MeiraGTx Holdings plc (Nasdaq: MGTX), a vertically integrated,
clinical stage gene therapy company, today announced the Company
will exhibit eight posters and deliver one oral presentation at the
European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ESGCT) 2023 Annual
Congress, which is being held from October 24-27, 2023, in
Brussels, Belgium.
“The number of acceptances for presentation at this year’s ESGCT
congress underscores our commitment to remain at the forefront of
genetic medicine by developing a new generation of therapies for
multiple indications, including xerostomia and ALS,” said
Alexandria Forbes, Ph.D., president and chief executive officer of
MeiraGTx. “The collective data presented provide further clinical
and preclinical validation of our platform and reflect the progress
we continue to make, particularly in riboswitch and
neurodegenerative programs. We look forward to sharing data at
ESGCT highlighting our innovative pipeline, manufacturing, and
R&D capabilities.”
The posters will be available on the Posters and Publications
page of the Company’s website.
The details of the oral and poster presentations are
Oral Presentation OR82: Preclinical Efficacy of
AAV-hUPF1 with an optimized vector genome and novel CNS capsid:
Gene Therapy for ALS and FTDFriday, October
27th at 11:00-13:00 CEST in Shed
2B (3rd talk)Session 11b: CNS and Sensory Disease
ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects
neurons in the brain and spinal cord. Here, we present preclinical
efficacy of AAV-hUPF1 in multiple models of ALS. hUPF1 is an RNA
helicase that regulates NMD that we have optimized for AAV gene
therapy of ALS.
At 4.9 kb, the optimized hUPF1 construct is 1.5 kb smaller than
the original, thus offering AAV packaging and manufacturing
benefits while demonstrating greater efficacy. When tested in
vitro, the optimized AAV-hUPF1 rescued toxicity in both the TDP-43
and C9orf72 iNeurons models, at lower MOIs than the original.
Optimized AAV-hUPF1 also rescued the pathophysiology of neurons
derived from C9orf72 patient cell lines. Transduction in C9
patient-derived neurons indicated target engagement with
down-regulation of C9 intron containing transcripts and known NMD
targets. AAV-hUPF1 also showed in vivo efficacy in FUS transgenic
mouse. Transduction of ~36% of spinal neurons was sufficient to
drive significant rescue with surviving motor neuron count
comparable to WT level.
Furthermore, we developed a novel AAV capsid that expresses in
neurons of both the brain and spinal cord when administered by ICM
in mice. This ideal pattern was confirmed in NHPs with transduction
that achieved levels sufficient to provide functional rescue in an
in vivo model. The prospect of an efficient capsid for CNS delivery
is aligned with our therapeutic goal of minimizing AAV exposure
while maintaining strong transduction. Together, the evidence in in
vitro and in vivo with TDP-43, C9orf72, and FUS models suggests
that hUPF1 delivered by MeiraGTx vector is agnostic to genetic
background and shows promise in treating ALS.
Poster #008: Results of a phase 1 open-label,
dose escalation study of gene therapy with AAV2-hAQP1 as treatment
for radiation-induced xerostomia and parotid gland
hypofunctionCategory: AAV & non integrative
vectorsIn radiation-induced xerostomia, the normal
architecture and function of salivary glands are significantly
disrupted or destroyed. AAV2-hAQP1 vector expresses the human
Aquaporin 1 (hAQP1) gene delivered using the AAV2 capsid. When
hAQP1 is expressed in cells of the disrupted glands, the cells
become permeable to water. Water flows down the hydrostatic
pressure gradient through the salivary duct and into the mouth.
In this study AAV2-hAQP1, at doses ranging from 1 × 1011
vg/gland to 3 × 1012 vg/gland, was administered to one (unilateral)
or both (bilateral) parotid glands via intraoral, retroductal
cannulation of Stensen’s duct. Key inclusion criteria for study
participants were a history of head and neck cancer, a minimum of 5
years since final radiotherapy treatment (2+ years if HPV+), the
presence of grade 2/3 late xerostomia, no evidence of cancer
recurrence or second primary, and abnormal parotid gland function.
Key exclusion criteria were a history of autoimmune disease
affecting the salivary glands and a hemoglobin A1c greater than
Safety parameters included assessments of adverse events,
physical examination observations, clinical laboratory results, and
electrocardiogram findings. Efficacy assessments included
participant completion of the Xerostomia-specific Questionnaire
(XQ) and Global Rate of Change Questionnaire (GRCQ). The XQ is a
patient reported outcome measure consisting of 8 symptom-specific
questions the participant rates from 0 (not present) to 10 (worst
possible). The sum of all ratings (0-80) provides an overall
measure of symptom burden. The GRCQ is a patient reported outcome
tool that has been adapted for xerostomia. The GRCQ first asks the
participant if their dry mouth is “better”, “worse”, or “about the
same” following treatment. If the participant reports “better” or
“worse,” they are then asked to rate the degree of change on a
scale from 1 to 7, with 1 being the smallest change and 7 being the
greatest change. A score of 2 or above is important to the patient.
To evaluate the biologic activity of AAV2-hAQP1, the change from
baseline to Month 12 in whole saliva flow rate was assessed.
A total of 24 adults were enrolled in the study, with twelve
participants treated unilaterally and twelve treated bilaterally.
AAV2-hAQP1 was safe and well-tolerated at all dose levels, with no
treatment-related serious adverse events or dose limiting
At Month 12, 16 of the 24 participants had an improvement of ≥8
points in XQ score, and 18 of the 24 reported important improvement
in xerostomia symptoms relative to baseline on the GRCQ. In
bilaterally treated participants, the average percent increase in
unstimulated whole saliva flow rate at Month 12 post-treatment
relative to baseline was 82.1%. On all efficacy measures, greater
improvement was observed in bilaterally treated participants than
in those treated unilaterally.
Poster #116: fDISCO evaluation of AAV mediated
gene expression upon different routes of
administrationCategory: AAV & non integrative
vectors Detection methods to assess gene transfer mediated
expression of reporter proteins in tissue requires to dissect or
slice the sample, during which the three-dimensional (3D) structure
is lost. On the other hand, live imaging often does not provide
enough resolution to identify reporter protein expression on a
cellular level. Here, we have tested whether fDISCO (3D imaging of
solvent-cleared organs with superior fluorescence-preserving
capability) could overcome these limitations. To this end, DBA/1
mice were injected intraarticularly (IA), intramuscularly (IM), or
intravenously (IV) with AAV encoding fluorochrome mGreenLantern
(mGL). Hindlimbs and livers were isolated three weeks after
administration, followed by fDISCO tissue clearing. Cleared tissues
were imaged by a light-sheet fluorescence microscope, followed by
image stitching to create the 3D structure of the sample. The
fluorescent signal of mGL was detectable at the cellular level in
the tissue. The highest number of mGL-expressing cells were found
in the injected muscles (gastrocnemius or quadriceps) of IM groups.
IA group showed visible mGL expression in muscles around the joint.
IV group showed the lowest number of mGL-expressing cells in the
muscles throughout the entire hindlimb. All routes of
administration resulted in mGL expression in the liver correlating
with the total vector dose injected per animal. In conclusion,
fDISCO is able to capture the complete histological information of
fluorescent reporter signal, thus being a suitable method to study
the AAV-mediated reporter expression on the cellular level in 3D
tissue samples.
Poster #122: Development of alternatives to
Triton X-100 cell lysis for AAV2, AAV5 and AAV8 primary recovery
Category: AAV & non integrative vectors Triton
X-100 is an effective detergent for recovering biological products
from intracellular compartments, but its use is now prohibited by
Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of
Chemicals (REACH) regulations as its degradation generates a
compound that negatively impacts aquatic life. This work aimed to
develop alternative methods to Triton X-100 for Adeno-Associated
Virus (AAV) recovery from Human Embryonic Kidney 293 cells which
were REACH-compliant, Good Manufacturing Practice-compatible, did
not affect product quality and showed comparable product recovery
relative to lysis with Triton X-100. Two alternative AAV release
methods were evaluated for AAV2, AAV5 and AAV8 serotypes: 1) A
detergent-free hyperosmotic release method was initially tested at
microplate scale using a Central Composite Design of Experiment
approach, before scaling up to 250 mL stirred tank reactor (STR)
scale. 2) When not suitable, a lysis method using Deviron C16
detergent was assessed at 250 mL STR scale with concentrations
ranging from 0.1 to 0.5%. Finally, successful conditions for either
method were scaled up to 10 L STR scale. For AAV8 serotype, a
hyperosmotic AAV release method employed the addition of 400 mM
NaCl and incubation for 2 hours, leading to a ~70% VG recovery
relative to the legacy Triton X-100 method. For AAV2 and AAV5
serotypes, a 0.5% Deviron C16 lysis method proved most suitable,
resulting in VG recoveries of 87% and 97% relative to AAV release
with Triton X-100, respectively. No downstream process changes were
needed to accommodate these alternative methods. Furthermore, both
methods were scalable to 10 L STR scale, and process-related
impurities including residual DNA and Host Cell Proteins, as well
as product potency, were not impacted by these methods. In
conclusion, this study demonstrates two optimized alternative AAV
release methods to substitute the use of Triton X-100 that showed
comparable product recovery and product quality profiles.
Poster #167: Potency assay cell line
development for ocular gene therapy vectorsCategory: AAV
& non integrative vectors When producing GMP AAV drug
products, the ability to assess their potency is an essential part
of release and stability. Cell-based potency assays are a
regulatory requirement for commercialisation of AAV gene therapies
but poor AAV in vitro transducibility as well as inability to test
expression due to the use of tissue-specific promoters is hindering
the development of efficient and robust assays. Similarly, basic
pre-clinical research, where easy-to-implement tests for faster
paced experiments and iterations are desirable, suffers from the
same limitations. We therefore set out to examine ways with which
to increase vector transducibility as well as establishing ocular
promoter trans-activation in the most commonly used cell lines
(HEK293 and HeLa). We assessed different methods to increase the
transducibility of AAV5 and AAV8 vectors as well as trans-activate
photoreceptor-specific (Rhodopsin kinase) and RPE-specific (RPE65)
promoters. In dose-ranging experiments, we identified potent
dCas9-mediated trans-activators for both promoters and established
exogenous factor supplementation that increased the transducibility
of both capsids multiple folds over baseline. Further studies will
enable us to combine these in an in vitro cell-based potency assay
platform for GMP batch release and stability testing.
Poster #324: Use of mechanistic modeling to
design a platform process for the separation of full and empty AAV
capsidsCategory: Manufacturing Adeno-associated
viruses are a relative newcomer to the field of biopharmaceutical
modalities and are used to deliver a therapeutic gene to a patient.
During their upstream production, separate cellular processes are
used to produce the viral capsid and the therapeutic transgene, and
package the transgene within the capsid. This leads to the
expression of empty capsids which must be removed during the
downstream process as they may stimulate an immune response in the
The separation of empty capsids presents a challenge due to the
similarity in properties between the empty and full capsids. The
proportion of empty capsids can vary widely and be as high as 90%
depending on the maturity of the upstream process which can further
increase the challenge in achieving this separation. Most attempts
have focused on using anion exchange chromatography to exploit the
difference in charge to achieve this separation.
However, there is a lot of diversity in the published approaches
with some groups using different matrix types (resins, membranes,
and monoliths), process conditions, and additives. We have
previously demonstrated that weak partitioning can be used to
maximise the enrichment of full capsids which further increases the
available options for this separation.
Establishing a platform process typically involves screening a
number of options while using heuristics to narrow the design space
and reduce the experimental burden. This typically leads to process
options being compared at sub-optimal conditions and there is a
risk that the optimal platform may not be identified.
This presentation will focus on work that we have done to
demonstrate that mechanistic models can be used to identify an
optimal platform process for the enrichment of AAV2 full capsids.
In this study, we developed mechanistic models for the separation
of full and empty AAV2 capsids for three AEX matrices that had
previously shown promise during experimental evaluation.
These models were then used to examine a range of process
conditions (salt concentrations, load ratios) and the modes of
operation (bind and elute, flowthrough, weak partitioning) and
identify the optimum conditions for each matrix. Finally, the
identified optimum conditions were verified experimentally.
Poster #334: Improving the elution step in
capture chromatography: a mechanistic approachCategory:
Manufacturing Bulk recovery of adeno-associated viruses
(AAV) in the capture step is often performed using affinity
chromatography. Whilst this technique offers great capsid
adsorption, the final recoveries can be lower than expected (<
80%). This disparity between loaded and recovered product suggests
there are mechanisms not fully understood in affinity
chromatography. To understand this operation a DoE was performed,
using an AAV5-based product, to determine the main factors
affecting the elution behaviour. It was found that weak acid
solutions and the presence of solvents increase the recovery yield
of AAV. A genome escape mechanism affecting the recovery of AAV
genome copies is suggested, potentially explaining the
discrepancies between genome copies and viral capsids mass
balances. It was discovered that at certain pHs the VG recovery
decreased without VP decreases.
A second DoE was then executed to assess the process parameters
affecting the elution of the AAV5 product. The findings from the
previous DoE were confirmed with this second model, confirming that
solvent use, acid type, and pH were the main factors contributing
to a yield increase. It was proved that small changes in the pH
exhibited more than 2-fold increase in the recovery yield. These
small changes were confirmed with other therapeutic vectors (AAV2
and AAV8).
This work offers insights into the mechanistic effects in the
elution of AAV, and how small changes in the process parameters can
greatly increase the bulk recovery yield of a therapeutic product;
also, it highlights a potentially novel ejection mechanism that can
describe unexplained yield losses during the capture step.
Poster #431: Synthetic neuronal promoters that
surpass synapsin in the central nervous systemCategory: CNS
& sensory diseasesThe promoter is an essential
cis-regulatory element in any DNA-based gene therapy. It directly
controls gene transcription and thereby therapeutic protein
expression. In the context of genetic medicines, stronger promoter
activity may enable a lower vector dosage to achieve therapeutic
effect, reducing safety risks associated with high vector dosages,
as well as reducing manufacturing costs. In addition to strength, a
tissue-specific promoter may further attenuate off-target effects
and improve safety outcomes. Two well-known neuron-specific
promoters are the human synapsin (hSyn) and the neuronal specifical
enolase (hNSE) promoters. We rationally engineered hSyn- and
hNSE-based promoters to increase potency while maintaining
specificity, thereby creating an improved set of strong, durable,
and neuron-specific promoters amenable to CNS gene therapy
applications. The size of engineered promoters ranged from 1120 to
1460 base pairs. Potency and specificity were assessed in vitro and
in vivo. hSyn and hNSE promoter variants were up to 7.5-fold
stronger in transfected N2a cells with minimal loss of cell
specificity as measured in HEK293T cells. The top promoter
candidate had an 8-fold improvement over the parental hSyn in
AAV9-transduced primary cortical neurons. Promoter cell-type
specificity and strength was quantified in the mouse central
nervous system after AAV9 delivery into the cisterna magna. Our top
promoter was more potent in vivo than hSyn as well as CAG, a
benchmark constitutive promoter. Together our data identify a
synthetic promoter with greatly improved potency for driving
therapeutic gene expression in the central nervous system.
Poster #464: Riboswitch-regulated chimeric
antigen receptor (RiboCAR) enhances CAR-T cell anti-cancer
efficacyCategory: Immunotherapy & CAR T cells
Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cell therapy is a promising
therapy against cancer. However, the uncontrolled CAR expression
causes severe CAR-T cell-associated toxicity and CAR-T cell
exhaustion, limiting the success of this living drug. Here, we
present the development of RiboCAR, a mammalian synthetic
riboswitch-regulated CAR expression via small molecule inducer.
Unlike previously reported regulatable CAR platforms that utilize
viral protease or chemical-induced protein dimerization, RiboCAR
contains an RNA ON riboswitch in the coding sequence of a CAR
transgene, in which the aptamer functions as a sensor for a
specific novel small molecule inducer. The expression level of the
CAR gene with the riboswitch completely depends on the presence of
the riboswitch inducer, with undetectable CAR in the absence of the
small molecule and significant CAR expression that is higher than
constitutively active CAR upon maximal small molecule induction.
The induced CAR expression diminished after withdrawal of the small
molecule inducer. Further, CAR expression is titratable in response
to the levels of the small molecule inducer. Consistent with small
molecule-induced expression of the CAR molecule, CAR
triggered-activation of CAR-T cells is also controlled by the small
molecule inducer. More importantly, T cells with RiboCAR showed
delayed exhaustion during expansion in the absence of small
molecule inducer and enhanced target cell-stimulated T cell
activation and anti-cancer cytotoxicity in the presence of small
molecule inducer, when compared with T cells constitutively
expressing CAR. With a bioavailable small molecule inducer, the
RiboCAR-T cell activity can be precisely tuned and “remotely”
controlled in vivo, thus improving the efficacy and safety of CAR-T
cell therapy.
About MeiraGTx
MeiraGTx (Nasdaq: MGTX) is a vertically integrated,
clinical-stage gene therapy company with six programs in clinical
development and a broad pipeline of preclinical and research
programs. MeiraGTx has core capabilities in viral vector design and
optimization and gene therapy manufacturing, and a transformative
gene regulation platform technology that allows precise,
dose-responsive control of gene expression by oral small molecules
with dynamic range that can exceed 5000-fold. Led by an experienced
management team, MeiraGTx has taken a portfolio approach by
licensing, acquiring, and developing technologies that give depth
across both product candidates and indications. MeiraGTx’s initial
focus is on three distinct areas of unmet medical need: ocular
diseases, including both inherited retinal diseases as well as
large degenerative ocular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, and
severe forms of xerostomia. Though initially focusing on the eye,
central nervous system, and salivary gland, MeiraGTx plans to
expand its focus to develop additional gene therapy treatments for
patients suffering from a range of serious diseases.
For more information, please visit
Forward Looking StatementThis press release
contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements
contained in this press release that do not relate to matters of
historical fact should be considered forward-looking statements,
including, without limitation, statements regarding our product
candidate development and our pre-clinical data and reporting of
such data and the timing of results of data, as well as statements
that include the words “expect,” “will,” “intend,” “plan,”
“believe,” “project,” “forecast,” “estimate,” “may,” “could,”
“should,” “would,” “continue,” “anticipate” and similar statements
of a future or forward-looking nature. These forward-looking
statements are based on management’s current expectations. These
statements are neither promises nor guarantees, but involve known
and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that
may cause actual results, performance or achievements to be
materially different from any future results, performance or
achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking
statements, including, but not limited to, our incurrence of
significant losses; any inability to achieve or maintain
profitability, raise additional capital, repay our debt
obligations, identify additional and develop existing product
candidates, successfully execute strategic priorities, bring
product candidates to market, expansion of our manufacturing
facilities and processes, successfully enroll patients in and
complete clinical trials, accurately predict growth assumptions,
recognize benefits of any orphan drug designations, retain key
personnel or attract qualified employees, or incur expected levels
of operating expenses; the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the
status, enrollment, timing and results of our clinical trials and
on our business, results of operations and financial condition;
failure of early data to predict eventual outcomes; failure to
obtain FDA or other regulatory approval for product candidates
within expected time frames or at all; the novel nature and impact
of negative public opinion of gene therapy; failure to comply with
ongoing regulatory obligations; contamination or shortage of raw
materials or other manufacturing issues; changes in healthcare
laws; risks associated with our international operations;
significant competition in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology
industries; dependence on third parties; risks related to
intellectual property; changes in tax policy or treatment; our
ability to utilize our loss and tax credit carryforwards;
litigation risks; and the other important factors discussed under
the caption “Risk Factors” in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for
the quarter ended June 30, 2023, as such factors may be updated
from time to time in our other filings with the SEC, which are
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important factors could cause actual results to differ materially
from those indicated by the forward-looking statements made in this
press release. Any such forward-looking statements represent
management’s estimates as of the date of this press release. While
we may elect to update such forward-looking statements at some
point in the future, unless required by law, we disclaim any
obligation to do so, even if subsequent events cause our views to
change. Thus, one should not assume that our silence over time
means that actual events are bearing out as expressed or implied in
such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements
should not be relied upon as representing our views as of any date
subsequent to the date of this press release.
Media:Jason Braco, Ph.D.LifeSci
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