RNS Number : 7348X
  Nettworx PLC
  27 June 2008
    Nettworx Plc
    (the "Company")

    Final Results for the year ended 31 December 2007

    27 June 2008

    Nettworx Plc (AIM-NTWX) is pleased to present the results for the Company for the year ended 31 December 2007.

    In the interim statement for the period to 30 June 2007, it was stated that the Company had made one investment in Sim4Travel Holdings
Plc in April 2007. Subsequent to the year end, Sim4Travel repaid �500,000 of the 5% Convertible Unsecured Loan Note 2008. The balance
outstanding on the Loan Note and the remaining equity investment in Sim4Travel have been fully provided for. 

    The Company's cash available for future acquisitions or investments of �8.6 million remains largely intact. The investment strategy of
the Company remains unchanged, to acquire companies and businesses which could benefit from the convergence of voice, video and data, and
fixed line and mobile networks.


    The Company commenced trading on 21 December 2006, following the admission to trading on AIM. In the year end 31 December 2007, the
Company's loss amounts to �999,646 after taxation (2006: restated loss of �285,783).


    The Directors have been evaluating a number of potential acquisitions and have conducted extensive due diligence. These transactions
have not come to fruition due to competitive third parties bids, no-agreement reached on pricing of a transaction or material issues being
uncovered in the due diligence process.  

    The Board is continuing to evaluate further possibilities and will keep shareholders informed of any developments.

    The Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2007 have been published and sent to all shareholders of the Company.
Copies of the Annual Report and Accounts are available on the Company's website at www.nettworxplc.com 

For further information, contact:
Nettworx Plc
Jonathan Rowland, Director                                            Tel: +44 (0) 20 7087 7971
Canaccord Adams Limited
Mark Williams                                                                Tel: +44 (0) 20 7050 6500

    Income Statement
    For the year ended 31 December 2007
                                 Notes                                       As restated
                                                                           Period from 4
                                                                        October 2005 to 
                                                                            31 December 
                                         Year end 31 December 2007                  2006
                                                                 �                    � 

             Operating expenses                          (772,513)             (601,480)
         Other operating income                             50,000                     -
                 OPERATING LOSS                          (722,513)             (601,480)

      Impairment of fixed asset    6                     (704,000)                     -

            Interest receivable                            429,852               325,219
    LOSS ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES    1                     (996,661)             (276,261)
                BEFORE TAXATION

                       Taxation    4                       (2,985)               (9,522)
   RETAINED LOSS FOR THE PERIOD    11                    (999,646)             (285,783)

         LOSS PER SHARE - Basic    5                       (0.90p)               (0.26p)
       LOSS PER SHARE - Diluted    5                       (0.90p)               (0.26p)
    The operating loss for the period arises from the Company's continuing operations. None of the activities of the Company were acquired
or disposed of during the period.

    for the period ended 31 December 2007

                                 Notes                                 As restated
                                                                     Period from 4
                                        Year end 31 December      October 2005 to 
                                                        2007          31 December 
                                                           �                  2006


     Total recognised gains and                    (999,646)             (285,783)
 losses for the period as above
        Prior period adjustment    2               (308,000)                      
     Total recognised gains and                  (1,307,646)
          losses since the last
           financial statements

    Balance Sheet
    31 December 2007
                                               Notes                        As restated
                                                                  2007             2006
                                                                    �                 �

                                    FIXED ASSETS
           Financial assets - available for sale    6                -                -

                                  CURRENT ASSETS
                                         Debtors   7           501,490            1,275
                        Cash at bank and in hand             8,061,534        9,565,931
                                                             8,563,024       9,567,206 

  CREDITORS: Amounts falling due within one year   8          (31,965)         (36,501)
                              NET CURRENT ASSETS             8,531,059       9,530,705 

           TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES             8,531,059       9,530,705 

                            CAPITAL AND RESERVES
                         Called up share capital   9        1,110,000        1,110,000 
                           Share premium account  10        8,398,488        8,398,488 
                         Profit and loss account  11        (977,429)           22,217 
                      EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS             8,531,059       9,530,705 

    Cashflow Statement
    For the year ended 31 December 2007
                                         Notes                       As restated
                                                           2007            2006 
                                                              �               � 

    Cash flow from operating activities   13a        (1,025,769)       (267,776)

   Returns on investments and servicing   13b            429,852        325,219 
                             of finance

                               Taxation   13b           (12,505)               -

                  Investment activities   13b          (895,975)               -

 CASH (OUTFLOW)/INFLOW BEFORE FINANCING              (1,504,397)          57,443

                              Financing   13b                  -       9,508,488

     (DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH IN THE   13c        (1,504,397)       9,565,931

                                                                     As restated
                                                           2007             2006
                                                             �                � 
 (Decrease) / Increase in cash in the period        (1,504,397)        9,565,931
               NET FUNDS AT 31 DECEMBER 2006         9,565,931                - 
               NET FUNDS AT 31 DECEMBER 2007          8,061,534       9,565,931 

    Notes to the Financial Statements
    For the year ended 31 December 2007

    The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with applicable accounting

    Investments are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Net realisable value is determined from published price quotations
for listed investments, where the liquidity of the market is sufficient to make this appropriate. For non listed investments net realisable
value is determined via a review of the related Company's financial position and future prospects. 

    Deferred tax is recognised in respect of all timing differences that have originated but not reversed at the balance sheet date where
transactions or events that result in an obligation to pay more tax in the future or a right to pay less tax in the future have occurred at
the balance sheet date. Timing differences are differences between the Company's taxable profits and its results as stated in the financial

    Deferred tax is measured at the tax rates which apply in the periods in which timing differences are expected to reverse, based on tax
rates and laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the balance sheet date. Deferred tax is measured on a non-discounted

    In accordance with FRS 20: Share-based payment, the Company reflects the economic cost of awarding share warrants in exchange for
services provided to the Company recording an expense in the profit and loss account equal to the fair value of the benefit awarded, which
has been calculated by reference to the Black-Scholes method. Where the share warrants granted do not vest immediately but after a specified
period of time, the fair value is expensed to the profit and loss account over the vesting period. 

    Financial Instruments are classified and accounted for, according to the substance of the contractual arrangement, as either financial
assets, financial liabilities or equity instruments. An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets
of the Company after deducting all of its liabilities.

 1                        LOSS ON ORDINARY         2007 �   As restated2006 � 
                         ACTIVITIES BEFORE
                          Loss on ordinary                                    
                         activities before
                        taxation is stated
                          after charging: 
                                 Auditors*           9,988              12,000
                          remuneration for
                            audit services
                       Loss on disposal of         191,975                   -
                               fixed asset
                       Impairment of other         256,000                   -
 2               PRIOR PERIOD ADJUSTMENT      
   As a result of the adoption of FRS 20 *Share-based payments*, there is a prior period 
   adjustment to the profit and loss account of �308,000. Due to the fact that the FRS 20 charge 
   is credited back to reserves, the profit and loss revenue brought forward and total 
   shareholders* funds are unchanged.
 3                             EMPLOYEES       2007 No.   As restated2006 No. 
                     The average monthly                                      
                       number of persons
                   (including Directors)
                         employed by the
                      Company during the
                             period was:
                              Office and               3                    4 
                                                       �                     �
                   Staff costs for above                                      
                      Wages and salaries         160,000               167,160
                   Social security costs          17,953                16,984
                                                177,953               184,144 
 4                                  TAXATION           2007�                As
                          Current tax charge           2,985             9,522
                   Factors affecting the tax                                  
                       charge for the period
                            Loss on ordinary       (996,661)         (276,261)
                           activities before
                   Corporation tax charge at      (298,998)           (82,878)
                     Prior period adjustment        (92,400)            92,400
                      Expenses not allowable          18,000                 -
                                     for tax
                        Capital loss carried         268,793                 -
                        Revenue loss carried         104,605                 -
                     Underprovision in prior          2,985                  -
                          Current tax charge         2,985               9,522



    The calculation of loss per share is based upon 111,000,000 being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the

    The warrants have an exercise price above the fair value of the Company's shares and hence are non-dilutive.

 6       FINANCIAL ASSETS - AVAILABLE FOR SALE                     As restated
                                   INVESTMENTS           2007            2006 
                                                            �               � 

                                     Additions       1,203,950               -
                                     Disposals       (499,950)               -

                        As at 31 December 2007         704,000               -
         Impairment recognised during the year         704,000               -

                        As at 31 December 2007         704,000               -

    Net book value
                        As at 31 December 2007               -               -

    As at 31 December 2007, the Company owns 117,333,333 ordinary shares, representing 11.8% of the ordinary share capital of Sim4Travel
Holdings PLC, a company quoted on PLUS Markets.

    The investment in Sim4Travel Holdings PLC has been fully provided against in line with the directors' assessment of the recoverable

 7                         DEBTORS                     As restated
                                             2007            2006 
                                                �               � 
    Due within one year:
    Prepayments and accrued income           1,332           1,275
                     Other Debtors         500,158               -
                                           501,490          1,275 

    At the year end, the Company held �756,000 of convertible loan notes, which were convertible into 126,000,000 ordinary shares in
Sim4Travel Holdings PLC. On 14 April 2008, �500,000 of these loan notes were repaid. The remaining amount of �256,000 has been fully
provided against at the year end.

 8  CREDITORS: Amounts falling due within one                      As restated
    year                                                  2007           2006 
                                                            �               � 

                               Trade creditors          19,965          12,879
                               Corporation Tax               -           9,522
                  Accruals and deferred income          12,000         14,100 
                                                        37,965         36,501 

 9                             SHARE CAPITAL                     As restated
                                                        2007            2006
                                                          �               � 

    5,000,000,000 ordinary shares of 1p each      50,000,000      50,000,000
            Allotted, issued and fully paid:
      111,000,000 ordinary shares of 1p each       1,110,000       1,110,000

    Share issues:

    The Company was incorporated on 4 October 2006 with authorised share capital of 100,000 ordinary shares of �1 each of which one share
were allotted at par on incorporation nil paid

    On 11 November 2006, the authorised share capital was increased to �50,000,000 by the creation of 49,900,000 ordinary shares of �1

    Each ordinary share of �1.00 each were sub divided into 100 Ordinary shares of 1p each creating 5,000,000,000 ordinary shares of 1p

    On 2 December 2006 the Company issued, credited as fully paid 9,999,900 ordinary shares of 1p each at par for cash consideration.

    On 15 December 2006, the Company issued 1,000,000 ordinary shares of 1p each at par.

    On 21 December 2006, the Company allotted 100,000,000 ordinary shares of 1p each at 10p per share for total cash consideration of
�10,000,000 and the Company's shares were admitted to trading on AIM on 21 December 2006.

    Share warrants:

    On 15 December 2006, the Company issued 11,000,000 warrants to the Directors and other holders. Each warrant gives the right to
subscribe for one ordinary share at a price of 10p per share. These warrants are exercisable from 15 December 2006 to 15 December 2015. No
warrants have been exercised, and no other warrants granted.

    In determining the fair value of the warrants issued, the Company has used the Black-Scholes model. The significant assumption made in
respect of the issues made in 2006 are listed below:


 Weighted average share price at grant date (pence)    10
                             Exercise price (pence)    10
                              Expected life (years)     5
                            Expected volatility (%)    20
                        Risk free interest rate (%)   4.5

    The expected volatility has been estimated by considering the Company's historic share price volatility as well as comparable quoted

 10                    SHARE PREMIUM ACCOUNT                       As restated
                                                        2007              2006
                                                           �                � 
                         At 31 December 2006       8,398,488        9,000,000 
     Expenses in connection with share issue                -        (601,512)
                         At 31 December 2007       8,398,488        8,398,488 

 11                    PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT                     As restated
                                                         2007            2006 
                                                            �               � 

               Retained profit brought forward          22,217               -
                 Loss for the financial period       (996,646)       (285,783)
        Share based payment charge credited to               -         308,000
       (Accumulated deficit) / retained profit       (974,429)          22,217
                               carried forward

 12  RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENT IN EQUITY                          As restated
     SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                2007             2006 
                                                           �                � 

               Loss for the financial period        (996,646)        (285,783)
      Share based payment charge credited to                -          308,000
       New share capital issued net of costs                -        9,508,488
           Net (decrease)/increase to equity        (996,646)        9,530,705
                         shareholders' funds
          Opening equity shareholders' funds       9,530,705                - 
          Closing equity shareholders' funds        8,534,059        9,530,705

 13                               CASH FLOWS                       As restated
                                                        2007             2006 
                                                           �                � 
  A  Reconciliation of operating loss to net
         cash flow from operating activities
                              Operating loss        (722,513)        (293,480)
             Loss on disposal of investments          191,975                -
                         Increase in debtors        (500,215)          (1,275)
                       Increase in creditors           4,984           26,979 
     Net cash flow from operating activities      (1,025,769)        (267,776)

 B       Analysis of cash flows for headings
                     netted in the cash flow

    Returns on investments and servicing of
                           Interest received         429,852          325,219 

    Taxation                                         (12,505)
             Net cash inflow from returns on                 
       investments, servicing of finance and         (44,397)         325,219 

    Investment activities
       Purchase of current asset investments      (1,203,950)                -
           Sale of current asset investments          307,975                -
    Net cash outflow from investment                (895,975)                -

             Issue of ordinary share capital                -      10,110,000 
      Expenses paid in connection with share                -        (601,512)
    Net cash inflow from financing                          -       9,508,488 

                                        At                              At 
 C  Analysis of net funds       31 December                     31 December
                                      2006                            2007 
                                         �       Cash flow               � 
    Cash in hand, at bank        9,565,931      (1,504,397)       8,061,534


    The Company's financial instruments comprise cash, debtors and creditors that arise from its operations. All debtors and creditors are
due to be settled within one year and have been excluded from the following disclosures.

    The Company has not traded in any financial instruments throughout the period under review. The main risk arising from the Company's
financial instruments are interest rate risk. The board reviews and agrees its policies are managing this risk, which is summarised below.

               Interest rate risk

    The Company earns interest on its surplus cash held on bank deposits at variable market rates. 

    Fair value of financial instruments

    There is no material difference between the fair value and book value of the Company's cash.

        The Company was charged by Rowland Capital (C.I.) Limited during the period �12,000 (2006: �12,000) for the provision of accountancy
and secretarial services.

    Rowland Capital (C.I.) Limited is controlled by the trustees of The Rowland Purpose Trust 2001. Mr J Rowland is a discretionary
beneficiary of a trust that has the same trustees as The Rowland Purpose Trust 2001.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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