RNS Number:5385K
EmdexTrade PLC
30 April 2003

                            Company Registration No. 4043020 (England and Wales)

                                   EMDEXTRADE PLC

                              PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT

                         FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 OCTOBER 2002




Chairman's Report                                                        1

Managing Director's Report                                               2 - 3

Notes to the preliminary announcement                                    4

Consolidated profit and loss account                                     5
Consolidated balance sheet                                               6

Consolidated cash flow statement                                         7



EmdexTrade PLC was incorporated to provide a web-based trading platform for
buyers and sellers of trade receivables. The platform, 'www.emdextrade.com', was
established for use by corporates, financial institutions and intermediaries
-indeed any entity wishing to borrow, lend or trade debt. We remain committed to
maintaining and developing this unique service.

The complexities of developing a bespoke trading platform caused operational
delays and budget overruns. During this development stage EmdexTrade conducted
little trade, which is reflected in the financial results for the year. Group
turnover was #780,449 and the results show a loss of #652,861. However, as
expected, our major shareholder continued to support the group through this

I am pleased to report that the first phase of the trading platform went live in
December 2002 and we are now moving towards phase 2. As with any web-based
platform, it needs continuous updating and development. We have a first class
team supporting the trading platform and maintaining it at the forefront of
available technology.

Whilst the platform was in its final stages of development, the Board
established EmdexTrade DE LLC, a New York based wholly owned subsidiary. The
purpose was to acquire via an indefinite call option, the total activities of
Emerging Markets Securities DE LLC (EMS). EMS specialises in creating and
managing alternative investment funds (Funds) which are geared to and funded by
major financial institutions. Specifically, EMS's expertise lies in developing
Funds whose assets, being trade receivables, are identical to those that the
group wishes to trade over the platform. The group will derive revenues from
EMS's activities at four levels - through sourcing the trade receivables, 
closing the sale of the receivables to the Funds over the platform, management 
of the Funds and subsequently through the sale of the receivables over the 
platform as trading opportunities arise. We expect, therefore, a multiplier 
effect on group revenue on closing EMS transactions.

The downside of EMS's activities is that we do not anticipate closing more than
2 or 3 Funds each year and setting up costs are significant. This is especially
true at present, as no Funds have yet closed through EMS since the group's
involvement. However, I am delighted to report that EMS expects to close 2 Funds
this year with a total value of US$300 million of trade receivables. Assuming
trading opportunities continue to exist in the future, this should provide the
group with significant turnover during the life of these Funds and sustainable
long-term income.

Going forward, we are seeking to move in to profit on a month-by-month basis by
the end of December 2003 as a result of the activities highlighted above. The
Board and management will focus on attracting third party trading over the
platform and acquiring or developing new businesses.

The group does not have the immediate need for major capital expenditure (now
that the first phase of the development of the platform has been completed) and
the Board is committed to paying dividends at the earliest opportunity.

I would like to thank the Board, management and employees for their significant
contribution over the last year and look forward with increasing confidence to
the next 12 months and to my next statement to the shareholders.

Ian Salter

29 April 2003





The year focused primarily on the continuing development of our website. This
encompassed intense technical work to create a final web-based trading platform
with sufficient functionality to meet the needs of our intended broker base and
for the potential institutional users. As part of this process we had to recruit
additional support staff and hold training sessions to exhaustively test the
site before going live. This process of testing and training resulted in
numerous amendments to the original site design ultimately delaying the initial
launch of the site to December 2002.


Turnover in the year increased to #780,449 (2001 (5 months) - #312,865) and the
loss for the year was #652,861 (2001 (5 months)- #70,178). The loss reflected
costs incurred in funding the development of our New York based subsidiary,
EmdexTrade DE LLC and our investment in infrastructure to strengthen the
business delivery process.

Business delivery process

The approach developed by the company is to offer a 'dating service' model that
is totally focused on preserving anonymity and additionally blending human
experience and value. Registered members have the opportunity to first submit
their trade electronically and if appropriate speak to an EmdexTrade trading
director. This gives users the best of both worlds and potentially access to a
large liquidity pool. Primary access to the website is free with a fee
negotiated for each party initiating a transaction. Registered users can make
contact with the company from anywhere in the world at any time.

The process starts with a user submitting a deal via the site, which is then
vetted by a filter manager. The filter manager then submits the deal to an
experienced trading director for review and ultimately posting on the site. This
only happens if the trading director can verify the authenticity of the deal and
the validity of the seller. Once this is completed, a generic description of the
deal is posted to the website. Similarly, an expression of interest to fund or
purchase an asset is submitted to the site, vetted by the filter manager and
sent to a trading director for follow up action.

If appropriate, the trading director then contacts the buyer directly, either by
e-mail or phone to verify bona fides and start price negotiations and the final
documentation process. The site only shows generic deal details, including the
country of risk, guarantor bank where appropriate, repayment schedule and face
value. As a deal progresses, flags are posted against the transaction showing
the various stages of interest. This leaves the way open for other interested
parties to express interest until such a time as a commitment on both sides of
the transaction is agreed and the sale is ready to settle.

The net effect is that EmdexTrade acts as a facilitator of transactions while
preserving anonymity throughout the process, thus delivering the best
transaction for both buyer and seller.




New York operations

Apart from the work associated with getting the website up and running, our team
in New York has been working on the finalisation of a number of specialised
trade paper funds that will be managed by our associated broker dealer company,
Emerging Markets Securities DE LLC. It is hoped that at least two of these new
Funds with a total face value or USD 300 million will be launched during 2003.
One of the funds will have a 5-year maturity and the other a 3-year maturity.
Each fund will be investing in specific types of trade paper covering many
different types of credit risks and maturity patterns. The funds will be
actively managed to gain the most efficient use of their cash balances and to
reinvest where appropriate.

We anticipate that significant synergies will be generated from the need of the
funds to initially purchase specific types of trade paper and also to find
assets for reinvestment purposes. Furthermore our website will enhance our 
ability to attract sellers of the necessary paper for the funds. A major 
priority for 2003 is to bring all these elements together to the ultimate 
benefit of the company.

Ken Mackay

Managing Director 
29 April 2003




1  Notes to the preliminary announcement 

   Basis of preparation and going concern

   The financial statements continue to be prepared on a going concern basis on 
   the assumption that the majority shareholder will continue to support the 
   company. In this respect he has arranged for a company he controls to extend 
   continuing financial support to the company in the form of short term working 
   capital under terms to be agreed from time to time, subject, to financial 
   performance, for a period of up to one year from 29 April 2003. In addition, 
   the majority shareholder has committed to using his best endeavours to ensure 
   that sufficient deals are directed through the company to enable it to trade 
   as a going concern. Without the support of the majority shareholder, the 
   company might, not be a going concern. If the company were not to be a going 
   concern then adjustments would be required to reduce the carrying value of 
   assets to their recoverable amounts and to provide for the costs of closure.
   The company's independent auditors have advised the Board that they expect to 
   state in their audit report that they have been unable to ascertain which 
   company will provide the financial support, and therefore have been unable to 
   make an assessment as to whether the available financial resources in that 
   entity are sufficient to meet the on-going working capital requirement of 
   EmdexTrade PLC. Accordingly they believe that they have not obtained all the 
   information and explanations that they considered necessary for the purpose 
   of their audit and that the report they expect to issue will be a qualified 
   audit opinion arising from the limitation of audit scope.

   Statement made under Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985

   This preliminary statement is not the company's statutory accounts. The 
   statutory accounts for the period ended 31 October 2001 have been delivered 
   to the Registrar of Companies and received an audit report which was 
   unqualified and did not contain statements under sections 237 (2) and (3) of 
   the Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for the year ended 
   31 October 2002 have not yet been approved, audited or filed.



                                                    Year           Five months
                                                   ended                 ended 
                                              31 October            31 October
                                                    2002                  2001
                                                       #                     #

Turnover                                         780,449               312,865

Cost of sales                                   (663,373)             (100,617)
                                                 _______               _______
Gross profit                                     117,076               212,248

Administrative expenses                         (795,351)             (302,539)
                                                 _______               _______
Operating loss
Continuing operations                (630,494)              (90,291)
Discontinued activities               (47,781)                    -
                                      _______                ______
                                                (678,275)              (90,291)

Other interest receivable and 
similar income                                    24,589                20,938
                                                 _______                ______

Loss on ordinary activities 
before taxation                                 (653,686)              (69,353)
Tax on loss on ordinary 
activities                                           825                  (825)
                                                 _______                ______

Loss on ordinary activities 
after taxation                                  (652,861)              (70,178)
                                                 _______                ______

Basic and Diluted loss per 
ordinary share                                   (1.63)p               (0.49)p
                                                 _______                ______                                          

The corresponding amounts for 2001 are for the company alone. 

There are no recognised gains and losses other than those passing through the 
profit and loss account.



                                                    2002                  2001
                                                       #                     #
Fixed assets 
Tangible assets                                  414,457                 2,750

Current assets
Debtors                                60,165                56,222
Cash at bank and in hand              103,100             1,111,558
                                      _______             _________
                                      163,265             1,167,780

Creditors: amounts falling due 
within one year                      (144,754)              (83,876)
                                      _______             _________
Net current assets                                18,511             1,083,904
                                               _________             _________
Total assets less current 
liabilities                                      432,968             1,086,654

Provisions for liabilities 
and charges                                            -                  (825)
                                               _________             _________
                                                 432,968             1,085,829
                                               _________             _________ 
                                               _________             _________

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                        1,000,000             1,000,000       
Share premium account                            156,007               156,007 
Profit and loss account                         (723,039)              (70,178) 
                                               _________             _________ 
Shareholders' funds                              432,968             1,085,829
                                               _________             _________ 
                                               _________             _________

Equity interests                                (167,032)              485,829
Non-equity interests                             600,000               600,000
                                               _________             _________ 
                                                 432,968             1,085,829
                                               _________             _________ 
                                               _________             _________

The corresponding amounts for 2001 are for the company alone.



                                                    Year           Five months
                                                   ended                 ended 
                                              31 October            31 October
                                                    2002                  2001
                                            #          #            #        #

Net cash outflow from operating                 (619,486)              (62,438)            

Returns on investments and servicing
of finance

Interest received                      24,589                 20,938
                                      _______                 ______
Net cash inflow for returns on 
investments and servicing of 
finance                                            24,589              20,938

Capital expenditure
Payments to acquire tangible assets  (413,561)                (2,949)
                                      _______                 ______

Net cash outflow for capital 
expenditure                                      (413,561)             (2,949)
                                                _________              ______
Net cash outflow before 
management of liquid resources 
and financing                                  (1,008,458)            (44,449)

Management of liquid resources
Cash placed on deposit account              -               (964,891)
                                      _______                _______

                                                        -            (964,891)

Issue of ordinary share capital             -              1,399,600    
Cost of share issue                         -               (243,593)
                                      _______              _________

Net cash inflow from financing                          -            1,156,007
                                                _________            _________

(Decrease)/increase in cash 
in the year                                    (1,008,458)             146,667
                                                _________            _________

                                        - 7-

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange