RNS Number : 1408V

Ashley House PLC

26 January 2017

Ashley House plc

Interim Report 2016

Ashley House plc ("Ashley House" or the "Company"), the health and community care property partner, today announces its interim results for the six months ended 31 October 2016.


Financial highlights

   --     Company remains profitable in period. 
   --     Revenue in line with prior year at GBP10.7m (2015: GBP10.6m). 
   --     Statutory profit before taxation GBP0.8m (2015: GBP0.2m). 
   --     Adjusted profit before taxation GBP0.2m (2015: GBP0.4m). 
   --     Net debt GBP2.4m (2015: GBP2.6m). 

Operating highlights

-- Government in consultation on funding for supported housing which is expected to be positively resolved in 2017 but does challenge timing of scheme delivery.

-- Award of GBP11.5m grant funding by the Homes and Communities Agency for future Extra Care schemes with a further GBP7.5m for other Ashley House schemes via partner.

-- Three schemes currently on site (2015: four) being Walton on the Naze (Extra Care) and the Health schemes in Swansea & Wivenhoe.

   --     Completion of the Harwich Extra Care scheme in December 2016. 

-- Total forward pipeline, on-site or appointed of 25 schemes with GBP170.7m of revenue anticipated to be recognised (January 2016: 31 schemes GBP177.2m).

"The Board is pleased that the business remains profitable and, whilst there are still challenges to overcome considers the business is well placed to grow again in the near future."

Christopher Lyons, Chairman


Ashley House plc 01628 600 340

Antony Walters

Jonathan Holmes

WH Ireland 0207 220 1666

(Nominated Adviser and broker to Ashley House plc)

Adrian Hadden

Nick Prowting

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to advise that Ashley House has produced a profit before tax for the six months to 31 October 2016 on a turnover in line with the previous year.

In September last year we celebrated the Company's 25 year anniversary and Ashley House continues to expand its product and service offering, applying its skills and experience to the development of health, housing and other community projects.

We continue to wait for full clarity on the Government's proposal to top up housing benefit at a local level to fund supported housing. A consultation process commenced in November jointly commissioned by the Department for Communities & Local Government and the Department for Work & Pensions. In its introduction to the consultation document, the Government reiterates that it is "committed to protecting and boosting the supply of supported housing". We continue to work with our clients, both Councils and Registered Providers, to find solutions to enable at least some of our pipeline schemes to proceed whilst this consultation continues.

This month's announcement by the Homes and Communities Agency of grant funding for the next five years included Ashley House with GBP11.5m of funding for five of our current schemes. In addition, a Registered Provider partner has been awarded GBP7.5m for another three of our schemes. The total of GBP19m of grant funding is a strong indication of the progress the Company has made in this area and of the real opportunity for the business to develop out these schemes once the Government's position on social rents becomes clear.

In each case the grant funding allows the rents to be around 20% lower than they would have been and makes the schemes acceptable to the Local Authority Housing Benefits team. It does not in itself close the gap created by the capping of Housing Benefits to Local Housing Allowance levels, but it should help unlock schemes. Having successfully completed our Extra Care scheme in Harwich last month, we remain on site with the scheme in Walton on the Naze which is due to complete in the coming weeks.

We currently believe that three schemes in our Extra Care pipeline will be able to reach contract before our year end thereby qualifying for revenue recognition, although they all still require Local Authority and partner board final approvals.

Whilst our existing products are much required, the Company will continue to diversify in order to lessen the exposure to the risk of Government making changes that affect the fundamental elements of the business. As mentioned in my last statement in July, we continue to work with a modular construction contractor through a joint venture company in order to increase the speed and efficiency of our existing build programmes. This is enabling us to tap into a new range of products and development opportunities that utilise our skills set and importantly start to move us away from a reliance on Government funded schemes. We hope to be able to announce more concerning this venture in the coming months.

In our Health segment we have commenced construction on two new schemes, a fully integrated GP surgery and family centre complex in Swansea and the redevelopment of an old school building into new surgery premises in Wivenhoe, Essex. The diagnostics and treatment centre in Durham will commence on site in the coming weeks. In addition we continue to support our partners Integrated Pathology Partnerships in their programme of creating new pathology laboratories.


The Company made a profit before taxation of GBP0.8m in the first half of 2016/17 (2015/16: GBP0.2m) on revenue of GBP10.7m (2015/16: GBP10.6m). The gross margin percentage generated was lower than last year due to the increase in construction income which typically has a lower margin than pre-construction income. The adjusted profit before tax was GBP0.2m (2015/16: GBP0.4m). The Company also reached agreement to cancel a significant historic liability with the counterparty, enabling a stronger statutory result to be achieved.

The ongoing Government consultation relating to funding for supported housing means that a further complication is added to the process of contracting on schemes. Subject to the timing risk on some of our schemes as referred to above, the Board expects that the Company will be profitable at the full year.

Net debt

The table below shows net debt of GBP2.4m at 31 October 2016 (2015: GBP2.6m). The Company's overdraft facility with Lloyds Bank has recently been extended to GBP0.75m and renewed until 31 December 2017. As in previous periods all debt at the end of October was secured on amounts incurred on scheme related expenditure. This is largely land purchased for future schemes which stood at GBP2.8m (2015: GBP2.8m) as shown in work in progress at the end of October.

In December we announced the refinancing of our loan through a facility with the related party, Invescare Limited. The management of our cash resources continues to be an important aspect of the business.

                           Unaudited     Unaudited      Audited 
                          31 October    31 October     30 April 
                                2016          2015         2016 
                              GBP000        GBP000       GBP000 
 Cash in bank                  (476)           514           23 
 Loan on Scarborough 
  land                         (619)         (797)        (710) 
 Loan                        (1,300)       (2,300)      (1,300) 
                             (2,395)       (2,583)      (1,987) 
                        ------------  ------------  ----------- 


Ashley House's pipeline as at January 2017 is shown in the table below. The value of the stated pipeline has decreased from the previous information published in July 2016 largely due to the recognition of GBP10m of revenue from the pipeline in the period.

                       Extra Care                    Health                      TOTAL 
-------------  --------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------- 
                No.           Scheme        No.           Scheme       No.           Scheme 
                 of Schemes    value         of Schemes    value        of Schemes    value 
                               to come                     to come                    to come 
-------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------ 
   On Site      1             GBP4.1m       2             GBP3.5m      3             GBP7.6m 
-------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------ 
   Appointed      16            GBP145.4m     6             GBP17.7m     22            GBP163.1m 
-------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------ 
   TOTAL          17            GBP149.5m     8             GBP21.2m     25            GBP170.7m 
-------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------ 


We continue to make good progress on schemes in our Extra Care segment although this is not helped by delays caused by the Government's consultation process. Despite this we continue to work with our clients to find solutions to enable schemes to progress to site. We continue to broaden the outlook of the business and once this is achieved and the funding of supported housing is resolved as expected, the Board considers that the opportunities for Ashley House are very strong.

The Board is pleased that the business remains profitable and, whilst there are still challenges to overcome considers the business is well placed to grow again in the near future.

Christopher Lyons

25 January 2017

Condensed consolidated interim statement of comprehensive income

                                                          Unaudited   Unaudited   Audited 
                                                           6 months    6 months   Year to 
                                                                 to          to 
                                                         31 October  31 October  30 April 
                                                               2016        2015      2016 
                                                   Note      GBP000      GBP000    GBP000 
Revenue                                                      10,744      10,626    20,737 
Cost of sales                                               (9,059)     (8,343)  (15,944) 
-------------------------------------------------  ----  ----------  ----------  -------- 
Gross profit                                                  1,685       2,283     4,793 
Administrative expenses                                     (1,269)     (1,584)   (3,226) 
Depreciation and impairment                                    (55)       (185)   (1,514) 
Share of results of joint ventures                              165        (42)        97 
Other operating income                                            -           -       581 
Exceptional adjustment                                          655           -         - 
Operating profit                                              1,181         472       731 
Interest receivable                                               -           -         1 
Interest payable                                              (401)       (234)     (491) 
Profit before taxation                                          780         238       241 
Profit before taxation                                          780         238       241 
Depreciation and impairment                                      55         185     1,514 
Taxation included in share of results of joint 
 ventures                                                         -        (14)      (14) 
Other operating income                                            -           -     (581) 
Exceptional adjustment                                        (655)           -         - 
Adjusted profit before tax*                                     180         409     1,160 
-------------------------------------------------  ----  ----------  ----------  -------- 
Tax credit                                                        -           -         6 
-------------------------------------------------  ----  ----------  ----------  -------- 
Total comprehensive income for the period                       780         238       247 
-------------------------------------------------  ----  ----------  ----------  -------- 
Basic and diluted profit per share                    3       1.32p       0.41p     0.42p 
-------------------------------------------------  ----  ----------  ----------  -------- 
Basic and diluted earnings per share on Adjusted 
 PBT*                                                 3       0.31p       0.70p     1.99p 
-------------------------------------------------  ----  ----------  ----------  -------- 

* Adjusted PBT = Profit before tax, depreciation, impairment, other operating income and exceptional adjustments.

Condensed consolidated interim balance sheet

                                              Unaudited               Unaudited   Audited 
                                             31 October              31 October  30 April 
                                                   2016                    2015      2016 
                                                 GBP000                  GBP000    GBP000 
-------------------------------   ---------------------  ----------------------  -------- 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                       106                     155       129 
Investments in joint ventures                       764                   2,087       785 
Deferred tax asset                                1,400                   1,400     1,400 
Other receivables                                   760                     827       760 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  -------- 
                                                  3,030                   4,469     3,074 
 -------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  -------- 
Current assets 
Work in progress                                  2,807                   2,807     2,807 
Trade and other receivables                       6,687                   5,129     5,616 
Cash and cash equivalents                             -                     514        23 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  -------- 
                                                  9,494                   8,450     8,446 
 -------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  -------- 
Total assets                                     12,524                  12,919    11,520 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  -------- 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                        (5,303)                 (5,887)   (5,450) 
Bank borrowings and overdrafts                  (1,962)                 (1,537)   (1,483) 
Provisions                                         (56)                    (31)      (56) 
                                                (7,321)                 (7,455)   (6,989) 
 -------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  -------- 
Net current assets                                2,173                     995     1,457 
 Non current liabilities 
Amounts falling due after 
 more than one year                               (433)                 (1,560)     (527) 
Long term provisions                              (128)                   (109)     (171) 
Total liabilities                               (7,882)                 (9,124)   (7,687) 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  -------- 
Net assets                                        4,642                   3,795     3,833 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  -------- 
Share capital                                       590                     583       588 
Share premium                                        59                       -        43 
Share-based payments reserve                         21                      29        10 
Special reserve                                   3,248                   3,491     3,248 
Retained earnings                                   724                   (308)      (56) 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  -------- 
Total equity                                      4,642                   3,795     3,833 
--------------------------------  ---------------------  ----------------------  -------- 

Condensed consolidated interim statement of changes in equity

                                   Share    Share  Share-based      Special     Retained   Total 
                                 capital  Premium      payment      reserve     earnings  equity 
                                  GBP000  GBP'000       GBP000       GBP000       GBP000  GBP000 
-------------------------------  -------  -------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------ 
Balance at 1 May 2016                588       43           10        3,248         (56)   3,833 
Total comprehensive income 
 for the year                          -        -            -            -          780     780 
Issue of shares to Ashley 
 House Share Incentive Plan            2       16            -            -            -      18 
Share-based payments charge            -        -           11            -            -      11 
Balance at 31 October 2016           590       59           21        3,248          724   4,642 
-------------------------------  -------  -------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------ 
Balance at 1 May 2015                583        -           22        3,491        (546)   3,550 
Total comprehensive income 
 for the year                          -        -            -            -          238     238 
Share-based payments charge            -        -            7            -            -       7 
Balance at 31 October 2015           583        -           29        3,491        (308)   3,795 
-------------------------------  -------  -------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------ 
Balance at 1 May 2015                583        -           22        3,491        (546)   3,550 
Total comprehensive income 
 for the year                          -        -            -        (243)          490     247 
Issue of shares to Ashley 
 House Share Incentive Plan            5       43            -            -            -      48 
Cancellation of previous share 
 option scheme                         -        -         (22)            -            -    (22) 
New share option scheme charge         -        -           10            -            -      10 
At 30 April 2016                     588       43           10        3,248         (56)   3,833 
-------------------------------  -------  -------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------ 
     Condensed interim cash flow statement 
                                             Unaudited   Unaudited   Audited 
                                              6 months    6 months   Year to 
                                                    to          to 
                                            31 October  31 October  30 April 
                                                  2016        2015      2016 
                                                GBP000      GBP000    GBP000 
------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
Operating activities 
Profit before taxation                             780         238       241 
Adjustments for: 
Share-based payments charge/(credit)                11           7      (12) 
Depreciation and impairment                         55         185     1,514 
Share of results of joint ventures               (165)          42      (97) 
Dividends received from joint ventures             159          34       174 
Acquisition of investment in joint 
 ventures and associates                             -        (17)         - 
Interest received                                    -           -       (1) 
Interest paid                                      401         234       491 
Operating cash flows before movements 
 in working capital                              1,241         723     2,310 
Decrease in work in progress                         -       1,489     1,489 
Increase in trade and other receivables        (1,071)     (2,094)   (2,514) 
Decrease in trade and other payables             (147)       (368)     (805) 
(Decrease)/increase in provision                  (43)         (8)        79 
------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
Cash (used by)/from operations                    (20)       (258)       559 
Income tax paid                                      -           -         6 
Interest receivable                                  -           -         1 
Interest paid                                    (401)       (234)     (491) 
------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
Net cash (used by)/generated from 
 operating activities                            (421)       (492)        75 
Investing activities 
Purchase of shares in joint venture                  -           -      (17) 
Purchase of property, plant and 
 equipment                                         (5)        (64)      (66) 
Net cash used by investing activities              (5)        (64)      (83) 
Financing activities 
Issue of ordinary shares                            18           -        48 
Proceeds from borrowings                             -         300       600 
Repayment of borrowings                           (90)        (86)   (1,473) 
------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
Net cash generated (used by)/generated 
 from financing activities                        (72)         214     (825) 
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents        (498)       (342)     (833) 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
 of period                                          23         856       856 
------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at end 
 of period                                       (475)         514        23 
------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  -------- 

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements

1 Nature of operations

The principal activity of the Group is the supply of design, construction management and consultancy, primarily working with providers of healthcare and social care on infrastructure developments from project inception to completion of construction and beyond.

Ashley House's condensed consolidated interim financial statements (the interim financial statements) are presented in pounds sterling (GBP), which is also the functional currency of the parent company. These interim financial statements were approved for issue by the Board of directors on 25 January 2017.

The financial information set out in these interim financial statements does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The Group's statutory financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2016 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditor's report on those financial statements was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 498(2) of the Companies Act 2006.

2 Basis of preparation

These interim financial statements are for the six months ended 31 October 2016. They have been prepared following the recognition and measurement principles of IFRS. They do not include all of the information required for full annual financial statement and should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements of the Group for the year ended 30 April 2016.

These interim financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis, under the historical cost convention, except for the revaluation of certain financial instruments which are carried at fair value.

These interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies adopted in the last annual financial statements for the year to 30 April 2016.

3 Earnings per share

The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period.

                                     Adjusted             average  Per share 
                                         PBT*  Profit      number     amount 
6 months to 31 October 2016            GBP000  GBP000   of shares      Pence 
-----------------------------------  --------  ------  ----------  --------- 
Basic and diluted earnings per 
 share                                            780  58,932,721      1.32p 
-----------------------------------  --------  ------  ----------  --------- 
Profit per share based on Adjusted 
 PBT*                                     180          58,932,721      0.31p 
-----------------------------------  --------  ------  ----------  --------- 
                                     Adjusted             average  Per share 
                                         PBT*  Profit      number     amount 
6 months to 31 October 2015            GBP000  GBP000   of shares      Pence 
-----------------------------------  --------  ------  ----------  --------- 
Basic and diluted earnings per 
 share                                            238  58,319,755      0.41p 
-----------------------------------  --------  ------  ----------  --------- 
Profit per share based on Adjusted 
 PBT*                                     409          58,319,755      0.70p 
-----------------------------------  --------  ------  ----------  --------- 
                                     Adjusted             average  Per share 
                                         PBT*  Profit      number     amount 
Year to 30 April 2016                  GBP000  GBP000   of shares      Pence 
-----------------------------------  --------  ------  ----------  --------- 
Basic and diluted profit per 
 share                                            247  58,355,706      0.42p 
-----------------------------------  --------  ------  ----------  --------- 
Profit per share based on Adjusted 
 PBT*                                   1,160          58,355,706      1.99p 
-----------------------------------  --------  ------  ----------  --------- 

* Adjusted PBT = Profit before taxation, depreciation, impairment other operating income.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

January 26, 2017 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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