. For 2018, at risk compensation was 83% of total direct compensation at target pay-out of both STI and LTI and 89% of total direct compensation at maximum pay-out of both STI and LTI. The actual value of the annual LTI award to the Executive Director is dependent on (1) the number of shares actually earned based on the Company’s relative Total Shareholder Return (“TSR”) performance against the constituents of the S&P SmallCap 600 and (2) the Company’s share price on the vesting date. The charts included below have been based on (i) the number of shares awarded at target and at maximum pay-out and (ii) have been valued based on the Company’s January average closing share price in the award years 2016, 2017 and 2018, respectively. In each of these award years the Conditional Award date was February 1. These charts do not take into account any appreciation or depreciation of the Company share price that may occur over the performance period.



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The Company operates in a highly competitive and fast-growing environment where most of our peers are U.S. headquartered companies. We therefore fashion our compensation structures and pay mix to blend both European and U.S. practices. We assess the compensation of the Executive Director against the compensation of executive directors at peer companies based on data provided by Mercer. Our peer group consists of the companies listed below, most of which have European operations and with whom we compete for talent and/or customers and capital. The benchmarking analysis takes into consideration the relative Company size, the Company’s European aspects, and the growth trajectory of our Company. We benchmark our compensation levels every three years, under the guidance of the Compensation Committee, with the most recent analysis performed by Mercer in March 2017.

Our peer group consists of the following companies:


•  Akamai Technologies


•  Equinix


•  Red Hat

•  Autodesk


•  F5 Networks


•  Synopsys

•  Coresite Realty


•  Factset Research Systems


•  Trimble Navigation

•  CyrusOne


•  Internap Network Services


•  Digital Realty Trust


Short Term Incentive

The STI plan for our Executive Director provides for an annual cash bonus. The annual at target value of the cash bonus is 110% of base salary (the “Target Cash Bonus”) for 2017 and 2018 (compared to 100% of base salary for 2016), with a maximum pay-out opportunity of 145% of the Target Cash Bonus. The actual pay-out from the STI plan depends on the achievement of Revenue, Adjusted EBITDA Margin, and individual objectives, all measured over the performance year. These performance objectives are set each year by the Compensation Committee at the beginning of the performance period and are based on the Company’s operating plan. Individual objectives are focused on internal organizational improvements.



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The performance achievement on each of these measures, together with their weighting, determine the pay-out of the cash bonus in accordance with the table below, with pay-outs for performance between the levels shown determined based on linear interpolation.

Pay-out as % of Target Cash Bonus


     Pay-out at
(% of Target
Cash Bonus)
    Pay-out at
(% of Target
Cash Bonus)
    Pay-out at
(% of Target
Cash Bonus)


     0     40     60

Adjusted EBITDA Margin

     0     40     60

Individual Performance Objectives

     0     20     25

Pay-out as % of Target Cash Bonus

     0     100     145

The cash bonus is paid once Shareholders approve the annual accounts for the performance year at the Annual General Meeting in the following year.

Long Term Incentive

On May 13, 2017 the Board adopted the InterXion Holding N.V. 2017 Executive Director Long-Term Incentive Plan (the “2017 Plan”), which was subsequently approved by the Annual General Meeting. The 2017 Plan provides for a number of changes in our Executive Director’s long-term incentive plan to further align his long-term incentive compensation (as formerly awarded under the terms and conditions of the InterXion Holding N.V. 2013 Amended International Equity Based Incentive Plan, the “2013 Plan”) with best practices 1 .

Pursuant to the 2017 Plan, performance shares are conditionally awarded on an annual basis at the beginning of each performance year. The number of performance shares conditionally awarded per annum (the “Conditional Award”) is determined by the target value for the year, and the average Company closing share price and USD/EUR exchange rate during the month of January in the first performance year.

The annual at target value of the conditional award to our Executive Director in 2016 and 2017 was 300% of base salary. In June 2018 the Board approved an increase of the Target LTI Award from 300% to 400% of annual salary to better align his target total compensation package and its individual compensation elements with the industry (peer group) benchmark and Interxion’s executive compensation philosophy.

The Conditional Award of performance shares to the Executive Director is granted at target and subject to the Company’s TSR performance relative to the TSR performance of the constituents of the S&P Small Cap 600 over a three-year period. The three-year performance period runs from January 1 in the first performance year through December 31 in the third performance year. The basis for the performance achievement calculation is the average closing share price in the month of January in the first performance year, and the average closing share price in the month of December in the third performance year. Performance is measured on a percentile ranking basis, with Final Award pay-outs in accordance with the performance/pay-out table below:


TSR Performance Categories

(S&P SmallCap 600 Constituents)

   Final Award pay-out
(% of number of performance shares
conditionally awarded)

75 th Percentile or greater


50 th Percentile


25 th Percentile


Less than 25 th Percentile





The terms and conditions of the 2017 Plan not only apply to the 2017 and 2018 conditional performance share award and future awards to our Executive Director, but also retroactively to shares from the conditional performance share awards made to the Executive Director in 2015 and 2016, that were unvested at the time of the adoption of the 2017 Plan.



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For performance between percentile levels shown, pay-outs are linearly interpolated.

This pay-out scale was developed to achieve an approach that is consistent with common practices at US companies and those companies in our peer group.

Subject to the relative TSR performance threshold being met, the performance shares will vest in two equal instalments. The first instalment (50% of the Final Award) will vest upon approval at the Company’s Annual General Meeting in the year following the end of the three-year performance period. The second instalment (50% of the Final Award) will vest on the fourth anniversary of the Conditional Award.

The 2017 Plan has no additional holding requirements. The Compensation Committee carefully considered whether implementation of a holding period or stock ownership requirement was appropriate at the time of the adoption of the plan. Considering that our Executive Director has a substantial personal shareholding in the Company’s shares, the Committee decided that such provisions are not currently necessary. The Board and the Compensation Committee are constantly striving to ensure strong alignment of our Executive Director’s interests with long-term shareholder value throughout his employment with the Company and will keep this matter under regular review. Upon a change of control AND (i) in the event the performance share plan or the individual award agreement is terminated, or (ii) the management agreement between the Executive Director and the Company is terminated by the Company other than for cause, or (iii) the Executive Director is offered a position which is a material demotion to the current position, all performance shares will vest and become exercisable immediately.

Upon retirement, permanent disability or death of the Executive Director, all outstanding and unvested portions of awards will be pro-rated for the period served during the performance period. The pro-rated number of shares will then be adjusted for relative TSR performance over the three-year performance period, and vest in accordance with the vesting schedule of the plan.

In the event the management agreement between the Executive Director and the Company is terminated for cause, all vested and unvested parts of awards made pursuant to the 2017 Plan will be forfeited immediately.

Potential Compensation Pay-Outs

The tables below summarize our Executive Director’s potential compensation amounts in 2016, 2017 and 2018, including both at target and at maximum payout of STI and LTI (amounts in €’000).



2016 – annual at target amounts


2017 – annual at target amounts

  2018 – annual at target amounts

Base salary

  550     550       550    

Car allowance

  40     40       40    

STI: Cash bonus

  550   (100% of Base Salary)   605   (110% of Base Salary)     605     (110% of Base Salary)

LTI: Performance shares

  1,650   (300% of Base Salary)   1,650   (300% of Base Salary)     2,200     (400% of Base Salary)

Total direct compensation

  2,790     2,845       3,395    

2016 – annual maximum amounts


2017 – annual maximum amounts

  2018 – annual maximum amounts

Base salary

  550     550       550    

Car allowance

  40     40       40    

STI: Cash bonus

  798   (145% of at target cash bonus)   877   (145% of at target cash bonus)     877     (145% of at target cash bonus)

LTI: Performance shares

  2,887   (175% of at target award in # shares)   2,887   (175% of at target award in # shares)     3,850     (175% of at target award in # shares)

Total direct compensation

  4,275     4,354       5,317    



The 2016, 2017 and 2018 Conditional Awards of performance shares were calculated at 61,469, 46,808 and 45,116 performance shares, respectively, based on the annual at target LTI value of 300% of the Executive Director’s base salary for 2016 and 2017, the annual at target LTI value of 400% of the Executive Director’s base salary for 2018, and the January averages of the Company’s closing share price and the USD/EURO exchange rate in the award years 2016, 2017 and 2018. The LTI values are the values at target and at maximum pay-out and do not take into account any appreciation or depreciation of the Company’s share price that may occur over the performance period.



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STI: Actual Short-Term Incentive Pay-outs: 2016 Achievement Against target

In 2016, the Target Cash Bonus for our Executive Director was €550,000, or 100% of base salary, with a maximum pay-out opportunity of 145% of the Target Cash Bonus. The table below sets out the performance targets set for 2016 and the achievement against them.


    Pay-out (% of
Target Cash Bonus)

Revenue (in million €)

     40     424.0       421.8       28.6

Adjusted EBITDA Margin

     40     44.9     45.3     60

Individual Performance Objectives

     20       Met       20

Overall Performance Achievement

     100         108.6

Based on actual performance delivered in the performance year 2016, an STI cash bonus pay-out of €597,143 (108.6% of the Target Cash Bonus) was approved by the Board in February 2017. The STI cash bonus was paid upon Shareholder approval of the 2016 annual accounts at the Annual General Meeting in June 2017. The Revenue and the Adjusted EBITDA Margin targets were set for Revenue and Adjusted EBITDA based on the definition of these financial measures as set out in the Consolidated Financial Statements.

STI: Actual Short-Term Incentive Pay-outs: 2017 Achievement Against target

In 2017, the Target Cash Bonus for our Executive Director was €605,000, or 110% of base salary, with a maximum pay-out opportunity of 145% of the Target Cash Bonus. The table below sets out the performance targets set for 2017 and the achievement against them.


    Pay-out (% of
Target Cash Bonus)

Revenue (in million €)

     40     473.5       493.5       60.0

Adjusted EBITDA Margin

     40     45.5     45.0     27.3

Individual Performance Objectives

     20       115.0     23.0

Overall Performance Achievement

     100         110.3

For 2017, the performance against the Revenue and Adjusted EBITDA Margin target was calculated based on constant currency. Current and comparative prior period results for entities reporting in currencies other than Euro are converted into Euro using the YTD average exchange rates from the prior period rather than the actual exchange rates in effect during the current period. Reported Revenue and Adjusted EBITDA Margin were €489.3 million and 45.2%, respectively.

Based on actual performance delivered in the performance year 2017, an STI cash bonus pay-out of €667,585 (110.3% of the Target Cash Bonus) was approved by the Board in April 2018. The cash bonus was paid upon Shareholder approval of the 2017 annual accounts at the Annual General Meeting in June 2018.

Actual Short-Term Incentive Pay-outs: 2018 Achievement Against target

In 2018, the Target Cash Bonus for our Executive Director was €605,000, or 110% of base salary, with a maximum pay-out opportunity of 145% of the Target Cash Bonus. The table below sets out the performance targets set for 2018 and the achievement against them.



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    Pay-out (% of at
target cash bonus)

Revenue (in million €)

     40     561.5       564.7       54.1

Adjusted EBITDA Margin

     40     45.8     45.9     43.4

Individual Performance Objectives

     20       120.0     24.0

Overall Performance Achievement %

     100         121.5

For 2018, the performance against the Revenue and Adjusted EBITDA Margin target was calculated based on constant currency. Current and comparative prior period results for entities reporting in currencies other than Euro are converted into Euro using the YTD average exchange rates from the prior period rather than the actual exchange rates in effect during the current period. Reported Revenue and Adjusted EBITDA Margin were €561.8 million and 45.9%, respectively.

Based on actual performance delivered in the performance year 2018, an STI cash bonus pay-out of €735,015 (121.5% of the Target Cash Bonus) was approved by the Board in April 2019. The cash bonus will be paid upon Shareholder approval of the 2018 annual accounts at the Annual General Meeting in 2019.

LTI: Performance Shares Vested from 2014 and 2015 Performance Years

On 6 June 2018 a tranche of 35,432 performance shares vested with a value of €1.982 million (vesting share price $65.77). These shares related to the 2014 performance year and were awarded in accordance with the terms and conditions of the previous 2013 Plan. They received shareholder approval at the 2016 Annual General Meeting.

With regards to the 2015 performance year, the unvested portion of the 2015 Conditional Award (50% of the Conditional Award, or 34,320 performance shares) was subject to three-year relative TSR performance, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the 2017 Plan.

The following table provides the TSR performance of the constituents of the S&P SmallCap 600 and Interxion’s stock over the period January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2017. Interxion’s stock increased from $27.95 to $57.41 over the three-year performance period, which equals a three-year cumulative TSR performance of 105%. Based on Interxion stock’s three-year cumulative TSR performance of 105%, Interxion ranked at the 85 th percentile of the S&P SmallCap 600.


TSR performance categories   

2015-2017 Actual

TSR performance*


S&P SmallCap 600 constituents


75 th Percentile


50 th Percentile


25 th Percentile


Interxion 85 th Percentile




Starting price is the average closing share price in the month of January 2015, ending price reflects the average closing share price in the month of December 2017. Includes share price appreciation/depreciation, re-investment of dividends and the compounding effect of dividends paid on re-invested dividends, all over the relevant performance period.

Based on Interxion’s 85 th percentile performance and in accordance with the plan performance/pay-out table, 175% of the Conditional Award to the Executive Director (60,060 shares) was earned. The Final Award of 60,060 performance shares was approved by the Board in April 2018 and by the shareholders at the 2018 Annual General Meeting. 50% of the Final Award (30,030 performance shares) vested on August 8, 2018 at the value of €1.664 million (vesting share price $64.28). The remaining 50% of the Final Award (30,030 performance shares) vested on March 11, 2019 at the value of €1.682 million (vesting share price U.S. $ 62.96).



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2016 – 2018 Long-Term Incentive Awards

The following table provides the number of performance shares Conditionally Awarded in 2016, 2017 and 2018 and the number of shares that would potentially be awarded (subject to Board and Shareholder approval at the relevant Annual General Meeting) based on the Company’s three-year TSR performance at the 25 th , 50 th , and 75 th percentile performance of the constituents of the S&P SmallCap 600.


     # Performance shares
Conditionally Awarded*
     # Performance shares to be awarded based on TSR

Conditional award year

   At 25 th
     At 50% percentile      At 75 th


     61,469        15,367        61,469        107,571  


     46,808        11,702        46,808        81,914  


     45,116        11,279        45,116        78,953  



Calculated based on the Company’s January average closing share price of $29.16 (2016), $37.42 (2017) and $59.49 (2018).

With respect to the 61,469 performance shares conditionally awarded in 2016, the following table provides the TSR performance of the constituents of the S&P SmallCap 600 and Interxion’s stock over the period January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2018. Interxion’s stock increased from $29.16 to $57.02 over the three-year performance period, which equals a three-year cumulative TSR performance of 96%. Based on Interxion stock’s three-year cumulative TSR performance of 96%, Interxion ranked at the 82 nd percentile of the S&P SmallCap 600.


TSR performance categories   

2016-2018 Actual

TSR performance*


S&P SmallCap 600 constituents


75 th Percentile


50 th Percentile


25 th Percentile


Interxion 82 nd Percentile




Starting price is the average closing share price in the month of January 2016, ending price reflects the average closing share price in the month of December 2018. Includes share price appreciation/depreciation, re-investment of dividends and the compounding effect of dividends paid on re-invested dividends, all over the relevant performance period.

Based on Interxion’s 82 nd percentile performance and in accordance with the performance/pay-out table in the 2017 Plan, 175% of the performance shares conditionally awarded in 2016, was earned. The Final Award has been calculated at 107,571 shares and was approved by the Board in April 2019. The Final Award will be subject to shareholder approval at the 2019 Annual General Meeting. Should the Final Award be approved, the shares will vest in two equal instalments. The first instalment of 53,786 shares (50% of the Final Award of performance shares) will vest upon approval at the 2019 Annual General Meeting, the second instalment of 53,785 shares (50% of the Final Award of performance shares) will vest on January 1, 2020.



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With respect to the performance shares conditionally awarded in 2017 and 2018, the Company’s three-year TSR performance over the

2017-2019 and 2018-2020 performance periods will be reviewed in early 2020 and 2021, respectively. The Final Awards will be subject to Board approval and shareholder approval at the Annual General Meetings in 2020 and 2021. Should the final awards be approved, then each Final Award will vest in two equal instalments. The first instalment (50% of the Final Award) will vest upon shareholder approval at the relevant Annual General Meeting. The second instalment will vest on January 1 of the following year.



Events subsequent to the balance sheet date

Increased capacity under Revolving Facility

During the first quarter of 2019, the Group increased capacity under the Revolving Facility by €100.0 million for total commitment of €300.0 million.

Purchase of share in Icolo Ltd.

During 2019, the Group entered into an agreement to purchase 40% of the share capital of Icolo Ltd., and certain convertible loans which were previously granted to Icolo Ltd. by the sellers. The transaction price for both the shares and the convertible loans amounts to USD 5.7 million. After completion of this transaction, the Group will apply IAS 28 – Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures and account for the shares as an investment in an associate.



Correction of errors

During the implementation of IFRS 16 – Leases the Company identified that for a limited number of data center leases entered into since 2000, with fixed or minimum annual indexation, the lease costs recognized in prior periods had not been recognized in accordance with IAS 17 – Leases . IAS 17 requires that total minimum lease costs be recognized on a straight-line basis over the term of the relevant lease. The identified error relates to the timing of the recognition of certain lease costs in the period since 2000 and does not result in an increase in the total costs recognized over the term of the relevant leases nor does it impact cash flows. While the impact of the error was inconsequential to and has therefore not been adjusted in the Income Statement for 2017 and 2016, certain comparative balance sheet figures as of December 31, 2017, December 31, 2016 and January 1, 2016 have been corrected for the cumulative impact of this error as follows:

Consolidated statement of financial position


     Impact of correction of error  
January 1, 2016    As previously
     Adjustments      As corrected  

Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity

     1,252,064        —          1,252,064  

Other non-current liabilities

     12,049        10,182        22,231  

Deferred tax liability

     9,951        (1,832      8,119  

Trade payables and other liabilities

     162,629        33        162,662  

Total liabilities

     744,647        8,383        753,030  

Foreign currency translation reserve

     20,865        (84      20,781  

Accumulated profit/(deficit)

     (30,043      (8,299      (38,342

Total Shareholders’ equity

     507,417        (8,383      499,034  



Table of Contents
Index to Financial Statements
     Impact of correction of error  
December 31, 2016    As previously
     Adjustments      As corrected  

Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity

     1,482,665        —          1,482,665  

Other non-current liabilities

     11,718        8,852        20,570  

Deferred tax liability

     9,628        (1,603      8,025  

Trade payables and other liabilities

     171,399        34        171,433  

Total liabilities

     933,896        7,283        941,179  

Foreign currency translation reserve

     9,988        1,016        11,004  

Accumulated profit/(deficit)

     8,293        (8,299      (6

Total Shareholders’ equity

     548,769        (7,283      541,486  


     Impact of correction of error  
December 31, 2017    As previously
     Adjustments      As corrected  

Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity

     1,702,071        —          1,702,071  

Other non-current liabilities

     15,080        8,591        23,671  

Deferred tax liability

     21,336        (1,558      19,778  

Trade payables and other liabilities

     229,878        34        229,912  

Total liabilities

     1,105,343        7,067        1,112,410  

Foreign currency translation reserve

     2,948        1,232        4,180  

Accumulated profit/(deficit)

     47,360        (8,299      39,061  

Total Shareholders’ equity

     596,728        (7,067      589,661  



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