Fortuna updates Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources for the
Séguéla Mine, Côte d'Ivoire
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 10, 2024
(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fortuna Mining Corp. (NYSE:
FVI) is pleased to announce updated Mineral
Reserves and Mineral Resources at its Séguéla Mine with the
discovery of over 500,000 gold ounces of new Inferred
Jorge A. Ganoza, President and CEO, commented,
“Our exploration programs in 2024 have successfully grown our
Inferred Resources to 677,000 gold ounces, including the
contribution of four new mineral deposits.” Mr. Ganoza added,
“These new resources come from a growing pipeline of deposits that
are planned for further expansion and definition drilling in 2025
as we look for opportunities to replace annual production related
depletion and expand reserves."
Updated Mineral Reserve and
Mineral Resources
- Proven and Probable Mineral Reserves are reported containing
1.0 Moz Au.
- Measured and Indicated Resources exclusive of Mineral Reserves
are reported containing 396,000 oz Au.
- Inferred Mineral Resources are reported containing 677,000 oz
Au which includes maiden Inferred Resources containing 294,000 oz
for Kingfisher and 61,000 oz for Badior, as well as an additional
141,000 oz Au of underground Inferred Resource at the Sunbird
- Primary drivers for changes in Mineral Reserves and Mineral
Resources are production related depletion and the addition of new
Inferred Resources as a result of the ongoing exploration drilling
activities. For the full year 2024, the Séguéla Mine is expected to
produce at the upper range of 126,000 to 138,000 gold ounces.
Paul Weedon, Senior Vice President, Exploration,
commented, "The Kingfisher deposit has emerged as an important
discovery which remains open along strike and at depth, providing
excellent potential for additional growth." Mr. Weedon concluded,
"There remains a host of further exploration targets ranked for
priority drill testing as we continue to explore the ultimate
potential scale of our property package of 62,000 hectares."
Fortuna estimates the Kingfisher deposit
contains an Inferred Mineral Resource of 4.0 Mt at an average grade
of 2.29 g/t Au containing 294,000 gold ounces, and the Badior
deposit contains an Inferred Mineral Resource of
470,000 tonnes at an average grade of 4.05 g/t Au containing
61,000 gold ounces. The updated Inferred Mineral Resource will not
materially change the existing Mineral Resource estimate at the
Séguéla Mine.
Mineral Reserves
Proven and Probable |
Contained Metal |
Location |
Classification |
Tonnes (000) |
Au (g/t) |
Au (koz) |
Stockpile |
Proven |
692 |
1.50 |
33 |
Open Pit |
Antenna |
Probable |
2,523 |
2.39 |
194 |
Koula |
Probable |
1,114 |
6.26 |
224 |
Ancien |
Probable |
1,604 |
4.09 |
211 |
Agouti |
Probable |
796 |
2.56 |
65 |
Boulder |
Probable |
578 |
1.94 |
36 |
Sunbird |
Probable |
2,060 |
3.82 |
253 |
Total |
Probable |
9,366 |
3.38 |
1,016 |
Mineral Resources
Measured and Indicated |
Contained Metal |
Location |
Classification |
Tonnes (000) |
Au (g/t) |
Au (koz) |
Open Pit (OP) |
Antenna |
Indicated |
759 |
1.57 |
38 |
Koula |
Indicated |
27 |
6.91 |
6 |
Ancien |
Indicated |
58 |
4.86 |
9 |
Agouti |
Indicated |
189 |
2.15 |
13 |
Boulder |
Indicated |
294 |
1.50 |
14 |
Sunbird |
Indicated |
176 |
2.99 |
17 |
OP Combined |
Indicated |
1,503 |
2.02 |
98 |
Underground (UG) |
Koula |
Indicated |
100 |
7.89 |
25 |
Ancien |
Indicated |
390 |
4.67 |
59 |
Sunbird |
Indicated |
1,440 |
4.63 |
214 |
UG Combined |
Indicated |
1,930 |
4.81 |
298 |
Total |
Indicated |
3,433 |
3.59 |
396 |
Inferred |
Contained Metal |
Location |
Classification |
Tonnes (000) |
Au (g/t) |
Au (koz) |
Pit (OP) |
Antenna |
Inferred |
780 |
2.08 |
52 |
Koula |
Inferred |
10 |
2.23 |
1 |
Ancien |
Inferred |
20 |
1.16 |
1 |
Agouti |
Inferred |
40 |
1.62 |
2 |
Sunbird |
Inferred |
10 |
0.95 |
0 |
Badior |
Inferred |
470 |
4.05 |
61 |
North |
Inferred |
190 |
1.67 |
10 |
Kestrel |
Inferred |
60 |
1.75 |
3 |
Kingfisher |
Inferred |
4,000 |
2.29 |
294 |
Combined |
Inferred |
5,580 |
2.37 |
425 |
Underground (UG) |
Koula |
Inferred |
310 |
5.00 |
49 |
Ancien |
Inferred |
80 |
5.05 |
13 |
Sunbird |
Inferred |
1,290 |
4.58 |
190 |
Combined |
Inferred |
1,680 |
4.67 |
252 |
Total |
Inferred |
7,260 |
2.90 |
677 |
- Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources are as defined by the
2014 CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral
- Mineral Resources are exclusive of Mineral Reserves.
- Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do
not have demonstrated economic viability.
- Factors that could materially affect the reported Mineral
Resources or Mineral Reserves include changes in metal price and
exchange rate assumptions; changes in local interpretations of
mineralization; changes to assumed metallurgical recoveries, mining
dilution and recovery; and assumptions as to the continued ability
to access the site, retain mineral and surface rights titles,
maintain environmental and other regulatory permits, and maintain
the social license to operate.
- Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves are reported as of
October 31, 2024.
- Mineral Reserves are reported on a 100 percent ownership basis
at an incremental gold grade cut-off of 0.75 g/t Au for Antenna,
0.80 g/t Au for Agouti, 0.78 g/t Au for Boulder, 0.78 g/t Au for
Koula, 0.84 g/t Au for Ancien, and 0.81 g/t Au for Sunbird deposits
based on a gold price of $1,880/ounce, metallurgical recovery rates
of 94 percent, surface mining costs ranging between $3.76/t to
$4.28/t, processing cost of $17.87/t and G&A cost of $14.45/t,
and only Proven and Probable categories reported within the final
pit designs. The Mineral Reserves pit design for Antenna, Ancien,
and Koula were based on inter-ramp angles of 30.6° to 38.3° for
oxide material, 42.9° for transitional material, and 59.6° for
fresh material. Agouti and Boulder pits were designed with the
inter-ramp angles of 36.8° for oxide, 44.2° for transitional, and
60.0° for fresh material. The Sunbird pit was designed with
inter-ramp angles of 40.7° for oxide, 36.5° to 59.6° for
transitional, and 52.2° to 61.2° for fresh material. The Mineral
Reserves are reported with modifying factors of mining dilution and
mining recovery represented by regularizing the block models to an
appropriate selective mining unit (SMU) block size. Mineral
Resources for Séguéla are reported at a cut-off grade of 0.65
g/t Au for Antenna and Kestrel, 0.70 g/t Au for Agouti,
Boulder, Koula, Sunbird and Kingfisher, and 0.75 g/t Au for Ancien,
Badior and Gabbro North based on an assumed gold price of $2,160/oz
and constrained within preliminary pit shells. Underground Mineral
Resources are reported inside MSO shapes at a gold cut-off grade of
2.4 g/t Au based on sublevel stoping mining method. The Séguéla
Mine is subject to a 10 percent carried interest held by the State
of Cote d'Ivoire. All dollar amounts refer to United States
- Eric Chapman, P. Geo. (EGBC #36328), is the Qualified Person
responsible for Mineral Resources; Raul Espinoza (FAUSIMM (CP)
#309581) is the Qualified Person responsible for Mineral Reserves;
both being employees of Fortuna Mining Corp.
- N/A = Not applicable.
- Totals may not add due to rounding.
As of October 31, 2024, the Séguéla Mine has Proven and Probable
Mineral Reserves of 9.4 Mt containing 1.0 Moz Au, in addition
to Indicated Resources of 3.4 Mt containing 396,000 oz Au and
Inferred Resources of 7.3 Mt containing 677,000 oz
From December 31, 2023 to October 31, 2024,
Mineral Reserve tonnes decreased by 20 percent, while gold grade
increased by 11 percent to 3.38 g/t Au and contained gold ounces
decreased by 12 percent. Changes are due to mining related
depletion of 123,000 oz Au, pit optimization and increases to the
reporting cut-off grade due to higher processing and service costs
resulting in a decrease of 53,000 oz Au, adjustments related to the
identification of historical artisanal activities at the Ancien
deposit resulting in a decrease of 17,000 oz Au, offset by an
increase of 55,000 oz Au in relation to grade control drilling
conducted at the Antenna, Koula, and Ancien deposits, as well as
exploration drilling at Sunbird.
Measured and Indicated Resource gold ounces,
exclusive of Mineral Reserves, increased 4 percent, or 15,000 oz Au
in relation to minor adjustments in the geologic interpretation and
reporting cut-off grades.
Inferred Resources tonnes increased by 137
percent to 7.3 Mt, while gold grade increased by 16 percent to
2.90 g/t Au, and contained gold ounces increased by 176
percent to 677,000 oz Au. The change is due to the maiden estimates
of the Kingfisher, Badior, Gabbro North, and Kestrel deposits
adding 368,000 oz Au, an extension of the underground resources at
the Sunbird deposit adding 141,000 oz Au, and adjustments to pit
shells and an increase in reporting cut-off grades, resulting in a
decrease of 71,000 oz Au.
Deposit geology and
The Kingfisher deposit is located approximately
1 kilometer to the east of the previously reported Sunbird deposit,
with the Kestrel deposit located just 250 meters to the south of
the currently mined Antenna pit. Badior is located approximately 7
kilometers to the north of the processing plant and the Gabbro
North deposit is located 2.5 kilometers to the southeast of Badior,
approximately 6 kilometers from the plant (refer to Figure 1).
Kingfisher is hosted in a set of quartz veins along a moderately
sheared contact between a series of basalt-dolerite units, which
also hosts the Boulder and Agouti deposits located 1 and 3
kilometers, respectively, to the north, with a steep easterly dip
consistent with the majority of the other deposits at Séguéla.
Kestral is hosted in a series of steep easterly dipping quartz
veins within an intercalated basalt-dolerite sequence associated
within the locally named Koula-Ancien basalt package. Badior
appears to be hosted in steeply dipping quartz veins close to the
contact of a series of volcanoclastics to the west and the
Koula-Ancien basalt package to the east. Gabbro North is hosted in
the East Domain, a thick sequence of pillow basalts and minor mafic
volcanoclastics, within steeply dipping quartz veins. Structural
deformation is variable across all of the units with the
mineralization and quartz veining usually associated with the
development of mylonitic zones.
The maiden Inferred Mineral Resource estimates
were prepared using diamond and reserve circulation (RC) drillholes
comprising 168 holes totaling 23,628 meters for Kingfisher, 68
holes totaling 8,285 meters for Badior, 78 holes totaling 9,320
meters for Gabbro North, and 42 holes totaling 4,879 meters for
Kestrel, all drilled by Fortuna since 2021. Kingfisher
mineralization has been drilled over a strike length of 2
kilometers to a depth of 250 meters along 50-meter centers. Badior,
Gabbro North and Kestrel mineralization has been defined over
strike lengths of 300, 500, and 150 meters, respectively, and to
depths of 150 meters along 25-meter centers.
All RC drilling used a 5.25-inch face sampling
pneumatic hammer with samples collected into 60-liter plastic bags.
Samples were kept dry by maintaining enough air pressure to exclude
groundwater inflow. If water ingress exceeded the air pressure, RC
drilling was stopped, and drilling converted to diamond core tails.
Once collected, RC samples were riffle split through a three-tier
splitter to yield a 12.5 percent representative sample for
submission to the analytical laboratory. The residual 87.5 percent
samples were stored at the drill site until assay results were
received and validated. Coarse reject samples for all mineralized
samples corresponding to significant intervals are retained and
stored on-site at the Fortuna-controlled core yard.
All diamond drill holes were drilled with HQ
sized diamond drill bits. The core was logged, marked up for
sampling using standard lengths of one meter or to a geological
boundary. Samples were then cut into equal halves using a diamond
saw. One half of the core was left in the original core box and
stored in a secure location at the Company's core yard at the
project site. The other half was sampled, catalogued and placed
into sealed bags and securely stored at the site until
All RC and diamond core samples were shipped to
ALS Laboratories preparation laboratory in Yamoussoukro for
preparation and then, via commercial courier, to ALS's facility in
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso for finishing. Routine gold analysis
using a 50-gram charge and fire assay with an atomic absorption
finish was completed for all Séguéla samples. Quality control
procedures included the systematic insertion of blanks, duplicates,
and standards into the sample stream. In addition, the ALS
laboratory inserted its own quality control samples.

Figure 1: Séguéla Mine deposit
Mineral Resource
The maiden Mineral Resource estimates for
Badior, Gabbro North, and Kestrel were prepared using data with an
effective cut-off date of June 30, 2024, with the Kingfisher
deposit prepared using data with an effective date of October 20,
2024. Three-dimensional wireframes were generated from the host
lithologies, including the weathering profile and alluvial cover,
as well as mineralized envelopes based on a nominal cut-off grade
from 0.2 to 0.3 g/t Au.
Collar locations at Badior, Gabbro North and
Kestrel were surveyed using hand-held GPS with elevations draped on
to the topographic surface wireframe. The uncertainty in the
accuracy of collar locations meant these deposits were classified
as Inferred Resources despite data density being sufficient for a
higher classification. All collars are in the process of being
resurveyed to improve confidence in their location. Collars at the
Kingfisher deposit were surveyed by differential GPS using Total
Station methodology.
Wireframes for each mineralized envelope were
used to select and flag drillhole samples. Samples were
preferentially sampled at 1-meter intervals regardless of drilling
technique. Consequently, all input data was composited to 1
Composites for each mineralized domain were
reviewed separately and in conjunction with log probability plots,
histograms and box and whisker plots, with no clear evidence for
multiple discrete grade populations. All data was collectively
treated as a single statistical domain for the purposes of
geostatistical analysis.
Input composite data for each individual domain
were assessed for the existence of outliers. Top cut grade capping
was applied on a semi-quantitative basis per-domain, based on the
histograms, log probability and mean/variance plots for each
Experimental semi-variogram were generated for
the collective input data from all domains at each deposit and
where sufficient data was available semi-variograms were modeled to
establish grade continuity and assist in guiding estimation and
search parameters used in the estimation of gold grades.
A block model was built to encompass the
mineralization in its entirety for each deposit. The block model
was aligned with the national grid utilizing the same UTM
coordinate system as the input data with consideration of the
likely selective mining unit used to define block size.
The wireframes defining mineralized domains were
used as hard boundaries in the grade interpolation. Only grades
inside each mineralized wireframe were used to interpolate the
blocks inside the same wireframe. Ordinary kriging (OK) or inverse
power of distance (IPD) was selected for grade interpolation in the
mineralized domains depending on data density. It is considered by
the Qualified Person to be appropriate for this style of
All estimates were performed on a parent block
basis. Search parameters for estimation were determined based on
Kriging Neighborhood Analysis (KNA). Single block KNA within a
well-informed portion of the deposit was utilized. An oriented
ellipsoid search was used to select data for interpolation. Search
ellipsoid orientations were based on orientations derived from
variogram analysis. A two-pass expanding search was used to
complete the estimation for gold within the individual
mineralization objects, based on the variogram ranges.
Fixed bulk density values were assigned to
individual lithologies based on more than 1,000 water immersion
measurements of drill core taken from across the Séguéla
Validation of the block models was undertaken
using a variety of methods, including checks for un-estimated
mineralization blocks, incorrect or absent assignation of density
values, and mineralized blocks or blocks with density values above
Following these checks, swath plots were
generated along the three principal axes to assess the
representativity of estimated grade profiles in comparison to the
input composite grades. Swath plots were generated on a
per-mineralization solid basis. Swath plots and log-probability
plots indicate a suitable level of adherence of the estimated
grades to the expected values observed within the input composite
Ongoing exploration
Drill activities remain ongoing across the
Séguéla property. This work is targeting extensions down dip and
along strike at the Kingfisher and Sunbird deposits from the
currently modeled Inferred Mineral Resource and infilling areas of
lower density of drilling within the currently modeled Inferred
Mineral Resource.
Following on from the receipt of all data
associated with the drilling campaign, the Kingfisher and Sunbird
Inferred Mineral Resource estimate will be updated, with a view to
potentially upgrading portions of the Inferred Mineral Resource to
higher confidence classifications, and better define the extents of
the mineralization, which currently remains open at depth and along
Eric Chapman, Senior Vice President, Technical
Services, is a Professional Geoscientist of the Association of
Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of the Province of British
Columbia (Registration Number 36328) and a Qualified Person as
defined by National Instrument 43-101- Standards of Disclosure for
Mineral Projects. Mr. Chapman has reviewed and approved the
scientific and technical information contained in this news release
and has verified the underlying
About Fortuna Mining
Fortuna Mining Corp. is a Canadian precious
metals mining company with five operating mines in Argentina,
Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Mexico, and Peru, as well as the
advanced exploration pre-development stage Diamba Sud Gold Project
located in Senegal. Sustainability is integral to all our
operations and relationships. We produce gold and silver and
generate shared value over the long-term for our stakeholders
through efficient production, environmental protection, and social
responsibility. For more information, please visit our website.
Jorge A. Ganoza
President, CEO, and Director
Fortuna Mining Corp.
Carlos Baca |
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This news release contains forward-looking
statements which constitute "forward-looking information" within
the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation and
"forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the "safe
harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act
of 1995 (collectively, "Forward-looking Statements"). All
statements included herein, other than statements of historical
fact, are Forward-looking Statements and are subject to a variety
of known and unknown risks and uncertainties which could cause
actual events or results to differ materially from those reflected
in the Forward-looking Statements. The Forward-looking Statements
in this news release include, without limitation, Mineral Resource
and Reserve estimates; the Company's plans regarding the mill at
the Séguéla Mine; the Company’s expectation regarding gold
production at the Séguéla Mine for the full year 2024; statements
regarding the potential for additional growth at the Kingfisher
deposit; the Company’s plans to conduct further exploration
programs at Séguéla; statements regarding updating the Inferred
Mineral Resource estimates at the Kingfisher and Sunbird deposits
with a view to potentially upgrading portions of the Inferred
Mineral Resource to higher classifications the Company's
business strategy, plans and outlook; the merit of the Company's
mines and mineral properties; mineral resource and reserve
estimates, metal recovery rates, concentrate grade and quality;
changes in tax rates and tax laws, requirements for permits,
anticipated approvals and other matters. Often, but not always,
these Forward-looking Statements can be identified by the use of
words such as "estimated", "expected", "anticipated", "potential",
"open", "future", "assumed", "projected", "used", "detailed", "has
been", "gain", "planned", "reflecting", "will", "containing",
"remaining", "to be", or statements that events, "could" or
"should" occur or be achieved and similar expressions, including
negative variations.
Forward-looking Statements involve known and
unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the
actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be
materially different from any results, performance or achievements
expressed or implied by the Forward-looking Statements. Such
uncertainties and factors include, among others, changes in general
economic conditions and financial markets; uncertainty relating to
new mining operations such as the Séguéla Mine, including the
possibility that actual capital and operating costs and economic
returns will differ significantly from those estimated for such
projects prior to production; risks associated with war or other
geo-political hostilities, such as the Ukrainian – Russian and the
Israel – Hamas conflicts, any of which could continue to cause a
disruption in global economic activity; fluctuation in currencies
and foreign exchange rates; increases in the rate of inflation; the
imposition or any extension of capital controls in countries in
which the Company operates; any changes in tax laws in Argentina
and the other countries in which we operate; changes in the prices
of key supplies; technological and operational hazards in Fortuna's
mining and mine development activities; risks related to water and
power availability; risks inherent in mineral exploration;
uncertainties inherent in the estimation of mineral reserves,
mineral resources, and metal recoveries; changes to current
estimates of mineral reserves and resources; changes to production
and cost estimates; changes in the position of regulatory
authorities with respect to the granting of approvals or permits;
governmental and other approvals; changes in government, political
unrest or instability in countries where Fortuna is active; labor
relations issues; as well as those factors discussed under "Risk
Factors" in the Company's Annual Information Form. Although the
Company has attempted to identify important factors that could
cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from
those described in Forward-looking Statements, there may be other
factors that cause actions, events or results to differ from those
anticipated, estimated or intended.
Forward-looking Statements contained herein
are based on the assumptions, beliefs, expectations and opinions of
management, including, but not limited to, the accuracy of the
Company's current mineral resource and reserve estimates; that the
Company's activities will be conducted in accordance with the
Company's public statements and stated goals; that there will be no
material adverse change affecting the Company, its properties or
changes to production estimates (which assume accuracy of projected
ore grade, mining rates, recovery timing, and recovery rate
estimates and may be impacted by unscheduled maintenance, labor and
contractor availability and other operating or technical
difficulties); geo-political uncertainties that may affect the
Company's production, workforce, business, operations and financial
condition; the expected trends in mineral prices and currency
exchange rates; that all required approvals and permits will be
obtained for the Company's business and operations on acceptable
terms; that there will be no significant disruptions affecting the
Company's operations, the ability to meet current and future
obligations and such other assumptions as set out herein.
Forward-looking Statements are made as of the date hereof and the
Company disclaims any obligation to update any Forward-looking
Statements, whether as a result of new information, future events
or results or otherwise, except as required by law. There can be no
assurance that these Forward-looking Statements will prove to be
accurate, as actual results and future events could differ
materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly,
investors should not place undue reliance on Forward-looking
Cautionary Note to United States Investors
Concerning Estimates of Reserves and Resources
Reserve and resource estimates included in
this news release have been prepared in accordance with National
Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI
43-101") and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy, and
Petroleum Definition Standards on Mineral Resources and Mineral
Reserves. NI 43-101 is a rule developed by the Canadian Securities
Administrators that establishes standards for public disclosure by
a Canadian company of scientific and technical information
concerning mineral projects. Unless otherwise indicated, all
mineral reserve and mineral resource estimates contained in the
technical disclosure have been prepared in accordance with NI
43-101 and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and
Petroleum Definition Standards on Mineral Resources and Reserves.
Canadian standards, including NI 43-101, differ significantly from
the requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and
mineral reserve and resource information included in this news
release may not be comparable to similar information disclosed by
U.S. companies.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
Fortuna Mining (LSE:0QYM)
Graphique Historique de l'Action
De Fév 2025 à Mar 2025
Fortuna Mining (LSE:0QYM)
Graphique Historique de l'Action
De Mar 2024 à Mar 2025