”The meeting with the majority vote 60,376,938,146 (69.999%) of the total votes issued in the Meeting resolved to approve:
1. Confirmation the dismissal the following names:
1) Miss DEVY WILDASARI as Commissioner of the Company, as of her appointment as Marketing and Service Director of PT ANGKASA PURA I (Persero) based on Minister of State Owned Enterprise’s Decision No. SK-289/MBU/12/2017 on December 22, 2017;
2) Mister HADIYANTO, related to his appointment as Commissioner of PT Bank BRI (Persero) Tbk;
3) Mister MAS’UD KHAMID as Consumer Service Director of the Company, as of his appointment as Retail Marketing Director of PT PERTAMINA (Persero) based on Minister of State Owned Enterprise’s Decision No. SK-97/MBU/04/2018, on April 20, 2018;
with appreciation for contribution of dedication and thoughts during their term as Commissioner and the Board of Directors of the Company.
2. To appoint the following names as members of the Board of Directors and member of the Board of Commissioners of the Company:
1) Mistress SITI CHOIRIANA as Consumer Service Director;
2) Mister EDWIN HIDAYAT ABDULLAH as Commissioner; and
3) Mister ISA RACHMATARWATA as Commissioner.
Term of office member of the Board of Directors and member of the Board of Commissioners in accordance with provision of the Articles of Association, with due regard to regulation of Capital Market and without prejudice to the rights of General Meeting of Shareholders to dismiss at anytime.
3. For the members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners who are appointed as reffered in number 2 above who still serve in other positions that are prohibited under the prevailing regulation to hold multiple offices with the position of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioner of State Owned Enterprises, then the concerned must resign from his position or dismissed from his/her position.
4. By the dismissal and appointment the member of the Board Directors and the Board of Commissioners as stated in number 1 and 2, then composition of the member of the Board Directors and the Board of Commissioners of the Company are becomes as follows:
. Board of Directors:
1) Mister ALEX JANANGKIH SINAGA as President Director.
2) Mister HARRY MOZARTA ZEN as Finance Director.
3) Mister DAVID BANGUN as Digital & Strategic Portfolio Director.
4) Mister DIAN RACHMAWAN as Enterprise & Business Service Director.
5) Mister ABDUS SOMAD ARIEF as Wholesale & International Service Director.
6) Mister HERDY ROSADI HARMAN as Human Capital Management Director.
7) Mister ZULHELFI ABIDIN as Network & Information Technology Solution Director.
8) Mistress SITI CHOIRIANA as Consumer Service Director.
Board of Commissioners:
1) Mistress HENDRI SAPARINI as President Commissioner.
2) Mister MARGIYONO DARSA SUMARJA as Independent Commissioner.
3) Mister DOLFIE OTHNIEL FREDRIC PALIT as Independent Commissioner.
4) Mistress PAMIJATI PAMELA JOHANNA W. as Independent Commissioner.
5) Mister CAHYANA AHMADJAYADI as Independent Commissioner.
6) Mister EDWIN HIDAYAT ABDULLAN as Commissioner.
7) Mister RINALDI FIRMANSYAH as Commissioner.
8) Mister ISA RACHMATARWATA as Commissioner.
5. To authorize with the right of substitution to the Board of Directors of the Compapny to perform all necessary actions related with this agenda resolution in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations, including to state in a notarial deed and to notify the composition of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.”