RNS Number : 0905Y

Airea PLC

17 August 2018


Interim report for the six months ended 30 June 2018

The principal activity of the group is the manufacturing, marketing and distribution of commercial floor coverings.

Chairman's Statement

The six months ending 30 June 2018 was another period of strategic progress. Following the completion of the closure of the residential carpets business, we are now in a position to focus on our ongoing commercial operation, which delivered an encouraging advance in financial performance:

   -               Sales up 13% 
   -               Profit attributable to shareholders up 31% 
   -               Basic earnings per share from continuing operations up 10.0% 
   -               Interim dividend maintained 

Following the closure of Ryalux the business is positioned to generate improved shareholder returns. To illustrate this; in the 6 months ended 30 June 2018 the business generated profit after tax of GBP1.3m on a continuing basis (i.e. excluding Ryalux) in the 6 months ended 30 June 2017 the business (including Ryalux) generated profit after tax of GBP0.7m.

Strong growth in the order book and increased sales both in the UK and internationally was largely driven by the success of new product introductions. The launch of further new products is transforming our offer in the medium and premium price sectors and our sales force has a growing portfolio of attractive complementary products to grow our share within this market sector.

Our international sales grew by 30% in the period, driven by the new products, increased penetration of existing markets and the ongoing development of the distribution network.

Group Results

Continuing operations:

Comparative financial results for the six months to 30 June 2017 and the eighteen months ended 31 December 2017 have been restated to take account of the closure of the residential carpets business1. Revenue for the period was GBP9.1m (2017: GBP8.1m). The operating profit was GBP1,481,000 (2017: GBP1,457,000). After charging pension related finance costs of GBP158,000 (2017: GBP309,000) and incorporating the appropriate tax charge the net profit for the period was GBP1,314,000 (2017: GBP1,194,000). Basic earnings per share for the continuing operation were 3.18p (2017: 2.89p).

Operating cash flows before exceptional items and movements in working capital were GBP1.7m (2017: GBP1.6m). Working capital increased in the period by GBP0.4m (2017: GBP1.2m) mainly as a result of the timing of stock build. Contributions to the defined benefit pension scheme were GBP200,000 (2017: GBP200,000) in line with the agreement reached with the scheme trustees following the last triennial valuation as at 1 July 2017. Capital expenditure of GBP61,000 (2017: GBP233,000) was made in renewing and enhancing manufacturing plant and equipment and supporting product launches.

Discontinued operation

Running and closure costs net of tax amounted to GBP359,000. The disposal of inventory, collection of trade receivables and settlement of outstanding payables resulted in a cash inflow of GBP1,135,000 giving an overall net modest outflow of cash for the residential carpets business of GBP93,000 in the period. As indicated in the last annual report, over the total period of run down and closure, there was significant cash generation, which was returned to shareholders as part of the special dividend paid on 23 May 2018.

Board Changes

I am pleased to welcome Paul Stevenson to the board following his recently announced appointment as Group Finance Director and Company Secretary. He takes over from Roger Salt who is retiring. We would like to extend our thanks to Roger for his hard work and dedication over the last 14 years.


We are pleased by the progress we have made in driving sales growth in the ongoing commercial flooring operation with a strengthening portfolio of products. Sales growth in our markets requires hard work and commitment over a sustained period of time, and we remain determined to build on the progress made. Uncertainties remain, including the outcome of Brexit negotiations; however, as a UK manufacturer with a strengthening position in the UK and internationally, we are well placed to mitigate risks and take advantage of growth opportunities.

Given the ongoing progress in the financial performance of the group and a robust cash flow we are able to maintain the policy introduced last year of paying an interim dividend. The board is please to declare an interim dividend of 1.75p (2017: 1.75p) to be paid on the 25 October 2018 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 21 September 2018. The ex dividend date is 20 September 2018.

Martin Toogood

17 August 2018


1 The unaudited results for the six months ended 30 June 2017 and the audited results for the eighteen months ended 31 December 2017 have been restated to reclassify the residential carpets business as discontinued. Details of the discontinued operation are included in note 2.

 Consolidated Income Statement 
 6 months ended 30 June 2018 
                                                        Unaudited   (Restated)    (Restated) 
                                                                     unaudited       Audited 
                                                       6 months      6 months      18 months 
                                                         ended         ended           ended 
                                                          30 June      30 June   31 December 
                                                             2018         2017          2017 
                                                           GBP000       GBP000        GBP000 
 Revenue                                                    9,132        8,073        26,890 
 Operating costs                                          (7,651)      (6,616)      (22,658) 
 Operating profit before exceptional 
  items                                                     1,481        1,457         4,255 
 Exceptional items: 
 Exceptional costs                                              -            -         (472) 
 Unrealised valuation gain                                      -            -           449 
--------------------------------------------------   ------------  -----------  ------------ 
 Operating profit                                           1,481        1,457         4,232 
 Finance costs                                              (158)        (309)         (932) 
                                                                   -----------  ------------ 
 Profit before taxation                                     1,323        1,148         3,300 
 Taxation                                                     (9)           46           186 
                                                     ------------  -----------  ------------ 
 Profit attributable to shareholders 
  of the group from continuing 
  operations                                                1,314        1,194         3,486 
                                                     ============  ===========  ============ 
 Loss attributable to shareholders 
  of the group from discontinued 
  operations                                                (359)        (467)       (4,856) 
 Profit / (loss) attributable 
  to shareholders of the group 
  for the period                                              955          727       (1,370) 
                                                     ============  ===========  ============ 
 Earnings/(loss) per share                                   2.31 
  (basic and diluted)                                           p       1.76 p       (3.31)p 
 Earnings per share (basic and                               3.18       2.89 p          8.43 
  diluted) from continuing operations                           p                          p 
 Loss per share (basic and diluted) 
  from discontinued operations                            (0.87)p      (1.13)p      (11.74)p 
 Consolidated Statement of 
  Comprehensive Income 
 6 months ended 30 June 2018 
                                                        Unaudited   (Restated)    (Restated) 
                                                                     unaudited       Audited 
                                                       6 months      6 months      18 months 
                                                         ended         ended           ended 
                                                          30 June      30 June   31 December 
                                                             2018         2017          2017 
                                                           GBP000       GBP000        GBP000 
 Profit / (loss) attributable 
  to shareholders of the group                                955          727       (1,370) 
 Actuarial gain recognised 
  in the pension scheme                                         -          401         4,827 
 Related deferred taxation                                      -         (80)         (862) 
                                                                -          321         3,965 
                                                     ------------  -----------  ------------ 
 Unrealised valuation gain                                     39            -           117 
 Total comprehensive income attributable 
  to shareholders of the group                                994        1,048         2,712 
                                                     ============  ===========  ============ 
 The unaudited results for the six months ended 30 June 
  2017 and the audited results for the eighteen months ended 
  31 December 2017 have been restated to reclassify the 
  residential carpets business as discontinued. Details 
  of the discontinued operation are included in note 2. 
   Consolidated Balance Sheet 
 as at 30 June 2018 
                                                        Unaudited    Unaudited         Audited 
                                                          30 June      30 June     30 December 
                                                             2018         2017            2017 
                                                           GBP000       GBP000          GBP000 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment                              5,107        6,101           5,294 
 Intangible assets                                            114                          124 
 Investment property                                        3,150        2,701           3,150 
 Deferred tax asset                                         1,415        1,281             389 
                                                            9,786       10,083           8,957 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                                6,918       11,146           6,937 
 Trade and other receivables                                2,870        4,704           2,893 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                  2,448        2,302           3,702 
                                                     ------------  -----------  -------------- 
                                                           12,236       18,152          13,532 
 Total assets                                              22,022       28,235          22,489 
                                                     ------------  -----------  -------------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                                 (4,793)      (5,574)         (4,045) 
 Obligations under finance 
  leases                                                    (185)            -           (183) 
                                                          (4,978)      (5,574)         (4,228) 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Pension deficit                                          (2,114)      (6,962)         (2,164) 
 Deferred tax                                               (268)        (241)           (268) 
 Obligation under finance 
  leases                                                    (417)        (767)           (510) 
                                                          (2,799)      (7,970)         (2,942) 
 Total liabilities                                        (7,777)     (13,544)         (7,170) 
                                                     ------------  -----------  -------------- 
                                                           14,245       14,691          15,319 
                                                     ============  ===========  ============== 
 Called up share capital                                   10,339       10,339          10,339 
 Share premium account                                        504          504             504 
 Capital redemption reserve                                 3,617        3,617           3,617 
 Revaluation reserve                                        3,165        3,009           3,126 
 Retained earnings                                        (3,380)      (2,778)         (2,267) 
                                                           14,245       14,691          15,319 
                                                     ============  ===========  ============== 
 Cash Flow 
 6 months ended 
 30 June 2018 
                   Unaudited                                    Unaudited                                      Audited 
                    6 months                                     6 months                                    18 months 
                       ended                                        ended                                        ended 
                     30 June                                      30 June                                  31 December 
                        2018                                         2017                                         2017 
                      GBP000                                       GBP000                                       GBP000 
 Cash flow from 
 Profit for the 
  period               1,314                                        1,194                                        3,486 
 Depreciation of 
  tangible fixed 
  assets                 155                                          103                                          291 
 Amortisation of 
  fixed assets            28                                            -                                           39 
 Finance costs           158                                          309                                          932 
 Taxation                  9                                         (46)                                        (225) 
  valuation gain           -                                            -                                        (449) 
 Operating cash 
  flows before 
  in working 
  capital              1,664                                        1,560                                        4,074 
 Increase in 
  inventories          (762)                                      (1,866)                                        (138) 
 (Increase) / 
  decrease in 
  and other 
  receivables          (607)                                        (821)                                        1,046 
 Increase / 
  (decrease) in 
  and other 
  payables               972                                        1,517                                        (874) 
 Cash generated 
  operations           1,267                                          390                                        4,108 
 Income tax 
  received                 -                                            -                                          143 
  to defined 
  pension scheme       (200)                                        (200)                                        (600) 
 Net cash 
  generated from 
  activities in 
  operations           1,067                                          190                                        3,651 
 Net cash used 
  in operating 
  operations            (93)                                         (19)                                        (900) 
 Net cash 
  generated from 
  activities             974                                          171                                        2,751 
                  ----------  ===========================================  =========================================== 
 Payments to 
  fixed assets          (43)                                        (233)                                        (334) 
 Payments to 
  fixed assets          (18)                                                                                     (163) 
 Net cash used 
  by investing 
  on continuing 
  operations            (61)                                        (233)                                        (497) 
 Net cash used 
  by investing 
  operations               -                                         (38)                                         (58) 
                        (61)                                        (271)                                        (555) 
                  ----------  ===========================================  =========================================== 
 Interest                (8)                                         (10)                                         (26) 
  under finance 
  leases                (91)                                         (87)                                        (238) 
  dividends paid     (2,068)                                            -                                      (1,344) 
 Net cash used 
  in financing 
  in continuing 
  operations         (2,167)                                         (97)                                      (1,608) 
                  ----------  ===========================================  =========================================== 
 Net cash used             -                                            -                                            - 
 in financing 
 in discontinued 
                  ----------  -------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------- 
 Net cash used 
  in financing 
  activities         (2,167)                                         (97)                                      (1,608) 
                  ----------  ===========================================  =========================================== 
 Net (decrease) 
  / increase in 
  cash and cash 
  equivalents        (1,254)                                        (197)                                          588 
 Cash and cash 
  equivalents at 
  start of the 
  period               3,702                                        2,499                                        3,114 
 Cash and cash 
  equivalents at 
  end of the 
  period               2,448                                        2,302                                        3,702 
                  ==========  ===========================================  =========================================== 
 Consolidated Statement of 
  Changes in Equity 
 6 months ended 30 
  June 2018 
                                 Share      Share       Capital   Revaluation      Profit     Total 
                               capital    premium    redemption       reserve    and loss    equity 
                                          account       reserve                   account 
                                GBP000     GBP000        GBP000        GBP000      GBP000    GBP000 
 At 1st July 2016               10,339        504         3,617         3,009     (3,518)    13,951 
 Comprehensive income 
  for the period 
 Loss for the period                 -          -             -             -     (1,370)   (1,370) 
 Other comprehensive 
  income for the period              -          -             -           117       3,965     4,082 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for the year                -          -             -           117       2,595     2,712 
 Contributions by and distributions 
  to owners 
 Dividend paid                       -          -             -             -     (1,344)   (1,344) 
 At 31st December 2017 
  and 1st January 2018          10,339        504         3,617         3,126     (2,267)    15,319 
 Comprehensive income 
  for the period 
 Profit for the period               -          -             -             -         955       955 
 Other comprehensive 
  income for the period              -          -             -            39           -        39 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for the year                -          -             -            39         955       994 
 Contributions by and distributions 
  to owners 
 Dividend paid                       -          -             -             -     (2,068)   (2,068) 
 At 30th June 2018              10,339        504         3,617         3,165     (3,380)    14,245 
                                             1   BASIS OF PREPARATION AND ACCOUNTING 
                     The financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2018 
                      and the six months ended 30 June 2017 has not been audited and 
                    does not constitute full financial statements within the meaning 
                                           of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. 
                     The financial information relating to the eighteen month period 
                         ended 31st December 2017 does not constitute full financial 
                       statements within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies 
                        Act 2006. This information is based on the group's statutory 
                      accounts for that period. The statutory accounts were prepared 
                      in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards 
               as adopted by the European Union ("IFRS") and received an unqualified 
                    audit report and did not contain statements under Section 498(2) 
                        or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. These financial statements 
                                    have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. 
                         These interim financial statements have been prepared using 
                         the recognition and measurement principles of International 
                      Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union 
                        ("IFRS"). The accounting policies used are the same as those 
                      used in preparing the financial statements for theperiod ended 
                        31st December 2017. These policies are set out in the annual 
                    report and accounts for theperiod ended 31st December 2017 which 
                        is available on the Company's website at www.aireaplc.co.uk. 
                        Further copies of this report are available from the Company 
                    Secretary at the registered office at Victoria Mills, The Green, 
                   Ossett, Wakefield, West Yorkshire WF5 0AN and are also available, 
        along with this announcement, on the company's website at www.aireaplc.co.uk 
      It was announced in the last annual report that the 
       company had entered into a process concerning the 
       closure of the residential carpets business. This 
       process has now been completed. The analysis of the 
       result of the discontinued business that has been 
       included in the consolidated income statement including 
       a deferred tax benefit following the closure of the 
       residential carpets business is as follows: 
                                      Unaudited   Unaudited       Audited 
                                       6 months    6 months     18 months 
                                          ended       ended         ended 
                                        30 June     30 June   31 December 
                                           2018        2017          2017 
                                         GBP000      GBP000        GBP000 
      Discontinued operations 
  Revenue                                   920       3,196         9,859 
  Operating costs                       (2,313)     (3,681)      (14,669) 
  Loss before taxation                  (1,393)       (485)       (4,810) 
  Taxation                                1,034          18          (46) 
                                     ----------  ----------  ------------ 
  Loss attributable 
   to shareholders of 
   the group from discontinued 
   operations                             (359)       (467)       (4,856) 
                                     ==========  ==========  ============ 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 17, 2018 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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