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Orig B Frn29s (98LR)

Orig B Frn29s
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11/09/200313h46UK RegulatoryNew Accounting Ref DateLSE:98LROrigin Mort Loans 1
16/01/200311h18UK RegulatoryFRN Variable Rate Fix-AmendedLSE:98LROrig B Frn29s
15/01/200318h00UK RegulatoryFRN Variable Rate FixLSE:98LROrig B Frn29s
18/11/200215h38UK RegulatoryFRN Variable Rate Fix-AmendmtLSE:98LROrig B Frn29s
23/10/200116h08UK RegulatoryDoc re Report and AccountsLSE:98LROrig B Frn29s
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