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25/4/2016 09:08
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Philips More Likely to Sell Lighting Unit Via IPO Than Private Sale 25/04/2016 6:57am Dow Jones News
Philips Kon (EU:PHIA) Intraday Stock Chart Today : Monday 25 April 2016 By Maarten van Tartwijk
AMSTERDAM--Royal Philips NV said Monday it is more likely to sell
its lighting business via an initial public offering rather than a
private sale, citing improved sentiment in financial markets.
The Dutch electronics company is in the midst of separating its
lighting arm and previously said it was exploring either a sale or a
listing. It has received several offers for the business, which could be
valued by as much as EUR5 billion ($5.6 billion).
In its latest earnings report, Philips said it tilts toward an IPO
even as it continues to assess proposals in a private sale process.
"With equity markets' sentiment improving compared with the first couple
of months of the year, an IPO increasingly appears a more likely
outcome," the company said. A decision could be announced "shortly", it
Philips is in the final phase of separating its nearly 125-year-old
lighting arm and has previously said it expects a sale to take place
before the end of June. The move is part of a wider strategic overhaul
in which the company seeks to focus on its more profitable and faster
growing healthcare-technology activities and related products.
The Amsterdam-based firm said tax charges related to the separation
of the lighting business contributed to a drop in earnings in the first
three months of 2016. Net profit was EUR37 million, a drop of 63%
compared with the same period a year earlier.
Adjusted earnings before interest and taxes, the company's
preferred measure of its operational performance, rose to 14% to EUR374
million. Sales rose 3% to EUR5.5 billion.
The company maintained its guidance for 2016, expecting modest comparable sales growth.
Write to Maarten van Tartwijk at maarten.vantartwijk@wsj.com
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
April 25, 2016 02:42 ET (06:42 GMT)
Copyright (c) 2016 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
1 Year Philips Kon Chart
1 Month Philips Kon Chart
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25/4/2016 09:17
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Membre depuis: 17/9/2002
Philips bat le consensus au 1er trimestre Soyez le premier à réagir !
Publié le 25/04/2016 à 09h11
Crédit photo © Reuters par Toby Sterling AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Philips a
publié lundi un bénéfice opérationnel meilleur que prévu pour le premier
trimestre et annoncé une probable introduction en Bourse de sa division
d'éclairage, qui en tant que société indépendante serait le premier
fabricant mondial d'ampoules. Le groupe néerlandais, désormais
recentré sur la santé, dit continuer de préparer simultanément une offre
publique de vente ou une vente privée de Philips Lighting mais il
estime désormais qu'une IPO est "l'issue la plus probable". Pour
les trois premiers mois de l'année, Philips a fait état d'un bénéfice
avant intérêts, impôts et amortissement de 290 millions d'euros après
ajustement alors que les analystes interrogés par Reuters prévoyaient en
moyenne 257 millions. Le directeur général Frans van Houten a
précisé que les perspectives du groupe pour 2016 demeuraient inchangées,
l'amélioration des résultats étant attendue pour l'essentiel au second
semestre du fait de "vents contraires macro-économiques" et de coûts
liés à la séparation de l'éclairage. Frans van Houten avait
annoncé dès 2014 le recentrage sur les équipements médicaux et la
séparation des activités d'éclairage, le métier historique du groupe
fondé en 1891, sans alors trancher entre une IPO ou une cession pure et
simple. "Avec l'amélioration du sentiment sur les marchés
boursiers comparé aux deux premiers mois de l'année, une IPO semble de
plus en plus l'issue la plus probable", a fait savoir l'entreprise lundi
en promettant d'informer rapidement les investisseurs sur les
conclusions de son évaluation. Le cours de Bourse de Philips
affiche une progression de 6,8% cette année mais il sous-performe
légèrement l'indice AEX de la Bourse d'Amsterdam depuis l'arrivée aux
commandes de Frans van Houten il y a cinq ans. La division
d'éclairage, qui a été valorisée à quelque cinq milliards d'euros, a
réalisé au premier trimestre un Ebita de 102 millions d'euros sur un
chiffre d'affaires de 1,69 milliard. Philips réalise l'essentiel
de ses bénéfices avec ses activités dans la santé, qui pour la première
fois ont été séparées en plusieurs divisions pour donner un aperçu du
groupe après la scission de l'éclairage. La division principale,
"Soins personnels", englobe les produits grand public comme les brosses à
dents ou rasoirs électriques, où Philips conserve une forte notoriété. Les
scanners et autres appareils d'imagerie médicale sont regroupés dans un
deuxième pôle et un troisième réunit les services de santé connectés,
comme les systèmes de surveillance des patients ou l'analyse des données
cliniques. Au niveau du groupe, le chiffre d'affaires à périmètre
comparable a progressé de 3% à 5,51 milliards d'euros, dépassant là
encore le consensus qui était à 5,36 milliards. La division
d'éclairage a vu son chiffre d'affaires diminuer de 2%, sous le coup
d'une baisse des ventes d'ampoules traditionnelles, mais elle a augmenté
son Ebita grâce à une hausse des ventes de produits LED, qui permettent
de dégager des marges plus importantes et représentent désormais plus
de 50% du portefeuille de Philips. (Véronique Tison pour le service français)
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16/5/2016 09:45
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Membre depuis: 17/9/2002
Philips : l'IPO de la branche éclairage sur les rails
Publié le 16/05/2016 à 09h05
(Boursier.com) — Le groupe Philips
a précisé lundi les modalités de l'introduction en Bourse (IPO) de
Philips Lighting, sa filiale éclairage. Le géant néerlandais de
l'électronique, qui compte placer 37,5 millions d'actions de sa filiale
lors de cette opération prévue pour le 27 mai, soit 25% du capital, a
indiqué vouloir lever jusqu'à 970 millions d'euros, a-t-il indiqué à
l'occasion de la publication du prospectus. La fourchette indicative de
prix a été fixée à 18,5-22,5 euros, valorisant la société entre 2,78 et
3,38 MdsE. Fin avril, Philips avait renoncé à mettre en vente sa
filiale éclairage pour opter finalement pour une IPO. Philips Lighting,
basé à Eindhoven, a généré 7,47 milliards d'euros de chiffre d'affaires
en 2015 et espère verser un premier en 2017.
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24/1/2017 11:06
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Membre depuis: 17/9/2002
L'action Philips perd 2,4% après ses résultats du 4ème trimestre Koninklijke Philip Eur0.20 (EU:PHIA) Graphique Intraday de l'Action Aujourd'hui : Mardi 24 Janvier 2017 L'action Royal Philips (PHIA.AE) se replie de 2,4% à 27,20 euros, en
réaction aux résultats faibles publiées par le conglomérat néerlandais
au titre du quatrième trimestre. Les résultats de la division éclairage
du groupe sont inférieurs de 2% aux prévisions du consensus. Daniel
Cunliffe, analyste chez Liberum, souligne que la performance de la
division technologies de santé est inférieure de 2,8% aux estimations du
consensus, en ajoutant que les projections concernant le bénéfice par
action de 2017 sont trop élevées de 2% à 3%. L'annonce d'une enquête de
la Food and Drug Administration (FDA) américaine sur l'activité de
défibrillateurs de Philips n'est pas non plus une bonne nouvelle, ajoute
l'analyste. Liberum a une recommandation "conserver" pour Philips,
assortie d'un objectif de cours de 30 euros.
-David Hodari, Dow Jones Newswires (Version française Maylis Jouaret) ed: ECH
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
January 24, 2017 04:44 ET (09:44 GMT)
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24/1/2017 11:39
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Membre depuis: 17/9/2002
Philips In Talks With U.S. Authorities Over Defibrillators -- 2nd Update 24/01/2017 10:29am Dow Jones News
Koninklijke Philip Eur0.20 (EU:PHIA) Intraday Stock Chart Today : Tuesday 24 January 2017 By Maarten van Tartwijk
AMSTERDAM--Royal NV Philips is again caught in the crosshairs of U.S. authorities.
The Dutch health-technology company said Tuesday it is in talks with the U.S. Department
of Justice following inspections of its defibrillator business by the
Food and Drug Administration before and during 2015. The outcome of the
talks could have a "meaningful impact on the operations of this
business" and hurt group earnings this year, it said.
The FDA in 2013 warned that thousands of defibrillators made by Philips may not deliver the needed shock during medical
emergencies due to an electrical component failure that could
mistakenly indicate that the device was ready to be used. These
so-called automated external defibrillators are used to restore
patients' heartbeats after cardiac arrest and are used by consumers and
first responders working at fire departments.
Chief Executive Frans van Houten said the discussions with the
Justice Department aren't related to product quality but to
manufacturing procedures. He declined to give further detail on the
talks but said the defibrillator business
is relatively small, accounting for roughly EUR200 million ($215.07
million) in annual sales. The U.S. represents only part of that figure,
suggesting the impact of a potential fine or plant shutdown could be
relatively limited.
Still, Philips shares fell by around 4% in Amsterdam even as it reported better-than-expected fourth-quarter earnings.
The investigation comes as Philips is aiming to resolve a yearslong
brawl with the FDA over a factory in Cleveland that makes diagnostic
imaging tools. Production at the facility was temporarily halted in 2014
after the FDA detected shortcomings in manufacturing controls, causing
Philips to issue multiple profit warnings.
"[The Justice Department investigation] throws doubt into Philips'
ability to run FDA compliant factories in the U.S." ING analyst Nigel
van Putten said. "As the investigation is ongoing, uncertainty is
expected to linger," he said.
The issue adds to wider concerns of Philips' operations in the
U.S., its most important market by sales. The promise of President
Donald Trump to undo the Affordable Care Act is generating uncertainties
in the health-care industry. General Electric Co., one of Philips'
major rivals, last week warned that uncertainties could slow sales of
medical equipment such as MRI and X-ray machines.
Mr. van Houten said the U.S. business
continues to perform well but that the industry has a lot of questions
about the future under the new President. "I have spoken with several
hospital CEOs...Everybody is trying to understand what 'repeal and
replace' could mean. Nobody knows what could happen," he said.
Philips, the maker of products ranging from X-ray machines to electric toothbrushes,
said Tuesday it returned to net profit in the fourth quarter as it
reported a pickup in sales and benefited from cost-savings. Net profit
was EUR640 million ($688 million) in the last three months of 2016, up
from a EUR39 million net loss in the same period a year earlier, beating
market expectations.
Adjusted earnings
before interest, taxes and amortization were EUR1 billion, up from
EUR842 million in the previous year. Sales were EUR7.24 billion, up 3%
on a comparable basis.
The Dutch company, which is in the process of exiting its lighting
business, also presented new financial targets for the next three to
four years despite voicing concerns about its markets. Its new goal is
to achieve 4% to 6% comparable sales growth, while growing adjusted
Ebita by 100 basis points annually.
Write to Maarten van Tartwijk at maarten.vantartwijk@wsj.com
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
January 24, 2017 05:14 ET (10:14 GMT)
Philips More Likely to Sell Lighting Unit Via IPO Than Private Sale
25/04/2016 6:57am
Dow Jones News
Philips Kon (EU:PHIA)
Intraday Stock Chart
Today : Monday 25 April 2016
AMSTERDAM--Royal Philips NV said Monday it is more likely to sell
its lighting business via an initial public offering rather than a
private sale, citing improved sentiment in financial markets.
The Dutch electronics company is in the midst of separating its
lighting arm and previously said it was exploring either a sale or a
listing. It has received several offers for the business, which could be
valued by as much as EUR5 billion ($5.6 billion).
In its latest earnings report, Philips said it tilts toward an IPO
even as it continues to assess proposals in a private sale process.
"With equity markets' sentiment improving compared with the first couple
of months of the year, an IPO increasingly appears a more likely
outcome," the company said. A decision could be announced "shortly", it
Philips is in the final phase of separating its nearly 125-year-old
lighting arm and has previously said it expects a sale to take place
before the end of June. The move is part of a wider strategic overhaul
in which the company seeks to focus on its more profitable and faster
growing healthcare-technology activities and related products.
The Amsterdam-based firm said tax charges related to the separation
of the lighting business contributed to a drop in earnings in the first
three months of 2016. Net profit was EUR37 million, a drop of 63%
compared with the same period a year earlier.
Adjusted earnings before interest and taxes, the company's
preferred measure of its operational performance, rose to 14% to EUR374
million. Sales rose 3% to EUR5.5 billion.
The company maintained its guidance for 2016, expecting modest comparable sales growth.
Write to Maarten van Tartwijk at maarten.vantartwijk@wsj.com
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
April 25, 2016 02:42 ET (06:42 GMT)
Copyright (c) 2016 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
1 Year Philips Kon Chart
1 Month Philips Kon Chart