UCB SA/NV: Convening Notice to attend the general meeting of
shareholders to be held at Bluepoint Brussels
*** Unofficial English translation – For
convenience purposes only ***
UCB SA/NV - Public Limited Liability CompanyAllée
de la Recherche 60, 1070 BrusselsEnterprise nr. 0403.053.608 (RLE
Brussels)("UCB SA/NV" or the “Company”)
The Board of Directors invites the shareholders to attend the
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (the “General Meeting”)
which will be held on Thursday, 25 April 2019, at 11:00 am
CEST, for the purpose of considering and voting on the
items shown on the agenda set out below. Holders of bonds issued by
the Company can also attend the General Meeting in an advisory
capacity. The General Meeting will be held at BluePoint
Brussels – 80, boulevard A. Reyers - 1030 Brussels (and
not at UCB registered office).
- Report of the Board of Directors on the annual accounts
for the financial year ended 31 December 2018
- Report of the statutory auditor on the annual accounts
for the financial year ended 31 December 2018
- Communication of the consolidated annual accounts of
the UCB Group relating to the financial year ended 31 December
- Approval of the annual accounts of UCB
SA/NV for the financial year ended 31 December 2018 and
appropriation of the results
Proposed resolution: The General Meeting
approves the annual accounts of UCB SA/NV for the financial
year ended 31 December 2018 and the appropriation of the
results reflected therein, including the approval of a gross
dividend of € 1.21 per share(*).
(*) The UCB shares held by UCB SA/NV
(own shares) are not entitled to a dividend. Therefore, the
aggregate amount to be distributed to the shareholders may
fluctuate depending on the number of UCB shares held by
UCB SA/NV (own shares) on the dividend approval date.
- Approval of the remuneration report for the
financial year ended 31 December 2018
The Belgian Companies Code requires the
General Meeting to approve the remuneration report each year by
separate vote. This report describes, amongst others, the
remuneration policy for members of the Board of Directors and of
the Executive Committee and provides information on their
Proposed resolution: The General Meeting
approves the remuneration report for the financial year ended 31
December 2018.
- Discharge in favour of the
Pursuant to the Belgian Companies Code,
the General Meeting must, after approval of the annual accounts,
vote on the discharge of liability of the directors.
Proposed resolution:The General Meeting grants
discharge to the directors for the performance of their duties
during the financial year ended 31 December 2018.
- Discharge in favour of the statutory
Pursuant to the Belgian Companies Code,
the General Meeting must, after approval of the annual accounts,
vote on the discharge of liability of the statutory
auditor. Proposed resolution: The General Meeting grants
discharge to the statutory auditor for the performance of his
duties during the financial year ended 31 December 2018.
- Directors: renewal of mandates and
appointment of new independent director
The mandates of Mrs. Evelyn du Monceau,
Mr. Cyril Janssen, Mr. Norman J. Ornstein and Mrs. Alice Dautry
will expire at this General Meeting. Mr. Norman J. Ornstein,
independent director, has reached the age limit and, as a
consequence, his mandate will not be renewed. Upon recommendation
of the Governance, Nomination and Compensation Committee (“GNCC”),
the Board of Directors proposes: (i) the renewal of the mandate of
Mrs. Evelyn du Monceau and Mr. Cyril Janssen as director for the
statutory term of 4 years; (ii) the renewal of the mandate of Mrs.
Alice Dautry as independent director for the statutory term of 4
years and (iii) the appointment of Mrs. Jan Berger as independent
director for the statutory term of 4 years. If re-elected,
Mrs. Evelyn du Monceau will continue to be the Chair of the Board
of Directors and Chair of the GNCC and Mrs. Alice Dautry will
continue to be a member of the Scientific Committee. Mrs.
Alice Dautry and Mrs. Jan Berger each meet the independence
criteria stipulated by article 526ter of the Belgian Companies
Code, the Board and the Corporate Governance Code. The
curriculum vitae of all proposed Board members are available on the
internet site of UCB
Subject to the above mentioned renewals and appointment by the
General Meeting, the Board will continue to be composed of a
majority of independent directors and the gender diversity within
the Board will be strengthened by the replacement of a male member
by a female member. Proposed
resolutions: 8.1.
The General Meeting renews the appointment of Mrs. Evelyn
du Monceau(*) as director for the statutory term of four
years until the close of the annual General Meeting of 2023.
The General Meeting renews the appointment of Mr. Cyril
Janssen(*) as director for the statutory term of four
years until the close of the annual General Meeting of 2023.
A) The General Meeting renews the appointment of
Mrs. Alice Dautry(*) as director for the statutory
term of four years until the close of the annual General Meeting of
B) The General Meeting
acknowledges that, from the information made available to the
Company, Mrs. Alice Dautry qualifies as an
independent director according to the independence criteria
provided for by article 526ter of the Belgian Companies Code and
the applicable corporate governance rules and appoints her as
independent director.
A) The General Meeting appoints
Mrs. Jan Berger(*) as director
for the statutory term of four years until the close of the annual
General Meeting of 2023.
B) The General Meeting
acknowledges that, from the information made available to the
Company, Mrs. Jan Berger
qualifies as an independent director according to the independence
criteria provided for by article 526ter of the Belgian Companies
Code and the applicable corporate governance rules and appoints her
as independent director.
(*) Curriculum vitae and
details are available at
- Remuneration for members of the Board of
Directors and of the Board Committees
The Board attendance fees and
remuneration remained unchanged since 2013. In light of the need to
attract new profiles, the GNCC has made an external benchmarking
review in 2018, with the support of Willis Towers Watson. The
review considered both European Biopharma as well as BEL 20
benchmarks. European Biopharma data constituted the primary
reference, given our need to attract experts with a deep knowledge
of our industry. Following this review, it is
proposed to the General Meeting to increase the remuneration of the
members of the Board of Directors and of the Board Committees
(Audit Committee, GNCC and Scientific Committee) to bring it more
in line with relevant market levels. To take into consideration the
considerable travel of some Board members, a travel allowance is
proposed to those residing in a country where the time zone
difference with Belgium is 5 hours or more (in addition to regular
travel expense reimbursement). For more
information, please also refer to the 2018 remuneration
Proposed resolution:The General Meeting fixes
the annual remuneration of the Chair of the Board of Directors at €
240 000, of the Vice Chair at € 120 000 and of each of the
Directors at € 80 000. The Chair’s annual remuneration
includes attendance fees. The attendance fees of the Vice Chair and
of the members of the Board of Directors remain unchanged at
respectively € 1 500 and € 1 000 per meeting.Given the increased
workload and responsibility for the different Board Committees, the
General Meeting fixes the annual additional remuneration for the
Chair and members of the Board Committees as follows: € 33 500 for
the Chair and € 22 500 for each member of the Audit Committee, € 22
500 for the Chair and € 17 000 for each member of the GNCC and € 33
500 for the Chair and € 22 500 for each member of the Scientific
Committee.The General Meeting approves a travel allowance of € 7
500 per Board meeting to each member of the Board of Directors
residing in a country where the time zone difference with Belgium
is 5 hours or more (in addition to regular travel expense
- Long Term Incentive Plans - Program of free
allocation of shares
This approval requested from the General
Meeting is not required by law but is sought in order to ensure
transparency and in accordance with the Belgian Code of Corporate
Governance 2009. For more information on this program, please also
refer to the 2018 remuneration report.
Proposed resolution:The General Meeting approves
the decision of the Board of Directors to allocate an estimated
number of 1 107 000 free shares:
- of which an estimated number of 943 000 shares to eligible
employees, namely to about 1 845 individuals (excluding new hires
and promoted employees up to and including 1 April 2019), according
to the applicable allocation criteria. These free shares will only
vest if and when the eligible employees are still employed within
the UCB Group three years after the grant of awards;
- of which an estimated number of 164 000 shares to Upper
Management employees under the Performance Share Plan, namely to
about 50 individuals, according to the applicable allocation
criteria. These free shares will be delivered after a three year
vesting period and the number of shares actually allocated will
vary from 0% to 150% of the number of shares initially granted
depending on the level of achievement of the performance conditions
set by the Board of UCB SA/NV at the moment of grant.
These estimated figures do not take into account
employees hired or promoted to eligible levels between 1 January
2019 and 1 April 2019.
- Change of control provisions
- art. 556 Belgian Companies Code
Pursuant to article 556 of the Belgian
Companies Code, the General Meeting is solely competent to approve
change of control clauses whereby third parties are granted rights
affecting the assets of the Company or causing a debt or an
undertaking for the Company, whenever the exercise of such rights
depends on the launch of a public takeover bid on the shares of the
Company or a change of control thereof.
11.1. EMTN Program –
UCB SA/NV has entered into a Euro Medium
Term Note Program dated 6 March 2013 for an amount of
€ 3 000 000 000, with last update of the Base Prospectus on 10
March 2015, and as this program may be further amended, extended or
updated from time to time, (the “EMTN Program”). The terms of the
EMTN Program provide for a change of control clause - condition 5
(e) (i) - under which, for any of the Notes issued under the EMTN
Program where a change of control put is included in the relevant
final terms, any and all of the holders of such notes can, in
certain circumstances, require UCB SA/NV to redeem that Note,
following a change of control at the level of UCB SA/NV, upon
exercise of the change of control put for a value equal to the put
redemption amount increased with, if appropriate, interest accrued
until the date of exercise of the change of control put, (all as
more particularly described in the Base Prospectus of the EMTN
Program). In accordance with said article 556 of the Belgian
Companies Code, this clause must be approved by the General Meeting
and it is hereby proposed to renew this approval for the next 12
Proposed resolution:Pursuant to article 556 of
the Belgian Companies Code, the General Meeting renews its
approval:(i) of condition 5 (e) (i) of the Terms and
Conditions of the EMTN Program (Redemption at the Option of
Noteholders – Upon a Change of Control (Change of Control Put)), in
respect of any series of notes to which such condition is made
applicable being issued under the Program from 25 April 2019 until
30 April 2020, under which any and all of the holders of the
relevant notes can, in certain circumstances when a change of
control at the level of UCB SA/NV occurs, require UCB SA/NV to
redeem that note on the change of control put date at the put
redemption amount together, if appropriate, with interest accrued
to such change of control put date, following a change of control
of UCB SA/NV; and (ii) of any other provision of the EMTN Program
or notes issued under the EMTN Program granting rights to third
parties which could affect an obligation on UCB SA/NV where in each
case the exercise of these rights is dependent on the occurrence of
a change of control.
LTI Plans of the UCB Group
In the framework of the long term
incentive program of the Group, UCB SA/NV has issued, and has made
grants under, and may in the future issue, and make grants under
stock option plans, stock award plans and/or performance shares
plans for selected employees and executives of the UCB Group. Such
plans are described annually in UCB Group’s remuneration report.
These plans include certain provisions regarding the consequences
of a change of control over the Company or other corporate actions
on such plans, including under which specific circumstances and to
which extent accelerated vesting of incentives may take place.
Depending on the plan, the Board of Directors has flexibility to
decide on the acceleration of the vesting or on the extent of the
accelerated vesting upon change of control over the Company. Such
Board decisions need to be adopted in the best interest of the
Company, and while assessing, the Board of Directors will also have
to take into account, amongst others, the tax consequences of
its decisions for the Company and for the beneficiaries of the
plans (e.g. upfront tax due by beneficiaries upon granting of
stock options in Belgium).
Proposed resolution:Pursuant to article 556 of
the Companies Code (as such provision may be amended or replaced
from time to time) and in so far as needed and applicable, the
General Meeting approves (a) the terms and conditions (including,
but not limited to provisions regarding potential acceleration and
extent of vesting in case of change of control) of (i) the stock
option plan, stock award plan and performance share plan of the UCB
Group, (ii) any re-iteration of such plans in the future and (iii)
any future incentive plans of the UCB Group irrespective of their
names, provided such terms and conditions are substantially similar
to the terms and conditions of the plans referred to under (i) or
(ii) and (b) any grants under the plans referred to under (i) to
(iii), to the extent such plans or grants may confer to third
parties rights that have an impact on the Company's assets or
result in a debt or an obligation for the Company in case the
exercise of such rights is dependent on a change of control over
the Company.
In order to attend the General Meeting, holders
of securities must comply with the following formalities:
- Kindly note that all due dates and times mentioned herein are
the final deadlines and that these will not be extended due to a
weekend, holiday or for any other reason.
- Registration Date: the
registration date is 11 April 2019, at 24:00 CEST.
- Owners of registered shares must be registered
as a shareholder in UCB SA/NV’s share register, held by Euroclear,
on 11 April 2019, at 24:00 CEST.
- Owners of dematerialized shares must be
registered as a shareholder on an account with a recognized account
holder or settlement institution on 11 April 2019, at 24:00
- Intention to participate in the General
Meeting: the shareholder who intends to
participate in the General Meeting must also declare his/her intent
to participate (in person or by proxy) in the General Meeting, as
- Owners of registered
shares must declare their intention to participate in the
General Meeting to UCB SA/NV (c/o Mrs. Muriel Le Grelle) or via
e-mail to shareholders.meeting@ucb.com at the latest by 19
April 2019, 15:00 CEST, mentioning the number of shares
with which they want to participate in the General Meeting. The
Company will verify the number of shares held on the registration
date based on the registration in the share register held by
- Owners of dematerialized
shares must declare their intent to participate in the
General Meeting at the latest by 19 April 2019, 15:00
CEST to one of the agencies of KBC Bank NV, together with
a certificate of dematerialized shares issued by their relevant
account holder or settlement institution mentioning the number of
dematerialized shares in their account on the registration date and
for which they want to participate in the General Meeting. KBC Bank
NV will notify the Company thereof.Only persons having
notified their intent to participate (in person or by proxy) at the
General Meeting at the latest by 19 April 2019, 15:00 CEST and in
accordance with the aforementioned formalities will be allowed to
attend and vote at the General Meeting.
- Proxies:
shareholders who have complied with the above attendance
formalities are permitted to be represented by a proxy holder at
the General Meeting. The proxy forms approved by UCB SA/NV, which
must be used to be represented at the General Meeting, can be
downloaded from
https://www.ucb.com/investors/ucb-shareholders.Shareholders must
deposit or send these proxies, duly filled out and signed, to UCB
SA/NV’s registered office (c/o Mrs. Muriel Le Grelle) or send them
via e-mail to shareholders.meeting@ucb.com, as from the
registration date and in such a way that they arrive at UCB at the
very latest by 19 April 2019, 15:00 CEST. Scans by
e-mail are allowed provided the proxy holder produces the original
proxy at the latest immediately prior to the General Meeting.
Failure to comply with these requirements may result in UCB SA/NV
not acknowledging the powers of the proxy holder.
- In accordance with
article 533ter of the Belgian Companies Code and under certain
conditions, one or more shareholder(s) holding (together) at least
3% of the share capital of the Company may request to add items to
the agenda and may file resolution proposals relating to the items
on the agenda or to be added to the agenda.Such request will only
be valid if it is duly notified to UCB SA/NV in writing or via
shareholders.meeting@ucb.com at the latest by 3 April 2019,
15:00 CEST. An updated agenda will, if applicable, be
published on 10 April 2019. In such case, the Company will make an
updated proxy form available in order to allow shareholders to give
specific voting instructions thereon. The additional items on the
agenda and the proposed resolutions will only be discussed at the
General Meeting if this/these shareholder(s) holding (together) at
least 3% of the share capital of the Company has/have fulfilled the
admission formalities as detailed under point 3 above.
- In accordance with
article 540 of the Belgian Companies Code and under certain
conditions, shareholders are entitled to submit questions in
writing prior to the General Meeting to the Board of Directors or
the statutory auditor regarding their reports or items on the
agenda. The questions will be answered during the General Meeting
provided (i) the shareholders concerned have complied with all
required admission formalities and (ii) any communication of
information or fact in response to such question does not prejudice
the Company’s business interests or the confidentiality undertaking
of UCB SA/NV, its directors and statutory auditor.Questions can be
sent in writing to UCB SA/NV’s registered office or by e-mail to
shareholders.meeting@ucb.com in a way that they arrive at UCB by
19 April 2019, 15:00 CEST at the
- Holders of
bonds issued by the Company may attend the General
Meeting in an advisory capacity and are subject to the same
attendance formalities as those applicable to
- In order to attend the General
Meeting, individuals holding securities and proxy holders must
prove their identity and representatives of legal entities must
hand over documents establishing their identity and their
representation power, at the latest, immediately prior to the
beginning of the General Meeting. Persons attending the General
Meeting are requested to arrive at least
45 minutes before the time set for the General Meeting in
order to complete the registration formalities at BluePoint
Brussels – 80, boulevard A. Reyers - 1030 Brussels.
Underground parking facilities in the building will be available.
- As of the date of publication of
this notice, the documents to be presented at the General Meeting,
the (amended) agenda, and the (amended) proxy forms are available
on https://www.ucb.com/investors/ucb-shareholders. The shareholders
and bondholders will also be able to access and consult the
documents during working hours on business days at UCB NV/SA’s
registered office, and/or can receive a free copy of these
- The Company is responsible for the
processing of the personal data it receives from shareholders,
holders of other securities issued by the Company (as, for example,
bonds) and proxy holders in the context of the general
shareholder’s meeting in accordance with the applicable data
protection legislation. The processing of such personal data will
in particular take place for the analysis and management of the
attendance and voting procedure in relation to the general
shareholders’ meeting, in accordance with the applicable
legislation and the Company’s Privacy Policy. These personal data
will be transferred to third parties for the purpose of providing
assistance in the management of attendance and voting procedures,
and for analyzing the composition of the shareholder base of the
Company. The personal data will not be stored any longer than
necessary in light of the aforementioned objectives. Shareholders,
holders of other securities issued by the Company and proxy holders
can find the Company’s Privacy Policy on the Company’s website.
This Privacy Police contains detailed information regarding the
processing of the personal data of, among others, shareholders,
holders of other securities issued by the Company and proxy
holders, including the rights that they can assert towards the
Company in accordance with the applicable data protection
legislation. The aforementioned can exercise their rights with
regard to their personal data provided to the Company by contacting
the Company’s Data Protection Officer via
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